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> What would an idealized SR4 videogame be like?, Food for thought.
emo samurai
post Oct 14 2006, 04:21 AM
Post #1


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I have several ideas. First, the game would play like Neverwinter Nights, except you'd have a full party, and you'd be able to give them orders.

As for features, you'd be able to infiltrate the necessary power plant, knock out its power, and knock out the power in the corp facility you want to infiltrate. This is assuming the corp facility doesn't have its own generators. Also, for an in-game Karma for Cash mechanic, you'd be able to go to a street cathedral, put your hands on a magic stone, and get given 1000 :nuyen: per karma. If a mage goes in there, he'll find that the stone is a spirit formula; if he manages to steal it, he'll be able to attempt to bind the most powerful free spirit in the game. This will be something of an easter egg, something like an Ultimate Weapon.
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post Oct 14 2006, 04:27 AM
Post #2


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No offense, but a proper SR4 game would be so sandboxish that it wouldnt be feasable to produce. There are just so many options out there that programers couldnt set all the parameters and still turn a profit on the game without it costing an assload.
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emo samurai
post Oct 14 2006, 04:28 AM
Post #3


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Dammit, you're right.
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post Oct 14 2006, 04:35 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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I would say make it a mix between Fallout: Tactics and NWN and then add in some Elder Scrolls style sandbox-ness and then toss in an overly customizable character creation system. Also, throw in an awesome level/mission editor and you'd have a great game. Also having a developer backed user-mod base would make it more fun.
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post Oct 14 2006, 04:59 AM
Post #5

Running Target

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Man, there are so many threads already on this topic, so I'll probably end up sounding like I'm repeating what I've said in another post...

There are a couple of projects out to make a Shadowrun game... one is more of an MMO feature, the other a full-blown game. Both are seeking big companies to back them up once they get a working demo. Shadowrun Online seems to be ahead of the game, and are looking at getting into Microsofts good graces...

Frankly I'd like to see something like Anarchy Online, one of the few games out there that could easily adapted into Shadowrun as it already has a lot of elements present: A simplified Matrix (the grid), vehicles, drones, nanotech, weapons, build/repair rules, an open ended improvement system... I know some people really shoot that game down, but for a small time production house, the game is still out there and receiving regular updates.

That whole cash for Karma thing is a 3rd Ed fix for missions that would pay a lot, but not give a lot of Karma, it offered a balance for those awakened characters who needed the karma to compete with the supped up cyber-samurai's and their gummet full of gear... it does not exist in 4th Ed. (though to my knowledge those developping games are still aiming for 3rd due to lack of materials to build a comprehensive 4th ed game.) If the game is designed well, you shouldn't need that 'coping tactic', not to mention the exploits that would generate from having a 'well' that could be harnessed... hello - twink city here we come!
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post Oct 14 2006, 05:00 AM
Post #6

Freelance Elf

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I wouldn't mind if it was based on Vampire: Bloodlines, to be honest. It was a surprisingly good RPG game (for being based off a shooter engine), with good melee combat, supernatural abilites, and a pretty impressive amount of role-playing/social interaction made viable, as well.
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post Oct 14 2006, 05:10 AM
Post #7

Moving Target

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If we are going the action route, something that would combine the best aspects of TRON 2.0 (For Matrix parts for Linkers/Technomancers), The Hitman series (for the mission structure and the need for secrecy), The PS2 Grand Theft Auto series (For the sheer scope and open-endedness of the thing) plus special subsystems to handle things like magic and remote rigging.

If we are going the more cerebral route... well, others have said it better than I.
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emo samurai
post Oct 14 2006, 05:15 AM
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The Cash for Karma thing is there almost as an easter egg, but I think we should keep it just so there's an Ultimate Weapon sort of things.

And I'd like the FP view thing, as long as you could jump into anybody in your team's body.
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post Oct 14 2006, 05:48 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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I'd like to see a cross between NWN and Deus Ex. I love the ability for players to make new modules in NWN and the ability to take on party members. But I think with the focus on guns, combat should be FPS.
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post Oct 14 2006, 07:06 AM
Post #10

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ShadowDragon)
I'd like to see a cross between NWN and Deus Ex. I love the ability for players to make new modules in NWN and the ability to take on party members. But I think with the focus on guns, combat should be FPS.

