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> House Rules, Ammo questions
post Feb 6 2006, 09:19 AM
Post #69

Running Target

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QUOTE (Angelstandings @ Feb 3 2006, 08:27 PM)
I can't see Serbitor's page (link is broken for me) [...]

QUOTE (Serbitars House Rules)


+1DV S / +Impact
+2DV / +Impact
+1DV / +1AP
+2DV / +1AP
- / -5AP
4S(e) / -Half Impact

Flechette and gel ammo is still resisted with impact, but doubles the effective impact rating (+ Impact). StickNShock is resisted with half impact and electricity damage rules apply.
Note that the revised flechette rules also apply to the appropriate grenades and rockets.

Damage converted from physical to stun, due to high armor, is resisted with the modified standard armor rating (depending on the attack), pluss the full impact rating.

Ronny Runner is hit by a Predator wih flechette ammo and 2 net hits. he is wearing an armour jacket.
The attack does 5+2(flechette)+2(net hits) = 9DV with an AP of -1(predator)+6(flechtette against armor jacket) = +5. Ronnys armor jacket has an impact rating of 6 which is modified to 11 (6+5) due to the attack. 9 DV does not penetrate the modified armor of 11, so the damage is converted to stun damage.
Ronny can now resist the attack with his body + 11 armor + 6 additional impact dice.
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post Feb 6 2006, 10:31 AM
Post #70

Running Target

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Stick 'n' Shock has a DV of 6S.
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post Feb 6 2006, 11:06 AM
Post #71

Running Target

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Notice the "quoted by Serbitars House Rules" please.
StickNShock with DV 6S(e) is the biggest bug in the whole SR4 ammo list. It hast a DV of 6 (which is extremely good), does stun (which is almost always better than physical damage), is resisted only by half the impact armor (which is way less than balistic armor), does electrical damage with the side effects that come with it AND can be loaded into your holdout.
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post Feb 6 2006, 11:09 AM
Post #72

Running Target

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Your point? EX-EX does virtually all of that. Okay, it doesn't halve the armor, but unless they're a spirit or wearing a suit of Full Body Armor, the difference is trivial.
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post Feb 6 2006, 12:34 PM
Post #73

Running Target

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Just do the math, you'll find out. Include all the effects I mentioned. Read all the relevant rules, especially the electricity damage rules.
(btw: The difference in armor between vanilla exex and vanilla stickNshock when wearing an armor jacket, which is standard runner equipment, is 6 dice vs 3 dice. And thats only one small effect. Not including stun damage, electricity damage, critical glitch effects, weapon inependent DV . . .)

Furthermore, like you might have noticed when reading this thread, ExEx is unbalanced, too.

So what is your point? Making irrelevant one-line posts and then defending them by making wrong statements?
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post Feb 6 2006, 03:16 PM
Post #74


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I agree that stick-n-shock needs to be lowered a notch or two. hehe, 6S(e) is just way to good :D In my chart I have them as 5S(e) but I was really contemplating on lowering them to 4(S)e....

Serbitar, I'll throw your ammo values into the chart I made on page 2 for comparison. :D
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post Feb 6 2006, 03:34 PM
Post #75

Running Target

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Would be nice. Bout you definatley have to include the physical/stun conversion effect of my house rules, because thats what APDS is all about. But this also means, that the outcome depends on your base DV and your hits, and is not easily plotted in a matrix.

The good side is, that -AP is not just +1/3DV, but a completley different thing, when it comes to the question whether you penetrate the armour or not. I think, thats the way it should be.

(BTW: you have a typo in your SR4 vannilla rules damage calculation. Exex is allways -8 dice difference, not -7 as in the 11/10 example)
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post Feb 6 2006, 03:48 PM
Post #76


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Your ammo rules are better balanced than RAW as far as I can see.

And you're right, it's not possible to add in your modified stun conversion rule into *that* particular chart. But I can see the intended effect.

I prefer mine better :D But your houserule is obviously a step in the right direction. I could make another chart, which would consider your stun damage conversion rule... But it would be a lot more complicated, and based on the number of replies I got from my chart (none, unless you count private mails, then I got 2) -- no one will bother even looking at it. Math scares people.

