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> OOC: SR4-First Run, Food Fight!
post Dec 2 2005, 01:24 PM
Post #576


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@BaronKen: Actually, just behind Jack and Angie, you can spot some cleaning products including papertowels and such. You could walk over to them and take a Complex Action to clean enough of the goop off to remove the penalty.
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post Dec 2 2005, 06:34 PM
Post #577


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Crosshairs will hold position and delay actions until I see what Jack and Angie are up to. I'm not sure Jack would be too friendly with me sneaking up behind them considering I've fired at him twice.
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post Dec 3 2005, 03:35 AM
Post #578


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Anyone wanna give me some feedback on my attempt at doing a Flash SR4 Dice Roller? It's not anywhere near complete yet, but it's a good start I think. Thanks. :)
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post Dec 3 2005, 03:41 AM
Post #579


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Actually, I was just looking it over. It looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to seeing it once you've add more features.
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post Dec 6 2005, 04:56 AM
Post #580


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Update: Currently I'm waiting on a defense roll from netlich. Since Catcher trying to run him down is pretty much the gang's last hoorah so-to-speak I figured I go ahead and have him actually roll for DarHar.
Those of you inside are quickly becoming of the motorcycle's roar approaching the front door. Seeing how Catcher is insanely coming straight in at top speed, his ability to stop the bike before crashing into the store is certainly in question (and that is only if he makes it through the troll) .
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post Dec 7 2005, 08:23 AM
Post #581

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Soz for the delay gang...

[ Spoiler ]

Ouch, only one success...What's next boss? Splat!?!?!
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post Dec 7 2005, 01:34 PM
Post #582


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Yep, looks like you just got your ass rammed by a motorbike. Fairly hard too. Roll your damage resistance test using Impact armor. With how many dice you roll, there is still a good chance you won't take any damage.

Anyways, if you had rolled better on your defense I was going to just have him stopped dead by your mass. But as it was, he lost control of the bike....(rolling for scatter to see where it goes)....oh...it just narrowly misses Maddie as she is escaping the building, and hits the wall next to the entrance. The bike spins a bit on impact and is flung back into the Stuffer Shack. Clipping the counterp top across from Jack and Angie, he lands in a bloody heap at Tempty's feet. Amazingly, he seems to still be alive and...giggling.

WIth the loud crashing sounds at the front of the store and the more frightening Rydell, who had successfully intimidated him, Louis starts crying and calling out for his mommy. Telling her how the shadowrunners were picking on him.
Too bad for him she's already dead and he's just another orphan in the sprawl.
In the chaos of the fight he forgot where he'd last seen her, but he soon notices her crumpled corpse at the end of the aisle. Rushing over there he starts shaking her and pleading for her to wake up.

No more sounds or attacks are coming from where Bruce was last seen.....actually, nevermind. The sound of a door opening and closing can be heard at the back of the store.

@nelich: Looks like DarHar's turn as soon as you post the damage resistance roll, you can post your actions. The bike is at the entrance leaking fuel, but it hasn't caught on fire or anything like that.
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post Dec 8 2005, 11:21 AM
Post #583

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[ Spoiler ]

8 Hits; provided I am still alive, I will continue walking back inside and changing ammo/reloading ammo (the Viper & the Predator).
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post Dec 8 2005, 01:29 PM
Post #584


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@netlich: As a matter of fact, 8 hits was exactly the damage you were resisting, so you completely shrug off a motorcycle hitting head on going 80+ kpm. Way to go.

@Shalimar: Looks like you're up. Catcher is struggling to get up from the floor right at your feet.
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post Dec 8 2005, 11:51 PM
Post #585

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Do you even have to ask :spin:

two shots, the first one is aimed for the forehead. What would the modifiers all be?
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post Dec 9 2005, 04:11 AM
Post #586


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@shalimar: Well, maybe at the sight of the pitiful metahuman your tender side would come out. No?
I figured as much. Let's see, suffice it to say you are at close range so no penalty there. I can't remember off the top of my head, but I am pretty sure you aren't suffering a wound modifier. In the fight with Bruce, you had gotten goop splashed on you again so you are suffering -2 from that. But you've got smartlink giving you +2 so that is negated.
So it looks like you will be only suffering whatever called shot penalty you choose. If you choose to bypass his armor with the called shot, you'll suffer a -8. If you choose to instead increase the damage value by +4 (statistically a far better choice since it averages using of 12 of his dice while give you an average of a little over 1 additional success), you'll only suffer a -4.
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post Dec 9 2005, 04:15 PM
Post #587

