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post Jan 15 2010, 10:54 PM
Post #1


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So, Shadows of Latin America- is this the most obscure SR book out there? Is it available to buy anywhere in either hardcopy or PDF? What happened to that 6th of the world? (Is it all Amazonia, all the time?)



Edit: I've put together the links the authors provide further into this thread in a sectino all it's own for easy reference. Thanks again guys.
Community Projects - Compiled Links to SoLA provided by the writers

This post has been edited by fistandantilus4.0: May 10 2010, 02:35 PM
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Ancient History
post Jan 15 2010, 11:01 PM
Post #2

Great Dragon

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In order:
No, there is the The Boo Scary Shadowrun Book of the Night (working title).
No, it was never released for sale.
The drafts were referenced in writing most SR4 books, and substantial material was drawn from it for the upcoming Sixth World Almanac, which should answer those questions.
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post Jan 15 2010, 11:26 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

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QUOTE (SJE @ Jan 15 2010, 05:54 PM) *
So, Shadows of Latin America- is this the most obscure SR book out there? Is it available to buy anywhere in either hardcopy or PDF? What happened to that 6th of the world? (Is it all Amazonia, all the time?)



Shh, to speak of such things is forbidden. I know posters who have delved into the dark secrets and had their souls dragged screaming into the flaming pits of hell. The only worse blasphemy would be to mention Holostreets.

.Drek! now I've done it! Now where is that Banishing Incantation..Ah, here it is.... SR4A LE....Nooooooo! Noooooo!! Begone foul demons!!!!! By the power of Dunklezahn and The Immortal Elves I rebuke yo.......AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


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post Jan 15 2010, 11:31 PM
Post #4

Deus Absconditus

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The first rule of Holostreet Club is that you don't talk about Holostreet Club.
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post Jan 15 2010, 11:31 PM
Post #5

Deus Absconditus

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Why the heck does my connection keep double posting? Time to reboot, heck.
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post Jan 15 2010, 11:33 PM
Post #6

The ShadowComedian

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Shun the non believer
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post Jan 15 2010, 11:33 PM
Post #7

Running Target

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Don't listen to these clowns. It's due out April 1, from Holostreets.
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post Jan 16 2010, 12:36 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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QUOTE (SJE @ Jan 15 2010, 02:54 PM) *
So, Shadows of Latin America- is this the most obscure SR book out there? Is it available to buy anywhere in either hardcopy or PDF? What happened to that 6th of the world? (Is it all Amazonia, all the time?)



Based on info in the books released by Catalyst in 4th Ed, there are still independent South American Nations. Aztlan has indeed taken over all of Central America, and it seems like Amazonia owns a pretty fair sized chunk of South America (Brazil and the topmost nations of the continent)... interestingly enough making it a nation with citizens who speak at least 4 or 5 different languages. The newly released Vice book also names nearly all the other South American nations, nearly all of them seemingly independent; though it does mention that Ecuador, Bolivia, and Paraguay are client states of Amazonia.
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post Jan 16 2010, 03:37 PM
Post #9

Prime Runner

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There are rumors that Synner was going to release it on the net but the bar he was in mysteruiously exploded before he could fully upload the file. I asked Bitten By the Bug (remember her) to travel to Portugal to see what happened on the ground but she hasn't been heard from since.
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post Jan 16 2010, 04:53 PM
Post #10

Great Dragon

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All copies of SOLA (both electronic and paper) were destroyed by a mysterious fighting force, probably the same which later razed all data on the Augmentation Errata. The only clue about their identity were insignias showing the outline of Minnesota and the Number 331 stiched on it, hence CGL has internally named them "Minnesota Tribe".

Shadowhelix also has a map of South America dated on 2060. Unfortunately there is no info where it is from.
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post Jan 16 2010, 06:42 PM
Post #11

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Sengir @ Jan 16 2010, 05:53 PM) *
Shadowhelix also has a map of South America dated on 2060. Unfortunately there is no info where it is from.
The map comes from Wordman's The Sixth World: A geographical index to the world of Shadowrun. His maps were IIRC after the release of Year of the Comet. Concerning Latin America, Wake of the Comet and Shadows of Europe told us French Guiana remained as a dependency of France.
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JM Hardy
post Jan 16 2010, 11:17 PM
Post #12

Moving Target

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I can't remember if I officially said this on Dumpshock before, but here it is: Shadows of Latin America, in the form in which it was written several years ago, will not be released in any way, at least not as long as I'm SR developer. It's old, it's obsolete, and the headaches involved in getting it into shape to be released are not worth the gain of having it out there.

As Bobby mentioned, though, SoLA was a significant source of info for the Sixth World Almanac, so you'll see good material in there. That means write-ups on Argentina, Aztlan, Amazonia, and Peru, along with maps of each individual nation. And of course, in that big, lovely, wonderful full-world map that will be included in the Almanac, you'll get a full map of the continent. And then there's War!, which will have quite a lot of information about the fine city of Bogota. So SoLA isn't coming out, but Latin America isn't being ignored.

