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> OOC- Shadow's Dawn: Diving into the past
post Apr 5 2011, 03:57 AM
Post #351

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (Seth @ Apr 4 2011, 03:15 PM) *
Its fair.

Hmm. Captain Zeia down, Jonathan turncoated, Warder defeated, all the internal wards down, lost control of their internal security network...not looking good for the poor Aztechs. Still when Major Nopaltzin turns up I can have my vengeance.

Well, we are down one ourselves, so it hasn't been all our way.

So, the internal wards are all down, huh?


We really need to get the Hitler thing going. Maybe in the morning I will suggest a plan.
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post Apr 5 2011, 01:49 PM
Post #352

Neophyte Runner

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I am unexpectedly travelling quite a bit in the next few weeks (hopefully to California for 3 weeks work), so I will be a bit intermittent. I will try and post each day, but if I fail its just because I have crappy Internet.

Yes the wards are down, and you have a newly recruited spy watching the good Major: who is currently lining up all his soldiers, ordering them by size (height first, with shoe size as a decider). <Video footage supplied by Jonathan: The major is 7' tall, cyber arms, cyberlegs, cyber skull, cybertorso, cyberweapons built into the cyberarms, dermal armour... He is carrying a Panther Assault Canon casually over his shoulder. His soldiers are looking very very nervous in his presence.

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post Apr 5 2011, 02:32 PM
Post #353

Old Man of the North

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Ryl is busy working the Matrix to our advantage.

Ambrose is doing the ritual on the door. (Which we still need to learn back in time! And it would be nice to have Ambrose back doing stuff to the bad guys.) Arren is keeping him company. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)

Marduk, Bjeorn, Alyena and Fearghas are about to get a whole lotta lovin' from cadavermen and security personnel.

Mandala is out of radio contact because he keeps dematerializing and scooting off somewhere. So here's some more scooting. These are plans, and if major changes happen, the plans will change, too.

Plan for Round 15:

IP #1: drop spatial sense spell and dematerialize (well, the spell disappears anyway because it is a Physical spell)
IP #2: with no internal wards to worry about, he will zip up to Room 11, and experience the wonderful background count I am sure is there.

Plan for Round 16:

Initiative 16 dice ==> 7 HITS
==> Initiative Score 23 -2 for damage = 21.

IP #1: if there is still a guard presence in the room, materialize behind him/her/them; else materialize close to the pump.

IP #2: if guard(s) present, stunbolt/ball (hopefully with surprise) depending on number; else do what he can to neutralize the pump based on what he finds.

If guards are neutralized, then perhaps do the old, 'stick the barrel into some hole in the machine and pull trigger till machine stops', trick.
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post Apr 5 2011, 03:04 PM
Post #354

Old Man of the North

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How about this for a plan for the Hitler meeting:

We will all be shuffled into the meeting room ahead of time to wait for Der Fuhrer. No way would he wait for us. While in there waiting, we suss out anything that might be magical or untoward... Horror constructs here too? (Such developments could scupper this plan.) We have our briefcase with us, which has already been cleared before it came to us. This briefcase will be set in an unobtrusive, central location. Mandala qua Norbert Schantz will study the filming equipment looking for things with which he can find fault.

When the Great One enters, there will be lots of saluting and kaffuffling, with cameras flashing etc. Likely an aide will have His briefcase and will set it down, probably guarding it. It will be at this point that the flamboyant Norbert will notably fuss about the 'improper setup' of cameras to do Der Fuhrer justice. He will noisily draw attention to himself and the 'corrections'. While attention is diverted in this manner (the adept power Enthralling Performance would be really good in this instance), another of our team will do the actual switch, either with Magic Fingers or sleight-of-hand.

We do the award ceremony, obsequiously fawn over the Evil One, and get out.

If shit hits the fan, Norbert will take the fall, be arrested with the likelihood of torture and execution to follow, but will mysteriously escape a secure facility later.

