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> What If?, you won the lottery
Green Eyed Monst...
post Sep 6 2006, 11:39 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Imagine you won a lottery. Say $50 million after taxes.

How would it affect your gaming?

Any gaming related dreams like buying or starting a game company or spin-off like comic book, movie, etc.?
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Wounded Ronin
post Sep 7 2006, 12:23 AM
Post #2

Great Dragon

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Heh, I'd pay a person with b00bi3s to pretend to be interested in gaming.
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post Sep 7 2006, 12:36 AM
Post #3

Immortal Elf

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i'd probably produce SR5.
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Mister Juan
post Sep 7 2006, 01:36 AM
Post #4

Prime Runner

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Was it Carlin who said he would buy all the pants in the world and burn them?
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post Sep 7 2006, 01:41 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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I'd play SR twice a week, instead of just once.
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SL James
post Sep 7 2006, 01:45 AM
Post #6

Shadowrun Setting Nerd

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QUOTE (mfb)
i'd probably produce SR5.

You're thinking too small. Buy Topps, and they throw in WizKids. Then you're set.
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post Sep 7 2006, 03:08 AM
Post #7

Man In The Machine

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QUOTE (Rajaat99)
I'd play SR twice a week, instead of just once.

I think Im going to agree with you on that. Well, that and get a new car big enough to haul my books around in.
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post Sep 7 2006, 03:41 AM
Post #8

Manus Celer Dei

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Try and fail to buy the rights to videogame Shadowrun away from Microsoft, then probably sink a bunch of it into developing better ways to play SR over the net.

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post Sep 7 2006, 04:33 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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If I should ever win the lottery, I plan to tell nobody except for my lawyer and my money managers. I will claim my ticket anonymously, using my banker as a middleman. I will not make any sudden extravagant purchases, but I will use a small portion of my winnings to self-publish a novel. The existence of the published novel will, of course, provide me with a cover story, offering a sufficient explanation as to how I can afford to live so comfortably despite not having a job. I will then live out a quiet life (hopefully with a husband and children) without having to worry about covetous relatives or greedy shysters circling around me, trying to pressure me into giving up my windfall. This will leave me plenty of free time to design highly detailed campaigns.

I may also splurge on some lead figurines and sourcebooks, too. :D
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Shanshu Freeman
post Sep 7 2006, 04:40 AM
Post #10

Moving Target

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QUOTE (FanGirl)
If I should ever win the lottery, I plan to tell nobody except for my lawyer and my money managers. I will claim my ticket anonymously, using my banker as a middleman. I will not make any sudden extravagant purchases, but I will use a small portion of my winnings to self-publish a novel. The existence of the published novel will, of course, provide me with a cover story, offering a sufficient explanation as to how I can afford to live so comfortably despite not having a job. I will then live out a quiet life (hopefully with a husband and children) without having to worry about covetous relatives or greedy shysters circling around me, trying to pressure me into giving up my windfall. This will leave me plenty of free time to design highly detailed campaigns.

I may also splurge on some lead figurines and sourcebooks, too. :D

Sounds like something Heinlein would think of. Smart.
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post Sep 7 2006, 04:42 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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Thank you, Shansu! :)
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin)
Heh, I'd pay a person with b00bi3s to pretend to be interested in gaming.

Hey, there plently of girl gamers out there! I happen to be one of them.
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post Sep 7 2006, 04:49 AM
Post #12

Moving Target

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QUOTE (FanGirl @ Sep 7 2006, 12:42 AM)
Hey, there plently of girl gamers out there!



<Edit: Whoops. :oops: If I won the lottery .. I'd build (or rent, I suppose) 'dream houses' whenever and wherever I wanted, thus allowing me to travel and host massive gaming extravaganzas whenever the mood struck me. I'd settle down eventually, of course, and likely open a gaming store/haven in a city yet to be named.>

This post has been edited by Morgannah: Sep 7 2006, 04:56 AM
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post Sep 7 2006, 05:01 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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pay off all bills in the family, (mine, parents, grandparents, 2 youngest sisters)
put my two youngest sisters through college for whatever they wanted to go to school for
buy all the property through a mediary around my house, basically buying the entire town.

after that i would invest to where i could earn back all that i had already spent and more and arrange to buy out mediacom and topps
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krayola red
post Sep 7 2006, 05:09 AM
Post #14

Moving Target

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I would buy the Internet, of course.
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post Sep 7 2006, 06:01 AM
Post #15

Running Target

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I like FanGirl's way of thinking.. claim the ticket anonymously.

With the cash I would have, I'd buy all the sourcebooks I've been meaning to - but never got around to getting. I'd go to all the gaming conventions that I've missed, and buy a bunch of nice toys.

