Feb 28 2011, 07:21 PM
OK the
IC thread is up and running.
The game is starting in the middle of a run. Timeline so far:
- You had about 12 hours notice to get to the council, which was in Tir Tainglire
- The council meeting lasted about 10 mins, in which the overview of the mission was given
- Ambrose is given a magic ring that enables magical tunneling. You thought this type of magic couldn't work at this level of magic: well you learn something every day.
- You were taken straight from the meeting with the council to Aztlan, by a Nape of the Earth helicopter, in which you were given a more detailed briefing
- You had 6 hours to get arrested
- 24 hours after being arrested you were in the train on the way to Tzetlan camp 23
- You arrived at dawn
- During the day three bus loads of 20 prisoners each were taken to the research facility. The prisoners were selected at random it seemed. The prisoners didn't come back. If that's blood magic involved...its a lot of power.
- Lights out at 8pm
- You started digging at 10 mins to midnight
- You finished digging at midnight
Right now you are under the concrete wall of the reactor. The tunneling device can be operated by Ambrose to penetrate the reactor floor.
I recommend you initially post flashbacks in which you do info gathering, and optionally grumble about being blackmailed / force-ably recruited by the Council of Princes. This gives anyone who needs it enough time to finish character creation. Once we have had a few of those, we can move into the pyramid itself!
Feb 28 2011, 07:21 PM
Feb 28 2011, 07:22 PM
Feb 28 2011, 08:51 PM
Communications with a horror
I have aggregated together the scenes in which the horror has communicated with the party
Fearghas's dream End of Feargash's dream Boris's Groundhog dayImmortal Li's dream
Mar 1 2011, 01:33 AM
I can't access the map we are given in the helicopter. Says page doesn't exist.
Mar 1 2011, 02:31 AM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Mar 1 2011, 02:33 PM)

I can't access the map we are given in the helicopter. Says page doesn't exist.
OK I got the same result when not logged in to google. I have changed it to use image shack. Should work now, and you can admire my artistic talents
Mar 1 2011, 02:49 AM
Got it now.
Mar 1 2011, 04:54 PM
@Pbangarth: As you wing your way back from the Buddhist heaven to Tir, you feel yourself enter a magical trap. A web of energies corruscates around you, as you are pulled to a different destination to the one you wants. Can you make me a force roll to resist this please
Mar 1 2011, 05:18 PM
Oh cool! I get to play first! I get to play first!
Hmmm... Shadow's Dawn for the campaign on Invisible Castle? I'll use that for now, and change if the name is different.
Force 9 = 9 dice ==>
Mar 1 2011, 05:35 PM
Oh, sorry about the sig in my IC post. I will work on that.
Ol' Scratch
Mar 1 2011, 05:39 PM
You can just edit the post and uncheck the checkbox at the bottom.
Mar 1 2011, 05:44 PM
Excellent! Thanks.
Mar 2 2011, 05:05 AM
Nice touch, Ol' Scratch, with the song link. You might want to have a look at
THIS as a Shadowrun cover of that song. Stay till the end, it feels a little like what a Horror might do.
Your flashback is cool. Among others here, you demand a step-up in my game. So be it.
Mar 2 2011, 08:11 AM
Thank you everyone for modifying your posts.
Can you post in this OOC thread any data searching / contact chatting you might want to do. Include a bundle of rolls from invisible castle please. Remember that you are together for a fair while during this time, so you can ask each other questions, or ask them to use their skills on you, if you feel the need. We'll post the answers in the IC thread when everyone's finished their first post
We should be able to do some legwork before Mar 7th, On Mar 7th that concrete roof will be sorted, and you get all the fun of going into the reactor.
For your viewing pleasure the reactor looks a little like this, although its a little smaller. The circular area is around the main reactor core, and the room to the west holds all the steam pipes and stuff. You will of course be pleased to know that the reactor is cooled by liquid sodium at 510 degrees centigrade, although it is not pressurized, and that the secondary circulation system will hold super heated steam at around 180 atmospheres / 450 degrees C or so. Even more fun is the fact that a steam leak is invisible and acts a bit like a mono filament whip. (As a side note I have used slightly higher pressure water to cut through 6 inches of work hardened its good at armour penetration too).
The generator is of course cooled by hydrogen (also at high pressure), and the generator if it gets damaged is likely to make loads of sparks.
