Master Database for 2072Please do not post in this threadIC ThreadOOC ThreadWhat is 2072?2072 is a collaborative, fully persistent Shadowrun world where Shadowrun 4th edition campaigns play out within a single game universe. All stories that are written under the 2072 umbrella are interlinked. For players, it is an opportunity to play a character for the length of more than one game on this message board and see them develop and grow over the long term. For gamemasters, it is a chance to engage in a cooperative, world-building venture with other like-minded individuals, which would hopefully reduce the burden on any single GM while simultaneously creating a more colorful, interactive game world than would be possible with individual effort. In the end, the traditional distinction between player and GM is abolished - anyone can play at any time, and anyone can GM at any time. If you're currently a player and nothing interesting is going on at the moment, you're free to switch gears and GM for someone else whose character is idling. Similarly, if you're a GM and the story thread you're creating is temporarily stalled, you can jump into your own character and do some roleplay. Of course, there is absolutely nothing preventing you from doing both at the same time!
How do I GM for 2072?Just jump into the IC thread and start writing - you don't even need an approved character. If you want to GM a full-blown run, then make some kind of IC recruitment pitch, grab some interested parties, and go! As a GM, you have full autonomy to tell the stories you want to tell, provided you don't contradict the stories already written by other GMs and players. GMing for 2072 is no different than GMing any other game, except that instead of creating one instance of a Shadowrun world to be your sandbox, you are launching your game in a collaborative setting shared with other 2072 GMs and players. Anyone can be a GM for 2072, and GMing doesn't necessarily mean running your players through a lengthy and involved mission - it can be as simple as GMing a single scene for a single player.
How do I play in 2072?All you need to do is create a character, get it approved, and dive into the IC thread and start roleplaying. Character creation follows the standard 400 build point rules in SR4A. You can RP with other characters, create your own scenes, or have your character embark on a mission pitched by a prospective GM. The nature of this project means that recruitment is always open - the only thing required is that you play a character that you love, because you'll be offered the opportunity to stay in with them over the long haul! (IMG:
For all character submissions, please format your character sheet according to this template:
[ Spoiler ]
ProfileName: Ximena Delgado
Alias: Ultima
Metatype: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 34
Nationality: Caracan
Lifestyle: Middle
Nuyen: 20500
Karma Spent: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 3
Public Awareness: 1
AttributesBody: 4
Agility: 5
Reaction: 3(4)
Strength: 2
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 4
Logic: 5
Willpower: 3
Edge: 3
Magic: 6
Essence: 6.00
Initiative: 7( 8 )
Initiative Passes: 1(2)
Phys. CM: 10
Ment. CM: 10
Analytical Mind
Severe Addiction: Psyche
Moderate Addiction: Red Mescaline
Incompetant: Etiquette
Active SkillsDemolitions: 5
Heavy Weapons: 4 (Grenades +2)
Perception: 2 (Visual +2)
Pistols: 4 (Light Pistols +2)
Dodge: 2 (Ranged +2)
Throwing Weapons: 1 (Grenades +2)
Chemistry: 2
Hardware: 3
Computer: 2
Palming: 1
Electronic Warfare: 2
Infiltration: 2
Knowledge SkillsProfessional: Electronic Engineering 5
Professional: Bomb Design 5
Professional: Controlled Demolitions 4
Academic: Explosives Chemistry 3
Interests: Street Drugs 3
Language: Spanish: N
Language: English: 5
Language: Portugese: 2
Adept PowersMystic Armor 2
Elemental Resistance: Blast
Elemental Resistance: Fire
Improved Ability: Demolitions 2
Improved Ability: Heavy Weapons 2
Analytics 3
Nimble Fingers
Increased Reflexes I
Resources and GearYamaha Sakura Fubuki [4P, SA/BF, (1)RC, 10(ml)x4]
+Int: Folding Stock
+Acc: Smartgun System, External (Underbarrel)
+Bul: 260 Ex-Explosive Rounds
