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post Apr 26 2009, 03:08 PM
Post #26

Man Behind the Curtain

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The store keeper smiles as he talks. "I think we have a deal them. Put the jacket down over there-", he says gesturing to the far side of the counter. "This will take a little bit." He then gestures towards a chair.

The dwarf goes to work on the com, first retrieving a few parts then taking a fiber optics cable and connects the com to another com. The dwarf then pulls up a chair and slips back into what must be a V-R coma. After a little over fifteen minutes he sits up. "Well Mr Strobokov, Valery, it does appear that this is in fact your com."

Hearing the name spoken, the dwarf's accent on the name... it is in that moment that he realizes that he is thinking in a different language than they are speaking. But the why still eludes him.


As Valery looks to the dwarf, not fully comprehending, the storekeeper continues. "There are sixteen hundred nuyen in certified cred on the com. Half would be eight hundred each." The dwarf rubs his chin, "But just so that you know I am a stand up guy... keep your jacket."
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post Apr 26 2009, 06:39 PM
Post #27

Shooting Target

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"Valery Strobokov" lucky pawn unk time unk part of city

Val sits back in the chair reciting the name in his hoping that he wont forget in it in the future. Valery that sounded some what of a different. "thanks chummer" Val stands up slides his coat back on and goes to grab the com from the dwarf "so is this thing operational now or am i still without a PAN? if its F-ed beyond belief can i use your phone to get a cab? " Val thought to himself, agian the language he was thinking in and the one he was speaking sounded so different that he didn't understand why he was doin it but it just felt like it was supposed to be that way. he paid the dwarf the 800 Nuyen"so how do i transfer teh funds with a broken com". glad to have the security of the jacket back on he felt a little akward without it on and little vulnerable. "hey dont suppose i could call you again if i needed a hand fixing something could I" Val thought about it and having atleast one person he could call on again if he needed something fixed in the immediat future he might be able to use the dwarf again in the future.
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post Apr 26 2009, 10:39 PM
Post #28

Man Behind the Curtain

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"Its operational. Case is still cracked and there appears to be some corruption in several of the memory chips." The dwarf hands over the com. "The address book and calendar databases are both missing.. Presumably on the destroyed chips. Your SIN is intact and obviously your store of certified cred. I've reset your pass phrase. It will prompt you for a new admin pass phrase. Your matrix access is restored and your PAN online, but the PAN signal is limited to a rating 2 - that will work about a hundred meters."

The dwarf smiles while watching Valery's reaction. "But out here, there aren't many matrix hotspots. I have a wireless uplink and I've validated you to it... but you ain't gonna get a cab 'round here. There are a few local boys who are unlicensed hacks though."

As Valery fumbles with his com, it becomes apparent to the dwarf that the elf has absolutely no proficiency with setting up a com. "Let me just subscribe your nano-trodes." The dwarf makes no movement, but obviously connects to Val's com wirelessly. Suddenly, in his mind's eye, the control interface lights up and prompts for a new admin pass-phrase. Once that is set, Val sees the dwarf's icon moving around in that interface of his mind's eye. His wired-reflex controls and cerebral booster both light up as slaved to the com. The newly created address book has one entry: Stump.

"So what exactly are you doing way out here, with a busted com?"
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post Apr 27 2009, 04:22 PM
Post #29

Shooting Target

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Val sees the icons pop up on his minds eye display and recognizes certain icons the wired reflexes and Reaction boosters all made sense to him sort of how else was he able to run like he was moving so fast last night. his stomach started grumbling then he hadn't eaten for god know how long but he knew it had atleast been maybe eight hours he would stop by the little store accross the streeet before gettin out of the local area. "well Stump?" he says questionably " I.......what the hell, i have no idea. but right now i just want to get the hell home and relax a minute. I think my com got busted by a couple of thugs that some troll referred to as hounds then pummelled there were a few gun shots, one knocked me down but the jacket saved me on that one then i took off to be waken up by three kids thinking i was dead." Val shruggs and laughs a little then starts to fumble with his semi working com to get familiar with it or atleast try to. "Don't suppose you could look me up in the white pages and get me a address could ya? " he smiled at that one then let out a little laugh again"of course you can't what am i thinking" Val suddenly starts rambling to himself about what to do next and how to find his dos so he could try to figure things out and get in contact with anyone who knew who he was and what he was doing in the slums. suddenly he figures if he has internet access he might be able to look himself up or at least find out what city he was in and where. "Thank you Stumps if you could point me in the right direction i will see if i can't get the kids you mentioned to get me a lift out of here. oh and Stump you have helped out more then you know, really i will try to throw business you way anytime. oh do you have a bathroom i would like to clean up a little if i could?" Val anted to take a look at his ribs they were still very very sore and he did not want to walk around a rough hood with broken ribs. "why couldn't i remember my name, a name like Val is something i would remember i mean its my name. why can't i remember where i live that is something else anyone would know."