The transformer is cooled by Sodium Hexaflouride, which has the nice properties that it is an asphyxiant in high concentrations, no odour warning. (In other words you die without realising it, and respirators don't help)
The open copper bus bars are only at 11000 volts (think 5 times the electric chair, but a lot more current).
Not that I think you need to worry about this sort of stuff, but I thought it might reassure you to realise that the radiation is by no means the worst hazard, and that there is a lot of stuff in the reactor room that you probably don't want to damage.
Ol' Scratch
Mar 2 2011, 09:32 AM
QUOTE (Seth @ Mar 2 2011, 02:11 AM)

Can you post in this OOC thread any data searching / contact chatting you might want to do.
These are the actions that immediately jump out at me. I may add a bit more depending on how things evolve during the course of the planning stage.
[ Spoiler ]
Regarding packing for the meeting:- Knowing that sneaking a firearm into the queen's court would be futile, Ambrose decides to leave his Desperado at home. He does throw on his Steampunk Line clothing and fills his smuggling compartment with the following, however: A flask of Irish whiskey (topped off before leaving), his lockpick and microtronic tools, a mechanical pencil and small notepad, a cigarette lighter, and some Aspirin. When he's done, he inflates the small air sacks therein to make sure everything is secure. He also double checks to make sure his auto-injectors are properlly loaded, then seals his arm shut so that it looks as smooth and harmless as possible. Before entering the palace, he also deactivates and places his Power Focus in the compartment until he leaves, too. He doesn't want any of those blasted elves taking that away from him.
- Before leaving, he will take a good long look at the wards he has placed around his home (Luxury Security) in an attempt to try and figure out how Trias entered undetected.
Regarding contacts:- Ambrose will get in touch with his liaison for Transys Neuronet, alerting them that he will be on holiday for an indeterminable amount of time, with the addenum "the Queen has requested my presence."
Regarding the nuclear reactor:- When he has the time to focus on doing so, Ambrose will use his Enlightening ability to access the Industrial Mechanics (Rating 6) active skill and the Nuclear Physics (Rating 3) and Nuclear Reactor Design & Schematics (Rating 7) knowledge skills. The rolls used Magic + Arcana + Power Focus, plus a complimentary skill for the last two as noted in the roll results. EDIT: I just realized that I left out his initiate grade on the rolls, but I figure the above are good enough anyway so I'm just going to stick with them for now. If any negative modifiers exist, please let me know so I can try to counter one or two of them with the missing dice.
- Using this knowledge, Ambrose will take a critical look at the information we were given to try and figure out any way to shut the reactor down or otherwise make it less likely to kill us on the spot. Rolling once for each skill. Please let me know if more are needed. Industrial Mechanics (5 hits), Nuclear Physics(7 hits), and Nuclear Reactor Design & Schematics (7 hits) I'm assuming I wasn't at my lab when making these rolls, so I left out the Home Ground quality, but I did include the Analytical Mind quality. If necessary I can throw in a Techno-Jargon roll, too. If Analytical Mind doesn't apply to any of those rolls, please strike out the last two dice.
Mar 2 2011, 10:52 AM
When he finished, he held the sketchbook at arms length and gave it a critical eye. "Well, at least I'm not fragging Marked..."
I have some bad news for you "Well at least I'm not fragging possessed" is slightly more accurate. Mind you ... you could have forgotten that as its 10,000 years ago or so. Nice post I enjoyed it
I'm not sure that its easy to check for horror marking (I am AFB at the moment): If you roll 10 assensing rolls (You could even get help if you want) I'll tell you if you see anything
Ol' Scratch
Mar 2 2011, 11:51 AM
<pauses for a moment as it sinks in> Oh that ain't right!
Okay, let's see here. That ominous revelation he made upon seeing the apparently uninspired (since I'm assuming that's what you meant with your response) "portrait" will certainly crank his paranoia up a bit. I'll edit the specific post once we've ironed this out. The actions he'll perform are in the following spoiler tag. Warning: It's a bit of a doozy.
[ Spoiler ]
- First, he'll summon a Force 5 Guidance Spirit to assist him in this endeavor. (Summoning Test, Spirit's Opposed Test, Drain Resistance Test: Result is a Force 5 spirit with 5 Services and No Drain. Optional Power is, hmm, Fear.)
