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> House Rules, Ammo questions
post Feb 4 2006, 04:16 AM
Post #51


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QUOTE (mfb @ Feb 3 2006, 11:10 PM)
edit: er, well, shit. the explanation fit in SR3. i'd have to check the SR4 stats to see if it fits there... and i don't wanna.

QUOTE (SR4 @ pg 312)
Explosive Rounds: Explosive rounds are solid slugs designed to fragment and explode on impact.

That's pretty much all the fluff we get in SR4. I'm of the mind that APDS should have the most armor piercing ability, and flechette should work the best against unarmored and lightly armored targets. Call me crazy...
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post Feb 4 2006, 04:24 AM
Post #52

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hah. with a creative enough interpretation of the word "explode"--for instance, if you drop a wineglass, it could be said to explode--my quasi-houserule fluff is canon.
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post Feb 4 2006, 04:29 AM
Post #53


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The fluff strongly implies that all of the damage from the explosive round is caused by the explosion and fragments -- that the round doesn't even have time to deform from the impact.
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post Feb 4 2006, 04:31 AM
Post #54

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Shrike30)
Saying we've got the basis of some of the tech seen in shadowrun is like saying the horse and buggy was the basis for hybrid cars. There's some truth in it, and the changeover did only take a little over a century, but a lot of stuff happened in between.

Oh, well put.
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post Feb 4 2006, 04:34 AM
Post #55


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Soon enough our military is going to have plasma based weapons (well, portable ones) that will render current armor technologies obsolete.

I don't know what my point was, but I just wanted to say that ;)
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post Feb 4 2006, 04:41 AM
Post #56

Immortal Elf

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breaking into fragments is basically a type of deformation, when you're talking about bullets. or, at least, that's how i've always seen it.
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post Feb 4 2006, 04:48 AM
Post #57


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Well, yeah :D The term deformation, when applied to bullets, refers to the change in shape of the bullet at anytime after the bullet starts travelling through the barrel. So you're technically correct. Heheh. What are we talking about again? Has anyone even looked at my balanced ammo chart?
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post Feb 4 2006, 04:54 AM
Post #58


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Hey Angelstandings and thanks for working on that Ammo chart, we are almost finished on our first draft of house rules and your chart will be useful.

We had a few ideas of our own and have worked out what I think is a interesting way for the armor to work without haveing to touch the stats on it and I am studying your chart now.

One of our issues was how the same peice of armor would either make you laugh at hits or leave you high and dry if the enemy had a great roll and your dice fell asleep and left you as a splatter. So we have been looking for a happy medium.

One of the ideas we came up with is that only the staging effect worked in the first phase of the AP penetration and the DV from Ammo and Various burst fires worked in the second stage.

What ever Armor you were wearing would work as normal for penetration. But instead of rolling the armor rating for resist you would get a flat save of half the armors rating. ie... 8/6 would be 4/3 off the incoming damage. Then add what ever resist you have from body. We had it reversed but light pistols had such a low chance of damage.

We also changed how body does resist though. We have never believed that body should be the bases for resist, the idea of a troll taking more damage then a blue whale is just crazy. So we give everyone a flat 6 for resist and the boxes on your damage chart are 10 + body. Less dice to resist with for high end but more boxes for the char to soak up hits with and make the damage conditioner in sets of 4 to reflect this. ( So Trolls can take more hits still and they have their natural armor but more in line we feel )

Con is you wont have the possability of rolling 8 sucesses but pro is your avg will be higher on damage mitigation.

We havent play tested it yet but we have hopes it will hit that happy medium that we like.

And again, thanks for taking your time to do that chart, I will be reviewing it for a bit for our game. :)
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post Feb 4 2006, 05:01 AM
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Well, whatever works for you guys :D I'd recommend changing as little as possible to get the desired effect you want since the more you change stuff, you increase the chance of breaking something else.
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post Feb 4 2006, 05:14 AM
Post #60


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Aye, I hear ya. Everytime I change somthing I look at it like a chess game and think a few moves ahead and try to trace down all its effects befor I commit and the fourms here are a good sounding board.

For the most part as long as you understand the theory behind their idea, its not to hard to try to mimic it but from another direction, but change one little game effect and some major issues have a way of sneaking in.

I figure if I post what ever I am working on, I will get a chance to see what positive or negitive effects the readers give and do a revision from there if needed.

But thanks again for your time.
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post Feb 4 2006, 05:36 AM
Post #61


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QUOTE (Deadjester @ Feb 4 2006, 12:14 AM)
I figure if I post what ever I am working on, I will get a chance to see what positive or negitive effects the readers give and do a revision from there if needed.

Well, on that note, I should point out that I wasn't able to follow exactly what you came up with to change the way damage is handled. Could you explain it better?

