The latest summary has the background count:
http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?show...t&p=1053822. Its zero in the basement. Its Aztech 4 on the ground floor. I've corrected my post, and Big Fella has corrected his.
You can have been casting spells in earlier rounds, just summarize them in the next post.
At the start of round 11, you can hear automatic fire from above. If you wanted to you could join the fight at the start of round 12.
could you correct the background count on this post please:
you will be happy to know there is no background count in the basementI'll clarify the physical situation:
Look at this map here Captain Zeia and her troops are moving pretty much as fast as they can without running, coming from the barracks, and are heading towards Warder's room. To get to Arren you have to go past them. If you survive contact with them, you can choose whether to keep on running (you are almost certainly faster than them), retreat into room 5 (through Warder's ward) where Alyena and Bjeorn are, or back down the stairs.
Into the "surviving the combat" bit:
Captain Zeia's surprise test 6 hits. You might want to spend an edge on your surprise: without it you will be partially surprised. That means that you do not get to dodge or defend. Having a Were Tiger sword witch with quick draw have an interception, unopposed double strike, and a finishing move at you is not my idea of a good time!
If you do decide to spend that point of edge, and she is surprised, she doesn't get to hit you.
If she isn't surprised, her attacks are:
Interception (free attack): 8 successes
Twin attack number 1: 5 successes
Twin attack number 2:2 successes
If any of those land
Finishing move (well named) 11 successes
Base damage for her Katana: 7P AP-2
Unopposed that would be 15P, 12P, 9P and 18P. Lets rename her Moulinex the incredible mincing machine. She is of course using twin magical foci.
On a side note, I just read your comments about the weekend: so best of luck with the wedding!
You probably want to have look at the map I gave Pbangarth. You are currently positioned just outside room 5 (in her and her guards direct line of sight). The two guards at the front of the pack have seen you, and will lay down supressing fire as they run. I would appreciate a surprise roll from you. If you surprise them, you can move through the ward into room 5, or retreat downstairs, or anything else you want. If you fail to get surprise, you can still roll your edge on resisting the suppressing fire (its normally reaction + edge)
My guards are sadly not as impressive as Captain Zeia
Guards surprise roll: 2 hits
Guards supressing fire roll: 1 hit and 1 hit
Should the guards hit (highly unlikely I suspect...I need to invest in some better guards) the damage of the bullet is 6P AP-1 (you would only take base damage as they are using suppressing fire)
'll wait to see what Marduk's doing, or Monday if no post, before I run the combat in room 5.
There is good news and bad news.
The good news is that the tacnet collapses (Marduk is glad that those guards didn't have another 4 die)
The bad news is that you have a visitor
Current position as I understand it at the start of round 11
General: The system is on alert status
Camera room: You are subscribed to the camera room, so that you can keep an eye on the cameras. The dogs in there are snarling, the guard is looking seriously worried, and he has whipped out a mean looking spear embedded with shards of volcanic glass. The dogs will start attacking the guard this round
Tacnet room: The initial entrance guard has come in, with his black IC. His IC will start attacking him this round too. He's actively looking for you as well, although he may be distracted real soon.
Can I get the following rolls from you:
- Matrix Initiative
- Matrix Perception (Computer + Analysis)
- Stealth (Hacking + Stealth)
A smooth looking gentleman in a bizness suit teleports into the node. Red Shirt. Black suit. Black shades. Power dressing. No apparent weapons. He's Jonathan.
Another leaf flys into your hand
PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM. HE'S NICEJonathans matrix perception (he's using his 2 free actions from multitasking to observe in detail)
5 and 7 successes. Jonathans initiative,
he goes on 17The fight between the guards and the black IC was short and brutal. This IC is pretty mean. The IC seems to be ignoring Jonathan and yourself (a result of your stealth, and his coolness you think)
The guards go on the same initiative as does the IC
Guards initiative 16 and 14
Black IC initiative 14 and 17 I think I should have rolled 2 more die (rating 6 black IC)
on 17: Black IC attacks on guard 1, using Blackout 4 and 5 successes Guard 1 defense 4 and 3
Guard 1 is hit for 7 and 7 damage. His soak is 3 and 4
Black IC guard 2, using Blackout 2 and 2 Guard 2 defence also 2 and 2
Guard 2 is missed
Summary: Guard 1 is savaged, Guard 2 is sweating but undamaged
on 16: The guards try and pull out 4 and 4 the black IC trys and stops them 4 and 2
Guard 2 vanishes from view, so Guard 1 is going to have a bad day
on 14: Black IC all strikes at guard 1, and the guard would try and pull out...but well...
Black IC 6,5,6 and 4
Guard's defence (-1 per defence after first) 2, 5, 1 and 3
Summary: Guard 1 goes down and the dogs start savaging his body...you suspect some unpleasant psychotropic effects are going off...
Can I get each of you to write up the IC posts?