Val thinks everything over for a minute then turns to Stump again "sorry to put you out but is there anyone you know who is a doctor or know about medicine my ribs are killing me and i need to have them looked at i think?"
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post Apr 28 2009, 02:52 PM
Post #30

Man Behind the Curtain

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Stump looks Val over, stopping his gaze at the lump on Val's head before speaking. "Don't know about no gang called the hounds." He reaches his hand out and his icon moves through Val's com, stopping at a filing cabinet. It opens a drawer and pulls out a key ring. "Here are your house keys... not sure where your address is though."

Stump pauses. "That is some bump on the head, isn't it?" He uploads another entry to Val's address book. "Doc Phin runs a free clinic on on a hundred and sixty-eighth. Of course, you won't qualify for free but he won't report your cyberware either. You should also be able to buy a ride over there as well."

As the dwarf is speaking, Valery catches his reflection in a glass cabinet for the first time. His face is coated plastic and metal fibre plates. Looking down, he sees that his hands are the same way. Stump breaks Val's concentration on the plating, "Did you hear me...? I said you have security forces license, but I did a little digging and I think its bogus. It was sponsored by a Romulov Enterprises, but I can't find that as a valid company in the metroplex... So I wouldn't push that too far."

As Val begins moving towards the door, Stump calls out once more. "Don't forget who helped you when you were down."
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post Apr 29 2009, 11:38 AM
Post #31

Shooting Target

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Val rubs his hand accross his cheek feeling the hard fibers woven into his skin and the hard matal plates beneath his skin what happen to me who did this and why? for what purpose would anyone want to look like this? all these thoughts again ran through his mind "Stump, you know a lot about a lot around here don't you?" Val started to think why leave this area he needed to find out who he was and why anyone would want to hunt him down what better place to start then in the area he woke up in, he needed answers and this was better then any to start looking for them."The guy that helped me last night was huge i thought he was a wall when i ran into him. dont suppose you know anyone around here that large do you?" Val started to remember the night before the troll called him rabbit, why would he call me that unless he knew him or maybe he referred to everyone as small fuzzy animals he didnt know but he would like to have that guy around again if he ran into who ever made that bump on his head. "Stump you know anyone around that could let me earn some cash doing what ever till i get my feet back under me. i need to find out a lot of information and i don't think 800 isn't goin to be enough for me to find out. and dont worry this is one day i am never going to forget...... i hope/"
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post May 2 2009, 03:28 AM
Post #32

Man Behind the Curtain

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"There are a number of trolls around here. Most don't venture out at night... Might be Zeek. He's a southern redneck; Not scared of much anything." Stump listens as Val continues to talk. "You're definitely wired up pretty strong. I don't know of any work right now, but I've got your LTG. I'll let you know."
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post May 2 2009, 12:22 PM
Post #33

Shooting Target

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Val tries to remember if the troll had a southern accent what would a southern troll sound like? "Thanks Stump I really appreciate the help, if you ever need anything please seek me out. Just point me toward one of those Hacks you were talking about and ill go see that doctor you mentioned." Val makes a note about the stores apearance and location of the Lucky Pawn on his com. I need to know what I was doing and why i am "Wired up"
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post May 3 2009, 03:45 AM
Post #34

Man Behind the Curtain

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American accents are so hard to tell apart; The troll could have had a southern accent. Who could tell?

