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> New Orleans -In With the Family, OOC - comparing notes
post Jan 25 2007, 10:53 PM
Post #76

Shooting Target

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Hey? You left out the entire fight scene!

Heres what happened to Sin:
He standing in what appears to be nothing, then the cave lights up, if you will. And there standing before him, is THE Baron Simeti. Not a Baron spirit, the actual Baron Simeti.

Baron: What the fuck are you doing?

Sin: What? What the hell is going on?

Baron: I see the path you've been considering.
*An image of Sin wearing White robes and carrying a staff flashes before him.
(Info- White robes and a staff is the classic attire of those following Legba)
Baron: Do you see yourself there? You walk this path alone. Dante is not there with you.

Sin: Thats a lie, I follow this path for Dante. The decisions I made while following your path is the reason Siren and Gaberielle died. I won't do the same to Dante.

Baron: We have ways to bring back the dead, you know that. If its the spirit you chase that concerns you, do not. By all means, destroy her. She's insulted one of my preists and for that must be punished. Though, I am disgusted that you sent your son to stay with a dragon, of all things.

Sin: He is a friend. A trusted one of one of your other "Preists." You underestimate the bounds of what Im willing to do to protect my son.

*Suddenly the spirits of Siren and Gaberielle appear next to the Baron.
Baron: You may take back one of them. More specificly, you may take back Gaberielle.

Sin: And what of Siren?

Baron: She will stay with me. As my servant, as you are.

Sin: I am no servant Baron.

Baron: Relize this Preist! This is Guniea. This is the Land of the Dead. These are the spirits of your wife and son. Do not trifle with me.

Sin: With all do respect Baron, isnt the way of Loa to to be able to choose who I follow any time I wish? Is this not what I was tought?

Baron: Yes. A bit shrewed, but yes. And you chose me. As did your Son. He has preformed the Rituals up there in the attic. You are aware of this.

Sin: Gaberielle is a child, he knows not of what he does. And Siren never followed you. Loathed you if anything.

Baron: But look at her now. Your decisions indeed.
*Now theres a smile on the Barons face. Almost terrifying
Baron: You know that I give you power. Ghede will claim it, but he does not give you any power. You know that I give it directly to you, Sin. You chose me, remember that.

Sin: Not anymore Baron, I must protect my son Dante from the same fate as his mother and brother. I chose Legba.
*Just then, Siren and Gaberielle disapear into the ground. There is a wet spot where Gaberielle was standing. Sin notices this.
Sin: What is that?
*Now looking a mixed emotion of anger and triumph

Baron: The final tears of your son, for the father who abandon him.

Everything goes black again then Sin reappears with everyone else. He is unsure of his decision. But he knows that for the first time, he thought of someone else's well being, before making a decision.
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post Jan 26 2007, 05:18 AM
Post #77

Uncle Fisty

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Sorry there was some issues with things I typed being deleted and lsot in
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post Jan 26 2007, 09:31 AM
Post #78

Moving Target

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only thing I was wondering is ... was Dr. Haubrastrum(sp?) down there Among the dead
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post Jan 26 2007, 05:45 PM
Post #79

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Wraith235)
was Dr. Haubrastrum(sp?) down there Among the dead

Hey Streak was the one who pulled the trigger. A few times actually.
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post Jan 26 2007, 07:31 PM
Post #80

Moving Target

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took ya long enuf to figure out it was me goof
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post Jan 26 2007, 07:35 PM
Post #81

Uncle Fisty

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Yeah, Halbestrom would have been there as well. NOt that anyone would have recognized him.
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post Jan 26 2007, 08:12 PM
Post #82

Moving Target

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for a Sunday game you said you had an Idea ... what you thinking of .. combination Ventrillo / IRC ?

or something to that affect ? or Full IRC ? with Dice bot and all ?
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post Jan 27 2007, 10:01 AM
Post #83

Uncle Fisty

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Debating whether or not to bother w/ a dice program. I don't really see a point though, since you coiuld cheat just as easily two feet from me as two states, so might as well stick to real dice.

