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> [SR3] SOTA: 2065
SL James
post Jan 20 2007, 07:34 PM
Post #51

Shadowrun Setting Nerd

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QUOTE (CD @ 41)
How do they do it? Three words: P—freaking—R. The Azzies have an amazing Public Relations machine. All the megacorps run morally questionable secret operations, but only Aztechnology seems to repeatedly survive the exposure of them unscathed. Most non-shadow denizens don't even understand the Big Ac connection to Aztlan (more on that later), and those who do don't appear to care. This makes Aztechnology dangerous because it can get away with murder (literally); the average consumer will buy Aztech products anyway. Whether you consider it brand loyalty, spin doctoring or consumer brainwashing, Aztechnology has mastered it.

>New to this, aren't ya? Check this: When those grisly trid shots were released in the CAS and UCAS that implicated Aztechnology soldiers as responsible for the Campeche massacre, the Azzies' market share in those countries rose slightly. The same thing happened when the news broke in Europe. Sad though it is, Aztechnology's PR people have the general public well in hand.
> Ranger

> Did you ever notice that when some bad stink about some Aztechnology operation hits the news, their subsidiaries suddenly unleash a media blitz about some great new and improved products? The standard consumer retains the bad news for about five seconds, then forgets all about it.
> Garbonzo Bean
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post Jan 20 2007, 11:44 PM
Post #52

Immortal Elf

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ah. we were both right.
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post Jan 21 2007, 12:18 AM
Post #53

Immoral Elf

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QUOTE (mfb)
ah. we were both right.

Works for me. :D

And thanks, James.
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SL James
post Jan 21 2007, 01:26 AM
Post #54

Shadowrun Setting Nerd

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No problem.
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post Jan 22 2007, 08:42 AM
Post #55

Neophyte Runner

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Ok, here's my current projects and ideas.

The Wireless stuff which I've posted the pdf rules for, no comments so I assume, no objections?

Magic Build Point System which will include some changes from the current list of rules.

Psionics. Breaking them down into 3 categories for ClairSentients, Telekinetics, and Telepaths, with the following rules.
  • ClairSentients cost 2BP and can cast only Detection Spells. Their ThoughtForms replace Psychokinesis with Concealability. Targets receive no Resistance Roll unless they are aware that the ClairSentient is attempting a Detection spell on them.
  • Telekinetic cost 2BP and can cast only Telekinetic Manipulation spells. They reduce Target Modifiers for Sustaining a Telekinetic Manipulation spell by 2, which is compatable with Focused Concentration. This reduces ONLY the target modifier, not the target number. Means that a Telekinetic with Focused Concentration can sustain 2 spells without any negative modifier to their TNs.
  • Telepaths cost 2BP and can cast only Control Manipulation spells. Their ThoughtForms replace Psychokinesis with Confusion and Fear. They receive -1 to the Drain Level of Control Manipulation spells.
Also working on rules for Greater Thought Forms and other MetaPhysical Techniques from Initiating. Including more info on the Gestalt effect.

Nordic Runes: No real thoughts yet.

Half-Races: No real thoughts yet.

MFB: If you don't mind, in addition to you working out and testing the Decking options some, would you mind checking into ways to 'Hack' the wireless stuff I posted in my PDF?

Sir Psycho: I assume you're working on the Edges/Flaws?
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post Jan 22 2007, 12:57 PM
Post #56

Neophyte Runner

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Half-Race ideas.....

I'm thinking currently of allowing 4 half races (in order to avoid the confussion of dwarf-orcs, etc). I want it simple so the choice is purely for theme not numbers. Initial idea is:

5BP for a HalfRace, you gain the visual bonus (either Thermographic or LowLight) and half (rounded down) of the bonuses. So, a HalfElf would have LowLight and +1 Charisma, and a TallDwarf would have +1 Strength and Thermographic. Initial thought was also no negative attributes. Opinions?

Maybe allow the purchase of up to 2 HalfRaces? So an Elven Dwarf would get +1 Charisma, +1 Strength, and both visions? Too much for the 10BP?
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post Jan 22 2007, 02:05 PM
Post #57

Neophyte Runner

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One Character Sheet down (subject to change depending on rule changes)


The description was too spur of the moment and sucks majorly (not to mention a couple of typos), it'll be completely rewritten at some point.
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post Jan 24 2007, 12:51 PM
Post #58

Neophyte Runner

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Well, I'm assuming from the lack of input this project has become a solo-project. No biggie, I plan to write 1 page per day in my spare time. Means about 6 months total plus the time to do some graphics. Anyhows, on the chance anyone's keeping up on things, I'm working on the Magic Game Information right now. I'll post on the main board for ideas. I think people forget (or ignore) the fact that this sub-forum is here. :P
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post Jan 25 2007, 02:44 PM
Post #59

Shooting Target

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I'm still interested, and willing to help. In some spare time I've been trying to get y head around flaws/rules for addiction (specifically cigarettes), and so far it's leaning towards different amounts of points for how many packs a day/week you're doing, and small modifiers to TN's when you don't have a drag in a while, although I'm still having trouble.