Jason H.
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post Jan 16 2010, 11:34 PM
Post #13

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Jan 16 2010, 03:17 PM) *
I can't remember if I officially said this on Dumpshock before, but here it is: Shadows of Latin America, in the form in which it was written several years ago, will not be released in any way, at least not as long as I'm SR developer. It's old, it's obsolete, and the headaches involved in getting it into shape to be released are not worth the gain of having it out there.

As Bobby mentioned, though, SoLA was a significant source of info for the Sixth World Almanac, so you'll see good material in there. That means write-ups on Argentina, Aztlan, Amazonia, and Peru, along with maps of each individual nation. And of course, in that big, lovely, wonderful full-world map that will be included in the Almanac, you'll get a full map of the continent. And then there's War!, which will have quite a lot of information about the fine city of Bogota. So SoLA isn't coming out, but Latin America isn't being ignored.

Jason H.

THANK YOU for clearing this up! I've looked before, and I don't remember anyone saying it right out like that before.
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Ancient History
post Jan 16 2010, 11:37 PM
Post #14

Great Dragon

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I just want to clarify that I was completely honest in all parts of my original post.
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post Jan 16 2010, 11:39 PM
Post #15

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Ancient History @ Jan 16 2010, 03:37 PM) *
I just want to clarify that I was completely honest in all parts of my original post.

I never said you weren't - you just didn't tell us everything ^_^
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Ancient History
post Jan 16 2010, 11:41 PM
Post #16

Great Dragon

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I never do. How else could I maintain my reputation?
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post Jan 16 2010, 11:43 PM
Post #17

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Ancient History @ Jan 16 2010, 03:41 PM) *
I never do. How else could I maintain my reputation?

I suppose you have a point there. Come to think of it, didn't JM Hardy break the rules? Devs aren't SUPPOSED to say things right out. It ruins the mystery.
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Ancient History
post Jan 16 2010, 11:45 PM
Post #18

Great Dragon

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He's new. Give him time to adjust to the throne.

[/edit]Realistically, there was still some vague hope of releasing SoLA on Holostreets. Of course, Holostreets (among other things) has been an evil dream for more than a little while now, for reasons that cannot be spoken...
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post Jan 16 2010, 11:50 PM
Post #19

Moving Target

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but now we have one less thing to bitch about here on DS. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)
(IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)
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Ancient History
post Jan 16 2010, 11:52 PM
Post #20

Great Dragon

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Yeah, no. I don't see that ever happening. Eighteen years and five editions from now, on Dumpshock 10.0 The Crash Anniversary Edition, someone will still ask about SoLA.
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post Jan 17 2010, 12:00 AM
Post #21


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QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Jan 16 2010, 08:17 PM) *
I can't remember if I officially said this on Dumpshock before, but here it is: Shadows of Latin America, in the form in which it was written several years ago, will not be released in any way, at least not as long as I'm SR developer. It's old, it's obsolete, and the headaches involved in getting it into shape to be released are not worth the gain of having it out there.

As Bobby mentioned, though, SoLA was a significant source of info for the Sixth World Almanac, so you'll see good material in there. That means write-ups on Argentina, Aztlan, Amazonia, and Peru, along with maps of each individual nation. And of course, in that big, lovely, wonderful full-world map that will be included in the Almanac, you'll get a full map of the continent. And then there's War!, which will have quite a lot of information about the fine city of Bogota. So SoLA isn't coming out, but Latin America isn't being ignored.

Jason H.

What, no love for Chile? Geez. You know, the country that's both neighbors with Argentina and Peru?
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Ancient History
post Jan 17 2010, 12:11 AM
Post #22

Great Dragon

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The world circa 2010 has more than a hundred and forty nations, depending on which ones you recognize. For various reasons, a complete review on all of the nations in the 2070s would be...impractical. (Not that I didn't argue vehemently for it).
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post Jan 17 2010, 12:19 AM
Post #23


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Of course, but Chile is an important nation of Latin America nowadays and I don't see a reason to not see at least a blurb about it on the Almanac.
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Ancient History
post Jan 17 2010, 12:24 AM
Post #24

Great Dragon

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It's not that Chile isn't mentioned, it's just not given the four-star treatment of, say, Amazonia or Aztlan.
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post Jan 17 2010, 12:31 AM
Post #25

Running Target

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QUOTE (Ancient History @ Jan 16 2010, 07:11 PM) *
The world circa 2010 has more than a hundred and forty nations, depending on which ones you recognize. For various reasons, a complete review on all of the nations in the 2070s would be...impractical. (Not that I didn't argue vehemently for it).

Should not be that bad. 75% of the world die off in plagues. Life expectancy goes down. Should not be hard to keep some status quo and, nerf and merge others.
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