As you know this is my first pbp game that I am GMing, and I am struggling with how to manage time. At the moment we are all posting in an ad hoc way and that seems to be working OK. As I post Alyena is raining down unpleasantness on the spirits, and cleansing the air. Ryl has left her to deal with the threat, and is moving across to the door to investigate it. Ambrose / Ol'Scratch has sent me a PM and will be not posting for a few days at least. I'll wait until Wednesday pm for the rest of you to post, then respond IC. At the moment I don't think we need initiative as all the actions seem to be separate.
can you chance the post details of your matrix post to include the words "-flashback" in the "when it happened sections. The covers your question about when it happened: it happened some time before the mission began, and the exact when isn't important. Thanks for pointing out I was posting in the wrong game.
the spirits reel back under the effect of that most impressive spell, they are fairly blasted and are covering taking cover in the heart of the reactor itself, which seems to be regenerating them.
@sabs, now that I am replying for the correct game:
The door looks about as tough as you would expect the main gamma shield into a reactor. Its made of concrete, boron, lead and quartz. The window through the door looks to be 15 centimetres but you are good enough at science to realize that its probably a meter or more thick and the apparent closeness of the other side is because of the high refractive index of the "glass".
The OR of the door is three (its made of some fairly exotic materials and has some some simple electronics)
The analyse device on the door reveals:
- The primary purpose of the door is to act as a barrier between 2 places, to stop motion except that which is allowed.
- The allowed direction is to allow people in. People rarely leave through the door, and only when they leave the door open.
- Its other main purpose is to stop radiation coming out of the room
- A secondary purpose of the door is to inform others and raise an alarm when the door is opened.
- Another secondary purpose is to provide enjoyment for toxic priests
The psychometry reveals a very distressing image from the door of a series of people who are hammering on the door, and slowly dying while trying to get out. A snake headed man watches them through the window, and is using their deaths to feed his magic.
Now that you look you can see some scratch marks on the door.
Your guess is that the concrete here is 2 or so meters thick, as is the gamma shield.