Oct 12 2011, 12:22 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 7 2011, 08:25 AM)

I suspect I don't even have to roll anything as I have 6 hardened armour in drake form (and higher armour than that because of my adept powers...) but maybe I'll make some's no fun if it's too one sided

Ok, been's my combat roll
Breath Weapon 15D [9P, AP-, Elemental Effect: Fire ½ Impact Armour] 8 hits!!!
Dodge 16D (-3D which I forgot)= 4 hits and 3 no luck there even if they could touch me...
Let me know how much carnage I do and then I'll IC it or leave it to you
Oct 14 2011, 08:18 AM
I don't think Mandala saw the dwarf, did he? Nope.
Hope you are having a nice time in Liverpool. I have to say "Capital of Culture 2008" or not, it's not my favorite city.
You can instruct "your" mooks on your next go (simple action to instruct all of the them to do the same thing, or a simple action to command one to something). Until you instruct them they are still "my" mooks. Mu ha ah.
Combat link is on bad guys are making 10 attacks on you over the fight. Can you make 8 more defences. They are not -1 per extra defence, as the attacks are scattered and I knocked three off your defence.
I edited the damage a bit in the original post(forgot you hardened armor, so I reduced the damage a bit so it might do you some good)
The base damage is 5P, so if they get 2 nett hits they have enough to get through your hardened armor
The breath weapon is impressive and as long as they don't chew you up, you can break the winches.
Just remind me "what wandering question"?@general
I'm mostly waiting for you guys.
Alyena/Fearghas have started the combat at the air defence. Alyena has acted, waiting for Fearghas
Marduk/Mandala you can do what you want. Marduk saw a dwarf go in below. The Air defence has a huge magical ward around it (stuff can go out but it's harder for stuff to go in). Mandala you could be there in a heartbeat.
Oct 15 2011, 02:33 AM
I sure had a good time in Liverpool, though. And checked out a hill in the Lake District that has had the name The Bangarth for a few hundred years. Got a local archaeologist checking it out, too!
OK, before I cut out for another couple of days, Mandala will scoot over and do a number on a ward around a defensive weapon. #1 I guess.
IP 1 go astral. Oh! Hey! Air elementals can aid sorcery for combat spells in Mandala's tradition. And look! Here's one asking what to do next!
IP 2 zip to the ward with his elemental buddy and Shattershield it: Oh. Gotta switch spells in the matrix power. So he'll put Shattershield in it and be ready for next combat round.
Any sense what Force the ward is? Should I assense it?
INT 8 + Assensing 4 + specific thing being looked for 3 = 15 dice ==>
9 HITSOhhhkaaaayyyyy.... he know's its mother's maiden name, and in fact the date she lost her maidenhood.
He will adapt the power of his spell to the ward's Force.
Oct 15 2011, 07:29 AM
You suspect the ward is a rank 10:
See the clueYour IP1:
Lol. Well I bet that's not covered in the rule book: spirits aiding other spirits. We can treat it the same as "Calling" which I suspect works for spirits. Sure go with it. Instruct the spirit while you are going astral.
Oct 15 2011, 12:57 PM
Damn. I looked for that clue and couldn't find it. Of course, I was doing it at 3 am Liverpool time. Thanks.
Oct 15 2011, 06:19 PM
Ok, 8 more defends at 13D...I suspect none get through...?!?
13d6.hits(5) → [2,1,3,2,3,4,5,5,5,2,5,5,5] = (6)
13d6.hits(5) → [4,2,3,2,6,5,1,2,6,4,1,6,2] = (4)
13d6.hits(5) → [2,2,4,6,1,5,4,6,5,4,3,3,5] = (5)
13d6.hits(5) → [3,2,2,4,1,1,2,4,6,4,6,2,6] = (3)
13d6.hits(5) → [6,1,2,4,3,4,4,1,6,6,4,5,5] = (5)
13d6.hits(5) → [1,4,5,5,3,4,5,2,2,4,4,2,5] = (4)
13d6.hits(5) → [3,6,1,5,2,1,5,5,1,1,1,5,2] = (5)
13d6.hits(5) → [3,1,6,6,4,1,4,5,6,1,2,3,6] = (5)
Oct 15 2011, 07:05 PM
@Aria the 4th one hits you but bounces off your hardened armour.
Oct 16 2011, 01:02 AM
Ready set glove slap. I was referring to this question.
QUOTE (Sephiroth @ Oct 4 2011, 02:33 PM)