Outside of helping immediate family live as comfortably as I do, I'd open a gaming parlour where people could hang out and play games in semi private/private booths. The thing I found in my years of gaming is the work/hassle of figuring out who's place is large/comfortable enough to hold sessions at. With a gaming parlour, everything is at your finger tips, even books for rent/buy as you need them. Money wouldn't necessarily be made off of booth rentals, but off the pizza and drinks everyone would buy.

Couple with an Internet Cafe, and you have the makings of a pretty sustainable business. :)
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SL James
post Sep 7 2006, 08:05 AM
Post #16

Shadowrun Setting Nerd

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QUOTE (FanGirl)
If I should ever win the lottery, I plan to tell nobody except for my lawyer and my money managers. I will claim my ticket anonymously, using my banker as a middleman. I will not make any sudden extravagant purchases, but I will use a small portion of my winnings to self-publish a novel. The existence of the published novel will, of course, provide me with a cover story, offering a sufficient explanation as to how I can afford to live so comfortably despite not having a job. I will then live out a quiet life (hopefully with a husband and children) without having to worry about covetous relatives or greedy shysters circling around me, trying to pressure me into giving up my windfall. This will leave me plenty of free time to design highly detailed campaigns.

I may also splurge on some lead figurines and sourcebooks, too. :D

That's just really, really boring.
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post Sep 7 2006, 09:03 AM
Post #17

Project Terminus: Soul Hunters

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I would buy a house for my mother and a new car as she needs one pay off her bills as well as mine and take care of her the way she has done for me for the last 30 or so years. (I tried it on my own for a few years I just couldn't make it work not smart enough I guess)

50 Million after taxes as a one time payout or over 30 years? (Yes 30 in Florida)

If 50 right now do all I said then open my own hobbie/comic store with rooms for gamers and computer gaming online or networked NO charge for the gaming rooms and a small charge for the computer useage.

If over time wait to do all that for about 5 years so I have excess cash flow.
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post Sep 7 2006, 01:06 PM
Post #18

Running Target

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QUOTE (Green Eyed Monster)
Imagine you won a lottery. Say $50 million after taxes.

How would it affect your gaming?

Any gaming related dreams like buying or starting a game company or spin-off like comic book, movie, etc.?

$20 million is taking me to the International Space Station.
$10 million's going to the family.
$18 million's going into investments, enough to live decently off interest while allowing the investments to stay ahead of inflation.
$2 million's play money.

And, yes, I would game more often, because I'd be retired.

As for starting games and such, I'd probably help Classic Battletech with some investments there.

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post Sep 7 2006, 01:28 PM
Post #19

Neophyte Runner

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Of course I would do everyting FanGirl said, well put m'lady. However, I have the aforementioned spouse and a herd of children, so I would build a bigger house and add a gaming/movie room. Set up colledge/educatioin funds for all of the knee-biters, open a foundation to fund deserving youths through engineering school, and game once a week (still).
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post Sep 7 2006, 01:51 PM
Post #20

Moving Target

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The standard stuff:

Tithe to my church.
Pay off bills.
Buy a second car.
Have childeren with my wife (who will probably quit her job).
Pay off my family's bills.

The RPG stuff:

Self-publish the the RPG rules set I've been working on for the last 9 months.
Play more WoW.
Play more SR.
Play the above mentioned home-brew RPG.
Raise my above mentioned childeren to love RPGs, (they will probably become jocks or something in their rebellious teenage years).
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post Sep 7 2006, 01:52 PM
Post #21

Manus Celer Dei

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QUOTE (Dranem)
I like FanGirl's way of thinking.. claim the ticket anonymously.

I'd like it too, but unfortunately it just don't work like that. Most places I'm familiar with, one of the requirements to claim the ticket is to allow your name to be added to a media frenzy.

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emo samurai
post Sep 7 2006, 02:12 PM
Post #22


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I'd sell my soul to the devil in exchange for magic, I'd sell my soul to his younger brother for eternal youth, and I'd sell my soul to his youngest brother for invulnerability. That way, when I die, they'll have to go to war over my soul and cede the war between heaven and hell to heaven, and to prevent this, they will have to make sure I never die. Like in Hellblazer, except I'd be a shitload more powerful than John Constantine.
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post Sep 7 2006, 02:16 PM
Post #23

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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But beware, the devil may read (and post?) here too.
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post Sep 7 2006, 03:12 PM
Post #24

Neophyte Runner

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I would perpetrate a nanosecond buyout :D
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emo samurai
post Sep 7 2006, 03:54 PM
Post #25


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My soul is too much of a prize for him to pass up. :evil:
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