So I know some of you guys have run/played Queen Euphoria, and I wanted some advice. I guess I'll use a spoiler tag in case someone might be surprised.
[ Spoiler ]
So when we picked up yesterday, the team was about to try and see Vincent Burroughs to pump him for information. They had already been to Magic Crafts, and dealt with Van Willis (they actually left him duct taped and unconscious in Magic Crafts. They decided they would go back to Magic Crafts, free Van Willis, and follow him to the Amber Gel facility. They already have a rough idea of where it's at. So they get there, and Van Willis is dead. Now, I fifugre they'll try and see Burroughs again. Nope, they get the mage to to an astral recon of the buildings they think might be housing Euphoria.
So the mage spots the ants on guard, scoots out of there PDQ, and tells the team "They saw me, we need to go hit them now!" He's very frantic about this. Finally, they decide to hit the AG factory. It's about 12 noon.
So they get there, and they are poorly armed and armored (not having made contact with Carrone or Warden), certainly not ready for the fight. Hell, one of them was sitting at one box below Deadly Physical (He didn't really want to go BTW). I tell them, OOG, "You will die", several times. I can only assume they thought I was screwing with them. Well, they hit the basement level, and three rounds later, three of the four were dead and the fourth was doing a mighty fine Flash imitation.
A few hours later, the lone survivor calls Carrone and tells him they found where Euphoria was hiding, but his team got wiped out (made himself sound better than what was), and he's done.
They did something stupid, and I can deal with that. We had new characters generated before the night was through. What I need advice on, is what now concerning the Queen, Craft, and the Hive? I haven't decided if I want Carrone to use KE to wipe out the Hive or if I want the Hive intact. What I need help with is, what would the effects be if the Hive remains intact? Would they take over the Barrens? Major War? Would the Hive come into contact or conflict with the UB? Would it be an earlier version of Chicago? (the current game year is 2050, December). I think I'd like something that has some impact, but nothing that completely changes the face of Seattle.