Not that I think a discussion here would have much of an effect on any SR game, if there was ever to be another one, but here goes:
The problem with an FPS-style game is that it instantly puts the onus on the player to aim. This is not an overtly bad thing, it can be fun to aim, but it means that an 'expert marksman' character is only really good in the hands of a good FPS player.

FPS-style games have managed to incorporate RPG systems, hwoever. Consider Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Enemy Territory may notquite have been an RPG but it did incorperate an XP system and character advancement.

The one thing I don't like about the above list of games, although they're all top-notch, is that they tend to fall into one trap: An expert shooting someone in the foot can do more damage than a novice shooting someone in the head (well, the one exception is in enemy territory where head shots, even with a pistol, really did kill unless the opponent wore a helmet).

Another common way to deal with the problem is 'aim waiver', whereby you can be aiming dead-on for the head but the computer varies your aim by some fractions of degrees based on your skill. That, however, can prove advantageous as the novice aiming for the torso can hit in the head, whilst the expert aiming for the torso will hit the torso. Should the novice really have an advantage over the expert?

Also, are either of these cases really a problem? Would anybody really stop playing a game if they got pissed-off with ther character becoming inexplicably better? i don't know, but to me an 'idealized' game would have things either left up to the system completely (which rolls to hit in its own way, ala NWN or WoW) or which user and character skills are combined in some way other than random chance (think variable-magnitude auto-aim, perhaps even auto-miss?).
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De Badd Ass
post Oct 14 2006, 09:00 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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Silly me. I read the question and thought you were asking about a videogame in 2070. My immediate thought was Vic Fontaine from Deep Space Nine.

Keeping that thought, after seeing the other comments, I'm thinking some kind of cyberpunk outlaw SIMS. The world doesn't need another FPS. The alternative is Evercrack Modern.

What would really make the MMORPG work is if all the shadowrun haters out there would sign up to play LoneStar, corpers, and Johnsons.
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post Oct 14 2006, 12:27 PM
Post #12


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Any good SR game would be modeled after Arcanum. ...he said again. :)
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post Oct 14 2006, 01:29 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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I think my ideal Shadowrun videogame would be a graphic adventure somewhat like Full Throttle or Grim Fandango. It would have to at least include:

(1) A great presentation of the SR setting
(2) A great story and cast of characters
(3) An ability for the player to have some influence over the story
(4) Lots of meetings with shady characters in shady places to make shady deals and negotiations.

Tactical combat, RPG-like character advancement and customization, and accuracy to the PnP rules aren't extremely important to me for a SR CRPG. Of course, I wouldn't mind them, but a visual/aural recreation of the SR setting is what I care about most.

In contrast, tactical-combat, character growth and customization, party control, and rules accuracy are all important to me for D&D games, but I really don't care much about their stories or settings.
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Steak and Spirit...
post Oct 14 2006, 02:06 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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The ideal Shadowrun Video game has already been produced, and is available in it's ROM format, for a Sega Genesis Emulator.

If another Shadowrun video game were going to be released, if it followed the simple guidelines from that early ninety's masterpiece, it would be a surefire success.
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post Oct 14 2006, 05:39 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Lilt)
The one thing I don't like about the above list of games, although they're all top-notch, is that they tend to fall into one trap: An expert shooting someone in the foot can do more damage than a novice shooting someone in the head (well, the one exception is in enemy territory where head shots, even with a pistol, really did kill unless the opponent wore a helmet).

Another common way to deal with the problem is 'aim waiver', whereby you can be aiming dead-on for the head but the computer varies your aim by some fractions of degrees based on your skill. That, however, can prove advantageous as the novice aiming for the torso can hit in the head, whilst the expert aiming for the torso will hit the torso. Should the novice really have an advantage over the expert?

Also, are either of these cases really a problem? Would anybody really stop playing a game if they got pissed-off with ther character becoming inexplicably better? i don't know, but to me an 'idealized' game would have things either left up to the system completely (which rolls to hit in its own way, ala NWN or WoW) or which user and character skills are combined in some way other than random chance (think variable-magnitude auto-aim, perhaps even auto-miss?).

