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> Bargin Grabs, Anyone else have luck lately?
post Aug 13 2004, 11:20 AM
Post #1

Running Target

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Posts: 1,451
Joined: 21-April 03
From: Austin, TX
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I went into my local Comic Book/Gaming/Hobby/General Geekery store today in order to pick up Shadows of Europe. Sure, no discount off cover price, but I've been trying to budget $30 since the thing came out and I didn't really want to wait on shipping. So while I'm there, I decided to dig through the used gaming bin to see if anything interesting was there. My jaw dropped and I tried to communicate my amazement to my friend (who plays Shadowrun but doesn't really buy the books, just borrows mine) without alerting the owner to why I was freaking out. Harlequin - $6.99 Aztechnology - $5.99 Lone Star - $2.99 Denver Boxed Set - $7.99 I've spent literally MONTHS trying to get new copies of these books on eBay getting outbid on 3-4 times those prices! Hell, Harlequin alone cost me more than SoE did when I got it the first time, and it was in horrible shape! About 20 blister packs of the old Shadowrun minis (including not one but FOUR Ehran/Harlequin packs) for $1.49 each! Has anyone else tried digging in the discount bin and finding tresures like these? Or am I freaking out over something pretty common (comic store owners in it for the business and not knowing what old books are really worth)?

The Abstruse One
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