Simple, huh?
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post Apr 5 2011, 07:14 PM
Post #355


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Sounds like a plan to me (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Apr 5 2011, 08:35 PM
Post #356

Neophyte Runner

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Phone bases internet sucks.

Room11 is a fluffy aztech 5 background as well as twisted 2 (only largest counts ) . Large blood (force 8+) spirit guarding the room.

Twisted means a horror is nearby, and raw magics will likely result in you being horrormarked. All your current magics are raw. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)

Can you roll surprise vs the spirit. I'll give you +6 because the spirit is distracted by the death of it's friend and summoned warder

You can talk fight or run with the spirit.

Thanks for advancing the WWII plot
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post Apr 5 2011, 09:42 PM
Post #357

Moving Target

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Ok, have been thinking of other things to do but with Warder defeated and the nasty major on his way I am returning to Plan A.

Alyena is going to dive back into her body, follow Bjearn out of the room, then run like a bunny back down to the basement! The idea of kitting up in some body armour is suddenly very appealing (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I think heading up into the security room is a good idea. The store room has guns and other goodies, can we set something up to keep the major distracted while we make our own back door?

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post Apr 6 2011, 03:55 AM
Post #358

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (Seth @ Apr 5 2011, 03:35 PM) *
Phone bases internet sucks.

Room11 is a fluffy aztech 5 background as well as twisted 2 (only largest counts ) . Large blood (force 8+) spirit guarding the room.
Well... not quite what I expected, but I suppose I should have. A blood pump all out on it's own. "Too easy!", he said.

Twisted means a horror is nearby, and raw magics will likely result in you being horrormarked. All your current magics are raw. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
Ulp. Does that include spirit powers?

Can you roll surprise vs the spirit. I'll give you +6 because the spirit is distracted by the death of it's friend and summoned warder

You can talk fight or run with the spirit.
Hmmm... can't use magic, the thing is bigger and tougher than I am... hmmmm.... what should I do?

Surprise roll: 16 + 6 = 22 dice ==> 7 HITS

I'll wait for the spirit's surprise roll and then post IC.

Thanks for advancing the WWII plot
No probs. Itching to get it going and get Ambrose back in the pyramid.
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post Apr 6 2011, 06:24 PM
Post #359

Neophyte Runner

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I am struggling with only having phone access to the internet, so no invisible castle for me! I'll just use the 4:1 rule, until I get to a real machine

The spirits surprise roll is 4 successes

You don't know about spirit magics, you suspect that they are less likely to go wrong (as are metamagics), but you would need to try and see. The way it works with magics (summoning / casting) is that there is a chance you get horror marked. With a twisted 2, you need a edge roll of 2 to avoid being tainted, so actually with the 4:1 rule I think that you are safe here.

Bjeorn has the codex (6' x 3' x 1', with 1" thick wooden covers: it weights about 1/4 of a ton). You could carry the book and dagger. Those are the main goodies.

There are racks of body armour in the store room. The first row is "quick to don" kevlar vests.
Can you make me a perception roll when you get to the store room?

Can you make me a perception roll for your meat body. I don't know if you have -6 because VR or not, but if you do ... it's at -6.

I'll wait until I have something better than a phone before I move the WWII thread to the meeting with Hitler.

Edited to get the names correct
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post Apr 6 2011, 06:50 PM
Post #360

Prime Runner

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I think istead of Aria, you ment Marduk/Sabs :0

And I really want the pyramid, what would it take to move the pyramid?
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post Apr 6 2011, 08:04 PM
Post #361

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (sabs @ Apr 7 2011, 06:50 AM) *
I think istead of Aria, you ment Marduk/Sabs :0
And I really want the pyramid, what would it take to move the pyramid?

Grr...I blame the phone, but actually its just me.

