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> EPIC Chronology Thread!, Help order every Shadowrun release by release of publication
post Feb 18 2011, 11:45 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 400
Joined: 8-September 08
From: St. Louis, UCAS
Member No.: 16,329

So, I've been away from the DS forums for a time and away from SR for just about as long. I come back and I don't see a lot of familiar names, but I hope some of you old and classic SR players will contribute to help put things right with the following list.

Here is a list of every (American) Shadowrun release that I can figure out through my meager resources. From my own research, I've got them correctly ordered down to the editions and years they were released. But, I would like to know which supplements, adventures, location books and core books came out in what order during those years. I'm not too concerned with where they fit in the canon chronology, only order of publication release. Some mistakes are blatantly obvious, such as all of the novels lumped at the end of the years. I know that they didn't just publish them all at the end of each year, but as of now, they are kind of ordered by what type of book they are because I have no idea what came out first.

Those damn IDs and SKUs that they are marked with aren't reliable for determining order of release, so don't try to order them with those either. This is going to require good old-fashioned knowledge and analysis to compile this list properly. Some changes that are needed are also obvious, because I know the content of Super Tuesday comes before the Big D's assassination, which is covered in Portfolio.

Some releases are listed with two years. This is because when you look up the copyright and publication info, it gives 2 different dates. On a lot of these, the back cover of the book will give a later year of publication than on the information page. Sometimes, I have two years listed for the years that the event was running, kind of like the Missions campaigns, which spanned months across multiple years.

My goal is to get everything in order so I can take a group of players through an epic campaign of released books, just trudging through the game as it was created. We're making 1st edition characters right now, and will start with the First Run in the 1st edition core book. But from there, I need to know what order the books and supplements come out so I can drag them through the world as it was created by the makers. Once we get started, I'll keep a campaign report so everyone can reminisce about old shared adventures long since played. But first, the list as it stands now:

1st Edition:
--- 7100/7101 Shadowrun 1st Edition
--- 7102 GM Screen with SILVER ANGEL
--- 7104 Street Samurai Catalog
--- 7301 DNA/DOA
--- 7302 Mercurial
--- 7303 Dreamchipper
--- 7103 Sprawl Sites
--- 7106 The Grimoire
--- 7105 Paranormal Animals of North America
--- 7201 Seattle Sourcebook
--- 7205 Universal Brotherhood
--- 7304 Queen Euphoria
--- 7305 Bottled Demon
--- 7306 Harlequin
--- Novel01 Never Deal with a Dragon
--- 7206 Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America
--- 7107 Virtual Realities
--- 7108 Rigger Black Book
??? 7109 Shadowbeat
--- 7202 Native American Nations Volume One
--- 7203 London Sourcebook
--- 7307 Dragon Hunt
--- 7308 Total Eclipse
--- Novel02 Choose Your Enemies Carefully
--- Novel03 Find Your Own Truth

2nd Edition:
--- 7900/7901 Shadowrun 2nd Edition
--- 7902 GM Screen with CONTACTS
--- 7104 Street Samurai Catalog Revised
--- 7110 Shadowtech
??? 7112 Paranormal Animals of Europe
--- 7208 The Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Real Life
??? 7207 Native American Nations Volume Two
--- 7309 Imago
??? 7310 Elven Fire
??? 7311 Ivy & Chrome
--- 7312 One Stage Before
??? 7111 Downtown Militarized Zone
--- Novel04 2XS
--- Novel05 Changeling
--- Novel06 Never Trust an Elf
--- Novel07 Into the Shadows
--- Novel08 Streets of Blood
--- 7903 Grimoire Second Edition
--- 7204 Germany Sourcebook (1993/1994 in US, 1992 as Deutschland in den Schatten)
--- 7113 Corporate Shadowfiles
??? 7209 California Free State
--- 7210 Tir Tairngire
??? 7313 Dark Angel
??? 7314 A Killing Glare
--- 7315 Celtic Double Cross
--- Novel09 Shadowplay
--- Novel10 Night's Pawn
--- Novel11 Striper Assassin
--- 7115 Lone Star
--- 7116 Prime Runners
??? 7211 Tir na nOg
--- 7212 Denver: The City of Shadows
--- 7316 Eye Witness
--- 7317 Paradise Lost
--- 7318 Divided Assets
--- 7319 Double Exposure
--- 7320 Harlequins Back
--- 7401 Sprawl Maps
--- Novel12 Lone Wolf
--- Novel13 Fade to Black
--- Novel14 Nosferatu
--- Novel15 Burning Bright
--- 7114 Fields of Fire
??? 7117 Bug City
--- 7904 Virtual Realities 2.0
--- 7118 Corporate Security Handbook
--- 7119 Cybertechnology
--- 7120 Awakenings
--- Novel16 Who Hunts the Hunter
--- Novel17 House of the Sun
--- Novel18 Worlds Without End
??? 7213 Aztlan
--- 7905 Shadowrun Companion
??? 7906 Rigger 2
--- 7121 Threats
??? 7122 Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets
--- 7322 Super Tuesday
--- Novel19 Just Compensation
--- Novel20 Black Madonna
--- Novel21 Preying for Keeps
--- Novel22 Dead Air
--- 7123 Underworld Sourcebook
--- 7124 Cyberpirates
--- 7214 Target: UCAS
??? 7215 Target: Smuggler Havens
??? 7323 Shadows of the Underworld
--- 7325 Missions
--- 7326 Mob War
--- 7701 High Tech and Low Life - The Art of Shadowrun
--- Novel23 The Lucifer Deck
--- Novel24 Steel Rain
--- Novel25 Shadowboxer
--- Novel26 Stranger Souls
--- Novel27 Headhunters
--- Novel28 Clockwork Asylum
--- 7324 Predator and Prey
--- 7327 Blood in the Boardroom
--- 7328 Renraku Arcology: Shutdown
--- Novel29 Blood Sport
--- Novel30 Beyond the Pale
--- Novel31 Technobabel
--- Novel32 Wolf and Raven
--- Novel33 Psychotrope

