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post May 26 2011, 08:52 PM
Post #526

Running Target

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So, I just had this whole big post written up, and it had this squicky brain metaphor thing and everything, and then IE decided to not display the webpage and now the whole thing is gone. >=( I do NOT have the time to rewrite the whole thing right now.

Does Nopaltzin seem like the type of guy who'd be willing to talk to an enemy general, even if only briefly?
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post May 27 2011, 03:37 AM
Post #527

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (Seth @ May 26 2011, 01:39 PM) *
Mission goals
  • Warder has been slain...unfortunately while this brought down all the internal wards, it did not affect the external blood ward
  • The door to 27a has been opened, and you just have to hold it against attackers until the external forces arrive...which might not happen now the blood ward has not been removed

I believe our mission briefing said that Warder needed to be dead by 12:15 (implying the wards had to be down by then). That would suggest we still have over 13 minutes to meet this requirement. Am I reading this incorrectly?
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post May 27 2011, 03:57 AM
Post #528

Running Target

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Also Seth, how many troops are with Major Nopaltzin? They shouldn't have enough spirits to Movement-ify all of them, unless those two mentioned mages have a crapload of Charisma or have Invoked their spirits (oh jeez I hope not), since Movement is a single-target power (I just had to check recently for Jovan, that's why I'm bringing this up).
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post May 27 2011, 04:28 AM
Post #529

Old Man of the North

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This may be a fatal error on my part...

... but Mandala I believe is the one among us who is likely to be able to deal with the horrendous damage of the minigun. The damage is largely from the burst effect, which in the case of the Vindicator in Arsenal is +14 DV. But burst effect modifiers don't apply to the comparison between DV and hardened armor, such as in his ItNW (See Burst fire in SR4A).

So even if this is a heavy machine gun, the DV would be about 7P plus net hits, compared to Mandala's hardened armor of 18 - the weapon's AP. It should bounce off of him. Please straighten me out if this is not the way it works!

Anyway, I have to think about how to deal with the observer. I'll post in the morning.
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post May 27 2011, 05:48 AM
Post #530

Neophyte Runner

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Does Nopaltzin seem the type of guy to talk to enemy general? Well if you read his motivational speeches he is not a people person. He is a killing things sort of person. he is spinning up his mini gun as we speak and hes counting down the last three seconds to charge. I doubt if he is receptive to verbal communications

According to RAW (I am AFB so I may be wrong) a spirit can maintain movement on a number of creatures up to its power. The service to the spirit is probably "get us in their quickly". You know that the major has told 2 of his troops to "activate their spirits" whatever that means.

These guys are magically powerful, and this is the sort of time you use bound spirits (they are repulsing a special forces attack inside their defence, that has already crippled part of their defensive infrastructure, and they are under attack from the outside). They could easily have tens of bound spirits. Bound spirits are usually lower level than normally summoned ones though. See the response to Sabs

Warder had to be dead by 12:15. 13 more minutes of fun and games (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) . However its not quite that simple.

Whoever is attacking is also attacking Aztlan air space. They need to be in and out before the authorities can respond, and serious reinforcements arrive. The 15 minutes is probably the maximum time that you have, and they would be delighted if they could do it quicker.

As far as machine guns are going, I am using RAW. Thus the burst modifiers do not apply to the damage before hardened armour. However they do trash your defensive pool with wide bursts, and you can safely assume that these troops are experienced in fighting spirits. With 18 points of hardened armour the suppressive fire is extremely unlikely to affect you. Your "threat-o-meter" is off the scale with the major, so please don't assume that you can take his mini-gun (I'll probably use your 7P with AP-2), I am just giving you fair warning that you might not have considered something (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) . I have hinted quite a lot about the major's nature: he's not ... normal).