[The tenth hour, Day of the Bull, Month of the Dragon, 1700 TH - Between the endless stairway and the roof near air defense one]
I wonder, will the Horror know now that I am clearheaded and not bound by the mentalities I had during these years?
F4 Phantasm roll (not that it should matter in this instance

): Magic 6 + Spellcasting 6 + Illusion 2 = 14d6 =
4 hitsDrain: Charisma 12 + Willpower 5 = 17d6 =
4 hits.
Oct 22 2011, 01:18 PM
Work has been horribly busy. Hopefully I have a few weeks now when that is not so,
Nice invite to duel. Unfortunately he cannot formally duel you, as that needs seconds and stuff, and anyway he is a military officer forbidden from duelling on duty. However he has set him men to killing Alyena, and seems bent on fighting you himself. Nice piece of double think you!
Speaking and glove slapping obviously takes no time so:
Delaram 24 (Air dance + cobra strike)
IP 1
Tiger spring + movement to get into position.
IP 2
Still moving
IP 3
Acrobatic strike
7 successes gotta love those auto successes
Base damage 5P AP -4
You need to decide what to do...
- Go help Fearghas/Alyena
- Investigate the Hall
- Go help Ryl
- Send the elemental to do some of the above
You have acted on IP1, so carry on. The group charging you won't be here until the end of next round
You can IC hacking your ship free from the Snake's Fury, and heading towards the Hall of Twin Axes.
Oct 22 2011, 03:24 PM
OK, Mandala is over at the ward around Air Defense #1, and has Assensed it to determine its Force. Having done so, he wishes to Shattershield it. The friendly, helpful elemental is there, and Mandala would like to ask it to aid his sorcery to shatter the ward. I'll do that in IC and wait to hear its answer and if affirmative find out the elemental's Force in order to do the dice roll here.
Oct 24 2011, 12:28 PM
Was that melodramatic and swashbuckly enough? I could probably do better with more sleep
Oct 24 2011, 02:13 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 24 2011, 07:28 AM)

Was that melodramatic and swashbuckly enough? I could probably do better with more sleep

Without a doubt, all hands have girded themselves, and consider themselves honoured to be here this day of days!
Oct 24 2011, 02:37 PM
Marduk will investigate the Hall, suffering from a distinct lack of ability to fly rapidly

stupid 1000meters/round moving spirits. *grumble*
I know the Dwarf is invisible, but I should be able to assense him and see a giant glowly aura of an invisibility spell.
Oct 24 2011, 02:49 PM
I'm moving this weekend, and so next week I may have spotty connection for a few days. I'm going to try to do as much as I can this week. In that regard, I will make a couple of assumptions about the air elemental and hope Seth doesn't get too mad.
Assumptions: 1) Force 5, and 2) will Aid Sorcery the Shattershield
Mana barriers can be bolstered with Counterspelling to resist Shattershield (SM p. 165) so this ward could be pretty tough.
Shattershield Force 9: spellcasting 3 + Magic 9 + talisman 1 + aid sorcery 5 + Edge 8 = 26 dice
I had such high expectations. i feel so ... deflated. Can't use Edge or a DM point to fix this.
So damage is 9 + up to 5 more.
Drain 5S
resist 19 dice ==>
no drain
Matrix drain 5S
resist 10 dice ==>
2 HITSI already have 2 points of this drain, and we're in a fight now. OK, use a point of Edge to get 8 more dice, exploding sixes
8 HITSAlright, where's the camera? Who's playing with my mind? 'Fess up.
[ Spoiler ]
Dream Manipulation points 15-7=8
Edge 8-4=4
Oct 25 2011, 09:28 AM
Assumption: force 5, force 8. the extra 3 die got you another success.
5 hits is good! Mind you 26 die is pretty damn good.
Barrier rolls it's rank to avoid it. You will be pleased to know that there wasn't a counterspeller supporting it: 3 successes.
By my calculations you did 9+5+1 = 15 damage, the barrier has a rating of 10 and reduced that down to 12 damage. The barrier has 13 close and yet not quite. On the astral the barrier goes red and starts to crack
Aside: Just confused why you rolled drain twice. The matrix is just a "time sink". It takes time to put the spell in a matrix but does not cause or add to drain. Also remember that the enhanced matrix reduces the drain by a point.
The door way is open a crack: the invisible dwarf left it slightly ajar. Looking inside the hall crackles with magical energies. The hall is long and thin: looks a bit like the English Parliament house of Lords: nice expensive looking padded benches. There are some Golems on the sides: you count 5 each side. Each golem is effectively a possessing spirit in a homunculus: the suit of armor. There is a cheap looking folding table in the middle, and some guards: an obsidiman, a troll, 2 lizardmen and 2 humans are playing cards. There are large steins full of small beer (looks like they don't want to get drunk, but don't mind having a good time).
Inside the hall you cannot hear any sounds from outside: there is a magical damping anti-sound field. The guard's look oblivious to the Sphinx, the breaking of the dome, and the devastation outside.
At the end of the hall, is a throne made of gold. A work of art: beautiful filigree work. There is a chest with a cushion on it to the right of the throne, and on the cushion is a Crown. The throne is astrally warded with one of the more potent wards that you have seen (it's up there with Warder's craftsmanship).
Can you make an assensing roll to see the Dwarf?
Oct 25 2011, 01:46 PM
QUOTE (Seth @ Oct 25 2011, 04:28 AM)

