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> New Orleans -In With the Family, OOC - comparing notes
post Feb 9 2007, 06:26 AM
Post #101

Uncle Fisty

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well we're going to be doing it over msn chat, hopefully along wtih some voice/mic assist. We're sheceduling it on Sundays, afternoon/evening, like before. So that should make things a bit easier. if you're up for the game, like I said, I need a character post.
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post Feb 9 2007, 08:20 AM
Post #102

Moving Target

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k... I'll get it up by tomorrow ... Alisa Created an account on Dumpshock tonight ... Kioshi is her name ... she has the directions to this thread

couple things ... I dont know how to do that "Spoiler thing" that all the chars have

if thats admin stuff cool if not ... need to know how to do that
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post Feb 9 2007, 05:59 PM
Post #103

Uncle Fisty

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Spoiler tags are simple.
[ Spoiler ]

As for players, as soon as you two are up, you're confirmed. Ronnie and Squirrel have said they want to play but Istill need characters from them. SinN, get on their cases please. Ron has his character, but Sq still needs to make his ork sammie.
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post Feb 9 2007, 07:35 PM
Post #104

Moving Target

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post Feb 9 2007, 08:38 PM
Post #105

Uncle Fisty

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Looking pretty damn good Wraith, thanks. Really says something about your character thoguh, that you've got Ex Wpn Laser 6, and ettitquete 1. ;)

We've been having some issues w/ our internet connection going down at random today, so apologies for any slow replies.

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post Feb 11 2007, 04:50 AM
Post #106


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Name: U'sirr

Gender: Male

Race: Orc

Arch Type: Street Sam

Weapon of Choice: Twin .50cal Pistols

Secondary Weapon of Choice: Barret 50cal Sniper Rifle

Height: 7' - 0"

Weight: 300 Lbs

Bio: U'sirr seemed to come from nowhere with no past. When his bulk gets in the way of his sneaking he simply uses excessive fire power and brute strength. Though big and ugly he has quite a way with words which he uses to find connections to just about anything explosive or illegal.

(240 BP + 5 ork = 245)
Strength: 3 +2
Body: 2 +3
Agility: 4
Reaction: 5 -1
Intuition: 3
Logic: 4 -1
Charisma: 4 -1
Willpower: 4
Edge: 4

Ambidextery (5bp)

Firearms (G) 5
Pistols 6
Heavy weapons 3
Unarmed combat 4
Demolitions 4
Etiquette (S)street 3
Intimidation 3
Pilot Ground 2
Inilftration (s)urban 2
Armorer 4
Throwing Weapons 2
Automotive mechanic 2


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post Mar 12 2007, 08:35 AM
Post #107

Uncle Fisty

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Do me a Favor
All right Chummers and chum-ets, here it is, the return of everyone's favorite family, the Kozlowski's. As we can't seem to keep an accurate prgonaizing for a chat, we're simply setting this up via Welcome to the Shadows. Our players should be:

Wraith325 w/ Streak
SinN w/ Sin
Plan B w/ Lucky

Masterlink did say he was up for it, but we'll see if he can show or not

Someone (SinN) needs to get a hold of good ol' Gumbo

Wraith, you need to get little Kitten . Can't recall her screen name ATM.

This one might take a bit to take off 'cause SinN is hard to get a hold of, but I expect and would like to have everyone's reply in 2 days.
Will also need Char sheets posted from the ones don't have them from yet. Post in the OOC section (aka here).

Oh, and to clarify for posting format
Character speech is posted in salmon
Inner monolgue (which is encouraged) is aquamarine
Dice rolls and chaar actions go in gold
Text messages/commlinks go in red.

