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> Homemade Negative Qualities, Yours, mine, ours?
post Jan 26 2007, 02:19 PM
Post #51


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All Thumbs 5/10 point flaw.

You're just not good at B/R skills. Maybe you never took Shop class, maybe you just plain suck at it, but you're about as handy with your hands as a newborn kitten. As a 5-point flaw, you simply suffer a -2 dice penalty on all B/R skills; as a 10-point flaw, any time you are forced to roll a B/R skill, any result of 1 is an automatic Glitch, and any roll with more than two 1s is a Critical Glitch, no matter how many dice you throw.

Bloodthirsty (20 point flaw)
You don't like to make prisoners - after all, why leave a witness? Any time anyone is under your power whom you have wronged, make a Composure test (3) to avoid killing them. If you fail this test, you must kill them, though the methods thereof are entirely at your discretion.

This flaw does not come with an automatic point of Notoriety, on account of me not thinking you should be extra-hosed for your Flaws beyond the Flaw itself. Anyone with this flaw will soon enough rack up the Noto on their own.

Curious (15 point flaw)
You're a cat, baby. You can never resist investigating something, even if it puts you at risk. Any time you come upon something interesting, interesting being defined as something interesting to you as defined by your background, or as related (even tangenitally) to your job or the surroundings you find yourself in, you need to make a Composure test (3) or you find yourself investigating it, without even realizing it.

Pacifist (20 point flaw)
You don't like fightin', peroid. You won't carry so much as a taser for your own defense, and violence is terrifying to you. You are literally unable to raise a physical resistance to violence against you, being considered Unaware in all forms of combat skills - this includes hand-to-hand, firearms, projectiles, magic (You're considered Unaware for the purposes of any combat spells; this includes Counterspelling), or cybercombat. Furthermore, you must make a Composure test (3) in order to even handle any object, and a Composure test (5) to suggest that others (including summoned spirits or compiled sprites) take hostile action on your behaf or on the behaf of others.

Heroic (15 point flaw)
You can't turn down a plea for help, even if the source may be suspect. You must make a Composure test (4) to turn your back on any cry for help from any source; a source that is already familar to you as a liar or a betrayer gets no such consideration, however.

Loco (10/15/20 point flaw)
You have a mental "illness". Doctors and fancy highfalutin' folk may have all sorts of nifty names for it, but the plain truth is you're fit for the bughouse. You may or may not be all there at any given point at time. At any random time during the game, the DM may call for a sanity check from you - this being a roll of 2d6 that determines how "with it" you are. Consult the following chart:

12: Moment of Presience. All actions you take for the duration of the "Scene" occur at a +2 dice bonus. Hey, life ain't all bad, chummer.
10-11: You're all there, firing on all cylanders and flying on all thrusters. Act normally.
8-9: You're being strange and weird, babbling things that will not make sense until after something has happened. Nevertheless, you have full control of yourself: Act without penalty on all active skills except social skills, which suffer a -2 dice penalty.
5-7: Out there somewhere. You're distracted, on edge and screaming incoherantly about things that make perfect sense to you, but none whatsoever to anyone else. You're not really where you think you are, and things aren't what you think they are. All actions take a -4 dice penalty.
3-4: Completely gone. The DM describes the world to you as he pleases; it needs to have no bearing whatsoever on what's really going on. You act without penalty, but as you cannot distinguish what is real and what is not, you may find yourself "firing" a stick as though it were your Predator, or engaging in swordfighting with a club. The DM will tell you what you think you are doing, but will roll the action that you are really taking.
2: Earth to you, come in you? Are you recieving us, over? You have no control whatsoever over yourself or your perceptions of your surroundings. You merely walk ahead slowly, babbling about things that make no sense, taking bizzare and inane actions.

The variable point cost of this flaw comes from the number of times per game the DM may force a sanity check, and the severity thereof. As a 10 point flaw, the DM may call for only one check per game; as a 15 point flaw, he may call for three. As a 20 point flaw, he may call for sanity checks any time he chooses.