Assumption: force 5, force 8. the extra 3 die got you another success.
5 hits is good! Mind you 26 die is pretty damn good.
Barrier rolls it's rank to avoid it. You will be pleased to know that there wasn't a counterspeller supporting it: 3 successes.
By my calculations you did 9+5+1 = 15 damage, the barrier has a rating of 10 and reduced that down to 12 damage. The barrier has 13 close and yet not quite. On the astral the barrier goes red and starts to crack
Aside: Just confused why you rolled drain twice. The matrix is just a "time sink". It takes time to put the spell in a matrix but does not cause or add to drain. Also remember that the enhanced matrix reduces the drain by a point.
I've rolled the second Drain resistance a number of times. I thought there was a Drain for using a matrix, 2S per level, and that the Drain stats for that were Willpower + Body. Is this not so? If not, then Mandala has no matrix Drain at the moment and didn't need to use a point of Edge to reduce the Drain from the matrix in the last spell casting.
As far as the ward goes, it won't refresh till the end of the combat round, so another blast from Mandala in IP 2 should do it. That's what he will do. Now that he knows how the ward resists he won't ask the spirit for an Aid Sorcery this time. Oh, just to add to the confusion, Drain for this spell is (F/2)-3, not (F/2)+1 as I had it last time. D'uh.
Shattershield F9: Spellcasting 3 + Magic 9 + Talisman 1 = 12 dice
3 HITS *sigh*
OK, I'll throw in that Edge that I didn't have to use last IP: 8 dice exploding 6s
So, 9 DV and 9 hits on the spellcasting.
Drain is (9/2) - 3 = 1
resistance 19 dice ==>
9 HITS no Drain.
[ Spoiler ]
Dream Manipulation points 15-7=8
Edge 8-4=4
Oct 25 2011, 02:36 PM
2 4 3 1 4 6 6 5 3 5 3 1 6 (5) hits
Uh, wow, that's a lot of Adepts I can't do anything about. Too bad, this room looks like it could be important.
Nov 2 2011, 07:01 PM
Sorry for a weeks silence. I am ill at the moment. ETA for getting better: weekend.
Nov 4 2011, 05:59 PM
No probs, my new place won't have internet till Tuesday, so I am glad things hae slowed.
Nov 7 2011, 04:54 AM
QUOTE (Seth @ Oct 22 2011, 08:18 AM)