OK the magical tacnet tells you:
  • There is a horror in the temple. Its not bothering with masking any more (last time you looked you didn't see it).
  • There are around 20 guards in the temple
  • There is a priest with 2 guards and 2 spirits (of level a bit less than your magic rating) walking down the corridor on the second level
  • There is a bit of haze over the room where Angel is (the room that the priest is heading for), but you cannot see anything magically significant
  • Serious mojo is under way in the temple...your default assense die tells you they are summoning huge spirits, using the sacrifice of individuals to power them. Those spirits are being martialled in the temple (there are 5 with a level higher than your magic rating so far).
  • The pyramid's wards are under serious attack. Every round they are loosing 10..40 percent of their rating, then regenerating it
  • The demon in the door is...unpleasant.
  • There is a bit of a haze over the security area, so its hard to see precisely, but there are about a dozen tiny bound spirits there
  • The cadaver men are two rounds away
  • You know about the machine gun nests guarding access through the pyramid. They are all guarded by a spirit with less magic than your magic rating
  • There are some seriously powerful people in the basement...oh wait a minute that's you lot

If you want any more detail about anything just ask

Can you do me an assensing roll? With 6 success you see the way of invisibility adept in the store room (who you will discover is currently dual natured). You can use the power of the book to project there and wreck havoc if you want.
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post May 27 2011, 10:41 AM
Post #531


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I may need to modify my IC post as a general scan of hidden nodes (i assume they are hidden) will take me 5 combat rounds (see Invis Castle for rolls)!?! I suspect that even had I been scanning when the drones first activated that I don't have that kind of time? How do you want me to play this Seth?

If I had realised how important EW skill was I'd have got more than 1 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post May 27 2011, 02:22 PM
Post #532

Prime Runner

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Assenssing roll:
intuition(3)+assenssing(6)=9d6: 6 3 2 5 5 6 3 3 1 (4 hits) Which is a very nice roll, but not enough. Do I get any bonuses from the magical tacnet, the sword I'm holding, the Knife, or the Aura?
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post May 27 2011, 02:25 PM
Post #533

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (Aria @ May 27 2011, 10:41 AM) *
I may need to modify my IC post as a general scan of hidden nodes (i assume they are hidden) will take me 5 combat rounds (see Invis Castle for rolls)!?! I suspect that even had I been scanning when the drones first activated that I don't have that kind of time? How do you want me to play this Seth?

If I had realised how important EW skill was I'd have got more than 1 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

DId you not see how Sticks put it to good use against your Nasty little Technomancers?
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post May 27 2011, 03:51 PM
Post #534

Neophyte Runner

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The aura is a good question. I think I will let you have it (normally the aura subtracts from assensing, but this aura is actively helping you). I note you didn't include +3 for actively looking , and I will give you another +1 as you have been told "look there...the guys there...the third shelf". So you can roll 7 more die and add them to your 4 hits. This is a standard action, not a complex action. If you fail you can try again with -1 die as a second standard action.

I am a little confused as to what specifically you are looking for. Jonathan has given you the details of all the networks in the pyramid. You very quickly pick up the wifi in this room. I'll say it took you a free action (as you have multitasking) to link to the wifi.

I will post the Major's arrival Monday evening. Spirit Bane gets to angel at the end of these two rounds
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post May 27 2011, 03:59 PM
Post #535

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7d6: 3 4 3 6 6 5 4 (so that will be 6 hits total)

My second standard action will be to mark him on the tacnet, and prepare to cast mana bolt through the tacnet.

If I cannot target him through the tacnet, I will astrally project into the room.

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post May 27 2011, 04:23 PM
Post #536

Neophyte Runner

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You have to project into the room. At that point you can make an intuition + infiltration roll if you want to do it subtly.

You recognise Master Sergeant Huicton from the briefing: "Physical adept, specialised in melee combat and stealth".
He is masking (therefore an adept) He is healthy, an orc, not diseased, his magic is less than yours
He has a knife foci weapon, He appears to have no spells on him, although there is are spirit effects active on him (concealment, movement and magical guard you think)

A surprise roll is called for: you have +6 as he doesn't know about you, while you know about him.
He gets 7 successes.. Just call him Mr Speedy"

His initiative is 19, and it will be IP of 2 when this happens

If you don't beat his surprise roll of 7:
He will be physically attacking you with his knife on 19 if you don't surprise him, then running away. He has a funky martial arts power "cut and run" which lets him cut you and run away in the same action, so he will use wall running to run up the shelf, then up through Bjeorns hole (where Ryl is (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) )
Melee attack: 5 successes
Damage: 5P modified by nett successes.