I find it interesting that we both, quite independently, doubled the impact armor vs Flechette ammo. That is really the only way, mathematically, to make something worse vs. armored targets. Which is why I went with halving ballistic armor vs. APDS -- because it scales correctly that way instead of a mere +- AP.

EDIT: Also, I recognize that -1 AR = 1/3 DV (in most cases), and while I'm not particularly pleased with it, I don't see a reason to complicate matters further by trying to apply them in different ways (although I understand that is what the OP was asking for). I Just balanced the ammo taking that mathematical fact into consideration -- something the developers seem to have missed.
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post Feb 6 2006, 05:21 PM
Post #77

Running Target

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I just made a calc sheet to compare the differences, get it here:


for those who dont have openoffice or excel:


note that I changed exex in my houserules from +2/+1 to +2/+2
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post Feb 6 2006, 06:35 PM
Post #78

Shooting Target

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@Serbitar, I've got an older version of Excel which apparently doesn't open Open Office files. Could you export it, I'm curious about the calculations and was thinking about expanding it past just simple average calcs.

QUOTE (Angelstandings)
That is really the only way, mathematically, to make something worse vs. armored targets.


QUOTE (page 152)
Some weapons fare poorly against armor, and so actually
raise the value of the armor—if the target is not wearing
armor, however, this bonus does not apply.

As for the issue of high armour leading to someone getting knocked out quickly, I suggest a much better way to handle that is to split the boxes of damage between Physical and Stun instead of putting them all against the Stun track.

Anyway, you asked about Gel Serbitar. Here is an expanded list, including fleshed out rules for shotguns and flechette rounds. I haven't put in the costs and avail yet, but the DU AP stuff likely won't even get a number, it just isn't normally available.

I also haven't addressed Stick'n'Shock. Your dropping the DV to 4 sounds better than RAW at a glance, but I haven't looked at it that closely yet.

I've tried to provide a range of ammo with different uses, and tried to match it up to roughly what the ammo is suppose to be used for.

Buckshot 0DV (-1DV per extra range increment)/ +2AP (+2AP per extra range increment), +2 die per extra range increment for a net gain of +1 die per range increment (versus higher of Impact or Balistic)

Narrow (Full Choke) only 1 target at a time
Medium (Modified Choke) -1DV, 2 adjacent targets by spliting the dice pool
Wide (No Choke) -2DV, 3 adjacent targets by splitting the dice pool, middle target must have highest (or tied for highest) number of dice allocated

Gel 0/+2AP (versus higher of Impact or Balistic)

Flechette (only specified weapons and shotguns) -1DV/0, +1 die (versus Balistic)

Hollowpoint +1DV/+3AP
Explosive +1DV/+1AP
ExEx (or mfb's magical bimetal mystery tech) +1DV/0AP

Armour Piercing, Steel 0/-2AP
Armour Piercing, Tungsten 0/-3AP
Armour Piercing, DU 0/-4AP (+1DV if Hardened Armour is successfully penetrated), may cause secondary burning or toxic effects as per depleted uranium discussion

Fragmenting +1DV/+3AP (Handgrenades, Missles, Rockets)

Stick'n'Shock - TBD (This is magic ammo!)
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post Feb 6 2006, 06:44 PM
Post #79


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QUOTE (Brahm @ Feb 6 2006, 01:35 PM)

QUOTE (Angelstandings)
That is really the only way, mathematically, to make something worse vs. armored targets.


Yes, and here's why: Subtraction/Addition of AR doesn't scale properly with an increased armor value. For example, consider an AR modifier of -5. Works great against 5 armor (reducing it to 0), but has a much less noticable difference against 17 armor (reducing it to 12).

The same works in reverse. If you disagree, please explain why.

@Serbitor: Wish you weren't in germany, as I can't see those damned charts.
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post Feb 6 2006, 06:51 PM
Post #80

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Angelstandings @ Feb 6 2006, 01:44 PM)
QUOTE (Brahm @ Feb 6 2006, 01:35 PM)

QUOTE (Angelstandings)
That is really the only way, mathematically, to make something worse vs. armored targets.