I was also thinking of aa magic edge similar to cracker/choker for matrix, giving a 1+ dice or -1 target number for spells of a specific type (not stackable with totem bonuses/disadvantages), although it might be too powerful. Also, I wouldn't mind a (sort of) magic version of Natural Hardening, giving +1 dice for drain resistance tests. Just putting it out there.

As for opinions, I'll admit half-races makes me feel quite squeamish though.

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post Jan 25 2007, 02:53 PM
Post #60

Neophyte Runner

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Other possible Edges/Flaws: One Eye (rules are already out there for the Cyclopi), Dual Natured, Weapons Expert (reduce penalty for defaulting?), etc.

As for your current ideas, +1 Dice is less abuseable than -1TN for casting spells (I see no reason for it to not stack with other modifiers, but should only work for 'casting', not 'drain'), and I like the magical hardening idea as well (though the names are obviously a work-in-progress :P)
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post Jan 26 2007, 12:15 AM
Post #61

Shooting Target

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I'm really thinking of Shamans here, because if you give a wolf Shaman the edge to combat spells, they've just became a Fenrir shaman with 2+ to detection. So yeah I like -TN better, and that I would feel more comfortable giving to Shamans.
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post Jan 26 2007, 07:24 AM
Post #62

Neophyte Runner

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Considering most spell-throwers tend to roll about 10 dice to cast, a -1TN is roughly the equivalent of +2 successes. +2 dice on the other hand is only about 50% likely to gain +1 success. For the sake of 'balance', nothing we add in this book should make it a requirement for a min-maxxed character. If we have an unbalanced book, people aren't going to accept it in their games.

As for the half-races, I'm half-way in agreeance with you. Obviously an Troll-Dwarf combo could just be nuts. Orcs are already the rough equivalent between Troll and Human, so what do you think of only having 3 half races? Half-Elf, Half-Dwarf, and Half-Orc? Give them all visual bonuses and a simple +1 to a single attribute? (Charisma, Strength, and Body respectively)....
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post Jan 26 2007, 11:45 AM
Post #63

Manus Celer Dei

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Why include half-races, out of interest?

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post Jan 26 2007, 12:40 PM
Post #64

Neophyte Runner

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Well, the idea came up back when we were allowed to Surge. We had a guy 'surge' into a Half-Elf, and why not? SRComp already lets' you use metavariants, and that's all it really is. And honestly, Half-Elves (or half-anythings) fit more into theme than blue-furries...

Basically, just ideas we threw around at some point are what I am focusing my books on. That was just one of the first ones I remembered throwing around.
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Kyoto Kid
post Jan 27 2007, 01:51 AM
Post #65

Bushido Cowgirl

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...the basic concept of SURGE has opened the door for some more than just genetic mutations. In my campaign setting there is a new form of "awakening" that I am experimenting with. Won't say what it is for now since I will be doing a re-run of the scenario in which it appears.
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post Jan 28 2007, 02:38 AM
Post #66

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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I was talking with my wife about SR3R and SOTA65 and she said she would love to help, specifically by contributing art. She's a professional freelance web visual graphics design artist person fellow who draws pictures. I told her that guns are a popular thing, and even though they aren't her preferred style, she'd be happy to do her own research, sketch stuff up and, of course, get feedback. However, anything else people feel as being valid (racial profiles, vehicles, dragons, whatever) she'll go for. All she has to know is what needs to be done. Of course, she is limited in how much she can do, since it takes a few hours to do a complete picture.

She's put some sketches up here:

(Yes, there are pictures of me too. I'm sure everyone will be surprised to see I'm not really a 6'11", 240lb troll named Brock.)

So people are aware, some of the pictures have b00b13s and may not be appropriate for work, unless your boss is a guy and can also appreciate a good b00b13 when he sees one.

So yes, if people have a suggestion on what she should draw, go ahead and give it. If people decide the drawing is not up to snuff, you can not include it or she can fix it given solid criticism.
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post Jan 28 2007, 03:23 AM
Post #67

Shooting Target

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I definately think SOTA65 should include boobies.
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post Jan 28 2007, 09:59 AM
Post #68

Neophyte Runner

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Personally, I'd be more interested, if she can, in seeing art for the various 'gear' selections. Wireless Datajack, CommLinks, ImageGlasses or even Monocles (squarish and further away from the eye than glasses), maybe even what an External Transducer looks like (and yes, definitely a CredStick too :P)
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post Jan 28 2007, 03:28 PM
Post #69

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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She says that'd be cool. I grabbed some comments people wrote on page 2 of this thread.