The dwarf is shaking his head. "I said Doc Phin on a hundred and sixty-eighth." He points out the side of the store. "Three blocks that way then one block to the left. There'll be a stuffer shack another block past if you can't locate a ride there."
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post May 4 2009, 03:45 PM
Post #35

Shooting Target

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Val makes a mental note of the instructions then repeats them in his head a few times. "Doc Phin.... got it. Thanks agiain Stump. I dont think you know how much you really helped me out." Val starts to make his way accross the street to get a quick bite to eat then figured after he satisfied his growling stomach he would make his way to Doc Phins Place to get a look at the bump on his head and see why his face looked and feeled like a robot. Val starts to look through his LTG for anything inside his LTG that might jog a little of his memory.
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post May 5 2009, 03:37 AM
Post #36

Man Behind the Curtain

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Val heads out and down the street. One block and then another and another. He passes a number of people. Most people take no notice of him, several give him a wide berth. The area is depressed; Depressing. Two out of every three buildings appear abandoned; All appear in need of repair.

He takes a left onto the appointed street and walks on. He passes the free clinic and proceeds on to the stuffer shack, Dave's Quicky-Mart. Dave's is set up in your typical stuffer shack format with a large parking lot. Dave's seems like the hub of the area. A few cars are in the parking lot, but it is far from empty. People of all types are mulling around. They are talking, laughing, gossiping and even doing a little dealing.

As he reaches the doors, there are a pair of orks watching over those coming and going. They appear to be keeping kids and some others from entering. They give Val a once over visually, but say nothing as the elf passes through the doorway. The shelves are not full, but neither are they barren rather falling somewhere in between with all the product labels being obviously of the generic varieties. A number of coolers line the back wall, contained within are cheap microwavable food products and knock-off brand drinks.

A couple of microwavable burritos cost more than they should, but at this point beggars can't be choosers. One burrito down and another in his hand, he heads out the doors after paying and towards Dr Phin's. He makes it about a third of the way across the lot before a middle-aged, well-used woman inquires in her best seductive voice, "Looking for a party?"
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post May 5 2009, 03:52 PM
Post #37

Shooting Target

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Val gives the Women a once over seeing the run in her nylons JBF'ed hair and slightly smeared lip stick Val gives her a puzzled look "um, no thanks i have somewhere i need to be" with a puzzled look on his face he continues on to Doc Phins place to see about his bump and maybe get a few other answers. Why would i be looking for a party? he looked over his shoulder at the girl making sure she wasn't up to anything bad he had three kids looking at stealing his stuff already he couldn't be to trusting of everyone down here. it looked to be a bad place to be, he started to thank his lucky stars he ran into the dwarf Stump instead of that women she would have proabably took everything he had.
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post May 5 2009, 03:59 PM
Post #38

Man Behind the Curtain

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As Val rebuffs the woman's proposal she calls out after him, "We have boys if you like them instead?" As he continues to ignore her she calls out "Queer" as a parting slur. Val's desire, or not, to reply quickly moves down the priority list as he notes a pair of teens (on human, one orc) moving to intercept him.

"That looks a lot like my jacket" The orc says. "I'm willing to ignore the fact you have it, if you just hand it over now."
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post May 5 2009, 04:03 PM
Post #39

Shooting Target

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Val try's to act tough and keep his calm to the teen orc." You know who your messing with? move or there will be trouble." kind of hoping that they did, not knowing exactly how he would get himself out of this one he side steps to keep the women and two youngsters in sight keeping a eye to see if they start to pull any weapons. if they did he would jump fast and try to disarm them.
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post May 5 2009, 06:45 PM
Post #40

Man Behind the Curtain

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Each thug takes a step to flank Val, the ork raising his fist and the human tucking like he's moving to tackle. Val feels his electrified reflexes kick in and the boys seem to be moving in slow motion.

(( Your action ))
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post May 6 2009, 04:01 PM
Post #41

Shooting Target

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Val amazed at how slow time seemed to be moving side steps to avoid the tackle from the sloat moving human and slam his closed palm against the back of the humans neck for his first initial attack. wow these guys are slow for talking so big. i really dont have time for this i need to get to the doctor, favoring his side which still hurt and his head still made him a little dizzy, he wanted this to be over as fast as possible.
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post May 7 2009, 01:51 PM
Post #42

Man Behind the Curtain

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Val steps to the side as the two punks charge. His spinning head and throbbing ribs are a definite factor pulling him down. Val's fist closes in on the human... and misses. The punk is street-wise and this is his game. To the contrary, while Val feels like he's moving on air due to his augmented grace and speed, the strike felt unnatural to him; forced. The ork's fist closes towards Val's nose as the human twists away from Val's fist.
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post May 10 2009, 11:17 PM
Post #43