Ruger Super Warhawk [6P, -2AP, SS, *8(cy)]
+Int: Smartgun System, Integral
+Mod: Increased Cylinder
+Mod: Personalized Grip
+Bul: 100 Ex-Explosive Rounds
ArmTech MGL-12 [Grenade, SA, 12(clip)]
+Acc: Smartgun System, External (Underbarrel)
+Acc: Airburst Link
+Gre: 24 HE Microgrenades
+Gre: 24 Fragmentation Microgrenades
+Gre: 12 Flash-Bang Microgrenades
+Gre: 2 Flash-Pak Microgrenades
+Gre: 12 Smoke Microgrenades
+Gre: 12 Thermal Smoke Microgrenades
+Gre: 12 Tear Gas Microgrenades
+Gre: 12 Nausea Gas Microgrenades
Ingram White Knight [6P, -1AP, BF/FA, 5(6)RC, 50(clip)/100(belt)]
+Acc: Smartgun System, External (Top)
+Bul: 300 Ex-Explosive
Gyro Stabilization Harness
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit [6/6]
+Helmet [-/+2]
+R:6 Fire Resistance
Novatech Airware
+R:5 Response Upgrade
+R:5 Signal Upgrade
+R:5 Firewall Upgrade
+R:5 System Upgrade
+R:3 Analyze
+R:3 Edit
+R:5 Encrypt
+R:5 Scan
+R:5 Stealth
+R:4 Data Bomb
+R:5 Sniffer
+R:5 Decrypt
+Subvocal Microphone
Smart Area Jammer (R:4)
Directional Jammer (R:2)
Goggles (R:3)
+Low Light
+Flare Compensation
Contact Lenses (R:3)
+Vision Magnification
+Vision Enhancement (R:3)
Earbuds (R:1)
+Audio Enhancement (R:3)
Handheld Sensor [Signal 3]
+Olfactory Sensor (R:6)
+Radar Signal Scanner (R:6)
Wire Clippers
Monofilament Chainsaw
Psyche, 10 doses
Red Mescaline, 10 doses
Freeze Foam (R:6), 10 cannisters
ContactsAbdul El-Sayed, Fixer [C:3/L:2]
Formerly a supporter of the New Islamic Jihad, Abdul El-Sayed threw off the life of zealous self-sacrifice out of disdain for the inevitable matyrdom expected of him. Why did he have to be where the bombs were when they went off? Still, he retained his excellent knowledge of explosives and heavy weapons and became a reliable name in the shadows for getting stuff for those who need a bit of extra oomph, no questions asked. He also gets word occasionally on jobs that need done by clients looking for a particular skillset. While still a deeply religious man, he has no qualms about selling weapons for people to kill each other with. How he justifies this with his beliefs is anybody's guess.
Physical Description[ Spoiler ]
Ultima stands of taller-than-average height, with a lean and sinewy build borne of trials and perserverance. Her shoulder-length blonde hair is usually combed straight back, though as the day wears on it takes on a wind-tossed appearance. Green eyes like jade stones stare at the world in a steely glare, enhanced by her stand-offish poise and blithe disgregard for the opinions of others. Old, pink burn scars cover her arms and hands in patches, and half of her pinky and ring fingers on her left hand terminate prematurely into smooth stubs. A handful of scars likewise line her otherwise smooth, oval-shaped face as horiztonal slashes. One scar in particular, a diagonal slash in the corner of her mouth across her top and bottom lips, further mars her fair complexion.
Background[ Spoiler ]
Ximena Delgado was a caraqueña, a native of the autonomous city-state of Caracas, situated in South America. As a young child she was drawn towards a fascination with electrial devices and repurposing them for alternative means. Where most children grew up playing with toys, she learned to take things apart to study their insides and how they operated. The few real toys she had been given she disregarded as worthless, except to find inventive ways of destroying them.
Destruction, in fact, would become a core of her philosophy as she got older. Not in an uncontrolled and wanton, chaotic sort of way. But she saw the act of destruction as being an opportunity for rebirth, giving way to new life and new opportunities. As she advanced in her teen years, she trended towards chemistry, electronic engineering, and a fascination for explosives. She downloaded pirated teaching materials from the Matrix and gorged herself on the knowledge therein, teaching herself not only how to build explosive devices, but also how to counteract those built by otheres. Ultima had a knack for this. She could examine a complicated bomb schematic or see an actual device built by somebody else, and with just a cursory glance she could slice it down to its weaknesses and figure out how to disable them.