EDIT: I accidentally rolled Forcex2 instead of just Force for the Opposed Test, so I went back and ignored the last five dice on that roll.
Next, he will spend a service to request the spirit's aid in helping him assense his aura. I'm assuming this is all just one service. If not, let's just assume it only helped with the first roll (it shouldn't change the outcome much as the rolls were really good anyway). The results are:Spirit's Teamwork Rolls: Intuition + Assensing - +3, +2, +5, +4, +5, +4, +2, +2, +5, and +5 dice on Ambrose's Psychometry Tests.
Ambrose's Psychometry Tests: +2 Teamwork Dice, +3 Teamwork Dice, +4 Teamwork Dice, +5 Teamwork Dice.
Final Results of Psychometry Tests: 12 hits, 6 hits, 10 hits, 10 hits, 8 hits, 10 hits, 8 hits, 7 hits, 9 hits, and 7 hits.
Note that I didn't include any of the modifiers on the Psychometry table (SM p. 58), though the only ones I saw that applied were bonus dice, and even a few negatives wouldn't impact the results much. But feel free to adjust them as you see fit, of course.
[*] Finally, Ambrose will expend another service to ask the spirit to use Divination on his behalf to see what his encounter with Thais means for him.
[*] Remaining Services: 3. Ambrose will thank the spirit for its assistance and ask if it would please stay around just in case he needs its help again.[/list]Phew. Please let me know if I did anything wrong or you want adjustments made. It's really late and I'm pretty tired, so it wouldn't surprise me if I made any other blunders.
Blargh, I can't even figure out why this list isn't formatting properly. I'm going to bed!
<stomps off>
Mar 2 2011, 12:06 PM
It's not that the Portrait is uninspired. It's that the reason people in Earthdawn all have artisan skills, is because Horror POSSESSED people cannot do anything creative. Horrors cannot create beauty, so anyone they possess cannot either.
Horror marks are nigh impossible to see. In order to see a Horror Mark you had to make a Astral Sense test with a target number = Spell Defense of the Horror.
So, to translate that into shadowrun.
You need to make an assensing test with a Difficulty of Horrors Magic Rating+Counter Spelling score.
Conservatively for THAT Horror. Magic Rating of 14, Counter Spelling 6 so a TN of 20 is not unreasonable, and it might even be higher than that.
Mar 2 2011, 12:48 PM
You and your spirit think that maybe there is a dark mark in your aura, around the area of your liver. You are not sure: it could have been there before, because your rarely look that hard. You probably find yourself scratching that area now, and its a bit itchy
Your divination: I hope this helps
"The Sun and Moon align each 3 decades, dark of moon, longest sun. The songbird does not sing. A tower is built. Blood fights blood. One seeks to gain by giving, the other seeks to gain themselves. You are the spanner".
To disable the reactor:
Get a crowbar (ideally a really big one). Throw it on the bus-bars (from at least 30 feet, preferably further away). Step back to avoid the vaporised remains of the crowbar. The safety systems will shut down the reactor
Throw a grenade (or equivalent) at the low pressure turbines (the biggest ones). This will fill the room with 120 degrees celsius of fairly low pressure steam.
Identify the gamma alarm, and trigger it (you would need to look around, and this might take 10 seconds, it could take 10 minutes)
Go to the observation area and press the "trip" button.
Open a load of panels, see what's in there, and work out how to trigger an alarm (probably only needs 10 successes on Electronics + Logic with a threshold of 1 combat turn)
Open a load of panels, and rip out a load of electronics and hope you damage something important
Sadly you suspect there is no off button in the reactor itself.
Mar 2 2011, 12:55 PM
Was there any consensus on where our gear will be? I suspect we will be arrested with nothing worthwhile on us and have to aquire it during the mission?!?
Mar 2 2011, 01:57 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 3 2011, 12:55 AM)

Was there any consensus on where our gear will be? I suspect we will be arrested with nothing worthwhile on us and have to aquire it during the mission?!?
Basically anything with a decent concealment rating you can have. Aren's stealth skills are awesome, and he is the only one that wasn't arrest (although I haven't made that clear yet) and I am happy for you to load anything you can onto him, he can carry stuff to you as you are being shipped into Tzetlan camp 23 in cattle trucks. Alyena has a smuggling compartment in her arm, which I think currently carries very little.
