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> Vagina dentata today, A new rape prevention device
post May 18 2006, 01:07 AM
Post #1

Midnight Toker

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The product's official site has some pictures.

So, shadowguys and lesbian shadowgals, be mindful of that 50 cent joygirl who promises 50 seconds of fun. She just might bite off more than you bargained for.

By 2060 they'll be DNI controled.
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James McMurray
post May 18 2006, 01:13 AM
Post #2

Great Dragon

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That definitely looks like something that will turn a rape into a murder. It's cool that it's being sold for 20 cents though, which kinda deflates the claim that it is being done to profit from fear.
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emo samurai
post May 18 2006, 01:31 AM
Post #3


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Unless it has knockout drug or something on the tips... but yeah, I can see it removing the little control that the rapist had in the first place.
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post May 18 2006, 01:37 AM
Post #4

Midnight Toker

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Followed up with monkey steals peach and the threat of removing it without surgery (thus destroying the penis) should provide and would-be-rapist with exceptional restraint.
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emo samurai
post May 18 2006, 01:39 AM
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Hmmm???? Like, grabbing it and pulling or something? And what's "Monkey steals peach?"
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post May 18 2006, 01:44 AM
Post #6

Midnight Toker

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Monkey steals peach is a combat technique that involves reaching down, grabbing your enemy's testicles, and squeezing as if you were trying to get wine from a pair of large grapes. Used properly, it can provide exceptional control over a male subject although this isn't always the case.
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HMHVV Hunter
post May 18 2006, 01:46 AM
Post #7

Running Target

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In any case, I think this thing needs to be more widely distributed around the world, personally. Though I pity the guy who gets taken home for a night of consensual action...and his date forgets to take that thing out... :eek:
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James McMurray
post May 18 2006, 02:01 AM
Post #8

Great Dragon

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The problem is that as soon as it hits he drives the knife that he already had at your throat into your neck just by muscle spasming alone. This thing can cause you to die whther it incapacitates the guy or not, long before you have a chance to threaten to remove it for him.
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post May 18 2006, 02:43 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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This device was sorta in the novel Snow Crash.
Only it was a knockout injection as opposed to freaking hooks.
Jebus christ.
Was this designed by Clive Barker for a Hellraiser sequal?
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post May 18 2006, 02:46 AM
Post #10

Midnight Toker

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But there is a less than 2/25 chance of that hapenning. According to Bureau of Justice statics weapons are used in only 8% of all rapes. No tall of those weapons are knives and not all ar ehelf to the victim's throat and not all nives are sharp enough to cut deeply without the application of an unsual amount of force.
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HMHVV Hunter
post May 18 2006, 02:50 AM
Post #11

Running Target

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QUOTE (Dale)
This device was sorta in the novel Snow Crash.
Only it was a knockout injection as opposed to freaking hooks.
Jebus christ.
Was this designed by Clive Barker for a Hellraiser sequal?

Knockout drugs don't leave the asshole that tried to violate you howling in pain because of his own stupidity.
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James McMurray
post May 18 2006, 03:28 AM
Post #12

Great Dragon

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Ah, so then there's only about a 5% chance that my vagina insert will get me killed by a knife? And of course there's the possibility of the pain not stopping the guy. And if these things become common rapists might learn to stick a finger up there first. If they feel something they beat you senseless (or at least enough to make you take it out).

Personally I think self defense classes are a better bet then this. Obviously those take longer and cost more, but can be vastly more effective and less likely to get you killed (most rapists don't have combat training).

You couldn't use it in America though or you'd end up getting sued by your rapist. :(
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HMHVV Hunter
post May 18 2006, 03:37 AM
Post #13

Running Target

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Better than doing nothing. Not everyone can afford self defense classes, and I'm sure many women would rather do something than nothing.

Assholes like the ones that make these devices necessary are why I support vigilante justice in certain cases. The minute you force yourself on someone, all your rights end - that's how I see it.
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James McMurray
post May 18 2006, 03:41 AM
Post #14

Great Dragon

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The problem is that it isn't necessarily better than doing nothing. If someone rapes you and you do nothing, you walk away damaged but alive. If someone rapes you and one of these things grabs his finger or pecker you may not be walking away at all. It's like giving possible rape victims a gun but not telling them that it has a chance of backfiring and taking their face off.