Poverty (15 point flaw)
You can't get it with money. Any time you make money from any source, you must immideately give up half of it to pay for your debts, your loansharks, your expensive habits or nights on the town, whatever. Should you be out of reach of civilization when you make money, the Poverty flaw comes into effect the moment you come into reach of civilization.

Positive qualities:

Brave (20 point edge)
You are one couragous cookie; an example to others. Your life seems to be charmed in that whenever you are acting on impulse, things never seem to happen quite as bad to you. Whenever you're acting on your own or your team's initiative (not the same as initiative turn; whenever you or your team has started an action), anytime you roll dice to resist a hostile action, you are treated as automatically having rolled at least one success.

Mechanically inclined (10 point edge)
You have knack for working with machines and technology. +2 dice to all Build/Repair skill rolls.

The Stare & The Voice (10 point edge)
Maybe you're a parent, maybe you're tough as nails, but for whatever reason, you have the Stare and the Voice. You can intimidate people without even trying, making them pay attention to you out of a gut fear. Any time you make a social roll, roll Intimidation and add the number of net successes as bonus dice to the other social roll. This applies to Intimidation as well.
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post Jan 26 2007, 07:46 PM
Post #52


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Your Pacifist Flaw, ShadowDragon, needs to be a 5/10.
5 - You cannot be the aggressor and cannot kill anyone unless they are trying to kill you. If your character does kill someone else, he must make a Composure 4 test or suffer a -2 dicepool modifier until the character can 'atone' for his perceived sins.

10 - The character must make a composure 4 test to attack back in self defense and must always use non-lethal force. If your character's actions lead directly or indirectly to the death of another being, then you must make a composure 4 test or be at a -4 dicepool modifier until the character 'atones' for his sins.

Atonement for sins - This is determined by the game master, but can usually boil down to saving another life, other than a team mates. A guard that was gunned down by a teammate during a run and stablised by the pacifist is a good atonement. If something like this situation is not available, the GM makes a call on actions like donating money, working for free for a good cause or just letting the character 'work it out' on his own time by having a negative modifier for a week/month depending on speed of game, level of pacifist and actions which led to the negative modifier.
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post Jan 26 2007, 08:28 PM
Post #53


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Read my Pacifist flaw. I mean really read it.

It's absoloute in forbidding you from taking hostile action, even if you are under fire. You have to make a Composure Test (5) to even suggest that others engage in violence, even non-lethal violence.

I think that's worth the 20 points. :)
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post Jan 26 2007, 09:13 PM
Post #54

Running Target

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QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
Read my Pacifist flaw. I mean really read it.

It's absoloute in forbidding you from taking hostile action, even if you are under fire. You have to make a Composure Test (5) to even suggest that others engage in violence, even non-lethal violence.

I think that's worth the 20 points. :)

I agree that it's worth 20 points.

I don't agree that it's a good flaw to add - no one would take it. And if they did, they would severely disrupt the game for everyone else, as they freak out every combat, argue constantly, and pass out when the other guys raise their guns.

Konsaki's versions let you continue to play a Shadowrunner, just one with a problem.

The 20 point would be great for an NPC, but I'd never let a PC take it in my game.
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post Jan 26 2007, 09:46 PM
Post #55

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QUOTE (lorechaser)
There's no provision included for skill. The greenest poker player and a world champion would each lose the same amount gambling each month.

instead of 1D6, it might make more sense to do a will roll to "hold back money," and roll edge to see how much is gained (or lost) people with gamlbing problems don't think straight while gambling, so lose more than someone who doesn't have an addiction. so it makes more sense to lose more than you gain. this isn't a professional gambler this is someone who can't stop gambling and they want to!

Each month before any upkeep, you must bet your lifestyle costs, you must take in debt to meet your bet if you don't have enough. (Low life = 2,000 Nuyen) The character cannot hold money back if it has it available.
make a willpower check and any hits are added to the edge roll (you do not get the rule of 6 and cannot use edge on either of these rolls.
any hits achieved on the edge roll show you how much money you walk away with.