If you do beat his surprise he will stand like a muppet for IP 2, then if he's still around he will cut and run

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post May 27 2011, 04:51 PM
Post #537

Running Target

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QUOTE (Seth @ May 27 2011, 12:48 AM) *
According to RAW (I am AFB so I may be wrong) a spirit can maintain movement on a number of creatures up to its power. The service to the spirit is probably "get us in their quickly". You know that the major has told 2 of his troops to "activate their spirits" whatever that means.

These guys are magically powerful, and this is the sort of time you use bound spirits (they are repulsing a special forces attack inside their defence, that has already crippled part of their defensive infrastructure, and they are under attack from the outside). They could easily have tens of bound spirits. Bound spirits are usually lower level than normally summoned ones though. See the response to Sabs

Movement is one of those powers that only works on one target at a time, since it has no clause stating otherwise and thus defaults to the Range clause's "unless otherwise noted, a power can only be used on one target at a time." Thus the only way for their spirits to be using Movement on all of the troops is if they have a bloody ton of them or the spirits have been Invoked (eep).

Somehow I feel like WE should have been given the chance to prepare bound spirits and viruses and trojans before coming here. =/ BUT THAT'S OK, BECAUSE THE CADAVERMEN WILL SAVE US! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cyber.gif)

That's Fearghas's plan for the moment. Delay the Major's arrival by sending Ambrose's spirit to inflict a little pain on the Cadavermen. Then sit back and let the carnage unfold.
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post May 27 2011, 05:33 PM
Post #538

Prime Runner

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Intuition+infiltration: 5d6: 4 6 3 5 5 (3) What can I say, i'm not a combat piece.
I have 3 IP this round, because I am astral.
Reaction(3)+intuition(3)+6=12d6: 1 6 6 6 6 1 4 6 6 2 3 5 (7) well, I rolled well, but I suspect a tie isn't good enough. Because his initiative is 19, and mine is 13.
Spellcasting attack: Magic(6)+Spellcasting(4)+Aspect(2)+Spellcasting foci(3)+Dagger of Death(?)=15d6 3 4 5 6 3 5 3 4 5 1 5 4 6 3 4 (5) hits.
Force 9 ManaBolt.
Drain: 5, 15d6 3 6 1 5 2 6 2 5 6 3 5 1 5 6 2 (8) no damage (although depending on his willpower test, up to 2 stun)
DV: 9+hits

remember that he has to use weaponskill+willpower+weapon foci to hit me, and not Agility :)

Melee Defense: Intuition(3)+closecombat(2)+=crystalsword?=5d6=5 6 3 6 4 (3) hits.
He'll get to hit me:
Damage is going to be 7P.
Soak: 6 4 5 5 1 3 5 (4) hits, 3P

Couple of questions:
I'm holding the Crystal Sword, and the Anti-Aztech knife, does either of those alter anything here. I have the Magical Tacnet.. do I get any 'tacnet' bonus of anykind in any of these rolls.
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post May 27 2011, 06:42 PM
Post #539

Neophyte Runner

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Movement is one of those powers that only works on one target at a time, since it has no clause stating otherwise and thus defaults to the Range clause's "unless otherwise noted, a power can only be used on one target at a time." Thus the only way for their spirits to be using Movement on all of the troops is if they have a bloody ton of them or the spirits have been Invoked (eep).

I interpret this differently. The section you have quoted is under range, and its saying (as I interprete it) each invocation of the power can only affect one target. The section under duration clearly indicated that the spirit can maintain a number of powers equal to its force. I thus am playing that each invocation of the power is like a spell, and the spirit can maintain a number of spells equal to its force. e.g. I activate the power "movement" on target 1. Then I active the power "movement" on target 2.