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15 - 8 = 7
[ Spoiler ]

3 hits (ignoring armor)

14 Dice
[ Spoiler ]

4 hits

with all his wound penalties, he shouldn't really be able to dodge it, and if it hits, it should hopefully put him out, or close to it. The second one should finish it.
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post Dec 9 2005, 06:33 PM
Post #588


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Catcher's mad cackling is cut short as the first bullet lodges itself within the frontal lobe of his brain. (He just took 6P damage, more than enough to kill him; incidentally if you had instead used your called shot to increase the damage +4, you would have done 11P damage based on the rolls he would have gotten.)

If you want to still fire the second shot, that is fine. You'd just be spraying yourself with more blood.

That is pretty much it for this scenario. As DarHar is walking in the door, Tempty and Taku look up and notice the tale-tell flashing lights of a Lone Star drone approaching the store. It seems a passing drone caught sight of the motorcycle crash.

I'm not going to force you guys to stay in intiative or even worry about trying to escape from the 'Star. You can go ahead and post any actions you want to do while still in the store and then you can all escape out the back.
Louis is bawling over his dead mother trying to 'wake' her. Jack and Angie watch you warily, but take no actions against you. As you head through the back you find Wanda passed out on the floor and no sign of Johnny. Nor is there any sign of Bruce either in the stock room or in the alley behind the store.

Being a forum based bame that takes quite a while to play through each mission I tend to issue lots of Karma for each run. Case in point, you all get 18 karma! :D

When I have more time I will post something IC and then we can discuss where we go from here.
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post Dec 9 2005, 10:28 PM
Post #589

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Nah, wont waste any more bullets, I'll just head out.
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post Dec 10 2005, 08:45 AM
Post #590

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DarHar will move a bit more hastily now, changing ammo while walking in the back...

He will thank the runners saying something along the lines, "You did good today. You need more good doing - DarHar will help!" and then dissappear in the back to change back into his alter-ego!

Of course with the wounds he is suffering (and his huge ugly mug of a face) it isn't difficult to put two and two together - especially since there are no other trolls around! He will try and collect his groceries(he left them in the back) , and make a call to his Lone Star contact informing him of another evil scheme that was disrupted! Then he will remember and go go back trying to track down one of the runners and give them his phone number in case they need Good-Doing again! Of course he will have forgotten to wear his cape&maskat which point his intellect will give up on him and he will stand there embarressed! (The colour his skin takes while embarressed is up for debate as his coloured dermal Plating plus the reddish tint of embarresment plus his warts and Trollish colours make for an interesting mix!)

How does Karma work in 4th edition? I definetely need some Edge points. And then I need to get me some Agility, Perception and perhaps Dodge and Hand to Hand as a long term approach...
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post Dec 10 2005, 06:57 PM
Post #591

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Attributes cost 3 x New Rating
Active Skills cost 2 x New Rating
New Active Skill costs 4 Karma
Active Skill Groups cost 5 x New Rating
New Active skill group costs 10 Karma

That should cover everything you asked about

For Tempty, I am going to up her Body by 1 to Body 4 (12 Karma), and buy Perception, cause ouch, not seeing something coming can hurt like hell. Save the other 2 Karma.

I think one thing I picked up from this game so far was that just a pistol can be good, but something with more power like a shotgun or an assault rifle that I can blaze away with on BF or FA would be more reliable. The other thing is that recoil penalties are a pain.

If we do continue with this, I think I'd have Tempty perform surgery on her pistols with her Armorer (Fire Arms) 7/9 to add weights to the barrels, or customize the grip or something to remove the -1 for a second shot, I think that should be covered by the skill. I'd also want to pick up an armored Jacket, now that I can afford to wear one without penalty.
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post Dec 10 2005, 08:52 PM
Post #592

Running Target

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Yeah I agree that pistols can't compete with heavier weapons, and this was already the case to a certain extent in the previous edition, not to mention real life.

Taku will use the karma to raise his Edge attribute to 3 (this thing is more useful than I expected) and get perception up to 2 (I don't see why any runner would not have at least one point in this stat.. if only I had known at char creation). He has one karma left.

I'll post something IC at some point.
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post Dec 12 2005, 06:39 PM
Post #593


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Ok, I just posted IC (sorry for the delay, busy weekend).