Yes, and here's why: Subtraction/Addition of AR doesn't scale properly with an increased armor value. For example, consider an AR modifier of -5. Works great against 5 armor (reducing it to 0), but has a much less noticable difference against 17 armor (reducing it to 12).

The same works in reverse. If you disagree, please explain why.

Because in both situations those 5 dice would have removed roughly the same amount of damage. The slight difference is that it is more damage removed by those 5 dice for the higher armor because of the interaction with Edge, as I discussed earlier in this thread.

It is a smaller percetage of the damage removed overall by the armor. But that percetage comparison of armor to armor is nearly meaningless in judging how effective AP is.
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post Feb 6 2006, 06:55 PM
Post #81


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Sure, it removes/adds the same amount, but that amount becomes more and more meaningless as the armor improves -- which is the main reason the ammo types aren't balanced in the first place.

That can be solved by doubling or halving the armor -- nothing else would be as elegant.

I guess it all comes down to how effective to you want armor piercing ammo, and how inneffective you want flechette ammo, to be against high armor targets. If the answer to both is "not very" then pay no attention to me.
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post Feb 6 2006, 08:50 PM
Post #82

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Angelstandings @ Feb 6 2006, 01:55 PM)
Sure, it removes/adds the same amount, but that amount becomes more and more meaningly as the armor improves -- which is the main reason the ammo types aren't balanced in the first place.

I'm not sure exactly what you ment to say by meaningly. Did you mean to say AP because less meaningful as the armor increases? Because that is not true until you have a truely grotesque personal armor rating. Or you start shooting tanks. In either of those cases small arms fire isn't the right solution anyway. You need something BIGGER.

That can be solved by doubling or halving the armor -- nothing else would be as elegant.

Stick'n'Shock is an issue precisely because as an elemental damage attack it halves impact armour. To bring some sanity to the situation the damage has to be dropped to match. Or something.


I guess it all comes down to how effective to you want armor piercing ammo, and how inneffective you want flechette ammo,  to be against high armor targets.  If the answer to both is "not very" then pay no attention to me.

More to the point, what exactly are you trying to balance? The problem with the RAW ammo isn't that ExEx is superior to APDS in most situations. It is that it is cheaper and more available than APDS, and so very close to being the equal to APDS in the situations where you put the highest value on armor penatration.

Why? Because Ex and ExEx were both given giving armor penatration and damage increasing qualties.

If you check my numbers you'll see that, without having to double up or halve armor, that each class of ammunition has a use and a drawback. Even the big loser, flechette, still has some use. It increases your chance to hit something without buckshot's two main problems of decreased damage at range and lowered ability to penetrate light armor. Which is a fair approximation of real world flechette. Justifying a cost drop with SR's cost improvement in fine detail manufacturing is what would make Flechette a viable product.
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post Feb 6 2006, 09:03 PM
Post #83

Running Target

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QUOTE (Angelstandings @ Feb 6 2006, 01:44 PM)

@Serbitor: Wish you weren't in germany, as I can't see those damned charts.

Its Serbitar.
And I really have no Idea why some people from the states have problems with my webserver. Quite strange .

Why I dont halve armour with apds: With my penetration system, it becomes extremley usefull to penetrate armour, and a value of -5 works very well.

@Brahm: the newest version of office can open open office files, but ill export it.
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post Feb 6 2006, 09:10 PM
Post #84

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Serbitar @ Feb 6 2006, 04:03 PM)
Why I dont halve armour with apds:  With my penetration system, it becomes extremley usefull to penetrate armour, and a value of -5 works very well.

@Brahm: the newest version of office an open open office files, but ill export it.

Too well. :) Even for RAW.

And thanks. I'm a self-employed contractor with no work requirement for contributing to Microsofts coffers by upgrading past Office 2000.
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post Feb 6 2006, 09:24 PM
Post #85

Running Target

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Found a small mistake, upgraded to version 1.1

Btw: I can easily add errorbars to my averages. Deviation of one die is 2.5. The standard deviation of x dice is sqrt(sum i=1..x i²). The number of dice is easily calculated (body+amor-ap). Voila, error bars. (though, they might be not very much gaussian with such small numbers)

But the -5 or even the -4 in RAW does not work without my additional rule of physical to stun conversion. Without it, its simply linear and pretty much useless.
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post Feb 6 2006, 09:28 PM
Post #86


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QUOTE (Brahm @ Feb 6 2006, 03:50 PM)
I'm not sure exactly what you ment to say by meaningly

That can be solved by doubling or halving the armor -- nothing else would be as elegant.