Any way even if I am wrong, for the last N years I have been playing that spirits can affect multiple targets (although they are capped to maintaining a number of powers equal to their force), and as GM I intend to continue. This is mostly of benefit to the players, as the bad guys have an unlimited number of magicians / spirits to accomplish the goals that I want them to undertake. The invocation of movement and concealment has saved the player's asses more times than I can count, and if I move to one target only per spirit there will be revolt and probably more deaths (in my pnp games anyway).

In this specific case it doesn't make much difference as the incoming troops are supported by a swarm of tiny (rank 1 and 2) bound spirits, rather than a couple of large ones. I am happy to make them all rank 1 spirits, and say each spirit is supporting one troop.
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post May 27 2011, 06:57 PM
Post #540

Neophyte Runner

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Well Sabs you are a lucky, lucky person:

Master Sergeant Huicton may be a follower of the invisible way, but he is not a follower of the perceptive way:
Perception check: 1 success

Thus you get to go first as he actually hasn't seen you. Thus he doesn't go until just after you in IP 2. (I had to re-read the section on surprise: you tied and he didn't see you)

Resist the mana bolt: 4 sucesses So you have 1 nett success.

The really good news is that he is extremely groggy from the bolt, and is -3 die on most things. This reduces his melee attack on you to 3 successes....which is a draw ... and guess who wins the draw

Somewhat more groggily than I had intended he then executes the "cut and run" and vanishes up Bjeorn's hole. (You can of course follow as you have astral speed).
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post May 27 2011, 07:00 PM
Post #541

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Oh, I am following. I afterall have 3 ips this round.. MUAHAHAHAHH..

Marduk might come to like this book (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post May 27 2011, 08:03 PM
Post #542

Moving Target

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I think Alyena might be best going astral and summoning a spirit of her own. Will then cast a Slaughter Spirit on the bad guy's friends.

Summon Spirit: 5 successes
Spirit's resistance: 1 success (yeah!)
Alyena resisting drain: 3 successes (phew!)

I now have a Force 7 Spirit of Man with 4 services....mu ha ha

Will give him the power to cast 3 of my spells... Mob mind, Heal and Stunball

Can I remain Astral and allow the spirit to possess my body? Haven't played much with spirits so not sure how it works (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Also, am I right in thinking that our friend the Major is a Cyber Zombie, given he has so little essence?
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post May 27 2011, 08:37 PM
Post #543


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QUOTE (Seth @ May 27 2011, 04:51 PM) *
The aura is a good question. I think I will let you have it (normally the aura subtracts from assensing, but this aura is actively helping you). I note you didn't include +3 for actively looking , and I will give you another +1 as you have been told "look there...the guys there...the third shelf". So you can roll 7 more die and add them to your 4 hits. This is a standard action, not a complex action. If you fail you can try again with -1 die as a second standard action.

I am a little confused as to what specifically you are looking for. Jonathan has given you the details of all the networks in the pyramid. You very quickly pick up the wifi in this room. I'll say it took you a free action (as you have multitasking) to link to the wifi.

I will post the Major's arrival Monday evening. Spirit Bane gets to angel at the end of these two rounds

I was looking for any wifi signals from grenades etc...air burst grenades have to be wifi enabled and i suspect explosives these day s are too
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post May 27 2011, 09:01 PM
Post #544

Neophyte Runner

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I was looking for any wifi signals from grenades etc...air burst grenades have to be wifi enabled and i suspect explosives these day s are too

Bah humbug. Grenades have signal 0 wifi max, timers and go bang. Air burst grenades work like this: with an accelerometer to do inertial tracking (they probably have signal 0 wifi for extra safety).

Anyway your scanning is not picking up any hidden stuff, although its picking up RFID chips from the wardrobe. The RFID's are declaring the clothes to be the propery of Ezhuahuacatl Opochtli.

In the room is a lot of dust and debris (-4 to visual perception: treat as smoke). There was a four poster with silk bed clothes...but thats mostly a pile of rubble with a hole through the middle of it.

There is a single door out, which to your magical perceptions has the traces of "once there was a very powerful ward, and it collapsed a few seconds ago when its creator died".