Nice invite to duel. Unfortunately he cannot formally duel you, as that needs seconds and stuff, and anyway he is a military officer forbidden from duelling on duty. However he has set him men to killing Alyena, and seems bent on fighting you himself. Nice piece of double think you!
Delaram 24 (Air dance + cobra strike)
IP 1
Tiger spring + movement to get into position.
IP 2
Still moving
IP 3
Acrobatic strike
7 successes gotta love those auto successes
Base damage 5P AP -4
*bows* Thank you sir. I have returned from the depths of lots and lots of midterms and awful classwork and other associated crap. Let me get this taken care of.
Initiative: 3 Reaction + 5 Int + 2 Elemental Long Spear = 10d6 =
4 hits + 2 auto successes from Air Dance = 16. Not quite as impressive as the 2070's Fearghas, but that's ok.
IP1: Drop Phantasm, go into full defense using Anticipate Blow and a full parry. Parrying monsieur Delaram: Reaction 3 + Blades 4(5) (+2 Spears) x2 + Combat Sense 5 = 22d6, also using a Dream Manipulation point because present-day Fearghas likes to do overkill = 22d6 + Edge 3 = 25d6.hitsopen(5,6) + 1 auto success from Anticipate Blow (I don't think the magical tacnet applies here, because Alyena and I are going against different targets, right?) =
9 hits = 10 hits
Bad luck roll:
1 Oh no...
Nov 8 2011, 05:08 PM
Oh no...
Nov 10 2011, 03:11 PM
I am sorry to inform you all that I will no longer be able to take part in Dumpshock games.
I have enjoyed my time playing with all of you, and have many fond memories of interacting with you.
Unfortunately as some of you know, my business collapsed this year, and I am having to deal with the fallout from that. We went from a 70 man company to 50 to 20 to none in a short time. The financial and emotional fallout from that was and still is considerable. In addition I am starting a new business. As you are probably aware, the stress levels and time requirements of a start up are severe. I am working 16 to 18 hour days, and just don't have the intellectual capacity or imagination to spare to play a RPG.
I feel bad about leaving this game in a mess, but I am just unable to devote any time to it. My guilt over neglecting my GMing and playing reponsibilities is quite considerable.
I hope to be able to start playing dumpshock in a year or two (this is my third start I have a good idea how the lifecycle goes, and in a year or so the work will tail off, one way or another).
This has been quite a hard post to write, as I have quite an emotional attachment to all the people I have played with: bizarre as we have never met, but still...
I wish you all the best, and hope you are all still here in a year or two when I can come back.
Nov 10 2011, 03:14 PM
Good luck on your business venture.
It's a tough economy out there... but I hope it works out well for you.
We'll see you in a year or two
Nov 10 2011, 07:14 PM
We'll miss you, buddy. And we'll be waiting here.
Nov 11 2011, 09:06 AM
Yep, we'll all miss you - bookmarking this thread so we can all find it again if you are able to rejoin us!
Nov 15 2011, 05:22 AM
So.... is there any way we can salvage something from this campaign? I've been having fun.
Nov 15 2011, 12:27 PM
I have 0 idea of where Seth was heading.
I mean, I know Earthdawn like the back of my hand... but I honestly am not sure where he was heading.
Jan 21 2012, 07:41 AM
So is there a way this group could be redirected by a new GM?
Jan 21 2012, 12:50 PM
Hi People.
Well that was an unpleasant few months, but hopefully it is behind me

If you are up for it, I would be happy to start GMing it again.
I don't have enough time to play, but if you are happy with around 2 posts per week I can run it.
Jan 21 2012, 01:44 PM