Very simple to do colors. Just click the top drop down box where it says " color" and select the color you want. Make sure your cursor is set where you want it placed. Once your finshed wit hthe part you want in color, close it with [/color] and that'll be it.
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post Mar 14 2007, 08:31 AM
Post #108

Uncle Fisty

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2 CSPs for Plan B and SinN for great posts.
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post Mar 15 2007, 06:38 AM
Post #109

Uncle Fisty

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Reg Streak
Any PC intending to do a search for info on Streak, perform Data Search test (specify search paramaters) or etiquette for looking for street info/working contacts (again, specify sources, etc).
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post Mar 19 2007, 07:47 AM
Post #110

Uncle Fisty

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Vince Spinelli
Vince jumped ship from the Gianelli family in Atlanta a few years ago. Anyone that knows anything about the Kozlowski family knows about this guy. If you'v eticked off the mob in their every day affars, Vince is the guy taht has to hear about it and take care of it. He's a very irritated man most of the time.

Not personally intimidating or fearsome, Vince is very good at delegating. He believes in finding the right person to take care of the job. No need for him to be a tough guy, he has plenty of tough guys already.

Vince's crew is very loyal to him. Many of his closest "associates" came over from Atlanta with him. He also makes sure that it pays (literally) to be on his good side.

Any further knowledge besides the basics on Vince requires a Underworld Politics check

The Black Throat Krewe
This krewe deals in smuggling. They started out bringing in small time stuff but advanced very quickly. They've assimilated two other smaller gang groups and wiped out two more that got in their way. They may not have high numbers but they do have Grade A equipment.

They also have a reputation for messing with the status quo, which Miriam doesn't care for. There aren't a lot of groups on these guy's friends lists, but a lot of people spend time making sure they don't get on the enemies list either.

Any further knowledge besides the basics on the Black Throat Krewe requires a Underworld Politics check

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post Mar 19 2007, 05:41 PM
Post #111

Uncle Fisty

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OOC for SinN: Essentially what Julian is offering instead of cash compensation for raising the bid is to help with your rep a bit. The mafia pays well, but usually their first offer is their final offer. A lot of their "pay" comes from influence and the "network support" they offer. You work with them, then they cover your back more, that sort of thing.

As for you two racing to post, that's one of the oddities of doing this in the forums. If you guys post conflicting posts right after each other, you can fine tune the diff a bit in OOC and the nedit a bit as needed.

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post Mar 19 2007, 06:02 PM
Post #112

Uncle Fisty

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Ok, the Damien/Dante thing was my mistake not mancuso's, so I edited it.
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post Mar 24 2007, 04:24 AM
Post #113

Uncle Fisty

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Sinn, after the shooting you are at 7 boxes of damage.
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post Mar 24 2007, 10:38 AM
Post #114

Moving Target

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Maybe it now would be the best time to write something up here too. So fistan(TAB) here asked me to join the game couple of days ago and I just couldn't say no. So starting from now I begin the creating the character (first PC for over six years!) and it should be done sometime tomorrow.

I beg for your forgiveness for interrupting your game. Sumimase, sumimase. *wearing very stupid pink kimono and bowing a lot* :oops:

Ah, hell, this wasn't BESM.. :S
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post Mar 24 2007, 05:31 PM
Post #115

Uncle Fisty

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the character (first PC for over six years!)

We will try not to kill him to quickly. ;) :D
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post Mar 25 2007, 12:05 AM
Post #116

Uncle Fisty

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Ace in the Hole
A quiet little pool hall in a less reputable quarter of New Orleans, the Aceis a dive, bar included. It's got a dozen pool tables, all suprisingly level, that get frequent use from the locals, and little to no tourists. It's a well reputed place for cutting street deals, as the trideo usually plays loud enough to cover regular conversation. Most of the deals that are done here are drug deals, or small time larceny. The NOPS don't bother wit ha place like this, because it pays its collections moeny to the Kozlowski family in time every month.

The Naughty Kitten
This strip joint is a combination gentleman's club and seedy strip joint, divided into more or less equal parts. In the gentleman's section, there is also a small restaurant that serves authentic italian dishes as well as local flavors. The food is superb, if a bit expensive. "Regulars" however, usually get a discont, assuming they have the right "association".