I will need copies of everyone's character sheets posted on the thread though. Preferably under spoiler tags so that they don't take up to much space.

we won't be doing it this SUnday, still getting settled in here. And it'll give me time to prepare a bit. As far as I'm concerned we can jsut use MSN chat or anything to that effect.

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post Jan 27 2007, 05:15 PM
Post #84

Moving Target

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MSN and Yahoo voice can be trickey .... thats why I suggested TS or even Ventrillo
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post Jan 27 2007, 05:28 PM
Post #85

Uncle Fisty

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Give me a link or example that I can check out then.
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post Jan 27 2007, 05:40 PM
Post #86

Uncle Fisty

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Back to the session:

After teh Grande Zombie N'Drana was destroyed they were stuck in the cavern system. As Bourbon had told them, they weren't on any regular old astral quest. They really were dead, and only by making a deal wit hthe Graveyard King could they escape the realm of the dead.

As if called by the these thoughts, he appeared among them in full attire. Top hat and can, swinging tails , sunglasses and smokes, Ghede was there. The skeletal figure wore a wicked grin.

"Well you're a dead looking bunch. Want to do something about that?"

With Sin, he had a very straightforward deal. Sin would owe him service. Ghede pointed out that three wishes was the norm. Sin offered either three servicecs, or one service that he could not say no to no matter what was requested. Ghede chose the latter, and bound it with a geas.

He moved to Lucky next, asking what she had to give, since he already had service. Without missing a beat, she offered a game of chance efor her soul. Ghede agreed, offering a 50/50 chancec for her soul. If she won, she'd return to life. If she lost, she was his. Rolled a d6, Lucky called high, and rolled a 1. Ghede smiled. Before he took her, she offered to double the bet. If she lost, she'd also owe him a soul. If she won, she'd get an extra one. Amused, Ghede agreed, and handed her a second dice. 1-6 she would go back to the world, harvest a second soul , and return. 7-12, he would give her one. She rolled, "7". Ghede waived his hand, Gumbo reappeared, and he kicked the both out with a smile.

For Streak, he had something different in mind. Streak had done some time as an enforced (read:cranial bomb) hatchetman for Ares. Specifically he'd done it for six years. SO Ghede made him a deal. He'd leave him alone for five years. On the sixth year, he would have use of Streak's body. If he died before then, his body and soul would be Ghede's to use as he saw fit (read:Grande Zombie). Streak agreed. Effectively, every six years, for one year and one day, Streak would be unnder the effects of the Dream Pact.

The group awoke in shoking water and under mud. they were alive, but were still in the graves. They were struggling to get out. They each felt a sharp pull and pressure on their necks. After a moment they were pulled from the graves by the nooses around their necks. THey served to both pull them back from their graves, and choked off their air passageways so that they couldn't choke them selves again on their own graveyard dirt.

They were free, they had won. THey all went home for showers.
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Lady Door
post Jan 27 2007, 06:08 PM
Post #87

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Okay, as for Lucky's traumatic, therapy inducing private audience with the Red Eye...
First, background info on my character: Lucky is a devout Catholic. A devout Catholic that works for the 'Family', is addicted to bliss and gambling and has no problem seducing the hell out of anyone to get what she wants. So, yeah, she's a problem Catholic. (There's a line to get to hear her confession at the confessional). Lucky is aware that this is hypocrisy but doesn't care. She believes in what she believes in and that's always been good enough for her.
Well, back to the run... so Lucky is all alone in this cave, staring at herself. An exact duplicate except for the baleful red eyes and the absence of Lucky's silver cross. She mocks Lucky for her continued "playing at piety", and dares her to cross over and to taste what true power could be like. She muses about why someone like Lucky would hold herself back, would limit the time spent on more profitable criminal ventures and instead attend Mass and confession. Lucky's response? "It's what I believe. That won't change." No matter how hard the Red Eye pushes, Lucky won't budge. It's her damn soul. She'll be damned if someone other then her is taking it to Hell.
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post Jan 29 2007, 06:15 AM
Post #88