Welcome back, hope things are looking up!
Jan 22 2012, 02:13 AM
yay seth!
Jan 22 2012, 05:27 AM
Fine by me, big guy! Welcome back, and I hope the worst of the ordeal in RL is past.
Jan 25 2012, 12:21 PM
Thank you all. Yes the worst of the RL stuff is over.
My plan is to do 2 posts a week: Saturday and Wednesday. Alyena is back in as well, so we should have enough people.
I'll do the first post this Saturday: I'm just reading the backlog at the moment, and going over my notes to check that I understand everything.
My intention is to do a recap of everything so far, so that we can all remember things, then I'll post you all meeting outside the Hall of Twin Axes.
Jan 29 2012, 12:34 PM
OK here is the summary of where we are. The last summaries I found were:
Round 18:;#entry1077868Round 20: other relevant posts are: revealed his plans in a monologue to Fearghas (got to love villains that monologue). I urge you to reread this: story so far
[ Spoiler ]
Approximate timeline of events as you now understand them
* Year 700 TH: The first horrors appear
* Year 1000 TH: The scourge begins
* Year 1262 TH: The wooden kaer of Wyrm Wood collapses. Blood Wood created by Alachia with Ritual of the Thorns.
* Year 1415 TH: The magic level in the world stabilises. You now remember that this is because the Therans had a magical effect that stabilized it
* Year 1420 TH: This is the time (plus or minus 50 years) that most Kaers opened.
* Year 1700 TH: You recovered a box (the cause of the magical stability) from the Hall of Two Axes from Great Thera, and triggered a revolution that meant the end of Thera as a power
* Year 1701 TH: You returned the box to Queen Alachia, who used it to gradually release the magical effect. Despite best efforts this unleashed devastation across the global: tidal waves, storms, rains of hellfire and brimstone. This was (and still is by those who know) believed to be much better than waiting for the effect to "snap".
* Year 2500 TH: The Ritual of Hiding was undertaken which hid elves / dwarves etc as humans to allow them to hide as humans for the period of magical famine
* The years of magical famine were unnaturally long, and it has been 10,000 years.
* Somehow Ysyrthegarthe hid in the box during the time of magical famine, you have anecdotal evidence (he revealed it in a dream) that this was a result of a deal between Alachia and Ysrthegarthe.
Approximate summary of events in the pyramid:
* You started underneath the reactor, and tunneled up through a weak point in the pyramid's defenses.
* Your mission was simple: kill warder to remove the magical wards around the temple, guard room 27a ensuring that no one got in it. Once Warder is killed, and the magical defenses are down, then the outside forces will assault the pyramid, and you can go home.
* You dealt with Warder, and discovered that he had been building up his own plan to deal with Ysrthegarthe.
* Unfortunately you dealt with warder, but the blood ward around the temple appears to have been constructed
* The blood ward had three pumps. You have destroyed one of them. You think that you probably need two destroyed to allow the external forces entrance. (It's called redundancy). The other two are in the temple, and in the room above the temple.
* You had a run in with the head of security: A cyberzombie who I like to call Major Nemesis, as he managed to escape you.
** As a side note, I expected you to run away from him: I intended that he would be too powerful to overcome, but ... hey ...
* During the fight with Major Nemesis, Fearghas was knocked unconsious, and conversed with the horror.
* You found about an NPC, who Ysrthegarthe regarded as "a perfect sacrifice": Angel the technomancer
* Angel is a child, and very naive. However her "friends" ZERO, MR CHIPS and GREMLIN had a plan to get her out
** The spirtes overhead Ysrthegarthe's plans, and realised you were coming. They put in place a plan to convert Jonathan to their side (rescuing his family). They planned to contact you and persuade you to help Angel. The "what's in it for you", is that Ysrthegarthe wants to sacrifice her to generate the power to open the box. If the box is's not going to be good for you.
* You have rescued Angel, defeating Spirit Bane (who lived up to his name). Marduk stabbed Spirit Bane with the dagger, and thousands of screaming enraged souls raced out. Marduk managed with an act of will to close down the outpouring of spirits.
* You rescued one of Alachia's Paladins who was being used by Ysrthegarthe to relive a memory in the past. Ysrthegarthe appears to be worried that you have studied "his" box in the past: enough to have enough of his true name to cause him problems.
You are currently heading into the past to recover this true name
Approximate summary of events in your current "memory quest"
* You are assaulting the Invisible Palace in Great Thera
* You were invited in to attend a ball.
* You have split into four groups.
** One to take care of air defence 1
** Another to take care of air defence 2
** A third to transport the White Rose to the Hall of two Axes
** A fourth to move to the Hall of Two Axes, and ensure that there are no unpleasant surprises waiting for the air ship
* You were opposed by both Ysrthegarthe and Harliquin
* Fearghas told Harlequin that "you were the good guys" and he has ceased to oppose you.
My understanding of the position is roughly:
[ Spoiler ]
In the pyramid
* There is a spirit apocalypse taking place in the pyramid: crazed spirits released from the dagger
* The apocalypse is ignoring you, as you are masking as crazed spirits, and they seem not to be attacking each other, and are now trying to break out
* Outside the pyramid is a full assault squad of "the good guys". Well when I say good guys, I mean "there's them and us, and they are part of 'us'".
* You mostly have free access to the basement (clear of spirits), and the first two floors (think poltergeist and chaos)
* The horror is currently ranting, and killing his minions in fury, as he has lost control of communications, and has no visibility of the basement.
* Your NPCs include:
** Angel: a technomancer who radiates an aura of golden beauty
** ZERO, GREMLIN, MR CHIPS who appear to be sprites that are working with/loyal to Angel
** Jonathan: a hacker whose family is held in an Aztech enclave. (Zero appears to have set a shadow team to free his family)
You have recovered your own personal Horror slaying kit created by Warder
* A skull: this is the skull of a body that Ysrthgarthe "wore" for a thousand years. The runes carved into are thaumaturgical "that which was once joined shall always be joined"
* A dagger which held many spirits, and provides invisibility to the horrors senses. It may be that striking with the dagger allows you to partially control the target of the spirits that are released.
* A book which is a magical tacnet detailing what is going on the pyramid
Your first trip to the past:
* You met the bird of hope
* you were responsible for the Valkerie briefcase bombing of Hitler
* you remembered the key to opening the demon door "27a"
In the present day you have now accessed room 27a in the basement
* It has an aura of golden beauty similar (if not identical to) Angel's aura
* It is full of magical loot: chests, scrolls, wands... treasure beyond imagining
** While in room 27a this was buffing you, while with Angel it currently isn't
Opening position in the past
* I am going to start were you have fought your way to the Hall of the Two Axes, and are meeting on the roof
* The door is ajar
* With you is the White Rose
Jan 30 2012, 06:35 AM
Great help. Seth. Thanks.
We left Mandala waiting to see the effects of his second attempt to break the ward around the one rooftop weapon. By your notes just now, are we to assume the weapon has been dealt with, and we are congregating at the landing point?
Jan 30 2012, 12:51 PM
Incoming!!! Brace for Impact...all hands to the guns... etc
Jan 31 2012, 03:15 AM
I'm back in as well. Good to see you again, Seth.
Jan 31 2012, 09:46 PM
I am in, though ack, I'm trying to load that part of my brain and having issues