I think I'd prefer it to be actual FPS with twitch elements, but the RPG skill element should override PC aim. So a character with a 1 in pistols could be played by an expert FPS player who rarely ever misses, but the system overrides his good aim with automisses a set percentage of the time (and not a silly cone radius with your torso to headshot example). The higher the character's skill rating, the more accurate the crosshairs are. Perhaps if the PC's skill is high enough, there is an option for autoaim for those of us with no coordination :P
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post Oct 14 2006, 07:27 PM
Post #16


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i kinda liked how they did it in a quake mod.
put the crosshair on a target, and when you fire, a skillroll is made.
potentialy the system can interpet a aim for a hand or head as a called shot and apply modifiers to fit.
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post Oct 15 2006, 04:32 AM
Post #17

Moving Target

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D&Donline crossed with halflife and counterstrike
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post Oct 15 2006, 04:43 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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Either an RPG/MMORPG or an episodic squad based FPS with a few RPG elements.
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post Oct 15 2006, 05:35 AM
Post #19

Running Target

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The old Star Wars Galaxies for the flexible skill system. Matrix Online (the way it should be) for the hand to hand combat. Anarchy Online for the ranged combat and grid. City of Heroes for the mission structure.

I would die happy.
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post Oct 15 2006, 07:43 AM
Post #20

Moving Target

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QUOTE (lorechaser)
The old Star Wars Galaxies for the flexible skill system. Matrix Online (the way it should be) for the hand to hand combat. Anarchy Online for the ranged combat and grid. City of Heroes for the mission structure.

I would die happy.

I second CoH mission structure if it becomes a MMO. The first day I played CoH I instantly thought "ya know, Shadowrun Online could work like this..."

But I'm not so sure Shadowrun would work as a MMO because the streets of Seattle should not be populated with shadowrunners yelling "mage LFP 4 barrens grind!" It would be very very difficult to build a MMO in the style they're made in today without completely ruining the Shadowrun atmosphere. I'm not saying it can't be pulled off, but odds are whoever makes it will screw it up as badly as DDO.
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Eyeless Blond
post Oct 15 2006, 08:20 AM
Post #21

Decker on the Threshold

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QUOTE (ShadowDragon)
I'm not saying it can't be pulled off, but odds are whoever makes it will screw it up as badly as DDO.
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post Oct 15 2006, 04:49 PM
Post #22

Great Dragon

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Lol, although I had heard somethings about hte upcoming Shadowrun 360 game, I hadn't sen that site before.

Just went and looked at it. Hilariously enough, it takes place in 2031. LOLIOOMG primative. We get to play essentially as cavemen of the future? :-D So much for my great hope for how they might incorporate the wireless Matrix into the game... they'll be lucky not to be using DSL. Hahaha, noobs.

I wonder if they'll even have cyberware? :-D
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post Oct 15 2006, 04:54 PM
Post #23

Great Dragon

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Looked a little deeper. Cyberware, yes. No mention of bioware... but apparantly in 2031 people could use magic to ressurect other people, and summon astral trees that heal damage over time. Shit, mankind was awesome in 2031... to bad by 2070 (or 2050, or anywhere in between where the RPG is being played) those spell have been lost.
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post Oct 15 2006, 05:03 PM
Post #24

Great Dragon

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Great quote from their messageboards:
"...imagine I'm Joe Coelocanth, big fan of Shadowrun, and I see this game.  "Wow!  A new Shadowrun game!  Let me read the back...oh, it's a first person shooter?  Not really what I would have wanted from a SR videogame, but as long as it's Shadowrun"...then they get it home, and find that the box text was not lying - it's a FPS, but the slapping of the Shadowrun name on it was deceptive "What the...I can teleport around?  There's no decking? Not even to open doors or control AI guns?  Dwarves absorb magic?  Elves regenerate?"...that's what I mean...they go into it being told it's a FPS, but because FASA is calling this Shadowrun, there's no sign that they are going to let the buyer know that this is merely influenced in a small way by SR."
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post Oct 15 2006, 05:04 PM
Post #25

Great Dragon

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And, from that, the one thing I would like an ideal SR4 videogame to be like.... "SR4"
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