I agree wholeheartedly on the vigilante justice thing. If someone were to rape my daughter they'd better pray they get arrested so they can be safe from me. At least until I figure out a way to get them tortured by a fellow inmate and can scrounge up enough money to make it happen.
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Kanada Ten
post May 18 2006, 03:46 AM
Post #15

Beetle Eater

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The Shadowrun uses are many: RFID tagging rather than hooking, drug injection ("I'm addicted to this chick; no, really."), drug injection for assassination... This is totally a Yakuza (or Chimera) style weapon.
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post May 18 2006, 03:56 AM
Post #16

Running Target

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The women must be able to take this out, why wouldn't the rapist be able to?
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post May 18 2006, 04:10 AM
Post #17

Midnight Toker

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According to the FAQ it is inserted and removed with an applicator that is designed to catch the hooks.

Of course, alone it isn't very helpful but as part of a complete defense it can buy a few precious seconds in the event of a blitz attack and it protects against STDs. In South Africa, which has both the world's highest rape rate and a very high HIV infection rate, this function is very important.

Of course, its best use is for consensual sexual encounters with enemies. During the Vietnam War there were stories of VC agents working as prostitutes who would insert needles, broken glass, and razorblades into their vaginas before servicing American servicemen.
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HMHVV Hunter
post May 18 2006, 04:15 AM
Post #18

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QUOTE (hyzmarca)

Of course, its best use is for consensual sexual encounters with enemies. During the Vietnam War there were stories of VC agents working as prostitutes who would insert needles, broken glass, and razorblades into their vaginas before servicing American servicemen.

Sounds like that story from the Underworld sourcebook, about how a kunoichi (female Yakuza ninja) researched a corporate schmuck's taste in prostitutes, then posed as one of them, delivering the fatal poison "in a VERY effective (and probably painful) manner."
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post May 18 2006, 04:24 AM
Post #19

Moving Target

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I read the title and was immediately reminded of this.

It means no weiner, for the rest of your daaaays.... :rotfl:
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HMHVV Hunter
post May 18 2006, 04:29 AM
Post #20

Running Target

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That's awesome FanGirl :)

I'm more partial to Something Positive, but that comic and the "Charles Darwin's Chainsaw of Natural Selection" are some damn funny QoW comics :)
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post May 18 2006, 04:32 AM
Post #21

Great Dragon

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Hey, don't forget that Kestrel is in Something Positive now. :)
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HMHVV Hunter
post May 18 2006, 04:33 AM
Post #22

Running Target

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Ah, very true! Though she's not often seen, I do remember that she's working at Nerdrotica (am I correct on that?)
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post May 18 2006, 05:25 AM
Post #23


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One thing to say; AIDS.
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James McMurray
post May 18 2006, 05:46 AM
Post #24

Great Dragon

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You may want to expand on that a bit. Yes, this product protects against STDs, including HIV. But there are other things you can do to protect tot he point where he might kill you.

According to Bureau of Justice statics weapons are used in only 8% of all rapes.

Note that this product was originally created for use in South Africa where 85% of rapists are armed (at least according to a 1999 Unisa study). Additionally, 75% of those rapes are gang rapes, so even if the guy is incapacitated by pain his friends (Assuming they don't die laughing) can punish you, pull their friend out and finish the job, or whatever they want to do because the trap only works once.


Reading just the statistical portion of that page makes me want to go out and find some testicles to stomp on. One in four South African men have raped. Seventeen out of four hundred of those became criminal cases, and only one out of four hundred actualy resulted in a conviction.

South Africa definitely needs soemthing to stop rape, and this thing might slow it down. But it almost assuredly will also result in the deaths of rape victims.
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post May 18 2006, 06:04 AM
Post #25

Running Target

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QUOTE (James McMurray)
You may want to expand on that a bit. Yes, this product protects against STDs, including HIV. But there are other things you can do to protect tot he point where he might kill you.

I'm thinking that the aids reference refers to the higher likelyhood of the disease being transferred to you if your attacker has a bleeding penis....
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