Yes, I know. I'm not arguing that; I guess I'm not explaining myself well.
QUOTE (Street Magic @ Background Count and Magic, pg 118)
Additionally, the process of gathering and shaping mana is more difficult in areas with background count, so the absolute value of the background count is also added to the Force whenever a character resists magical Drain.
You guys seem to be operating on the principle that Drain is only dependent on Force in the case of spells, but I am trying to point out that this is not the case; Drain also depends on Force for Summoning and Banishing, but in a different and more indirect manner.
QUOTE (SR4A @ Banishing, pg 188)
Banishing is the process of severing the tie between a spirit and summoner - in a way, it is the opposite of summoning/binding. ... The banisher rolls Banishing + Magic. The target spirit rolls Force if unbound or Force + summoner's Magic if bound.
Banishing causes Drain equal to twice the hits (not net hits) scored by the spirit on the Opposed Test (minimum 2 DV).
I'm saying that Banishing Drain is still dependent on Force, not because Banishing has a specific drain value for any given spirit Force, which it doesn't (unlike spellcasting), but because Drain is dependent on your hits for banishment and your Force affects how many hits you can get by determining how many dice you roll in the first place. I.e. banishing a Force 14 spirit will probably cause more drain than banishing a Force 5 spirit, because the first has 9 more dice to roll hits on than the second spirit.
So, in the case of background count, you would still add its rating to the Force for the purposes of drain resistance. This is what I am saying when I say you would roll a Force of 10 + Alachia's Magic:
-You start out as a Force 9 spirit (your natural Force). The Golden Beauty 4 domain reduces your Force by it's rating, bringing it down to 5.
-Spirit Bane tries to Banish you 'cuz he thinks he's super awesome. He rolls stuff.
-You add the absolute value of the domain to your Force. This is where I'm saying that your Force is unaffected
for the roll. Force 5 + domain 4 = 9. It's as if the background count isn't even there, but please note that your ACTUAL FORCE is still 5, not 9.
-But wait! You have the Ignore Background Count Spirit Power. This makes your ACTUAL FORCE 6, not 5. So Force 6 + domain 4 = 10 (I'm assuming that the power wouldn't work in Spirit Bane's favor by making it domain 3, since unaspected BGC is supposed to cripple you, not help you).
-End result: You roll your Force dice as if you were a Force 10 spirit, even though your ACTUAL FORCE is still 6 (and your Edge is still limited to 6 as such). Add binder's Magic as normal.
I hope that gave more clarity to what I was saying above.