What people have posted for spending of their karma looks good.

Going forward...

We seem to have lost Wintermancer so we are down one player, but, as long as you guys are willing to add the wannabe superhero DarHar to your team, we still have 5 players so that is enough I'd think.

BaronKen: If you would like you can go ahead and create a new character and tack on the karma. Or you can just continue using Crosshairs.

You guys may or may not remember that there was another player that had to drop out immediately after the initial IC post, before everybody had even entered the Stuffer Shack. At the time, I had posted that he got a commlink call that delayed him, but you haven't heard from him since.
If you are a close team of runners you may want to look into that (i.e. I have an adventure idea based on this and if you want to we can play out you looking for him. If not we can go on a more traditional run where you get a call from your fixer and off you go).

With Food Fight being what it is (straight combat), there hasn't been much opportunity for you guys to post IC, but I'd like to see that change. Going forward I'll probably be awarding weekly/bi-weekly karma bonuses for frequency/quality of posts. It will only be a point or two, but it will allow you to improve yourself more often.
Of course, this will require me to make IC posts more often instead of slacking off and waiting to make huge posts when I notice how far behind I am. We'll see how it works out.

Do any of you have any comments for me as the GM as far as what you liked or disliked about the scenario/how it was run/SR4 in general?
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post Dec 12 2005, 07:23 PM
Post #594


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If no one objects to me continuing and making a new character, I would like to try to add some magic to the group (well, more magic if you count the missing Mystic Adept). I'll get to work on the character ASAP.

I have no problem with the Search For The Missing 'Runner (dun, dun, dun, *cymbals clash*). :D
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post Dec 13 2005, 01:34 AM
Post #595

Moving Target

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I'm cool with the missing runner hook, and bringing in some more mana characters, but I am kind of wondering how Darhar will actually work out with a professional group of runners on runs, and just fit in in general.
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post Dec 13 2005, 03:38 AM
Post #596

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Sorry, won't be able to post until a week from now. Will check regularly, maybe I'll find time for quick posts now and then but don't count on active participation from my part during the next seven days.
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post Dec 13 2005, 09:11 AM
Post #597

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Well the idea is that,

a) DarHar can be gullible and can be easily convinced he is doing something good (he hates corps so 80% runs will be "good-doing" for him) . So the chance of him ruinning a job on purpose is zero
b) Although mentally lacking, he has still survived on the street. He does have some intuition and quick thinking somewhere in the back of his thick skull. And he can follow orders so he can be a useful tool (I don't mind playing that type of follower type instead of a priomary character).
c) He could also provide some comical relief in situations.

On the other hand if the group is being played as Ice cold pro runners they would probably have a serious problem with such a character joinning their pack...

Perhaps an in between solution where Darhar is used as a resource but is not part of the group (until he proves himself ;-) )

But as I did say early on with Slacker, if push comes to shove I can simply make a new character if we are worried on how well he will work with the team. I have absolutely no problems. SO what do the rest of you guys think?
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post Dec 20 2005, 04:29 PM
Post #598

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Hey! what's up!

It' s my luck ain't it?

I manage to get the PDF finally! I am reading the rules now but

a) the game ended.

b) Nobody seems to eager to continue!!!!

Come on!!! I promise I won't play the stupid troll superhero character! :-)

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post Dec 20 2005, 06:40 PM
Post #599


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Sorry, just been busy with holiday related activities. With gobogen saying he wouldn't be able to post anything for through at least yesterday, I thought it might be a good idea to take a short break.

I do still want to continue the game though. As far as you playing DarHar goes, it's up to the group to decide. The follow up mission isn't going to need a strictly professional member of the group seeing as how you'll be looking for your lost comrade and not being hired as professionals, but I could certainly see how the runners might try to avoid somebody that attracts alot of attention.

Netlich, I'm fine with you bringing in another character if that is what the group wants. Just send him to me (standard build rules plus the 18 karma).
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post Dec 22 2005, 05:48 AM
Post #600

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*slides in from the outside and knocks on the inside of the door frame for attention* Um...is this the Lollipop Guild?

Okay, that was silly, but I scanned a couple posts and noted things look like they're at a calm moment. I was wondering...well, presses fingers together for a moment If there might be a way to join in? I've wanted to play online, and since skill groups were mentioned, you are more than likely using SR4...

I'll even read back as far as you want me to if need be. ^-^;
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