Sorry if this is kind of a dumb question, but what generally would you as GM be looking for?
Not sure how to answer that. I've run this system on a tabletop game and it was lots of fun. There was some discussion over costs which doesn't translate to play by forum. So if you want to manipulate the dream, have a go and I'll tell you the cost. Turning a staircase into an infinite stairway with no exits is traditional, and costs 2..3 pts. I'd read the post and decide.
I note that this (and all threads) seem to have gone slow. Aria commented on the same in his thread. In this thread's case I suspect it is because the action paused, and we moved to the past (with me taking a week extra to actually do the move), and we are all stepping gingerly
I suspect this go slow mainly because it's summer break, so I will do my best not to succumb to the same malaise any more. I don't want the thread to die (I am enjoying the story, and the interaction with you all and would like it to continue), and I hope it picks up again after the holidays.
Back to the plot: My understanding of where we are (sleep deprivation is mostly over, replaced by memory loss)
Heading back to the Storm Swift. Needs get his Master At Arms to prepare the boat, and make a perception test
@Fearghas and Alyena:
IP 1. Cunning illusions, Possessed Dannrhil, my go to do stuff
Dannrhil will be engaging in melee combat with the guests.
Fearghas, cool illusion. It will probably work on the guards
The Singer is casting Mob Mind and saw through the illusion (she has cool adept powers) so please roll Willpower + Counterspell. Fearghas I suspect you are supporting Alyena in this. I'm not sure how this works in Shadowrun (in pnp we usually just take the biggest Counterspell, but I believe that they might stack in some way)
@Marduk and Mandala
IP 1: Big blast from Mandala, waiting for Marduk to decide if to change arcane muttering or go with a penalty to hit
@Boris and Immortal Li
I think its Immortal Li's go.
Note that as we are all in separate fights it's OK to get out of sync. I will ensure that we resync when ready to meet at Hall of Two Axes.