EDIT: BTW I added a comparison chart (page 2 of this thread) that shows what the RAW ammo differences look like using the same math used to show my changed values. I hope that puts things into perspective.
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post Feb 4 2006, 06:36 AM
Post #62


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Ya, I am not the best getting my ideas across typing but here it goes. =)

I will try to take it step by step and explain where it differs from SR4.

Set up. From the book, EX EX Ammo DV+2, AP-2, using a heavy pistol -1AP.
Armor is 8/6

I will assign success shifts for sake of example.


Agility+Skill vs Reaction = +4 Shift
-3 (ammo + Hvy Pistol) to AP = 5 BAL. 5+4 = 9, we have penetration.
9+2=11 (9 + Ammo shift of 2)
11-3+2= 6 Damage to char. (half of Bal of 6 is auto sucuess of 3 + we roll a flat 6 dice instead of the old body rules)

Char takes 6 damage.

Char is a troll with a 12 body. (Our rules, 10+body, this troll has 22 boxes total. He is now 6 boxes down of his 22 and the condition modifiers are in sets of 4 which now puts him at -1 for all tests and he is now 2 boxes into his next set of 4.
Also we give Troll a natural ballastic of 1 which I forgot to show but you get the picture, but it could affect the auto success if it had uped the bal to a even number and raised the auto success from 3 to 4 if it went well.)

Hope I did better this time around explaining.

We changed the way body resists work because we didnt believe in it as they did it. In the old system our Troll had as big a body as their blue whale did if not bigger. Resisting damage and being able to take more damage are two different issues.

Trolls and humans are both flesh and blood and it was crazy that it would take a small nuke to take out our troll and if that didnt work it would still frag everyone near by.

The present system stacks two seperate resists factors when it should be a resist factor combined with damage sustainable factor after the fact.

So to try to reflect this and to stay within the system we added a flat 6 dice to roll combined with armor and upped the damage chars can handle to reflect that the chars no longer can resist damage as they once could at the higher end.

Since they now have a few more boxes we shifted from a 3 conditioner box set to a 4 box set to reflect the change.

The pros of this system is that it makes it much easier for a GM to set thresh holds on creatures and machines. Some things resist damage better then others and some things can handle damage better then others but don't resist to well.

Like a troll vs a blue whale, put the same armor on both, they resist the same but the whale will handle alot more hits then the troll can from a hvy pistol.

Same for some Helos, some have decent armor but cant handle much damage once penetraited.

Or the A10, takes a licking and keeps on ticking, that plane can really take it.

Whey I brought Ammo up, I wanted AP and DV to be reflected seperately so it could be managed easier but even though I am smart I still don't have the experience that many others do here when it came to the Ammo. So I asked for help here. =)

I hope I did better this time around, let me know if I didnt and if you did understand what I said, let me know what you think.

The changes are real easy for our players to deal with so should not be to much of a issue since they are not even use to SR4 yet.


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post Feb 4 2006, 07:06 AM
Post #63


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Armor is 8/6

I will assign success shifts for sake of example.


1) Agility+Skill vs Reaction = +4 Shift
2) -3 (ammo + Hvy Pistol) to AP = 5 BAL. 5+4 = 9, we have penetration.
3) 9+2=11 (9 + Ammo shift of 2)
4) 11-3+2= 6 Damage to char. (half of Bal of 6 is auto sucuess of 3 + we roll a flat 6 dice instead of the old body rules)

Ok... let's see if I got this right:

1) attacker rolled 16 more dice than defender on opposed test -- simplified to 4 net hits.
2) we add attackers net hits to 5 base damage for the pistol get 9. Since 9 is greater than 8 (the original ballistic armor value) the attack penetrates.
3) Add in the ammo's DV value of 2, to get 11.
4) Subtract ammo's DV value from 11 to get 9 (haha), and then another 3 from it (I'm guessing those are the number of successes from the 6 dice the defender gets to roll to resist damage?) to get to 6 -- which is the amount of damage the defender recieves.

If I got this right, then in step 3 you've added an extra step when adding the ammo DV value, only to subtract it again in step 4. And: Why are we using 3 successes from 6 dice again? That would be a damn good roll.
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post Feb 4 2006, 07:48 AM
Post #64


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No, not exactly.

But disreguard my last post, the GM and I who are working on this has been over for a bit and we were talking over what you said and you inadvertently helped us realize that the GM and I had a miscommunication in our ideas on how to make this work.

Befor I look any more stupid, let me finish working this out with him and I will send you a PM within a day or two and you can give me your thoughts then I will post it for others to review, if thats cool with you.