So in a nutshell:
- Holdout pistols, small tool kits, small bits of jewellery are OK. Respirator OK
- Ambrose knows how he is carrying his potions around
- Commlinks can be smuggled in
- Foci I am assuming are sufficiently small that you can hide them, as long as they were disabled, or you had advanced masking
- Fearghas's spear/sickle thing I have sorted out for him: he's carrying it, but no one seems to notice it.
- Armour will be replaced by prison fatigues (Ballistic 0 / Impact 0 / Style very negative)
- You might want to invest in a geiger counter...
I'm mostly blurring over the details and not worrying about them too much
If I've missed anything let me know, and I'll give a yes or no..
I think you can be confident that there will be many weapons and ammunition inside the pyramid. Most armour worn by the guards will probably be in the nature of quick to put on flak jackets etc that can be worn by anyone.
On a second note I am assuming that your group name is now Ouroborus also known as in other tongues as Jörmungandr. Of course should we get to the end of the world it is prophesied that Jörmungandr will come out of the ocean and poison the sky ... I'll have to see if I can work that in...
@Ol'scratch: Tiny change I would like you to make. Elven queen name is Alachia not Alicia
Mar 2 2011, 04:33 PM
I'm in between meetings, so I can't regurgitate everything rushing around in my head, so more will come:
[ Spoiler ]
- Mandala will collect basics from his stash in the Tir -- commlink I think will be the only thing not taken from him as per your list of things that can be hidden while under arrest.
- Ouroboros (note the last vowel is an 'o', not a 'u') will remember I'm sure, but Mandala can be charged up with energy by Absorbing a spell cast at him, after which he can use that energy to reduce drain during his own casting. Once he knows we are going into a reactor, he will let folks know (in IC I hope to remember) that he can protect the team from radiation, since he has been working in L.A., but needs help to beef up his Drain resistance. This will be just before we enter the reactor. I know we probably don't need it, but he has been working in L.A.
- speaking of which, if he has time he will have to message his trideo exec buddy that something has come up, and can he delay the shooting of the deodorant commercial by a few days.
- again if there is time between being bitch slapped and getting arrested, Mandala will try to contact the Draco Foundation, and Aina in particular, to see if she knows anything about a box of Ysrthgrathe, and why the bitch would want it.
Ol' Scratch
Mar 2 2011, 04:36 PM
Sorry, I'm terrible with names.
And is it really possessed individuals that lose their creativity? I could have sworn it was the marked. Thanks for letting me know! It's an easy enough change to make in the post. But I do believe this revelation means one thing and one thing only: I need to play Earthdawn more.
Mar 2 2011, 04:39 PM
It is... That being said, our Nethermancer should have a better shot at recognizing Horror marks. Except of course, she's probably forgotten most of that stuff. I know my Wizard has forgotten more about Magic than he remembers.
I dmed Earthdawn for 10 years

It's by far my favorite world/system. Even more so than Shadowrun. (except I can't find anyone to play it with me) So this game fills a happy niche for me.
I also love how we're all so respectful of Queen Alachia
Mar 2 2011, 04:49 PM
Stuff Marduk would do/have with him.
His 2 foci, and his Commlink. They're pretty small.
Marduk doesn't believe in guns. That's what Crushing Will is for.
As for research. Marduk is going to spend some time doing internal memory searches to try and remember everything he's forgotten about Ys and that last fight they had.
I have 1 problem, I don't have access to a hosted dice rolling system from work. I usually just use and enter the dice rolls in posts? Is that okay?
Memory Test: Logic + Willpower 8+7=15 6 2 5 2 1 4 5 3 6 1 6 5 5 1 1 (7) hits
Ol' Scratch
Mar 2 2011, 04:59 PM
^ On that note, I did include a similar roll in my first IC post (I just failed to declare it properly). The results of the roll and which skill I used are in the "
revelation" link in said post.
Mar 2 2011, 05:20 PM
Yes I like Earthdawn. We played Earthdawn for a couple of years, mostly from the point at which the Kaers opened and early expansion of the cities. We used variant rules but the setting is nice. Mostly I like that its about hope: the bad times are over and its time to create a whole new world.