The pyramid is a drawing in the codex. (At least I think it is, again its hard to check what I said with the phone. But what I meant was that the pyramid is a drawing on the codex)

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post Apr 6 2011, 08:38 PM
Post #362

Prime Runner

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Ah excellent
then I'm taking the skull, like my post says, and the dagger, and following everyone down. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Apr 7 2011, 03:38 AM
Post #363

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (Seth @ Apr 6 2011, 01:24 PM) *
The spirits surprise roll is 4 successes

You don't know about spirit magics, you suspect that they are less likely to go wrong (as are metamagics), but you would need to try and see. The way it works with magics (summoning / casting) is that there is a chance you get horror marked. With a twisted 2, you need a edge roll of 2 to avoid being tainted, so actually with the 4:1 rule I think that you are safe here.

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post Apr 7 2011, 06:13 AM
Post #364

Neophyte Runner

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lol. I didn't see that one coming. You are right of course the blood spirit is being frustrated. Now of course it would prefer to rip the blood from the bleeding bodies of anyone it finds, but given it cannot rip it out of you, it's making do with the stuff in the pump. I'll do an IC reply tonight when I have a proper computer and not a phone
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post Apr 7 2011, 08:07 AM
Post #365


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QUOTE (Seth @ Apr 6 2011, 07:24 PM) *
Can you make me a perception roll for your meat body. I don't know if you have -6 because VR or not, but if you do ... it's at -6.

Visual perception: 14D = 5 Hits! I have focussed concentration to ignore the VR penalties on the real world...and multitasking to enable me to concentrate on looking around there and in the matrix...
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post Apr 7 2011, 02:31 PM
Post #366

Prime Runner

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So I think Alyena, and Bjeorn and I are all back in the supply room where Ryl is.

What kind of armor is available for a dwarf?

Oh and:
Assensing/Psychometry on the skull: 19d6: 5 6 5 4 5 4 6 3 4 4 2 5 5 4 6 1 2 5 4 (9) hits HOLY CRAP

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post Apr 7 2011, 09:17 PM
Post #367

Neophyte Runner

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I'm still on my phone, so I won't be posting properly until saturday. I am flying to LA tomorrow, so will be out of touch for a while.

All those in the storeroom:
Armour: I am away from books, but: Armoured Jackets are everywhere. Full armour is here for all meta types, but will take a minute to put on.

Perception rolls: Those who got 2 or more successes on their perceptions will note that at the back, there is a rack of powered down drones, and a small repair shop. Some of the powered down drones have just powered up. There are 3 dobermans with Ingram White knights and 3 Nissan hoverdrones with tasers that have started to move. They are coming your way!

I think we are approaching the end of these two rounds, so I will post a summary when I arrive in LA.

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post Apr 7 2011, 10:31 PM
Post #368


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Enjoy your trip!
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post Apr 8 2011, 07:54 AM
Post #369


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QUOTE (Seth @ Apr 7 2011, 10:17 PM) *
Perception rolls: Those who got 2 or more successes on their perceptions will note that at the back, there is a rack of powered down drones, and a small repair shop. Some of the powered down drones have just powered up. There are 3 dobermans with Ingram White knights and 3 Nissan hoverdrones with tasers that have started to move. They are coming your way!

Hmmm...someone is controlling these things then...I'm guessing I've not seen them in the security node?!?

Can I scan for their nodes to determine who is controlling them?
Then I can either spoof them or...?!? (Sabs, help me out here? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )

We could do with the additional fire power if the Major is coming our way...!
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post Apr 8 2011, 06:35 PM
Post #370

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (Seth @ Apr 6 2011, 01:24 PM) *
The spirits surprise roll is 4 successes

You don't know about spirit magics, you suspect that they are less likely to go wrong (as are metamagics), but you would need to try and see. The way it works with magics (summoning / casting) is that there is a chance you get horror marked. With a twisted 2, you need a edge roll of 2 to avoid being tainted, so actually with the 4:1 rule I think that you are safe here.

QUOTE (Seth @ Apr 7 2011, 01:13 AM) *
lol. I didn't see that one coming. You are right of course the blood spirit is being frustrated. Now of course it would prefer to rip the blood from the bleeding bodies of anyone it finds, but given it cannot rip it out of you, it's making do with the stuff in the pump. I'll do an IC reply tonight when I have a proper computer and not a phone

If it is true that the Blood Spirit does not need help tearing into the pump, then Mandala will play it safe and perform a supporting role, such as interfering with any security personnel who might come in to see what the noise is about. If it is having trouble figuring out how to get into the pump (not likely... rip pieces off till it bleeds will likely work) Mandala will materialize and help.