There is a bar in both halves of the joint, the barteneders skilledi in the right kinds of etiquette for where they work. The joint is a front for mafia operations of course, and a regular hang out of several wise guys. Joe mencion, one of Julain Mancuso's men, does most of his work out of here. He handles the collections for the businesses in the nighborhood, some of the illegal gambling, and any outstanding loans for Mancuso.

A lot of 'escort' work comes out of the Kitten as well, with the "Adopt a Kitten" program they have going. The girls here are smart and good looking, and so command a high price that the treet scum can't usually afford.They aalso usually know quite a lot of gossip about the city, it's criminals, and its seedier business men. The bouncer, a troll named Roman hand picked by Mancuso, is very protective of the girls.

Franklin Heights Apartments
A swanky apartment building with a name any yuppie cold love, it's desgined jsut so to keep the locals away. THis ten story apartment buidling fits the high life style demanded by many made man, and a few worth while associates. It also has it's own security force, which helps keep things more secure for the residents. In such a place, it's guarantted that any distrubances are left as "don't ask, don't tell", even when there are screams involved. Security will stop by to see if everything is "ok", but other than that, it's sound proof windows and walls don't let much disturb the neighbors. Ahhh .. the sins of silence.

Marco " the Mook" De marino
Marco stands out a bit in the New Orleans mob, especially the Kozlowski family, because he's got the look and stlye of an up town R&B star. He doesn't seem the type to spend time working the streets with wise guys. But as he says, "you gotta do what ya love". Marco loves working the streets. He's the type of guy that knows people, and knows who to talk to to get things done. Being african American ("I'm black damn it. Does this suirt look african to you?") helps him in a number of social circles where other made men might fear t otred as well.

He has a sense of style that makes him acceptable in many higher social circle,s and the skills to make him self welcome. He answers directly to caporegime Vincente, and is one of her favorites. He's one of thos gusy that everyone seems to owe a favor to.

Marco is called "the Mook" because he's about as far and away as being an italian mafioso as one can get, but still has unquestioned loyalty.

Snake Skin
SnakeSkin is a small tiem drug dealer that has a lot of connections. He is a suprisingly pale human man, wit ha very large number of piercings, brandings, and tattoos all over his body, giving him his rough skin that earned him his name. He deals in everything from BTL chips to marijuana. If you cna count on him for anything, it's to know where to get it. His ties are als oto the Kozlowski family, and he does most of his dealing ot of the bar/pool hall Ace in the Hole. He can be found there 16 -20 hours out of the day most times. After all ,if people don't know where to shop, they'll go somewhere else.

Julius Brown aka Jules
Jules is a massive troll with skin as black as night. He has tattoos of lightning bolts running up the length of his heavily muscled arms, and usually wears only a leather vest and jeans over black steel toed boots. Black on black on black. he is a followr of Papa Shango and a powerful combat mage. He is also a member of the nfamous Voodoo posse, the magical assassination voodoo group for hire. Jules is suprisingly soft spoken, but is a terror if his anger is roused. It usally takes a while, but is like a building storm, raging fiercely once brought to it. He also has very strong loyalties to those clsoe to him.
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post Mar 25 2007, 12:28 AM
Post #117

Uncle Fisty

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Lucky Santangelo
Lucky is an italian-desceneded elf, recently moved from Seattle to the Big Easy. She's been working with the Kozlowski family since she's arrived, and is a made woman. She works mainly in small time gambling and numbers running, but is also making a rep for her self doing collections and other odd jobs. She's a good looking elf, but has a nasty streak and isn't afraid to show it to those that really piss her off. She's also known to have a connection to a female weapon's dealer named Pounder that also cmae with her from Seattle, so she has access to top notch weapons.