3rd Edition:
--- 7000/7001 Shadowrun 3rd Edition
??? 7002 GM Screen with CRITTERS SOURCEBOOK
--- 7003 Shadowrun Quick Start Rules
--- 7905 Shadowrun Companion
--- 7907 Magic in the Shadows
??? 7125 Corporate Download
--- 7216 New Seattle
--- 7329 First Run
--- Novel34 The Terminus Experiment
--- Novel35 Run Hard, Die Fast
--- Novel36 Crossroads
--- Novel37 The Forever Drug
--- 7908 Cannon Companion
--- 7909 Matrix
--- 7219 Target: Matrix
??? 7330 Corporate Punishment
--- Novel38 Ragnarock
--- 7126 Man and Machine
??? 7910 Rigger 3
--- 10650 Year of the Comet
--- 10651 Target: Awakened Lands
??? 7331 Brainscan
--- Novel39 Tails You Lose
--- Novel40 The Burning Time
--- 10652 Threats 2
--- 10653 Target: Wastelands
--- 10664 State of the Art: 2063
--- 10655 Shadows of North America
--- 10654 Wake of the Comet
??? 10665 Survival of the Fittest
--- 10662 Rigger 3 Revised
??? 10673 Character Dossier
--- 10666 Dragons of the Sixth World
--- 10667 Sprawl Survival Guide
--- 25003 Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book
--- 25004 State of the Art: 2064
--- 25002 Shadows of Europe
--- XXXXX Missions: Season 0 Seattle (5 Missions)
--- XXXXX Missions: Season 1 Seattle (9 Missions)
--- 25006 Loose Alliances
--- 25014 System Failure
--- 25007 Shadows of Asia
??? 25011 Shadows of Latin America (Never Released)
--- Novel41 Born to Run
--- Novel42 Poison Agendas
--- Novel43 Fallen Angels
--- Novel44 Drops of Corruption
--- Novel45 Aftershock
--- Novel46 A fistful of Data

4th Edition:
--- 26000 Shadowrun 4th Edition
--- 26003 On the Run
--- 26005 Runner Havens
--- 26004 Street Magic
--- 26002 GM Screen with CONTACTS AND ADVENTURES
--- XXXXX Missions: Season 2 Denver (25 Missions)
--- 26301 Emergence
--- 26002 Augmentation
--- xxxxx Shadowrun 4th Edition Quick Start Rules (PDF ONLY)
--- 26201 Corporate Enclaves
--- 26003 Arsenal
--- 26004 Unwired
--- 26005 Runner's Companion
--- 26302 Ghost Cartels
??? 26001 Street Magic Redux/Reprint
--- 26600 Digital Grimoire (PDF released 14 Nov 2008)
--- 26202 Feral Cities
??? 26601 Bad Moon Rising in the East (PDF released 11 Feb 2009)
--- 26000A Shadowrun 4th Edition 20th Anniversery Edition
??? 266002 Manhatten: The Rotten Apple (PDF released 21 Mar 2009)
--- 26240 Seattle 2072
--- 26101 Running Wild
--- 26400 Dawn of the Artifacts: Dusk
??? XXXXX Missions: Season 3 New York (13 Missions)
--- 26203 Vice
--- 26401 Dawn of the Artifacts: Midnight
??? 26650 10 Gangs (PDF released 15 Feb 2010)
??? 26000ALE SR4 20th Anniversary Ed. Limited Edition
??? 26551 10 Jackpointers (PDF released 01 Mar 2010)
--- 26221 Corporate Guide
--- 26205 Sixth World Almanac
??? 2640X Dawn of the Artifacts: Darkest Hour
??? 26s001 This Old Drone (PDF released 29 Oct 2010)
??? Novel47 Spells and Chrome
??? 26s002 MilSpecTech (PDF released 22 Jan 2011)
--- 26206 War!
??? xxxxx Missions: Season 4 Seattle (xx Missions)

Dawn of the Artifacts: New Dawn
Spy Games
Artifacts Unbound
A Fistful of Credsticks: Horizon Adventure One
Conspiracy Theories
Corporate Intrigue
Runners Toolkit

**Note** The dashes and question marks are notion for which books I have and which ones I still need to pick up. Three dashes (---) means I have the book in its entirety and can reference the years of publication. The question marks (???) mean that I don't own a copy of that book, so I can't look up that date and know for sure if it even belongs in that year bracket. Feel free to correct me as those are just educated guesses based on the publication dates of other items with close or similar item numbers.

**Secondary Note** The 4th edition List should be pristine, as I looked up all of the street dates on the official SR4 website just before they changed it and got rid of all of their back logs of news updates. Also, I know the novels have no relevance to me running a campaign, but they are thrown in for my own enjoyment so I can read them when I come to them.
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