I'll need your help to keep me canon (when I pnp GM I never worry about canon as none of the players ever read the books)
Back to the horror mark. IIRC to spot one you use your astral sense vs the spell defence of the horror. I'm not sure of Ol'scratche's diagnostics were the correct route, but the result of his and his helpers assensing is that you decide that the mark over Ol'scratch's liver is indeed a horror mark. The mark is a snake curled around the liver with its fangs deep inside the large bloodvessels.
All of you remember this stuff. Roughly put
- The main way to get horror marked is to use raw magic (like you do with the spellcasting skill) in astral space tainted by the horror
- The horror mark allows the horror to use its powers, and communicate with the target. The closer you are the more unpleasant the effects that it can use
- After a year and a day, the horror can choose (at no cost) to renew the power
- It is possible to break the link with enough range...maybe.
- The Horror can probably use your edge, or give you edge.
Its easy to get rid of the Mark: Kill the horror, or persuade it to remove the mark.
It is of course possible to use the Mark to astrally track back to the horror. This is a astrally powerful group, so you could go and visit it if you want.
I should say that while I am being very cavelier with you all and giving many of you unpleasant experiences, I am just doing this to set the scene, and I may do it at the start of memory sequences as well. When we move to the game, if I want to (say) capture you alive, the bad guys will have to roll die, and do it properly!
Ol' Scratch
Mar 2 2011, 05:24 PM
Don't feel bad about it at all! I, personally, enjoy being a GM's chew toy. Makes things interesting.

(And did it really have to be his liver? I guess that makes sense giving his drinking problem though.)
Mar 2 2011, 05:31 PM
The horror can also.. cast spells through the horror marked person. Not just /at/ the Horror Marked person, but using the Horror Marked Person's senses to obtain LOS. Freaking Horrors. Most Horrors that are worthy of the name have the following powers:
Increase Karma Die - this would probably look like increasing your 'edge score' for the purpose of rolling. SO lets say you decide to use Edge, and your Edge Score is a 4. You might get 5 dice or 6 dice extra instead of 4. Doing this though, increases the hold the Horror has on you.
Karma Drain - Horror can just eat up your Edge dice
Karma Block - Horror stops you from being able to use edge
Twist Fate - They can force a reroll of your dice, especially edge dice.
Horror Mark
Skin Shift.. actually I'm /positive/ that Marduk has burned that memory from his mind.
Just to name a few fun ones.
Mar 2 2011, 05:46 PM
OK answering questions:
@Pbangarth: roll me some charisma + ettiquette (10 will do ), and I'll tell you what happens with Aina.
@sabs: Its ok to do the die rolling like that. If I need a really important one, I'll ask for a hosted service, but I don't think thats going to be very often (if ever). 7 successes is good. You have heard of Ysrthgrathe being spoken about. Its fairly common knowledge that it and Aina Dupree had a child called Thais. You can look up any thing you want on Google, and its likely close to the truth. You yourself (as far as you know) have never met Ysrthgrathe (for which you are grateful). You vaguely remember seeing a box like that, and it being important, but you are sure it was back in the 4th age, and you have a vague vision of the box sprouting thorns and bleeding... But then again with Queen Alachia around, its hard to avoid that imagery.
@Ol'scratch. I missed the 9 successes on recognising/percepting Thais. You recognised him from his description, seeing straight through his (quite seriously powerful) illusion. With that many successes you saw that he was tired and worried: emotions that you don't normally associated with the horrors.
Mar 2 2011, 05:55 PM
You say I've never met Ysgarthe, but Bjorn was created by Ysgarthe. So, did we run into him in a Kaer abandoned by Ysgarthe?
Okay Knowledge of Ysgarthe scrubbed from memory
Mar 2 2011, 06:09 PM
As far as you know Bjorn has created by some horror that you defeated shortly after the kaers opened. You vaguely remember a skyship, a ravaged windling kaer, and a horror that was doing some hideous ritual that you interrupted. The ritual imploded and the horror was either banished or defeated. I'll ask Bjorn to correct his character sheet.
Mar 3 2011, 02:18 AM
Contacting Aina: CHA 8 + Etiquette 1 = 9 dice
10 rolls:
Hmph ==>
Mar 3 2011, 09:02 AM
Ryl will do her hacker thing while we are in the air and check the commlink security of the team...making sure everyone is running upgraded Firewalls and Encryption (can I copy my programs onto their comms - including tacnet?). Is there a benefit in slaving their comms to mine?