You are either holding your breath, using a respirator or coughing.

Can you make me a perception roll for IP 2 at -8? The background is Aztech 4 for assensing, and remember the smoke modifiers for visual (for what I want you don't get any thermal vision as Master Sergeant Huicton is wearing clothes that dampen thermal signatures). You only need 1 success to see him as he is not particularly stealthy right now. I wouldn't ask for the roll without the debris.

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post May 27 2011, 09:33 PM
Post #545

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I have updated the map

I hope it doesn't contradict anything that I have said up to date. (I forgot where I put the second two blood pumps, and its hard to read through all the posts)
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post May 28 2011, 01:02 AM
Post #546

Old Man of the North

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Man, I go away and pick up my daughter at the airport, have a nice dinner, and come back to find a fight broke out right in front of Mandala!

The map does not show Mandala, who is in the storeroom with the scout and others.

OK, here's his Initiative:

INT 8 + REA 4 = 12 dice ==> 2 HITS

==> Initiative 14

So, Mandala goes after the first flurry of spelling and resisting, which is just fine with me. But, what is the scout's Initiative? After it is reduced by 3. Does he beat Mandala? If so, that sucks, because I have been aching to try out an interesting idea for a while*, and Marduk's spell has set me up to do so.

Does the scout get out of the room before Initiative 14? Mandala's actions depend on whether he does or not.

*A spell leaves an astral signature. The target of the spell carries the astral signature. So whether the scout is masked/concealed, stealthy or whatever, there is a human-shaped astral mark of Marduk's spell heading along the wall for the hole. That could be dual-natured Mandala's target.

EDIT: Yes, yes, I know this can be used both for and against, but it seems legit as far as I can tell.
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post May 28 2011, 08:40 AM
Post #547

Neophyte Runner

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Sorted out the map.

Sadly Master Sergeant Huicton has a higher initiative (he had effectively a held action under the surprise rules...I had to read them a load of times, but I think I am correct)

Your idea of astral signatures I think is mostly invalid for attack spells. Attack spells damage you then fade. The signature stays around the place where the spell took place. I am not certain I am correct and I would put it on the main forum as a question if I were you. In any case he isn't actively hiding, and he has enhanced masking (its pretty obvious that if you can hide a spell you can hide the astral signature of a spell on you, otherwise enhanced masking would be pointless), so the answer wouldn't affect how we deal with this situation.

To see him upstairs you only need one success as he is not actively hiding, but the background is confusing (smoke and debris physical + aztech 4 background astrally). Don't forget the +3 for actively looking, but there is background and a -8 from concealment on him.
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post May 28 2011, 10:11 AM
Post #548


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QUOTE (Seth @ May 28 2011, 09:40 AM) *

Ummm...aren't Aleyna and Bjeorn ahead of me on the ground floor...with the scout coming up behind me?!? I thought I was following them through the hole not blazing a trail (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Ryl is pretty crap in the meat form when not a drake!

Assuming -3D for the dust and other mods (?!? Even a few more would still be a success) I got the measly one success to see the scout...not bad considering I'm looking through VR (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Gotta love multitasking and heightened concentration! Isn't -6 full invisibility anyway, can you be more concealed than that?!?

Time to call for help!
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post May 28 2011, 10:26 AM
Post #549

Neophyte Runner

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Mu ha ha. The confusion of battle.

The situation as I understand it is on the map. I'll have a chat with Alyena and Bjeorn.

Concealment isn't invisibility. Invisibility only stops them seeing you. They can still see your footprints in the mud, the dust in the air that you move...etc. Thats why invis is only -6 as opposed to saying "you cannot see them at all".
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post May 28 2011, 01:54 PM
Post #550


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So can I see him or should I remain in blissful ignorance?!? I am currently running my ruthenium cloak and, with the dust, I hope I'm difficult to spot too!

Why would Bjeorn make a hole and then not go through?!?

Confusion indeed (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Final quick question, is the good Major's comm in hidden mode or can I see it?
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