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> Art Attack v2.0, The One-Hour Character Sketch Returns!
post Nov 23 2005, 09:33 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Hoi, chummers!

After 8 months of Real Life™ kicking my hoop (read: career changes, marriage, & financial trouble), I'm back and ready to make some more art.

The rules are same in Art Attack v2.0. Post a description of your character in at least three sentences. The more detail the better. Sketches are "first come, first serve" and should appear on a nightly basis, Monday thru Friday. Anyone else that wants to jump in and post sketches are more than welcome.

Who's first?

***** EDIT *****

Here's a list of sketches done so far...

BIG BAD ORK (BBO) for Oracle
FITZ for Gerald Fitzgerald
KATKLAW for nick012000
GREGORI for Sicarius
BLAKE for mmu1
SKATE for ShadowDragon8685
MONKEY MAN for Straight Razor

Last Edited 12-5-05 19:22
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post Nov 23 2005, 09:47 AM
Post #2

Moving Target

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My character is an Ork-Streetsamurai. He is about 35 years old and 210cm large. Looks aged already. Lots of bioware-muscles. Mirrored cybereyes. His head ist completey shaven. His face is ab bit more attractive than the average ork's. Relatively small visible teeth. His prefered clothing consists of an armoured jacket, a shirt with some orxploitation imagery, BDUs and combat boots or sneakers. His main armament is an Ares Alpha. He is a heavy drinker and smoker. Enough info?

EDIT: Oh yes, his streetname is BBO, which stands for "Big Bad Ork". And he lives up to his name. He is a SR4 character.
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post Nov 23 2005, 09:48 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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Oracle is our first winner!

Will post sketch later tonight...

[EDIT] I should probably know this but... BDU's?
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post Nov 23 2005, 09:50 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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post Nov 23 2005, 09:52 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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I was right... I should have known that.
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Gerald Fitzgeral...
post Nov 23 2005, 09:52 AM
Post #6


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My character, Fitz, was a smart kid born to two dumb, BTL abusing parents. It didn't take a genious to realize he had to get out of his house. No one made him go to school, so he took to doing maintenance on gangers bikes.

He needs his glasses to see, although sometimes he opts for cerrective goggles. He resides permanently with one chop shop gang and is their resident rigger. He oversees their destruction/reconstruction. They sprung for his (obvious) cyber left arm, which he uses to keep tools and his remote control deck.

He had bouts of insomnia and often time works on vehicles for days straight. He looks mildly unkempt and only cut his hair if it gets caught in the gears of something (which is rather often.) If he washed his hands, the oil would not come out. He likes it that way.

If the police ever needed finger prints, they're streaked up and down his clothes where he's opted to use them in lieu of a shop towel. Loose clothing can get sucked into gears and/or tools, so he ties his pants legs off at the ankles with bandanas.

The only thing he cleans are his glasses.

EDIT* damn, missed it
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post Nov 23 2005, 09:54 AM
Post #7

Running Target

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Katklaw is an orc street samurai, though you wouldn't guess the former by looking at him. He's rather thin (for an orc), and has had extensive cosmetic surgery done so that his facial features are distinctly feline, and he actually has a muzzle, with feline dental work (and no orcish tusks). His cybereyes and cyberears are also modified to be catlike. He doesn't have any whiskers, though, because they interfere with wearing a helmet. His hair is currently worn very short, because he had to be shaven bald in order to have the dermal sheathing he had installed recently installed. It's died with orange and black stripes, in a tiger-like fashion, as is his facial hair, which is about the same length. He wears a camofluaged trenchcoat over a white t-shirt, and a pair of jeans (ripped off at knee-length) are held up by a synthleather belt. The most obvious cyberware he has includes a set of Kid Stealth legs and a balance tail (the dermal sheathing shouldn't be too obvious). He has a set of hand razors in his right hand, but they're retractable. He currently owns a Steyr AUG-CSL weapon system for his gun.
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post Nov 23 2005, 09:56 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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Small tusks! That was what I meant when I said "small visible teeth". Bad English. Sorry. o_O
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Gerald Fitzgeral...
post Nov 23 2005, 10:05 AM
Post #9