I assume that when I'm in drake form my comm still works, just that I can't access it...?!?
I will also download some Spannish linguasofts for anyone who needs them
Mar 3 2011, 09:29 AM
I assume that when I'm in drake form my comm still works, just that I can't access it...?!?
If you want you can have the commlink on an elastic bracelet, so its still there when you you are in drake form. I'm not too sure how drakes can interact with AR/VR..does anyone know
Mar 3 2011, 12:28 PM
They can't! They can't even use trodes! I went for the implant because it seemed reasonable at the time but I won't if it means it stops working when I shift...can't have the tacnet go down for everyone else even if I can't use it at the time...
...although there is stuff in Big D's will for companies working on the matrix problem for drakes and I know Transys is working on it...
Mar 3 2011, 12:35 PM
Well, the tacnet can also switch to running on one of our commlinks, if necessary.
Mar 3 2011, 12:38 PM
Just a note for the tacnet (I am all for the tacnet if you can pull it off): You all need to have lots of sensors to make it work. IIRC its 2 sensors per level of the tacnet.
Assuming you are going for a tacnet 4 (which you have enough numbers to support), you will need to have 8 sensors.
Mar 3 2011, 12:56 PM
I have yet to buy gear for Mandala. If he needs tacnet software/hardware, let me know. I should warn you though, he goes astral a lot. He also has the Mindnet spell, for linking the team under conditions that may disallow commlinks.
Mar 3 2011, 01:06 PM
@Pbangarth. Sadly you cannot benefit from tacnet as you are a spirit and cannot use AR/VR. Plus it will be really hard for you to have a commlink (or in fact any physical object) as you will be constantly moving between the astral world and the mundane world.
I think the friends pact is awesome for things like this. Gives you communications at a range of 10*magic metres (admittedly they can only talk to you) but my free spirit has found it awesome in infiltration scenarios. The downside of loosing force if some one dies is unlikely to be much of a problem in this game: immortals by their nature don't die very often. Bad things can happen to them, and they might want to die, but they are really hard to kill.
Mar 3 2011, 01:47 PM
QUOTE (Seth @ Mar 3 2011, 01:38 PM)

Just a note for the tacnet (I am all for the tacnet if you can pull it off): You all need to have lots of sensors to make it work. IIRC its 2 sensors per level of the tacnet.
Assuming you are going for a tacnet 4 (which you have enough numbers to support), you will need to have 8 sensors.
Was going to go for a lvl 1 for just a minor boost but means more of the team will be able to use it because of the sensors issue...
Mar 3 2011, 02:57 PM
well, we should put together a quick list of 'sensors' that most of us could be carrying.
Seth, can we talk quickly about Group Pattern and the kind of threads we might have had a long time ago that would be resurfacing as the magic level goes up?
Mar 3 2011, 03:26 PM
You think that the mana levels are now strong enough to reaffirm,your group pattern. Your group pattern required an annual ritual to empower it, and you haven't done that for a few thousand years. In fact you cannot really remember how to perform it: but that's ok all you need to do is go back and reenact creating it the first time.
I suspect that with the time constraints I have given, you won't have the option to re-empower the pattern before breaking into the reactor. (Mostly I have the scenario for the pyramid sorted out, and am keen to play it).
I am hoping that we conclude "Shadow's Dawn" in a reasonable amount of time (a few months) and can continue into the next scenario. If we do that, I suggest that we spend some time in Earthdawn remembering how to re-empower your group pattern.
Mar 3 2011, 04:15 PM
QUOTE (Seth @ Mar 3 2011, 08:06 AM)

@Pbangarth. Sadly you cannot benefit from tacnet as you are a spirit and cannot use AR/VR. Plus it will be really hard for you to have a commlink (or in fact any physical object) as you will be constantly moving between the astral world and the mundane world.
I think the friends pact is awesome for things like this. Gives you communications at a range of 10*magic metres (admittedly they can only talk to you) but my free spirit has found it awesome in infiltration scenarios. The downside of loosing force if some one dies is unlikely to be much of a problem in this game: immortals by their nature don't die very often. Bad things can happen to them, and they might want to die, but they are really hard to kill.