Shooting Target

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I've gotta say, Lucky is probly the most bad ass charactor on this run. First she tells the Grande Zombie to fuck herself WITH A GUN TO HER HEAD! And shes the only one who has the cahones to tell Sin or Bourban off, then she straight up tells her red eye that if anyone is taking her soul to Hell its gonna be her.
Ive got some catching up to do with Sin. :notworthy: :vegm: :notworthy:
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post Jan 29 2007, 10:12 PM
Post #89

Uncle Fisty

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That's 4 CSP to Lucky then for being a Bad Ass, as well as the Bad Assery Quality.
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Lady Door
post Jan 30 2007, 05:36 AM
Post #90

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Thank you. Thank you. *bows*

Meh, Lucky is a bad ass, what can I say? ;o)

Thanks boys.
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post Jan 30 2007, 09:29 PM
Post #91

Shooting Target

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post Feb 3 2007, 06:42 AM
Post #92

Uncle Fisty

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Looks like another of ours, Master Link, is still having trouble posting . SOrry bud, I still show you as validating. We'll work on that.

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post Feb 8 2007, 05:53 AM
Post #93

Uncle Fisty

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Alright we seem to have lost OneTrik unfortunately. He hasn't been responding to any PMs that i've sent. If you make it back man, let me know, cause I'd love to have you in.

Wraith325 also seems to be a no-show. I've sent him a couple of Pms asking him to post his char stats so that we can get this set, and haven't gotten any responses. SO at this point, it looks like he is on the outs.

Gonna work on getting Plan B's character up on the boards, and if MasterLink is in, we're going to need his by this Sunday, 'cause that's when we're starting this game.

SinN, you're there w/ ML, so I need you to help him get his character going for this one. Any stat assistance you might have let me know. You know what we need, the general car backgrounnd and stats, like up on SinN's post, and that'll be enough to get you in the game ML.

Once all those are set up, I'll send each person a PM to let them know of any changes directly to their char's daily life, then post the beginning of the next run. We'll set a time to meet up online on msn. I'll send a link to this to everyone potentially involved to remind everyone, check work schedules, that sort of thing. PLease reply in the thread rather tahn PM so we know who's on board.
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post Feb 8 2007, 06:39 AM
Post #94

Shooting Target

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Im in. :smokin:

Sin Spends his days with Dante, paying respects to Siren and Gaberielle's graves, and Loa. unless a job comes up. Then he takes him to his babysitters(ill think of a name later).
He is a follower of legba now, and chooses to go about things a bit diffrently. Though he is still uncouth and rude, he doesnt do it just to get a rise out of people. He does it if he believes them to be Niave and/or stupid. As always.
When he gets the call for the job, he is most likely spending time with Dante.
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Lady Door
post Feb 8 2007, 08:37 AM
Post #95

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Lucky: Redux
(An Updated version)

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Lady Door
post Feb 8 2007, 08:44 AM
Post #96

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Oh, and in case that wasn't answer enough. Yes, I'm in the game. ;)

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post Feb 8 2007, 12:35 PM
Post #97

Moving Target

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wow .... Very strange ... 1st one I got an email about ... just been busy with the kid and not sleeping nearly at all over the Week Trying to Catch up

2nd one no email ... I'll get it put up prolly tomorrow night as its 5am right now ...sorry about that ... if I HAD gotten the eail I'd have told you Sunday I was gonna watch the bears and Colts w/ some friends lol
I'm still waiting for what kind of Forum were gonna use

Teamspeak is www.teamspeak.com (I think) dunno about Vent

EDIT - ROFLOL ok ... so I'm so tired I was thinking it was put up last week *Brains self* Just got the Email so all is good
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post Feb 8 2007, 07:52 PM
Post #98

Moving Target

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OH I also Briefly talked with Alisa about this and she seemed amiable to it thats why I've been looking for some more hardcore stuff for it
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post Feb 8 2007, 10:27 PM
Post #99

Uncle Fisty

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OK, I read those two posts twice, the first one ALMOST makes sense.
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post Feb 9 2007, 02:12 AM
Post #100

Moving Target

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1st post = 5am Typing

I Talked to Alisa (Kitten ect) and mendioned the Idea of the Shadowrun game across states .... she is interested ... but since I dont have enuf info on how things are gonna be held I cant pass the info on to her
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