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Katklaw is an orc street samurai, though you wouldn't guess the former by looking at him. He's rather thin (for an orc), and has had extensive cosmetic surgery done so that his facial features are distinctly feline, and he actually has a muzzle, with feline dental work (and no orcish tusks). His cybereyes and cyberears are also modified to be catlike. He doesn't have any whiskers, though, because they interfere with wearing a helmet. His hair is currently worn very short, because he had to be shaven bald in order to have the dermal sheathing he had installed recently installed. It's died with orange and black stripes, in a tiger-like fashion, as is his facial hair, which is about the same length. He wears a camofluaged trenchcoat over a white t-shirt, and a pair of jeans (ripped off at knee-length) are held up by a synthleather belt. The most obvious cyberware he has includes a set of Kid Stealth legs and a balance tail (the dermal sheathing shouldn't be too obvious). He has a set of hand razors in his right hand, but they're retractable. He currently owns a Steyr AUG-CSL weapon system for his gun.

Am I the only one who is glad they never made "cat people" for SR?
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post Nov 23 2005, 10:08 AM
Post #10

Running Target

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QUOTE (Gerald Fitzgerald)
Katklaw is an orc street samurai, though you wouldn't guess the former by looking at him. He's rather thin (for an orc), and has had extensive cosmetic surgery done so that his facial features are distinctly feline, and he actually has a muzzle, with feline dental work (and no orcish tusks). His cybereyes and cyberears are also modified to be catlike. He doesn't have any whiskers, though, because they interfere with wearing a helmet. His hair is currently worn very short, because he had to be shaven bald in order to have the dermal sheathing he had installed recently installed. It's died with orange and black stripes, in a tiger-like fashion, as is his facial hair, which is about the same length. He wears a camofluaged trenchcoat over a white t-shirt, and a pair of jeans (ripped off at knee-length) are held up by a synthleather belt. The most obvious cyberware he has includes a set of Kid Stealth legs and a balance tail (the dermal sheathing shouldn't be too obvious). He has a set of hand razors in his right hand, but they're retractable. He currently owns a Steyr AUG-CSL weapon system for his gun.

Am I the only one who is glad they never made "cat people" for SR?

You mean like the catgirl pornstar that got her own peice of fiction in Year of the Comet? :P
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post Nov 23 2005, 10:08 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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They did. It is called SURGE. 90% of all surgelings do look like mixtures of cats and elves...at least here in Germany. :S
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SL James
post Nov 23 2005, 10:24 AM
Post #12

Shadowrun Setting Nerd

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Don't Forget To Spay Your Catgirls
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post Nov 23 2005, 10:59 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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Gregori is a human Russian, of medium build (approximately 5'10 5'11, 160-175 lbs), with brown hair shaved very close to his scalp. He is a low-level vory thug, and Wolf Shamanist. His body features tattoos on his bicep and chest. (cross on chest, wolf's head on bicep). He wears a armored vest covered in fetishes, underneath a thigh length leather jacket, and khaki work pants. He wears a necklace of wolves teeth around his neck (a focus), and carries a ares predator.

This is an awesome offer.
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post Nov 23 2005, 11:56 AM
Post #14

Moving Target

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Alright, here is entry #1...

Oracle's ork street sam, BBO - Big Bad Ork

I know I asked the question about the camo pants but, after reading the description again, the clothing didn't seem as important as how he looked. So, I decided on a medium shot to focus more on his head as opposed to the style of clothing he wears.

Approx. Sketch Time: 30 min
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post Nov 23 2005, 12:19 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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Great!!! Thank you very much! May I print the image on my character sheet?
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post Nov 23 2005, 12:22 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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post Nov 23 2005, 01:23 PM
Post #17

Running Target

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Hopefully this time, I'll be quick enough to get in on the action... This is Blake, my street sam:

Blake's a stocky but fit caucasian male dwarf, very tall for his metatype (almost 4'10"), with short cropped brown hair and beard, solid gunmetal cybereyes, and light dermal sheathing. (his face is mostly free of it, and what little there is has been applied expertly and doesn't distort his features) He's fair looking, and appears to be in his early 30's. He's quick to smile and often munches on a bag of pretzels or jerky, and switches between looking sharp and alert (when dealing with people he knows or prospective employers) and slow moving, laid-back and a bit naive when faced with potential opposition. (which has been a very effective way of getting enemies to consistently underestimate him - until the "little dwarf rigger" suddenly plants a shock glove in their kidney)

He usually dresses in a military-surplus looking secure jacket over a couple of t-shirts (black, gray or navy, with no designs), heavy-duty cargo pants or baggy jeans (baggy, not ones with the waist around his knees, thank you:)) and strong leather work or combat boots. (all a bit worn and comfortable looking, but very clean) He's usually accompanied by a palm-sized arachnid drone riding on his shoulder or peeking out of one of the jacket pockets.