hopefully I can sit down and read all those summaries soon.
Feb 4 2012, 10:29 PM
Well that took me a time to sort out what is happening, and who is doing what. Thank you all for registering an interest again. I'm not going to repeat an earlier mistake and do more recruitment, so here we go.
I have posted the IC opener, having gathered you all together. As you will see in the IC Post, the guard know something is up, but haven't seen you yet. Feel free to either plan, or just charge.
I think our active characters are:
- Alyena
- Fearghas
- Marduk
- Mandala
The Storm Swift is at hovering above the Hall with the wounded, and a reasonable number of NPC marines if you want to drag them down.
Feb 5 2012, 09:49 AM
QUOTE (Seth @ Feb 4 2012, 11:29 PM)

I think our active characters are:
- Alyena
- Fearghas
- Marduk
- Mandala
and me! and me!
Feb 5 2012, 09:54 AM
And Ryl!
Feb 6 2012, 08:54 PM
Want some initiative? 15D6 = 8hits! = 23 with 3 IPs

This version of Ryl is nasty!!!
Feb 6 2012, 10:19 PM
OK Banzai works. No subtlety. No stealth. Banzai!!!!
As you move into the golden aura the magic background is 6 points. The impact on your adept powers is enough, no need to reduce the Earth dawn effects.
I suspect you get all to go first as the guards won't be going until 15.
The twin elementals with you leap in, but shrink to a shadow of their former self, they go on 6.
Feb 7 2012, 03:24 AM
OK, Seth, do you subscribe to the reading many on DS give to BC that an instantaneous combat spell fired from outside into a BC is not reduced in Force, as are sustained spells? I'm not arguing either way, I just want to know how you are doing it.
Feb 7 2012, 08:12 AM
Hard questions!
Yes the rating is reduced. I followed the threads that argued the other way and to be honest I think that RAW and RAI the spells should work. As a GM here though I want the background count to be effectively be an "anti-magic shell", so I'll treat cyberzombies and golden auras as special.
Feb 7 2012, 08:28 AM
Hi all
Nice to be back after a tough few months. Looking forward to playing with you again.
I'm happy to back Ryl up if she's decided just to charge!
Will post more tonight
Feb 7 2012, 01:04 PM
QUOTE (Alyena @ Feb 7 2012, 09:28 AM)

Hi all
Nice to be back after a tough few months. Looking forward to playing with you again.
I'm happy to back Ryl up if she's decided just to charge!
Will post more tonight

It seemed the swash and buckle thing to do! And I'm a great big (mini) dragon so sneaking isn't her forte!
Feb 7 2012, 07:16 PM
I love this game, btu right now, I barely have time to think at work, much less try and post.
Sigh, I'm sorry. I love Marduk.
Feb 7 2012, 08:09 PM
Sad to hear it sabs. Hope things go well with you. Best of luck.
Feel free to join back in at any time.
Feb 14 2012, 05:42 PM
Have we hit another speed bump? CHAAAARGE!!!!
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