I'm starting to get the feeling that Missions writers know they are playing to a captive audience. This is the second job where there is no initial payment offered. As soon as I was told that pay would be negotiated upon extraction of the target, I wanted to call it a night right there.
The team:
Former Doc Wagon medic
Former Doc Wagon Tm/medic
Fomori Street Sam
Gunslinger TM
Gunslinger Adept
Former Lone star detective
Street Sam Archetype
[ Spoiler ]
The job was rushed which was a nice change. I do like how we were told to come to the meet ready to work. We kicked around a few plans before realizing that we had no real mission parameters other than get the target out of the building.
Our plan
Have everyone but the former detective and both former doc wagon employees lay down targeted and suppressive fire across and down onto the party where the target is currently dining. After the shooting I will con my way past security with the two doc wagoner’s in tow checking the wounded until we find our target and throw him on the stretcher and evac the building.
The sniper on the roof of the Horizon building got into position and began firing upon the team. The Fomori Sam was shot twice with a Walther MA 2100 with APDS and managed to get himself scratched with one box of damage (burned 3 edge in the process). The team used the zip line to escape down the side off the building, then whipped up a sprite to pilot their getaway car.
Since he'd be struck with a stick and shock round, our extraction target was still in the land of nod, we stuffed him in a shielded compartment and began scanning him for hidden nodes. One of the TM's found his hidden commlink and owned it. We began to realize that Mr. extractee was Mr Johnson, and we've done this job with no money up front.
After finding the data hidden in his commlink, we began shopping the data around to perspective buyers. We were careful to be sneaky and avoid Horizon's spiders. First we went to Draco and found their offer lacking, so we told them we'd call them, next we called the atlantean Foundation. Their offer was less than the first so as a group we decided to head back to the Draco foundation. As we were leaving the Atlantean meet we were approached with another offer, 100K on a credstick in exchange for Mr. Johnson.
Since this whole run had felt like amateur night, we decided to take the money he was offering and still sell Mr. Johnson back to the Draco foundation. The TM who did the number on Mr. Johnson went to shake Lin's hand and then won and unarmed grappling test. He used an echo and pulled Lin into VR and then had his waiting sprite begin assaulting Lin. To add insult to injury when the TM let go of Lin, he was subjected to dumpshock. We were more than a little upset to learn that the stick was blank. Our GM was able to stop us from leaving Lin a trip into Puget sound with a 9mm flotation device.
We managed to make the exchange and get paid.