Most of the time, he carries a Predator III in a concealed holster and wears shock gloves, but many runs find him dressed in full-body camo over FFBA, with a tactical vest on, toting a heavily modified AK-98.
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post Nov 23 2005, 02:01 PM
Post #18


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Okay, here's one. I'll even provide some 'concept' pictures.

Skate, my (infamous) decker who moonlights as a sammie. Asian girl, 21 years old, small chest, carrying an Ares Predator. Wears a very complicated piece of clothing known as a Widow's Dress:

The Widow's Dress is a one-piece outfit of raverware. It's a cross between a coat and a long ballroom gown, in leather. Semihigh collar, the 'shirtails' of it should be brushing along the ground, or almost to it.

Here. These screenies may help. They were taken from The Matrix Online beta-test. I'm sure if the NDA I 'signed' by pre-ordering my way into the beta test still applies. I don't give a rat's ass. :)

Skate also wears a brown indiana jones fedora, but you can leave in or out the headset as you like.

High-quality shot zoomed up to Skate's face.
Good-quality shot from below. (The red eyes were me playing around with a GFX bug in the game. ;) )
A medium-quality shot of the widow's dress from behind. Note that the hat is SUPPOSED to be a fedora. A bug in the game was linking that special fedora's item number to the cowboy hat instead.
Another shot from behind, different perspective.
Not really related, this is Skate demonstrating that Neo may be God, but he ain't smart. You can outwit an Agent just by climbing up a pipe. :)
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Straight Razor
post Nov 23 2005, 03:57 PM
Post #19

Moving Target

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Ooo... lets see. I have to pick from my many children...
I'll pick... Monkey Man aka jerry

right at 2 M tall. he is a PhyAdept struck Hard by the surge. a Master of the monkey and tiger style Kung-Fu. Gravity ment little to him before, now it means less.
The surge made it hard for him to blend into public with his thick full body fur, and tail. The prehensile tail and retractible claws, that sweat with bitter alikloids, make him a killer at close range.
With a up-beet personality, humor gets him through the average day. Tho he is anything from goofy. Years of disiplin and recent tormuld give him a very grounded view of the world.

Prefering to rely on his magics and training he takes little with him; a small pack to hold what he needs for a day, and not much more armor than he fills is minimal.
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Kyoto Kid
post Nov 23 2005, 10:05 PM
Post #20

Bushido Cowgirl

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Human, about 5' tall. petite frame looks (and acts) a lot younger than her age of 19 (about 12 - 13), eastern European, long red hair with white streak on left side of face, blue eyes (if colour is available),. Does not smoke, but loves Scrumpy (a very hard form of British apple cider which.. "they serve in pints").

2 possible styles

After retirement as a runner: dresses in sexy tres chic as she is the adopted daughter of a British noble and gaining reputation as a concert performer (piano). Hair worn long and loose.

When she was running: British Neo-Mod with armoured "bomber" styled jacket. Weapon of choice - Gyrojet. Also a masterful demolitionist so she might have a few cakes of C-12 & some radio detonators ()which she sets off using her transceiver patched into her transducer implant). Hair worn slightly shorter & frizzed out (no spikes or Mowhawk etc) Also likes to rollerblade.
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post Nov 23 2005, 10:18 PM
Post #21

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Gerald Fitzgerald @ Nov 23 2005, 04:05 AM)
Am I the only one who is glad they never made "cat people" for SR?

Are you referring to a rules group baised on the movie or people with who have undergone cosmetic surgery?

Hey ShadowDragon, What game are those pics from?
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post Nov 24 2005, 01:49 AM
Post #22

Immoral Elf

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AFAIK, the pics are from Matrix Online.
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post Nov 24 2005, 06:16 AM
Post #23

Moving Target

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QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
These screenies may help. They were taken from The Matrix Online beta-test.

:spin: Reading helps sometimes... ;)
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post Nov 24 2005, 06:53 AM
Post #24

Moving Target

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the UCAS & CAS (I doubt that the NAN celebrates it...) and as a gift, here is sketch #2...

Gerald Fitzgerald's chopshop wiz, Fitz.
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post Nov 24 2005, 07:03 AM
Post #25

Manus Celer Dei

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Sure they do. Over in Sioux country they roast a UCASser.

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