Back. Its surprising that you can find a hotel without wifi any more. Still that was reflected in the price. I suspect we can move to IP 3 for everyone.
The following is my getting everyone up to
Agent doing good. Black IC nearly as good. I forgot to remove two die for second attack, so
5 successesBlack IC soakiness. Gosh they are tough. Your agent smashes hard into the IC, a few sparks fly, but nothing happens
7 successes on soakTwo miserable attempts!
Sorry the map was hard to find. At the beginning of the OOC thread is summary of summaries. I'll make it so that the map is on there.
Lean'drea goes invisible just before the machine gun nest opens fire on the cadavermen to protect Spirit Bane. This is suppressing fire, so it you need to avoid it too, using Reaction + edge. An unpleasant 6 hits on the unarmoured cadarvermen, and the unarmoured you (Base damage 6 AP irrelevant).
All off them are hit by machine gun fire. The bad news for the machine gun nest, is that
this mainly just annoys the cadarvermen. The good news for you is that on IP 2 they charge the machine gun nest (taking yet more suppressive fire which is
slightly more successful, but not really). You are not affected by the suppressing fire. On IP 3 they arrive and the shredding begins. There are more screams, more moments in which the entrails and gore hits the side of the room as the camera moves away from the horror. On IP 4 the shredding concludes.
Spirit Bane bangs away at the door on IP 1 and 2. He doesn't seem to be the bravest person in the world.
On IP3 a spirit manifests, and starts talks to Spirit Bane (see IC). Can you check that your invisibility still works (background now 6), and make me a masking roll? I suspect that you want to change your IC post, as the Cadarvermen ran toward's the machine gun nest being shot at, and I don't think you want to follow them into the machine gun fire.
Really cool idea labelling the Cadarvermen as friendly. It would be a complex action, and you would have to not be projecting (a free action to stop projecting). The really amusing thing for me of course, is that you arrive just as the other spirit arrives. The even better thing for me is that I didn't plan it: it just happened.
Can you roll surprise (I will give you +6 for ambushing them).
Surprise roll for the spirit (just the first roll of 10)I forgot that you are holding the dagger. The hooded spirit and the Spirit Bane appear to not see you. Feel free to do whatever you want.
The guard goes down. Very solid hit. Can you put this IC?
You probably want to make some matrix perception checks before moving in. Aria: you have multitasking, so they are free actions for you. I beleive you are on IP 2 Aria, and IP 3 Edana.
I overrolled the die that the guard's should have been using when I attacked you, so we are fudging the results a tiny bit, and will assume that the guard's attack once for a slightly better attack (I don't want you to have to go through those calculations again!)
I see there is a point in investing heavily in body...The fewer remaining guard's are shooting at you in IP 2.
They are not very effective, hanging in their by the skin of their teeths:
2, critical glitch, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1. I suspect you will dodge/soak them
The major's grenade goes off, and GREMLIN's last doberman in the storeroom is blasted. The damage where the Major is has dropped to about 4P. Everyone involved in that fight ignores it.