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> You play too much Shadowrun if..., It's about time.
emo samurai
post Dec 27 2006, 01:42 AM
Post #1


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1. You go to your office, and you spend the whole day looking for paydata to sell.
2. You assume every man in a suit is hiding something.
3. You draw crosshairs on your glasses and call it a smartlink.

You make the rest.
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post Dec 27 2006, 02:02 AM
Post #2

Moving Target

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4. Every time you enter a building, you look for escape routes and security breaches.
5. You always wonder what would be Dunkelzahnīs opinion when you watch the news.
6. You close your eyes for a second every time you unplug your headphones.
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emo samurai
post Dec 27 2006, 02:06 AM
Post #3


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7. You go to your local buddhist monk and ask about initiation.
8. You go to Best Buy asking about the next shipment of Fairlight Excaliburs.
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post Dec 27 2006, 02:13 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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9. You shave a patch behind your ear and get a phono jack piercing.
10. You examine a way to get your home network to interface in icons.
11. You talk to your pets.
12. You look for mirrorshades that can be modified to flush fit to your face.
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Kyoto Kid
post Dec 27 2006, 03:58 AM
Post #5

Bushido Cowgirl

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...you assign a target number to every task you do at your job
...you call your notebook computer your deck
...you are at the car dealer and ask if there's a concealed armour option available
...you try to slot a memory stick instead of your bank card into the ATM
...you pull out your bank card instead of your keys when unlocking your door
...You refer to the local police as "The Star"
...you get nervous about that business trip to Portland.
...you go to the corner 7-11 (which BTW you call the Stuffer Shack) & ask for NERPS
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post Dec 27 2006, 04:05 AM
Post #6

Deus Absconditus

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21. You wonder if gangs have taken over Redmond, so you won't have to go to work the next day.
22. You mentally map the space the Arcology will take downtown, so you can figure out what 'cool' places will have to be moved rather than be bulldozed.
23. You rate the security zones of areas you walk around in on a daily basis.
24. You also mentally map which corps have territory where.
25. When visiting places in Capitol Hill, you try and rank them according to what has the best shadowrunner vibe vs. the most corporate.

Seriously, I have done/do all of these things.
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Kyoto Kid
post Dec 27 2006, 04:15 AM
Post #7

Bushido Cowgirl

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From: On the Double K Ranch a half day's ride out of Phlogiston Flats
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QUOTE (Adarael)

Seriously, I have done/do all of these things.

...same here.
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post Dec 27 2006, 05:08 AM
Post #8

Running Target

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... you keep asking your local Radio Shack when the new commlinks will be in.
... you mark your calendar in countdown-mode, how many months-weeks-days until The Awakening.
... you have a countdown clock on your desktop/laptop set for The Awakening.
... you keep trying to make your Beanie Baby collection into homunculi.
... you keep calling your area hospital for rates on cyber-replacement.
... and they quote you an affordable price.
... nobody understood your last Halloween costume ("I'm a Troll street shaman, d@mnit!").
... you keep trying to convince your (current) Significant Other to wear pointed ear-tips & call you "President Dunkelzahn".
... you call your nightvision goggles 'prototype cybereyes'.
... you have nightvision goggles & you're not in the military or law-enforcement.
... you know every steam-tunnel, maintenance walkway & off-limits security corridor in the city, & you don't work for the maintenance crew.
... you keep trying to enchant your dice.
... you keep an eye on the local cemetary, just in case of an outbreak of Shedim.
... you thumb through your local library's 'alternative medicine' selection for spell ideas.
... you wonder if your local library's section on fantasy counts as a Force 3 or Force 6 lodge.
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post Dec 27 2006, 05:56 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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... you spend most of your work hours reading/positing to Dumpshock.
... you create lists about playing too much Shadowrun
... you refer to Dumpshock and other info sites as Data Havens
... you try to plug a networking cable into your head so you can 'surf the matrix'
... you cultivate an ant farm in the hopes that they will be the key to unlocking your ability to control insect spirits.
... you start using Sephriel or Or'zet in your every day speach.
... you keep wishing the CEO of the company you work for was really a dragon and would eat your boss.
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post Dec 27 2006, 06:22 AM
Post #10

Running Target

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...You give the various corporations around the world their own ranking (A, AA, AAA)
...Everything that you microwave is soy-something, even if it contains no soy
...You translate your own stats into numbers and contemplate how much karma and time it would take at the gym to raise you to Body 4
...You refer to your personal jewelry as foci
...Your fantasy library at home counts as force 6 lodge
...You figure a safehouse location into your monthly budget
...The internet is always the Matrix
...You have tried to find a place to dikot or mono-edge your personal knives
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post Dec 27 2006, 01:23 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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... your picture is up on the Dumpshock Forums Yahoo Group.
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post Dec 27 2006, 02:45 PM
Post #12

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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... You bother dedicating more than a hundred dollars and hundreds of man-hours to mastering a skill so you can better understand the poor phraseology of a particular rule in a side rulebook that most people don't know exist

... You are saving up to dedicate three times as much money and time to master a similar skill based on future technology, because you feel opposed dice rolls don't accurately reflect how it would work

... You fell in love with your current wife when she sent you a photoshopped picture of herself as a meta