Another mover from Seattle, this elf has a mean streak a mile wide. He's sarcastic and rude, and has a problem with orks and any sort of authoriy figure. He's also rumored to have killed a dragon, wanted by LoneStar, and reportedly been killed somewhere between 2-5 times. He's a voodoun, and rumors say a follower of the Red Eye paths. He was also formerly married and had twins, but his wife and one of his children died on a hit apaprently meant for him about six months ago.

Hard Rock aka Rock
Rock is a "former" kick artist from western North America, who until recently was doing hard time with his twin brother PickAxe, until he got his lucky dsay. He apparently saved the life of Jack "Oz" Ozlowski in prisoin, who in exchange, managed to get him an early parole, then made his records dissapear.

Since then Oz and Rock have been nearly inseperable. Rock is Oz's new right hand man, now that the sottocapo has retunred to power. Anything Oz needs done, Rock takes care of. He's a massive, heavily cybered ork, that nomrally carries at least three heavy pistols , and most certainly knows how to use them. He isn't the brightest, but he is incredibly loyal to Oz, and to a somewhat lesser extent, his firends Sinn and Lucky.
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post Mar 25 2007, 01:55 AM
Post #118

Uncle Fisty

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QUOTE (Lucky)
Need two clowns for daughter's birthday. Prefer Bozo and Bonkers.
Will pay going rates, extra for balloon characters and a pie-in-the face.

:rotfl: 2 CSP
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post Mar 25 2007, 02:06 AM
Post #119

Uncle Fisty

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Termite man - for bribing an bug sprayer for something like that , it would probably cost a bit more than a few hundred, since they would definitely lose that account. Closer to 1,000 :nuyen:

Health Inspector Opotions recieved from Hacker -
Edward Davis - Human male -shirt/tie type - married, affair w/ young college girl that is using him for money

Rupert Thom - Dwarf Male - brother is up in the state pen for embezzelment in his business w/ partner(restaurant - Otavio's). Rupert gave bad review for competition

Emily Meyers - Female human - Married, queitly homosexual submissive seeing a dominatrix un the DL

Vern Styers - Ork Male - Pretty clean, cheats on his taxes a bit for the last few years.

Krux- Meat Market
Two ork heavies reserved for a two hour session with partyers of your choice. WIll bring along brass knuckles and pliers to be applied at your discretion. 300 :nuyen: /hr for regular work.

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post Mar 25 2007, 05:25 AM
Post #120

Uncle Fisty

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Blue Moon Krewe
The Blue Moons deal exclusively in gambling throughout the Crescent City. Their operations are all of the underground variety, usually literally located in some basement of some legitimate business. There dens are small and discrete, and easily portable in case of a raid. Their bag men collect every day , making sure that anyone one den can be easily lost without to much worry about damaging the krewe’s operations.
The krewe numbers in the twenties, mostly Rastafarians of any meta type. The leader is a dwarf by the name of Jack Cotter. Story goes that Jack and Co tried to make their way in Las Vegas some years back but were pushed out by the Commanche mobs. They decided to come back home and try their luck in their own back yard. Jack hates Native Americans with a passion, but has little trouble with anyone else, giving his krewe a good amount of diversity. He’s smart, and practical, and doesn’t usually let personal issues get in the way of “good business sense”. At his core though, Cotter is a hard nosed criminal through and through. He did a ten year stint through the state Penal system some time back and came back harder than ever. He tried to pull off the calm business man routine, but has a reputation as one vengeful cuss.
Cotter’s right hand is a human woman named Amelia. She doesn’t really fit in with the rest of the Krewe, being Caucasian and much calmer for one. But Cotter listens to her when she gives advice. When he and his krewe returned from the Vegas sands, Amelia was with him, and they’ve stuck together thick as thieves ever since. She’s short with dark hair, pretty but not overly so. Most think that Amelia is the brains behind the operation, where Cotter is the will that drives the krewe.