Her affinities caused her to be noticed by the nationalist Caracan gang, Bolivar '49. She was sympathetic to their cause and was glad to lend her support in keeping Caracas independent of the yoke of other nations, and in fighting corporate influence in the area. The gang encouraged her education, and it was by happenstance that a magician in the group discovered the source of her abilities, her awakened Talents.
Rather than being jarred by the knowledge, she doubled her efforts, seeing this advantage as a way to become the best bomb tech in the world. Not wanting to become too focused on any one thing, she also took up heavy weapons training, seeing machine guns, assault cannons, and other large weapons as natural extensions of her area of expertise. She also rounded out her skills with some basic electronic warfare techniques, in order to keep her remote devices from being backhacked or jammed when she needed them to go off.
Unfortunately, her organization was just a gang, and they were good for pushing drugs through Caracas. She had ready access to street drugs, and found herself relying on Psyche to help her concentrate on building and disabling bombs. Over time, the concentration aid became more of a crutch, and she found herself unable to concentrate or function without the drug in her system. Her withdrawal symptoms are becoming more and more severe, and the monster she becomes when she cannot find a fix is something to dread. She has also recently begun speedballing psyche with red mescaline into locos in an effort to "expand her mind" and help her reach another level of ability. Though she won't admit it to herself, she's become hooked on the red mesc as well.
She envisions herself as an agent of Change. If she destroys a building, she thinks only of the glorious structure that will eventually take its place. If she has to take a life, she imagines that the soul will be reincarnated into a new form and that the atoms and molecules of that person's corporeal form will only become parts of other things. Her beliefs were founded on traditional Roman Catholic orthodoxy, but over time as she has reevaulated her life and opened her mind up to more New Age beliefs, her current religious thoughts are almost unrecognizable. She prays to God and may quote scripture, but her deviations from church dogma are so drastic as to be a new religion all its own.
"My Father above, let Your will be done. Let this object be a measure of Your desire for Change and Rebirth, and let me be an agent thereof. Let me tear down the ugliness of this world so that You may remake it in Your true image and bring about Beauty. Let the babes find succor in Your love and glory, and let those who would work counter to Your will be stricken down and banished into the Outer Darkness. Amen."
What house rules will 2072 be using?Since this is a multiple GM project, we will add house rules on an as-needed basis with the overall goal of deviating from canon as little as possible. Until a mechanic is proven to be irreparably broken, GM rulings on it will be by the book.
How will karma and nuyen be awarded?Due to the unique nature of this game, karma and nuyen will be awarded based on activity, at the rate of one karma point and ¥2500 per week. The award is abstract, and represents all the experience and money you earn for going on runs as well as any downtime activity. If you've done something in 2072 that week, whether that be making a post as a GM or a player, or writing any kind of scene, you will be eligible to receive that week's karma and cash award. Only in-character posts count towards an award. Karma and cash are distributed on Mondays every week.
How often am I expected to post?You can post as frequently or infrequently as you like, which is one of the benefits of the freewheeling, open-ended style this game will be adopting. We all have real life obligations that sometimes require us to drop off the grid for awhile, and this game is designed to handle that - whenever your circumstances resolve themselves, you're free to come back in at any time. However, as stated above, you would only be eligible to receive the karma and cash award for a given week if you've made at least one IC post that week.
How often will Edge be refreshed?Edge is usually refreshed at the end of every adventure in a traditional game, but since much of your activity in 2072 will be considered "downtime" and not be in the form of self-contained missions, edge recovery will be handled a bit different. Specifically, the rate at which your edge pool will refresh will be dependent on the level of lifestyle your character is currently paying for. Your Edge will recover completely in: 12 months for a Street lifestyle, 9 months for a Squatter lifestyle, 6 months for a Low lifestyle, 3 months for a Middle lifestyle, and 1 month for a High lifestyle.
Take note that this rule only applies for downtime use of Edge. Your Edge is automatically recovered in full if your character takes on a bona fide adventure run by a GM.
More to come as the project develops...