6 - 120%
5 - 80%
4 - 60%
3 - 40%
2 - 20%
1 - 0%

Glitch = you lost and owe someone
Critical Glitch = you had a straight flush queen high...he had king high...

the way you have the flaw set up it's not a disadvantage unless the GM rolls bad, there's a 50% chance he'll come out on top... I'd take those odds.
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post Jan 26 2007, 09:53 PM
Post #56


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You have to remember though that the player is getting BP for the FLAW. You arnt supposed to get anything good out of the FLAW other than the BP, which you get at chargen...
It's like saying that you want something good to come out of the Uncouth flaw even though you get the 20BP already...

Besides, if the character was a 'successful' gambler, he wouldnt have to shadowrun anyways...
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post Jan 26 2007, 11:26 PM
Post #57

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QUOTE (Konsaki)
You have to remember though that the player is getting BP for the FLAW. You arnt supposed to get anything good out of the FLAW other than the BP, which you get at chargen...
It's like saying that you want something good to come out of the Uncouth flaw even though you get the 20BP already...

Besides, if the character was a 'successful' gambler, he wouldnt have to shadowrun anyways...

maybe he doesn't "have" to...
maybe he's a bored little rich kid...
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post Jan 26 2007, 11:40 PM
Post #58


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QUOTE (djinni)
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Jan 26 2007, 04:53 PM)
You have to remember though that the player is getting BP for the FLAW. You arnt supposed to get anything good out of the FLAW other than the BP, which you get at chargen...
It's like saying that you want something good to come out of the Uncouth flaw even though you get the 20BP already...

Besides, if the character was a 'successful' gambler, he wouldnt have to shadowrun anyways...

maybe he doesn't "have" to...
maybe he's a bored little rich kid...

Ok, you are correct there.
Even so, when a player buys the gambling flaw, no matter what his 'Gambling' Skill is at, he forfits any right to complain about losing money each month due to his gambling problem. He got the BP at CharGen, now it's time to pay the piper.

Even if he argues the 'I'm a gambling master rank 6' schtick, gambling will always be a 'Game of Chance' where the odds are against you when playing the house. The cash the character is losing was played out in some form of game where the skill of the player has no effect, like betting on a sports game. Shit happens.
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post Jan 26 2007, 11:57 PM
Post #59


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QUOTE (Konsaki)
QUOTE (djinni @ Jan 27 2007, 08:26 AM)
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Jan 26 2007, 04:53 PM)
You have to remember though that the player is getting BP for the FLAW. You arnt supposed to get anything good out of the FLAW other than the BP, which you get at chargen...
It's like saying that you want something good to come out of the Uncouth flaw even though you get the 20BP already...

Besides, if the character was a 'successful' gambler, he wouldnt have to shadowrun anyways...

maybe he doesn't "have" to...
maybe he's a bored little rich kid...

Ok, you are correct there.
Even so, when a player buys the gambling flaw, no matter what his 'Gambling' Skill is at, he forfits any right to complain about losing money each month due to his gambling problem. He got the BP at CharGen, now it's time to pay the piper.

Even if he argues the 'I'm a gambling master rank 6' schtick, gambling will always be a 'Game of Chance' where the odds are against you when playing the house. The cash the character is losing was played out in some form of game where the skill of the player has no effect, like betting on a sports game. Shit happens.

The precedent is already there. There are Positive Qualities that can penalize a character under limited situations. I see no reason there can't be a Flaw that benefits a character under limited situations.
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post Jan 27 2007, 12:16 AM
Post #60


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QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Jan 26 2007, 07:40 PM)
QUOTE (djinni @ Jan 27 2007, 08:26 AM)
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Jan 26 2007, 04:53 PM)
You have to remember though that the player is getting BP for the FLAW. You arnt supposed to get anything good out of the FLAW other than the BP, which you get at chargen...
It's like saying that you want something good to come out of the Uncouth flaw even though you get the 20BP already...

Besides, if the character was a 'successful' gambler, he wouldnt have to shadowrun anyways...

maybe he doesn't "have" to...
maybe he's a bored little rich kid...

Ok, you are correct there.
Even so, when a player buys the gambling flaw, no matter what his 'Gambling' Skill is at, he forfits any right to complain about losing money each month due to his gambling problem. He got the BP at CharGen, now it's time to pay the piper.