Mandala knows there is trouble coming down the stairs to the first floor and the basement, so he won't stay long here. If by the end of Round 16 the Blood Spirit has succeeded in stopping the pump, Mandala will go back down to the basement. I considered Cleansing this area, but that might piss off the Blood Spirit, and right now, it's doing our job for us.
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post Apr 8 2011, 10:55 PM
Post #371

Neophyte Runner

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Current situation:
  • It is the start of rounds 17&18
  • The time is 00:01:03
  • The background count is zero in the reactor corridor, up the stairs and on the ground floor it is Aztech 4. In Warder's room it is Aztech 2. In the blood pump room it is Aztech 5, Twisted 2
  • Aren is being NPCed, and has been recovered by Mandala. His condition has stabilized, although he is still unconscious
  • Bjeorn, Alyena , Marduk, Fearghas and Ryl have moved to the store room
  • In the store room 6 drones have just started moving.
  • Mandala is chatting with his new friend Sanguine in room 11, a high force newly freed blood spirit.
  • Sanguine is currently merging with the blood pump, to absorb
  • The codex, dagger and skull have been moved to the store room
  • Ol'Scratch is being NPCed, and is performing the ritual to open door 27a. The ritual will be concluded when the flashback discovers the secret.
  • Red lights are flashing, but there are no audible alarms
  • Jonathan has joined your side, and is replaying a video feed of the security room, in which Major Nopaltzin is forming the troops into nice ordered lines
  • The internal wards are down. (The temple will be a magical lodge...so it will still be up)

  • Ryl has revoked all the accounts in the internal security network
  • There are no Aztechs visible in the matrix
  • You have connections to 3 other networks: The outside, the external defence system and the network covering the top two floors.

  • You have identified that the blood ward is not maintained by Warder (although you think he has still done many of the internal wards), and there are three blood pump rooms.
  • Zero has said "THEY ARE COMING FOR ANGEL"
  • Major Nopaltzin is coming soon...when he's finished lining up his troops
  • A number of zombies have been dispatched to deal with you, although given their rate of progress you have a few more rounds to prepare for them
  • Its actually a "lull" in the fight, no one is shooting at you right now

  • Its up to you what happens: go get Hitler if you want

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post Apr 8 2011, 11:10 PM
Post #372

Neophyte Runner

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You can scan the drones: Elec War + Scan to spot the drones.
They you could hack the drones if you want: Each is Hack + exploit. Firewall 5 System 5
Its a lot of drones...
Alternatively you could start looking at some of the other networks (you actually have username/passwords)

Your assessment is that Sanguine is not going to significantly inpede the blood flow: he is feeding from the blood. Are you astral or mundane? If mundane can you make perception roll?

It will take you an arcana 10, 1CT test to set up the magical tachnet again. I'm just reminding you that you don't know much about the dagger or skull.

Can you all let me know if you are putting armour on (1 combat round). What are you doing about the moving drones (thats a lot of firepower coming your way) The drones are currently on the other side of same shelves of canned beans, but at the end of 1 combat round they will have line of sight with yourselves.
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post Apr 8 2011, 11:16 PM
Post #373

Running Target

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Fearghas is putting on some armor. How many hits on Trid Phantasm versus their object resistance would be required to disguise us against them and give Aria time to put us on the drone network's "friendly, do not shoot" list?
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post Apr 8 2011, 11:27 PM
Post #374

Neophyte Runner

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I think 4 hits will do it vs their sensors.
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post Apr 9 2011, 12:48 AM
Post #375

Prime Runner

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so 10 hits total? 6 for the OR, +4 net hits?


I did a psychometry test up earlier on the skull.

We need to deal with the drones before i have Bjeorn settup a pedestal so I can open the codex and figure it all out.
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