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> Mechwarrior 5?, Can it be true? ACTIVITY?
post Jul 13 2012, 12:47 PM
Post #151

Moving Target

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I really hope there's environmental considerations as well - ie: lakeside laser gatling cooling, deep-space frybabies, Desert "ballistics or die" loadouts.....

Hrm, yeah, 330k for the tricked out PPC is going to take a loooong while, especially if there's repairs, etc, that need to be performed.
Erm, I'm not expert on Battletech/Mechwarrior Lore - but aren't EPPCs around a little later than '49?
Lostech and all that.


God, if only you could incorperate airspace and groundpounder assets.
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post Jul 13 2012, 01:06 PM
Post #152

The ShadowComedian

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Rumors have it that later on, ground pounders and Aerospace might make an appearance somehow. WOT is doing Battleships and Planes too.

And yes, Ice-Worlds and Desert-Worlds will have an affect on the Heat-Dissipation, that much is clear by now.

Also, think about this:
A good BattleMech can cost about 30 MILLION Bucks.
While a crappy light Mech may cost less than certain weapons alone.
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post Jul 13 2012, 02:26 PM
Post #153

Old Man Jones

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I wonder if I can re-create my flame-jacker mech.

Basically a mech outfitted with max speed, max cooling, and a giant bank of flamethrower units capable of skyrocketing a target mech's heat into shutdown.

Land next to enemy 'mech, heat-shutdown enemy 'mech, hey, guys, I got a free 'mech! It was just sitting here!

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post Jul 13 2012, 02:49 PM
Post #154

The ShadowComedian

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Should, in theory, work as intended . .
we'll have to see how good the light ones are in dodging fire and how much more heat you can pile upon other mechs via flamers . .
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almost normal
post Jul 13 2012, 03:05 PM
Post #155

Running Target

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QUOTE (Gamer6432 @ Jul 12 2012, 04:03 PM) *
There's also the issue of heat, more for energy weapons than ballistics. That ER PPC is 5 more points of heat than the regular PPC (and more than any other weapon

Heavy Large Laser.
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almost normal
post Jul 13 2012, 03:12 PM
Post #156

Running Target

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QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 13 2012, 08:06 AM) *
Also, think about this:
A good BattleMech can cost about 30 MILLION Bucks.
While a crappy light Mech may cost less than certain weapons alone.

Costs are wonky. An Akuma is around 9 million C-bills. Not bad for a Solid B Assault mech. Put in some pulse lasers and star-league/clan equipment though, and you could easily quadruple that. Odd part is, canon states the Fists, and especially the Snakes, are sitting on LOADS of clan tech, *and*, can produce their own.

In my opinion, The writing and stories of Battletech were great until the old guard of Nystul and co stepped down. They were okay with Randall at the helm, but now, with Herb and Rome? It's horrible. I can't stand it. I haven't even looked at a BT product in 6 years that I thought was worthy of purchase.
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post Jul 13 2012, 03:25 PM
Post #157

The ShadowComedian

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At game-start, nobody knows of the Clans.
Kurita took the main brunt of the attack.
They may be sitting on loads of the clan-stuff, but seeing how nobody but the clans can actually produce clan level stuff, it's still hellishly rare and expensive.
IS ER-Weaponry and the such are cheaper than clan stuff.
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almost normal
post Jul 13 2012, 03:44 PM
Post #158

Running Target

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Yeah, sorry to kind of threadjack. I'm just not all that excited. Oddly enough, if it wasn't free to play, I'd have pre-ordered the super mega-edition. F2p just sucks though. Look at TF2. Great game. Went free to play. Unplayable now.

Besides, when their solution to the dumbfuck circle of death that every MW multiplayer match turned into, is 'Well, we added buildings!' it leaves me with little faith in their design abilities.

Looking much more forward to the Tactics game.
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post Jul 13 2012, 04:01 PM
Post #159


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QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Jul 13 2012, 06:26 AM) *
I wonder if I can re-create my flame-jacker mech.

Basically a mech outfitted with max speed, max cooling, and a giant bank of flamethrower units capable of skyrocketing a target mech's heat into shutdown.

Land next to enemy 'mech, heat-shutdown enemy 'mech, hey, guys, I got a free 'mech! It was just sitting here!


Unless they had a ballistic or missile weapon system. Then you just blew their ammo; and seeing as most IS don't bother casing their ammo (and some loadouts even keep an ammo bank in CT) well... I would say free salvage more like.
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post Jul 13 2012, 04:08 PM
Post #160

Moving Target

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Multiquote doesn't seem to work (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)

@Stahl- Actually, a full 10 seconds to reload is hellishly slow in a real-time game. Rumors of Aerospace and whatnot are just that, rumors. Aerospace and VTOLs are nothing but grief engines in the Living Legends mod. Most of the people posting on the MW:O forum say they don't want them in the game at all. The prospective Command tree they've given us lets Command focused pilots call in UAV scans and artillery strikes, but nothing player controlled.

@Tiralee- ER PPCs are in the game. Check Ask the Devs 1 - Answer! for the list of weapons/equipment that will be in for launch.

@almost normal- Heavy lasers don't exist in 3049. Clan Star Adder developed them in 3059. And their solution to the "circle of death" is far more than just buildings. More than this I am forbidden from saying.

@X-Kalibur- There won't be a salvage mechanic, at least for a while. They've said you will get C-Bill bonuses for doing extra things, like destroying components, but you don't get to loot the other team's 'Mechs.

Where in the lore does it say Steiner and Kurita are sitting on loads of clan tech with the ability to produce their own?
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almost normal
post Jul 13 2012, 04:50 PM
Post #161

Running Target

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The whole 'I'm under NDA' doesn't carry much weight with me, so until shown otherwise, I'll assume the problems will remain problems.