Even if he argues the 'I'm a gambling master rank 6' schtick, gambling will always be a 'Game of Chance' where the odds are against you when playing the house. The cash the character is losing was played out in some form of game where the skill of the player has no effect, like betting on a sports game. Shit happens.

The precedent is already there. There are Positive Qualities that can penalize a character under limited situations. I see no reason there can't be a Flaw that benefits a character under limited situations.

In my OP for this flaw the player already has a 1/6 chance of making 120% of what they bet, based off their flaw rating. That right there is the only thing that should be positive about it.
If you make it where their 'Gambling' skill is added in, then it would be way too twinked out. Remember that they can use their gambling skill during the month to make money the entire time if they roll well enough, but this is supposed to be an upkeep roll made just by the GM to account for losses in games where player skill has no value or a game where you had good odds but the dice didnt roll in your favor.
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post Jan 27 2007, 12:17 AM
Post #61


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Or of course, those games you smartly "threw" to the House so they didn't kick you out. :)
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post Jan 27 2007, 01:01 AM
Post #62

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Konsaki)
In my OP for this flaw the player already has a 1/6 chance of making 120% of what they bet, based off their flaw rating. That right there is the only thing that should be positive about it.

none of these posts have said you should add the skill.
in fact pointing out that the skill should NOT be used to determine the outcome of the flaw.
I suggested luck be used as a factor instead of a simple D6 since the D6 roll shows no chance of glitching (doesn't take the rest of the gaming mechanic into account) you can also use other positive/negative qualities to factor in.

making it a threshold roll instead of a simple roll makes the player feel more in control they roll the dice instead of the GM so it's not the GM's fault etc...
all these factors need to be taken into consideration. especially when someone other than the players are rolling dice.
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post Jan 27 2007, 01:09 AM
Post #63


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QUOTE (djinni)
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Jan 26 2007, 07:16 PM)
In my OP for this flaw the player already has a 1/6 chance of making 120% of what they bet, based off their flaw rating. That right there is the only thing that should be positive about it.

none of these posts have said you should add the skill.
in fact pointing out that the skill should NOT be used to determine the outcome of the flaw.
I suggested luck be used as a factor instead of a simple D6 since the D6 roll shows no chance of glitching (doesn't take the rest of the gaming mechanic into account) you can also use other positive/negative qualities to factor in.

making it a threshold roll instead of a simple roll makes the player feel more in control they roll the dice instead of the GM so it's not the GM's fault etc...
all these factors need to be taken into consideration. especially when someone other than the players are rolling dice.

What about all those perception rolls that the GM is rolling for your character? The player has a choice in how much intuition, perception and gear he has, but the GM will make the roll for the important stuff like getting ambushed.
Same thing for this flaw, the player gets to decide if he has it and at what rank, but the GM gets to roll the dice.

Hell, if you are really bent on having the player roll dice for this, you can let them roll it infront of everyone. You could also have the GM roll one die and the Player roll one, then divide the sum by 2, round down.
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post Jan 27 2007, 08:52 AM
Post #64

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Konsaki)
What about all those perception rolls that the GM is rolling for your character? The player has a choice in how much intuition, perception and gear he has, but the GM will make the roll for the important stuff like getting ambushed.
Same thing for this flaw, the player gets to decide if he has it and at what rank, but the GM gets to roll the dice.

all what perception rolls? no Gm I've had has rolled my perception for me...
and well they shouldn't, so what I got a critical glitch doesn't matter what the GM tells me I see I see
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post Jan 27 2007, 09:42 AM
Post #65

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QUOTE (Grinder)
- Brave: mabye gives you bonus Edge?

Ehh.. I'd say no to this one. There's allready a positive quality that gives you +1 to your Edge. And Guts gives you +2 vs intimidation etc. Sooo.. not sure if this one is even needed.
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post Jan 27 2007, 05:14 PM
Post #66

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i actually miss my low level enemies, whats more i like whoevers idea it was that they be negetive contacts, up to 5 or 10bp
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post Jan 27 2007, 06:05 PM
Post #67


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QUOTE (Kesslan)
QUOTE (Grinder @ Jan 25 2007, 07:49 PM)
- Brave: mabye gives you bonus Edge?