More to the point, what exactly are you trying to balance?

Myeah, meaningless... haha. Weird typo.

The ammo types, RAW, aren't balanced in that they do not each have their own place, and Ex-Explosive is better by far in every case, except where armor penetration is the issue -- in that case, stick-n-shock ammo wins.

Have you seen my chart on page 2 of this thread? If you can find something wrong with that chart, then let me know... if not, it's plainly clear to me what needs to be fixed.

I suppose if you find the fact that stick-n-shock halves ammo, then yeah... I guess that any ammo that halves armor would be broken to you. I, personally, have no problem with ammo that halves or doubles armor... I just think that Armor piercing ammo should give the highest bonus against highly armored targets, while flechette should become penalized against armored targets, relative to normal ammo.

Sure... my way of doing it makes armor turn into paper against armor piercing rounds. But not much more so than than stick-n-shock already does.

If you've got problems with doubling amor with flechette, or halving armor with APDS, then you're already going to have problems with stick-n-shock.
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post Feb 6 2006, 09:51 PM
Post #87

Running Target

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I think halving armour is not a good idea, because at some point the armor piercing capabilities should stop. Thats why I prefer a fixed number.

No ammo type should be that much better than others.

BTW: With reducing exex to +2/+2 and introducing my new penetration system I can punch apds back to 0/-4 again. Ill add that to my 1.5 Version of SHP. (SHP had another penetration, which is conversion from physical to stun, which halved the damage after resistance when it was converted to stun previously)
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post Feb 6 2006, 09:54 PM
Post #88

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Angelstandings @ Feb 6 2006, 04:28 PM)
QUOTE (Brahm @ Feb 6 2006, 03:50 PM)
I'm not sure exactly what you ment to say by meaningly

That can be solved by doubling or halving the armor -- nothing else would be as elegant.

More to the point, what exactly are you trying to balance?

Myeah, meaningless... haha. Weird typo.

The ammo types, RAW, aren't balanced in that they do not each have their own place, and Ex-Explosive is better by far in every case, except where armor penetration is the issue -- in that case, stick-n-shock ammo wins.

Have you seen my chart on page 2 of this thread? If you can find something wrong with that chart, then let me know... if not, it's plainly clear to me what needs to be fixed.

Seen the chart. But just boiling it down to the number in the Resist Adjustment column and using only that creates a serious flaw in assumptions about what needs to be done, and why.

Post Script

If you have people walking around with a 17 armor rating you have a problem that is likely not well solved by making it virtually a requirment to loadout with APDS ammo.
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post Feb 6 2006, 10:05 PM
Post #89

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Serbitar @ Feb 6 2006, 04:51 PM)
No ammo type should be that much better than others.

Ya, that is what I was getting at with Stick'n'Shock. It works so much better than other ammo that it is silly.

BTW: With reducing exex to +2/+2 and introducing my new penetration system I can punch apds back to 0/-4 again.

I don't like what you did with that because it improves too much having armor rating over DV. If you just split boxes of damage between Physical and Stun you still avoid people getting knocked out, and outside a small percentage of cases caused by the divide by 3 problem that happens even for normal damaging, it is favourable or breakeven on the increase in the targets wound modifiers. But you don't automatically make a bunch of boxes of damage go away completely.

This is also another case of that all-or-nothing problem I was talking about before. Where one of your changes relies on another relatively unrelated change for its value.
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post Feb 6 2006, 10:17 PM
Post #90

Running Target

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I like the "all or nothing" simply because thats what happens with armour penetration. If it penetrates, you are screwed, if it doesnt, you are quite save.

And, as a design desicion, I dont want people to get stunned by pistol fire. The stun damage should be much much lower than physical damage.