Yes, I foresaw the communication/gear issue when I chose the Mindnet spell. It being Extended, the range can be amazing.
My other Free Spirit has the Friendship Pact, but her situation puts her in much more danger of losing Force. It has made me a little gun shy of that Pact. Again, Mindnet makes up for it to some degree, and Power Pact has its own fun aspects. Given that you are allowing us to gain Karma normally anyway, I would rather not use Friendship Pact.
Ol' Scratch
Mar 3 2011, 05:01 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Mar 3 2011, 06:28 AM)

They can't! They can't even use trodes!
I'm pretty sure that they can use 'trodes in their metahuman form, just like dragons. It's the drake form that cannot benefit from them.
I went for the implant because it seemed reasonable at the time but I won't if it means it stops working when I shift...can't have the tacnet go down for everyone else even if I can't use it at the time...
It won't necessarily go down for everyone else, it'll just become less effective since it'll lose access to your data.
...although there is stuff in Big D's will for companies working on the matrix problem for drakes and I know Transys is working on it...
<coughs>Anyway, regarding connectivity, my character (Ambrose) is somewhat paranoid. He has a secure commlink dedicated to his PAN, but he keeps it completely wireless and never uses it for communication, which also means he won't be able (or more correctly, won't be willing) to share the data from the few sensors he has in his monocle and the like. Instead, he has a cheap CMT Clip that's probably full of adware, trojans, and virii that he basically just uses as a cellphone. So you probably don't want that connected to a network. I do have enough cash to buy a Micro-Transciever, and I can probably throw a couple sensors into that as a dedicated system, but he'll be operating it manually and only when absolutely necessary.
Think that'll work? (And hey, this gives me an idea for a new alchemical potion... will have to work on it once we get some down time...)
Mar 3 2011, 05:17 PM
OK Guys its the 3rd today, and we kick off the game proper on the 7th.
Are there anymore things people want to do? As examples:
- There are quite a few missing pieces in the security briefings that you might want to find about
- There is the encrypted stuff and a node address you might want to go to
- You all have other contacts and relationships that you can chase for information.
Mar 3 2011, 05:24 PM
Marduk would have liked to speak with Hestaby before leaving. If that was.. possible. Though he might have been seriously worried about The Thornies, and distracted by that.
Mar 3 2011, 05:27 PM
Marduk would have liked to speak with Hestaby before leaving. If that was.. possible. Though he might have been seriously worried about The Thornies, and distracted by that.
I'm a little slow..."The Thornies"?
Can you give me around 10 charisma + etiquette rolls, what sort of questions are you asking?
Mar 3 2011, 05:36 PM
Alachia and her children :)
Really, it's what he calls all the Blood Wood Elves, in the modern age. He's kinda hoping that the magic level will get high enough that the Ritual of Thorns will reactivate and make their lives a living hell for a couple thousand years again. :-)
Going to be asking, What wasn't in this lovely briefing. Why would Jenna have a Box made from Ysgarthe. Basically just trying to get more information out of Hestaby (hoping our Relationship of 5 will make him open up a bit more)
10 Rolls Charisma 4 + Etiquette 2
1) 1 3 1 6 1 6 (glitch)
2) 4 3 4 2 2 1 (0)
3) 3 6 1 2 6 3 (2)
4) 3 1 3 4 4 4 (0)
5) 3 5 3 1 3 3 (1)
6) 4 1 3 3 5 5 (2)
7) 4 5 2 6 5 3 (3)
8) 6 3 4 6 5 3 (3)
9) 1 3 1 4 2 3 (0)
10) 2 3 5 1 1 4 (1)
I am the mighty mighty roller of etiquette. I should have taken a specialty in Dragons :)
Ol' Scratch
Mar 3 2011, 05:44 PM
Don't you get to add any Loyalty rating as bonus dice to get your contacts to reveal the information they know? Then again I don't know how that'll work with the Relationships bit.
Anyway, I didn't realize we had quite this much time before things went down. I thought it was much more of a rushed scenario. If possible, I think Ambrose may request a video conference with Celedyr, politely asking for his assistance in learning more about what is going on (particularly with the Matrix stuff) as well as asking for his counsel on the matter as a whole. After a moment, he will also hesitantly tell him about his encounter with Trais, praying that 10,000 years of friendship doesn't get wiped away by an 'accidental' Thor Shot.
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