... You have a 'bug out bag' but not a college fund for your kids in anticipation of the crash and the awakening

... You've begun printing out all vital records in anticipation of the crash

... You've tried to figure out alternative dating methods to explain contradictions in Shadowrun history and actual life

... You've seriously considered naming your children after major characters in Shadowrun canon (we liked Damien, but my brother already has that name, so we went with Lucien instead)

... You bother to troll the Microsoft Shadowrun site, where you actually start a game to "show them what Shadowrun is all about"

I'm sure more will come to me. In retrospect, these are far too true for comfort.
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post Dec 27 2006, 02:52 PM
Post #13


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This list is awesome. I of course, um..ahem... do none of these.
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post Dec 27 2006, 04:20 PM
Post #14

Running Target

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.. You fell in love with your current wife when she sent you a photoshopped picture of herself as a meta

Dude, I might fall in love with her at that point. Wait, which Meta? Dwarf, not so much. Ork, Mmmmmm yeah.

Although I have to say the use of the phrase "Current wife" amuses me greatly. I think I'd get a beatdown for using that one at home....


...  You've seriously considered naming your children after major characters in Shadowrun canon (we liked Damien, but my brother already has that name, so we went with Lucien instead)

My baby had a 50% chance of being named Shepherd, and 50% chance of being named Kayleigh, 50% chance Zoe if he had been a girl. Jayne was vetoed almost immediately.

I wonder if my wife would go for Twist for our next one? I figure Ghost-Who-Walks-Inside is a bit long (but probably good for scholarships....)
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post Dec 27 2006, 06:27 PM
Post #15

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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From: DeeCee, U.S.
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QUOTE (lorechaser)

.. You fell in love with your current wife when she sent you a photoshopped picture of herself as a meta

Dude, I might fall in love with her at that point. Wait, which Meta? Dwarf, not so much. Ork, Mmmmmm yeah.

Although I have to say the use of the phrase "Current wife" amuses me greatly. I think I'd get a beatdown for using that one at home....

Yeah, I wish for ork too, but she's a small build. A short elf, more like (she's 5'1" and gave herself pointy ears).

I also call her my "girlfriend" and I don't get beaten down for that. It's true, after all. I think she's long since accepted my linguistic difficulties are due to my trying to be concise (she is my wife right now, after all). I also use 'xor' in sentences regularly.
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Slithery D
post Dec 27 2006, 06:33 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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You file a declaratory judgment seeking federal recognition that your personal corporation's property is its own nation immune to federal and state law, needing only obey its bylaws.

You prepare for the coming war against Aztlan, and keep a close watch on Mecha.
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post Dec 27 2006, 06:46 PM
Post #17

Shadow Cartographer

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...You've ever created a character sheet of yourself and worked out how much karma it would cost to increase your strength attribute or Unarmed Combat skill.

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Kyoto Kid
post Dec 27 2006, 08:49 PM
Post #18

Bushido Cowgirl

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...had a night to sleep on it...

...you write a novella around one of your character's backstories
...your oft used curses are "Frag" and "Drek"
...you wonder if Raiders fans really do play Urban Brawl in their spare time.
...you wonder if Green Bay Packer management has looked into Leonization treatments for Brett Farve
...you wonder if Lance Armstrong wasn't really an adept who followed the way of the athlete (shhh...don't let the French know)
...you keep a handful dice in your desk as an "executive decision-maker"
...you have an SR Motivational Poster as wallpaper on your workstation
...you measure RL actions in combat turns and initiative passes
...when something goes wrong you call it a "glitch"
...you refer to your HMO plan as your DocWagon or CareLine (UK) contract
...you go to a pub and ask for a pint of Sessions Scrumpy
...you look at everyone you see in a pub or cafe and picture them as what their most likely metatype would be after the Awakening.

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Chrome Shadow
post Dec 28 2006, 06:24 PM
Post #19

Moving Target

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All this is so true...
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Tiger Eyes
post Dec 29 2006, 04:56 AM
Post #20

Moving Target

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...your five-year old thinks that anytime you roll a 6 on a die, you get to re-roll. And that one is a bad number.

Seriously screws up most board games. But hey, she cheats anyway.
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Wounded Ronin
post Dec 29 2006, 05:04 AM
Post #21

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Tiger Eyes)
...your five-year old thinks that anytime you roll a 6 on a die, you get to re-roll. And that one is a bad number.

Seriously screws up most board games. But hey, she cheats anyway.

Heh, bombard her with game theory textbooks.
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post Dec 29 2006, 05:33 AM
Post #22

Moving Target

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Bah the rule of 6 is just a rule of awesomeness that should be extended to all games!
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post Dec 29 2006, 05:47 AM
Post #23

Uncle Fisty

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I like Earthdawn's dice system. You use all type of dice, up to d20, and every dice explodes. Good stuff.
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post Dec 29 2006, 05:53 AM
Post #24

Moving Target

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exploding dice what now?
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post Dec 29 2006, 05:54 AM
Post #25

Uncle Fisty

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if you roll a 20 on a d20, you roll it again, and so on. If you're rolling a d20 and a d12 and a d10, and they all roll max, you reroll them all. If you roll max on any of them again, reroll again. Have some very suprising results sometimes that way. Think you can die fast in Shadowrun? ;)
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