My system achieves both of that, plus, every ammo type has its use (maybe with exception of ex, wich is allways worse than exex, but that is supposed to be so and balanced by cost and availability)
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post Feb 6 2006, 10:27 PM
Post #91

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Serbitar)
I like the "all or nothing" simply because thats what happens with armour penetration. If it penetrates, you are screwed, if it doesnt, you are quite save.

And, as a design desicion, I dont want people to get stunned by pistol fire. The stun damage should be much much lower than physical damage.

My system achieves both of that.

You misunderstand the all-or-nothing. Think back to where I posted in this thread about the karma character build and the changes you made to Attribute and Skill advancement rules.

But getting back to armour penatration. That isn't true of body armor from what I understand of it. Perhaps someone with more expertise can step in here and clear it up, but it is my understanding that even if personal body armour is not penetrated the deformation can still cause very serious bodily injuries along with the bruising.

You are creating similar, albeit it somewhat less drastic, wierdness that is created by hardened armour. At least with hardened armour there is more rational to it, but it still sucks having that very sharp breakpoint.
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post Feb 6 2006, 11:45 PM
Post #92


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QUOTE (Brahm)
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Feb 6 2006, 05:17 PM)
I like the "all or nothing" simply because thats what happens with armour penetration. If it penetrates, you are screwed, if it doesnt, you are quite save.

And, as a design desicion, I dont want people to get stunned by pistol fire. The stun damage should be much much lower than physical damage.

My system achieves both of that.

You misunderstand the all-or-nothing. Think back to where I posted in this thread about the karma character build and the changes you made to Attribute and Skill advancement rules.

But getting back to armour penatration. That isn't true of body armor from what I understand of it. Perhaps someone with more expertise can step in here and clear it up, but it is my understanding that even if personal body armour is not penetrated the deformation can still cause very serious bodily injuries along with the bruising.

You are creating similar, albeit it somewhat less drastic, wierdness that is created by hardened armour. At least with hardened armour there is more rational to it, but it still sucks having that very sharp breakpoint.

Modern bullet resistant vests are made from fibers that are weaved in many alternating layers (one is vertical, the next is horizontal, the next is vertical...)

The primary purpose of these vests is to dissipate as much energy as possible when something strikes it. Brusing is not uncommon and there is a chance of more serious injuries (however, it beats getting a hole punched through your meatbody.)

One interesting effect of modern designs is that without trauma plates (plates made of ceramic or metal, they both have advantages and disadvantages) anything sharp, such as knives or broken plate glass can pretty much slice through them like...well...a panther assault cannon opening up on a poor, unarmored human wageslave.
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Austere Emancipa...
post Feb 7 2006, 02:15 AM
Post #93

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It's difficult to say for certain just how serious the blunt trauma from small arm projectiles stopped by flexible body armor tends to be. The only real statistic I'm aware of is that there are no reported fatalities when a person has been shot in a ballistic panel by a firearm that the armor in question was rated to protect against.

Considering how many thousand cases of bullets stopped by body armor in US police departments alone there are, you could say it's very unlikely that you would sustain critical injuries from non-penetrating hits. Broken ribs, internal bleeding, etc. are certainly possible, but any projectile stopped by armor is an order of magnitude more benign than one that isn't stopped.

There are reports of being people being stunned after getting non-penetrating hits to body armor, and there are as many or more reports of people not even realizing they were hit until afterwards. From what I understand, the canon penetration mechanic in SR4 makes non-penetrating hits far more effective in taking someone out of the battle than such hits would be IRL.

QUOTE (Krotiez)
One interesting effect of modern designs is that without trauma plates (plates made of ceramic or metal, they both have advantages and disadvantages) anything sharp, such as knives or broken plate glass can pretty much slice through them like...well...a panther assault cannon opening up on a poor, unarmored human wageslave.

That's overstating it a bit. You can certainly puncture most types body armor that aren't designed to defeat such threats, but you can't expect to just slash a vest with a breadknife and expect to cut right through. I'd expect an armor vest that isn't stab-rated to perform about as well as medieval padded armor -- a direct hit from an arrow or a decent stab with most weapons will go through, but it can save you from slashing attacks.

These days you can get body armor which is rated against both ballistic and stab threats, either with integrated ballistic panels or by wearing inserts. Check out Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ Standard–0115.00 (46-page PDF).
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