Ehh.. I'd say no to this one. There's allready a positive quality that gives you +1 to your Edge. And Guts gives you +2 vs intimidation etc. Sooo.. not sure if this one is even needed.

What's wrong with the way I made up Brave?
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post Jan 30 2007, 02:30 AM
Post #68

Moving Target

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Here's an idea.

Hatred: 5/10/15/25 The character just cannot get along with a certain group and hates the sight of them. -4 to any social interaction with them other than intimidate, and a composure test of (3) must be made to cooperate with them at all. GMs are encouraged to judge the size of a group apporiate for the campaign.

5 points is for a fairly small group (Specific gang, PHDs, sailors ina land locked campaign, cult, small subculture)
10 for a signifgant group (Specific AAA corperation, mages, hackers, doctors, riggers, Lone Star, Knight Errant)
15 for large group (trolls, elves, orks, wageslaves, corpers, the poor, the cybered, the rich)
20 for an extremely large group, taking up over 50% of the population (human metatype, male or female gender)
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post Jan 30 2007, 04:21 PM
Post #69

Running Target

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QUOTE (Nasrudith)
Here's an idea.

Hatred: 15/20/25/35 The character just cannot get along with a certain group and hates the sight of them. -4 to any social interaction with them other than intimidate, and a composure test of (3) must be made to cooperate with them at all. GMs are encouraged to judge the size of a group apporiate for the campaign.

15 points is for a fairly small group (Specific gang, PHDs, sailors ina land locked campaign, cult, small subculture)
20 for a signifgant group (Specific AAA corperation, mages, hackers, doctors, riggers, Lone Star, Knight Errant)
25 for large group (trolls, elves, orks, wageslaves, corpers, the poor, the cybered, the rich)
35 for an extremely large group, taking up over 50% of the population (human metatype, male or female gender)

If you're going to use hatred I would drop the points significantly, down to 5/10/15/20.

I've never seen a 35 point quality.

And 15 points for disliking a particular gang, or people with a PhD? That's far far far too many points. That's on par with not being able to go outside, points wise, but the restriction is just about a mild allergy to seawater in a landlocked campaign.

20 points for a specific AAA? Azzies. No one likes Azzies, and you're at 20 points.
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post Jan 30 2007, 11:53 PM
Post #70

Moving Target

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Okay fixed. I was at first worried it would be too severe. Though I wonder if 20 points is too low now for hating an entire gender or humans. Your going to have trouble with a very large number of people. I guess the only other 35 point flaw, burn out addiction is much worse. Not only having to deal with severe addiction but also slowly losing essense and not getting anything for it.
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post Jan 31 2007, 02:43 AM
Post #71

Running Target

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QUOTE (Nasrudith)
Okay fixed. I was at first worried it would be too severe. Though I wonder if 20 points is too low now for hating an entire gender or humans. Your going to have trouble with a very large number of people. I guess the only other 35 point flaw, burn out addiction is much worse. Not only having to deal with severe addiction but also slowly losing essense and not getting anything for it.

20 points is also uncouth, where you can't stand dealing with *anyone* or severe addiction, where you have to do novacoke at least twice a day or severe common allergy, where you take a box of damage every minute you are in the sun.

20 points is hardcore in SR4.

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post Jan 31 2007, 02:29 PM
Post #72


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Hmmm... a couple I was thinking about (Positive and Negative)

Multilingual (10/20 BP) - Character has more than one Native Languages. One additional at 10 BP, two additional at 20 BP

Illiterate (-20 BP) - Character cannot read or write

Thoughts, comments?
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post Jan 31 2007, 04:18 PM
Post #73


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I don't think another native language is worth more than 5 BP.
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post Jan 31 2007, 04:30 PM
Post #74

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Well a rating 6 in a language is worth 12BP, so from that perspective 10 is a good deal.
The problem is that most people aren't spending ANY BP on languages, they're using the free knowledge points they get from their logic and intuition. So from that perspective they're not worth it.
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post Jan 31 2007, 04:52 PM
Post #75


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Consider that Ambidexterity, the positive quality that lets you fire two guns at once, is only five BP.

Yeah. An extra Native language is only a 5 BPer in my mind.
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