Man Behind the Curtain

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Val shifts, but instead of moving away from the hit, he moves right into it and takes it right on the nose. The shock buckles his knees and drops the elf straight to his butt.
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post May 11 2009, 04:54 PM
Post #44

Shooting Target

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dazed and rattled from the blast to his face Val sending him straight to the ground sensing it to be more dangerous on the ground with with his head and vision all fuzzy he tries to roll with the impact of the fist to his face, coming to the terms that these guys are still to much for him in his state he decides to instead go on a full defensiveattemping to dodge away from and further attacks until a chance arises to make a break for it and maybe out run these guys and lose them.
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post May 12 2009, 03:35 AM
Post #45

Man Behind the Curtain

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As Val spins back up to a standing position and begins to vault away from the duo. Something about both the transition to his feet and kicking off as if from starter blocks, feel comfortable to him. His muscles not only respond to his commands, but the motions feel reflexive as opposed to forced; Quite the opposite to his physical encounter with the duo.
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post May 12 2009, 05:04 PM
Post #46

Shooting Target

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feeling the familiarity with the motion almost takes away Vals attention from the duo but not completely he notices they are far from done with trying to get his jacket and sensing he it worked the night before he decided to make a run for it and hope they didnt give chase or tried and the big fools get tired and give up the chase. he had to make it to Doc Phins before he ran into any more trouble he needed to know what happend the night before and why he couldn't remember, well anything.
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post May 12 2009, 05:46 PM
Post #47

Man Behind the Curtain

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Taking off at a full sprint, Val's head is spinning from the Ork's massive fist. Clumsily he runs, dodging people and out of the parking lot. The duo chase him for a few seconds before giving up. Val's lungs and head both throb from the effort, but that seems a small price versus a beat down from the duo.

"You better run! Next time you come around there'll be a beatin' in it for you!"

The doors of the clinic are a welcome reprieve from the events of the past twelve hours. He can feel his left eye beginning to swell as he walks up to the receptionist. The middle-aged ork woman looks him over and shakes her head. "Appointment? No, of course not. Fill this out. In AR, she passes over a form.

There are about a dozen people in the clinic, two-thirds of them children, half of them ork. Val is the only elf in the room.
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post May 13 2009, 08:19 AM
Post #48

Shooting Target

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Thinking the women rude and very impolite Val thought maybe the two thugs and her might be friends, smiling at that the orc did hit pretty hard he didnt hope all these orcs in the room liked his jacket as well.I hope the Doc Phin guy doesn't have anything against me i don't exactly fit it Val sits down and puts his info into the AR form some of the questions on the form seem silly to him"what is the nature of your visit?" why else would some one be here they are hurt its a clinic people didn't come here for nothing. looking around he noticed the orcs were eyeing him a little every now and then catching stares from all around the room, feeling a little unsettling after filling out the form he walks back up to the receptionist and transfers the Form back to her via wireless transfer. Val leans in a little to keep his voice no more then a private conversation between the gal at the counter and himself " Don't suppose you know Stump do you? this is kind of a emergency and he recommended Doc Phin to me on a whim, I need to see the Doc ASAP, please it is a emergency?" Val's had a accent when he was tired that he didnt recognize from before it just kind of slipped out when he was tired or maybe from being hit in the head he didn't know all he knew was he needed to see someone stat.

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post May 13 2009, 03:46 PM
Post #49

Man Behind the Curtain

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The ork woman looks Val over. "You can pay?" she asks, hesitating only a moment before perking up ever so slightly before gesturing towards a door at Val's left. "Through there."

He steps through the door and out of the glaring eyes in the room. Beyond the door he stands for thirty seconds or so in a hallway before the ork woman rounds a corner. "Priority services are fifty nuyen upfront plus time and materials on the back end. You can pay that? What's wrong with you? Gunshot somewhere?" She starts looking for more than the swelling eye, but it is obvious the long armor jacket covers most of the rest of his body effectively.
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post May 13 2009, 04:16 PM
Post #50

Shooting Target

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Val looks at her and transfers the 50 nuyen to her via wireless. Val tightens the armor jacket in the front "are you the doctor....i think ill let him figure out whats wrong with me?" he looks around the hall "which door is the Doc?"
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