The lore question is from various TROs, field manuals, and novels. I used to be a giant fan, the last decade, not so much. Anyway, specifics, the medium pulse laser and streak-6 were all retrogrades from stockpiles of clan tech the Dracs had from beating back the clans.
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Jeremiah Kraye
post Jul 13 2012, 06:23 PM
Post #162

Moving Target

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One of my biggest problems I always felt was that they didn't make the weapons for most mechs varied enough at different ranges to make them really seem potent.

One of the biggest things for the table top was that certain weapons were better at certain ranged, the mechwarrior games missed out on a lot of this, while commander did not. By making weapons do less at sub-optimal ranges or be less accurate I feel like they can make the player either be super specialized (catapult) or more varied (hunchback is a prime example) to meet the variety of roles, terrains and purposes.
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post Jul 13 2012, 07:49 PM
Post #163

The ShadowComedian

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What do you mean?
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almost normal
post Jul 13 2012, 09:21 PM
Post #164

Running Target

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Minimum ranges for LRMs against their ability to indirect fire. PPCs and Gauss Rifles with minimum range (Which, btw, dilutes the potency of large-bore autocannons).
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post Jul 13 2012, 09:46 PM
Post #165

The ShadowComedian

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How so?
IN BT, AC2 and AC5 have Minimum Ranges and the AC10 and 20 don't.
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post Jul 13 2012, 10:37 PM
Post #166


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QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 13 2012, 02:46 PM) *
How so?
IN BT, AC2 and AC5 have Minimum Ranges and the AC10 and 20 don't.

The autocannons also make absolutely no fucking sense in regards to physics.

The AC2 and 5 should have LESS range than AC10 and 20.
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post Jul 13 2012, 10:39 PM
Post #167

The ShadowComedian

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Don't you dare bring physics into a game about hugw stompy robots! ò,Ó;,

We don't try to bring physics into a discussion about magic either, usually . .
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post Jul 14 2012, 01:26 AM
Post #168


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QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Jul 13 2012, 05:37 PM) *
The autocannons also make absolutely no fucking sense in regards to physics.

The AC2 and 5 should have LESS range than AC10 and 20.

Why? Have you seen any of the artwork for the AC/20? It redefines the term "snub-nosed." The thing barely has a barrel; that plus the giant shell mean it shouldn't have a long range.
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post Jul 14 2012, 01:34 AM
Post #169

Moving Target

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QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Jul 13 2012, 03:37 PM) *
The autocannons also make absolutely no fucking sense in regards to physics.

The AC2 and 5 should have LESS range than AC10 and 20.

By that logic, a .223 Remington should have less range than a .45 ACP.

My big gripe with autocannons is that they have no standard calibers, only "classifications."
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post Jul 14 2012, 01:45 AM
Post #170

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Tanegar @ Jul 13 2012, 08:26 PM) *
Why? Have you seen any of the artwork for the AC/20? It redefines the term "snub-nosed." The thing barely has a barrel; that plus the giant shell mean it shouldn't have a long range.
"I knew she was trouble the moment she pointed her pair of snub nosed .38s at me. The revolver in her hand was also a hint, but far more subtle."
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post Jul 14 2012, 02:05 AM
Post #171


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QUOTE (Gamer6432 @ Jul 13 2012, 06:34 PM) *
By that logic, a .223 Remington should have less range than a .45 ACP.

My big gripe with autocannons is that they have no standard calibers, only "classifications."

You should check out artillery some time. Because realistically a .223 is a larger round than a .45. Try firing the .223 from a pistol and let me know after your wrist heals.

You are right to some extent on the classifications which only further muddies the water - some AC20s are considered a single large shell, while others are described as firing 2 to 4 cannons simultaneously. That would mean in some cases it is firing 4 AC5s which makes even LESS sense on their ranges.
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post Jul 14 2012, 05:37 AM
Post #172

Immortal Elf

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Well, smaller diameter, but a longer warhead, and a lot more charge behind it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Jul 14 2012, 06:11 AM
Post #173

Moving Target

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QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Jul 13 2012, 07:05 PM) *
You should check out artillery some time. Because realistically a .223 is a larger round than a .45. Try firing the .223 from a pistol and let me know after your wrist heals.

You are right to some extent on the classifications which only further muddies the water - some AC20s are considered a single large shell, while others are described as firing 2 to 4 cannons simultaneously. That would mean in some cases it is firing 4 AC5s which makes even LESS sense on their ranges.

I've fired a .223 from a pistol. It's not that bad. But it being a larger cartridge (the round itself is actually smaller) was my point.
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post Jul 14 2012, 06:30 AM
Post #174


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The main problem is that a Hex is given a listed value of 100 meters. Consider the size and range of a modern day MBT main gun, it's effective range is over a mile and would be closest in relation to an AC2. Then you start getting into naval guns which would be more in line with an AC5 or 10 and the effective ranges are even greater. Now, from a game development standpoint I understand where they are coming from, but aside from completely ignoring physics almost no one bothers with ACs because the ammo is a liability in 3 fashions (count, heat related explosions, critical related explosions). I mean, hell, machine guns are more likely to get YOU killed than the people you are shooting at. All of a sudden 200 rounds of ammo cook off somewhere (it really doesn't matter where) and you're out. I'm a huge fan of the Ultra ACs, LBX, and RACs but when it comes down to it, you're generally better with a laser boat

Although, speaking of machineguns in Mechwarrior.... I promise you laughs.

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post Jul 14 2012, 10:04 AM
Post #175

The ShadowComedian

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correction, it is worse actually, seeing how a hex has a diameter of 30m from tip to tip, not even from side to side.

and don' you hate on MG's. if they implement a kind of crit hit system, MG's will be fearsome boating.
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