Wireless datajack - should be pretty obvious. Does it include a standard datajack too?
Commlinks - like in SR4, but less advanced, right?
Imageglasses and monocle - looks like it sounds like, right?
External transducer - I assume this the non-cyber version of the transducer, so it would hook on somewhere around the jaw?
Commlink - :P I'll see if SR3R changes the rules at all first ;P

Overall she says she'd be happy to do it.

She also suggested something else of interest, the idea of taking the nanobots you use to install a datajack and get similar nanobots that would rewire the brain or hardware to do crazy stuff. You could introduce the nanobots through the food supply or some such.

Also she asked if the wireless datajack will double as the internal radio or phone hardware already available?
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post Jan 28 2007, 04:47 PM
Post #70

Neophyte Runner

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Wireless Datajack, in 2065 it should look a bit like a Wireless for a modern-day PC. A cell-phone antenae sticking out of the head sort of deal. The inside part looking like a usb, but round instead of rectangle (at least in my opinion, artist opinions are oft better).

CommLinks, I think they'd look a bit like a large cellphone, or forearm computer. Bigger than an IPod, and thought put into transportability.

Image Glasses/Monocle, yepers.

External Transducer. No idea. It still requires a Datajack to use, so obviously a wire or antenae for the new Wireless Era. BlueTooth head-set with an antenae? Again, artist concepts are usually bettter than the ideas thrown at them.

CredStick, of course, in a wireless setting, that might change completely. After all, who needs a cred stick when you're transmitting wireless info all the time? Basically, you're transmitting your own IP address to everyone, and can now, via a datajack or the commlink, verify expenditures from your back account. No 'hard' credsticks needed really. Exceptions being for illegal services of course. I think they should look like USB Mem Sticks with a digitalish display of their 'worth'. So, you'd hand someone a stick with a display showing it's holding 5,000 :nuyen: Wouldn't need it for any other purpose that I can think of once a person goes Wireless....
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post Jan 28 2007, 09:11 PM
Post #71

Neophyte Runner

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Also, something I've been wanting to see for awhile, some pre-fab characters like in the original SR3 book, but using gear and ideas from all the books (Changeling, Bioware, Etc)

During the winter months, i tend to have a lot of free time on my hands. I like this idea, and i'd be willing to attempt to crank out some archetypes. I read thru the thread, not sure if you want to use full Build Point for this, Priority, Sum to 10, BeCKS, all or some of the above, but i'd be willing to take a gander at this. I have some classic ideas in my head for prefabs, and also some not so classic ideas that are a bit out there, but you never know. I had them on my old personal site, but i closed this years ago. I still have some around though.

Again, cool ideas going on here. But hit me back if youre interested in seeing some prefabs. I could always type them up and send them or whatnot, or post them, or whatever. I need some project to get me creative again and keep me away from TBC. ;)
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post Jan 29 2007, 08:09 AM
Post #72

Neophyte Runner

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As stated ElFenrir, the Archetypes should all include at least some rule from this project, such as my posted Archetype (Half-Elf Telekinetic Psionicist) that I did on 125BP. If you can do that, the layout should be exactly like in the books. Ie JPGs with full character image, black side and bottom, stats on side, description on bottom.
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post Jan 29 2007, 01:42 PM
Post #73

Neophyte Runner

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Gotcha. Well, i shall see what i can come up with on paper first, then hit the Photoshop. :grinbig: Finding pictures to match these might be interesting. Well, some good artists here there are...:)
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post Jan 30 2007, 10:17 AM
Post #74

Shooting Target

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I did some thinking and rolling on those Magic drain resistance edges, and decided it was best to divide them into:

(work-in-progress names)
Mana hardening - 3 points.
Characters with Mana Hardening are more resistant to Sorcery drain. Mana Hardening provides 1 additional die for Sorcery Drain resistance tests.

Spirit Hardening - 3 points
Characters with Spirit Hardening have the same extra die as those with Mana Hardening, except that it applies to Conjuring drain resistance tests instead.

Characters may not take both Mana Hardening and Spirit Hardening.
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post Jan 30 2007, 02:49 PM
Post #75

Neophyte Runner

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I like both, but I think maybe 2 points. I personally wouldn't buy them for 3 points. Bonus Attribute is 2BP, part-time attribute for 3 seems rough. For 3 points, if you want to keep the value, maybe offer an Astral Armour value of 1 against either Spells or Spirit attacks (dependant on the hardening you have of course).
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