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post Feb 4 2006, 07:50 AM
Post #65


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Oh haha... Hey, whatever... I just like throwing ideas around :D
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post Feb 4 2006, 09:18 AM
Post #66


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My fixes were relatively simple to apply... i just add the DV mods after the round has checked to see if it goes through the armor or not, and if it gets stepped down from physical to stun, then after ALL the math, you divide in half (rounding up). This is for P damage bullets only.... knives, gel rounds, and whatever else didn't have this applied to them

I also took out EXEX entirely and just made APDS Avail 12F.
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Space Ghost
post Feb 5 2006, 07:40 AM
Post #67

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i like your chart, and i may lobby for its use in my game. Not sure about the APDS, though. The math is fine, but it feels a little choppy. Maybe an AP of -(half ballistic), minimum -3?
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post Feb 5 2006, 11:57 PM
Post #68


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Thanks for all the good advice...
I intend to modify AP, but leave everything else alone:
APDS: -half
Explosive Rounds: +1
Ex-Explosive Rounds: +2
Gel Rounds: double
Flechette Rounds / Shot Rounds: double
I did some basic calculations and this should work for my game.
Thanks again.
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post Feb 6 2006, 09:19 AM
Post #69

Running Target

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QUOTE (Angelstandings @ Feb 3 2006, 08:27 PM)
I can't see Serbitor's page (link is broken for me) [...]

QUOTE (Serbitars House Rules)


+1DV S / +Impact
+2DV / +Impact
+1DV / +1AP
+2DV / +1AP
- / -5AP
4S(e) / -Half Impact

Flechette and gel ammo is still resisted with impact, but doubles the effective impact rating (+ Impact). StickNShock is resisted with half impact and electricity damage rules apply.
Note that the revised flechette rules also apply to the appropriate grenades and rockets.

Damage converted from physical to stun, due to high armor, is resisted with the modified standard armor rating (depending on the attack), pluss the full impact rating.

Ronny Runner is hit by a Predator wih flechette ammo and 2 net hits. he is wearing an armour jacket.
The attack does 5+2(flechette)+2(net hits) = 9DV with an AP of -1(predator)+6(flechtette against armor jacket) = +5. Ronnys armor jacket has an impact rating of 6 which is modified to 11 (6+5) due to the attack. 9 DV does not penetrate the modified armor of 11, so the damage is converted to stun damage.
Ronny can now resist the attack with his body + 11 armor + 6 additional impact dice.
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post Feb 6 2006, 10:31 AM
Post #70

Running Target

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Stick 'n' Shock has a DV of 6S.
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post Feb 6 2006, 11:06 AM
Post #71

Running Target

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Notice the "quoted by Serbitars House Rules" please.
StickNShock with DV 6S(e) is the biggest bug in the whole SR4 ammo list. It hast a DV of 6 (which is extremely good), does stun (which is almost always better than physical damage), is resisted only by half the impact armor (which is way less than balistic armor), does electrical damage with the side effects that come with it AND can be loaded into your holdout.
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post Feb 6 2006, 11:09 AM
Post #72

Running Target

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Your point? EX-EX does virtually all of that. Okay, it doesn't halve the armor, but unless they're a spirit or wearing a suit of Full Body Armor, the difference is trivial.
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post Feb 6 2006, 12:34 PM
Post #73

Running Target

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Just do the math, you'll find out. Include all the effects I mentioned. Read all the relevant rules, especially the electricity damage rules.
(btw: The difference in armor between vanilla exex and vanilla stickNshock when wearing an armor jacket, which is standard runner equipment, is 6 dice vs 3 dice. And thats only one small effect. Not including stun damage, electricity damage, critical glitch effects, weapon inependent DV . . .)

Furthermore, like you might have noticed when reading this thread, ExEx is unbalanced, too.

So what is your point? Making irrelevant one-line posts and then defending them by making wrong statements?
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post Feb 6 2006, 03:16 PM
Post #74


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I agree that stick-n-shock needs to be lowered a notch or two. hehe, 6S(e) is just way to good :D In my chart I have them as 5S(e) but I was really contemplating on lowering them to 4(S)e....

Serbitar, I'll throw your ammo values into the chart I made on page 2 for comparison. :D
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post Feb 6 2006, 03:34 PM
Post #75

Running Target

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Would be nice. Bout you definatley have to include the physical/stun conversion effect of my house rules, because thats what APDS is all about. But this also means, that the outcome depends on your base DV and your hits, and is not easily plotted in a matrix.

The good side is, that -AP is not just +1/3DV, but a completley different thing, when it comes to the question whether you penetrate the armour or not. I think, thats the way it should be.

(BTW: you have a typo in your SR4 vannilla rules damage calculation. Exex is allways -8 dice difference, not -7 as in the 11/10 example)
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