Black Throat Krewe
The Black Throat is a real hard edged Krewe numbering no more than 30 that started operating along the river a couple of years ago. Their claim to fame is smuggling up and down the Mississippi, the route that smugglers refer to as “the throat”. For the last few years they’ve been muscling up to various smugglers and stealing business away from various existing crime organizations. They’ve managed to last this long because they’ve got some serious backers. The krewe came in to being seemingly cut of whole cloth, and sporting SMGs and assault shotguns. They were a pain in the hoop, but they weren’t the body that it would take to get rid of them. Expect some action brought against them some time soon though. Word is that they sent a “delegation” to Capa Kozlowski to make their claim official. She had the delegates cut up in to little pieces and fed to her dogs. All except one, which she had watch the entire affair, castrated personally, then sent back to the krewe.
The krewe’s leader is a human named Blain, somewhere in his early thirties. He’s smart, cool, and confident. He’s not only the brains behind the krewe, but also the money source. He brought the organization together, and has kept it on a solid track since then. He could hire more hands, but seems to prefer a more stream lined organization. He dressed well, although not being sp pretentious as to try wearing a suit around new Orleans, and is said to be able to handle himself well in a fight.
Blain’s first lieutenant is a female ork named Lucinda, a local. She’s also said to be an dept, following a version of the warrior’s way. Apparently, the lady has a knack for automatic weapons. She’s fast as an adder and a damned good shot. She’s personally responsible for a lot of the respect the krewe has. His second is a hacker, a younger elf boy, early twenties tops, that rumors are saying is a technomancer. His handle is SINtax, which is apparently some sort of hacker joke. The kid isn’t much in the meat, but the net jockies say he’s top notch in the system. Where Blain picked him up, no one knows.
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post Mar 25 2007, 07:51 AM
Post #121

Uncle Fisty

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QUOTE (Lucky - In With the Family)
Sweetheart, you got your ass handed to you on an asphalt platter with a peppering of lead.

karma to whom ever sig's that
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post Mar 25 2007, 08:20 AM
Post #122

Uncle Fisty

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QUOTE (Sinn)
Go to the nearest clothing shop and buy a top hat. Write a note and attach it to the hat. Leave the hat hangin from the front door of Razrbacks.

Note reads:
Im back....Who ever killed me will come here. Give them a message. Im going to paint there portraits with there blood and offer them as gifts to the Devil himself.

The Sinner

*points at sinn and laughs*

Mitch says:
why must you mock my way of post ben?


This post has been edited by fistandantilus3.0: Mar 25 2007, 09:11 AM
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post Mar 25 2007, 09:21 AM
Post #123

Moving Target

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post Mar 25 2007, 09:22 AM
Post #124

Uncle Fisty

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Contacts for Streak/Wraith325

Skeet - mechanic Rating 1/3
Skeet is a good ol boy from down south. Of corse, Skeet never left down south. WHy would he!? He's loud and boistorous and not often taken very seriosuly. A big rok with a shaved hade and blue overalls, he's two steps from being called "Bubba". he does however know his business, and he knows it well. He works primarily with automobiles and bikes, and all sorts of ways to make them faster, tougher, and dealier. He also toys with watercraft, living in the Crescent City after all. He's done his work for years and has a good rep, which also makes it easier for him to find hard to get gear.

Zephyr - Decker Rating 1/3
Zephyr is a local girl, and one of the sysops on the local shadowland node. She's smart and business savvy. She's also very over worked, so work through her can take a while. She may not be the best matrix jockey, but she knows the peopel in the field, and has a way of getting to intel.

Dr Haven - Street Doc Rating 1/3
Doc Haven was once a professional doctor who lost his right to practice due to a disagreement with a lawyer over how he treated him. He was out on the streets and completely bankrupt, and just short of going to jail. Haivng no other options, he was set up by the Romero family with a clinic to work out of and do work for them . He does what he can for the peopel of the area, but most of his business comes from shot up criminals. He is an honest man, jsut dong what he can to get by and maybe make a difference.
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post Mar 25 2007, 07:31 PM
Post #125

Uncle Fisty

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Streak - Zephyr
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