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> Southern Hospitality, OOC for ... well, all the OOC stuff
post Feb 28 2007, 06:48 AM
Post #1


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Ok folks, please send me final character sheets. I'll wait until I get them before starting; however, I would like to go live Thursday night if possible.

Please work out among yourselve whether or not your characters know each other.

Any last questions?

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post Feb 28 2007, 08:27 AM
Post #2

jacked in

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Jazz is a young woman in her mid-twenties. She is of average height with a lithe and slender body. Her long, ash-blonde hair is typically worn in a pony tail, with a few strands framing a pretty face with green eyes, commonly hidden behind stylish green sunglasses. Jazz most often dresses in low-riding jeans, heeled boots, and low-cut crop tops to show off her nice curves and slim waistline. On top she either has a short jeans jacket, or a black, waisted mid-thigh length coat. She usually carries a small, black messenger bag with her, containing the various items she likes to have on hand. Jazz has an outgoing personality and a friendly nature, which goes quite well with her attractive appearance.

Zoë (as she is called outside the shadows) is certainly a person, that is quick to make friends; easygoing, flippant, flighty. She's living her life now and enjoying it greatly. She frequents night clubs and biker bars, sometimes making fun about some arrogant males in a friendly game of pool, where she strips them of everything they have, distracting them with her gorgeous looks further enhanced by her revealing clothes, while showing them how the game is actually played; and she can keep up with the best there. The regulars, who know her well enough, just sit back and chuckle when she rips another guy off, but are quick to lend a hand when things grow out of proportion and he happens to be a bad loser.

But there is another side to her as well, the old Zoë, the perfectionist; silent and focused. Concentrating for hours as she directs her virtual self through the endless realms of the simsense universe, the Matrix. It's like a second home to her and she clearly spends more time immersed in VR than is healthy.

Mostly a Hacker, being quite versed in computers and electronics, Jazz has many other talents hidden behind the surface. She's a pretty good driver, if not a little reckless, and she also has a way with people, able to twist them around her finger or boss them around, as required.
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post Feb 28 2007, 12:38 PM
Post #3

Man Behind the Curtain

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Eric DeBois stands just under six feet tall and has a wiry build. His thick brown hair is usually obscured by the hood of his poncho and his face usually covered in several days of stubble. His poncho covers a well worn, heavy duster which most people will discern as an armored jacket. Jeans and work boots generally finish off his clothing selection.

Eric is a quiet, reclusive, brooding sort of person. He arrived on the Atlanta scene about six years ago and keeps mostly to himself. He sometimes speaks with a bit of a Creole accent, other times speaks with just a southern draw. He is obsessed with books and obtaining books. Over the years he has been called Book Worm and The Book, though now most people just refer to him as Book.

The people who might have ran with him in the past know him to be a capable spell slinger and summoner who supports the team. He is not the one to be the first one through the door, but is a sound tactician who comes up with creative solutions to the bizarre problems runner find themselves with. When he chooses, he can be charismatic speaker and effective leader. When he chooses otherwise, he can be abrasive, distant and condescending.

Book & Jazz

In recent months, Book has taken to partnering with Jazz. The odd couple to say the least, book vs chips, mana vs matrix, these two have proven a very effective team on runs that require stripping the veneer of secrecy away. Rumors abound that more than once Jazz has violated a comlink for all it secrets while Book simply read the truth from the minds of those in the know.
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post Feb 28 2007, 12:48 PM
Post #4

Running Target

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Mary Ann speaks in a heavy southern drawl which goes right perfect with her gorgeous southern good looks and curves. She has shoulder length strawberry blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, which are high quality cybernetics that look just like the real things. She is often seen sporting tight jeans with worn out knees and an even tighter tank top or blouse under a full length white synthleather lined coat.

Belle came onto the shadow scene of Atlanta a couple of years back appearing almost out of the blue dating an established and respectable runner named Slick. She worked many a job with Slick and he helped her get in with all the right people and get the nuyen for some of the numerous augmentations she has. They were starting to get called the Bonnie and Clyde of the 70's when Slick was suddenly killed. Signs point towards it being a corporate hit and Belle seems distraught over it but she has moved on quickly from his death. Too quickly some think.
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post Feb 28 2007, 11:45 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

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Vick is a 43 year old caucasian human male who's been on the Atlanta shadow scene for just over a year, working as a hired gun. What sets him apart from street samurai and gangers-turned-runners is his ability to play well with others, negotiate a good deal, and lead instead of follow. He thinks like a corporate type.
Physically, he's a healthy guy, nimble, though definitely past his prime. He'd much rather be looking at his enemy down the old iron sights instead of mixing it up in close quarters, and he hates starting a fight on even odds. You don't get to live as long as him without stacking the odds in your favor every time.
Vick is a huge Urban Brawl fan.

Mark Rodriguez is his real name, but forget Alex ever mentioned it. He's been Vick for the last year. Mark's disappeared. He's also known as Vick the Slick or Vick the Prick (no relation to Belle's Slick).

I have an unnamed Fixer contact that I'd just like to share with someone else; that way we can invent a previous working relationship. Who will spare me theirs?
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Cedric Rolfsson
post Mar 2 2007, 12:55 AM
Post #6

Running Target

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Dean is an average looking Human male. Caucasian background with Nordic coloring, brown-blonde hair and pale blue eyes. He looks to have spent much time in dissolute living but only recently and sports the build of one who understands the importance of taking care of his body.
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post Mar 2 2007, 05:13 AM
Post #7

Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.

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Adrian Margolez is a pure blood Spaniard, born in Spain. He hovers at six feet tall, with long strait, dirty brown hair. He is in pretty good shape but he is no fighter. He tends to have a bit of a glassy eyed look to him most days, as if he can see things that are not there.

Sundown has been running the Atlanta shadows for about a year. Before that he was in an Azzie prison for smuggling people out of the country, and guns in. The CAS is also looking at him hard for smuggling so he had to give up his border gig and find a new place. He was in a terrible accident and has a slight limp when he walks.
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post Mar 2 2007, 05:15 AM
Post #8

Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.

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What format do you want the character Alex? I can do just about anything. I prefer .rtf. Can you also shoot me your email so I can send him to you, thanks. Looking forward to playing him.
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post Mar 2 2007, 05:30 AM
Post #9

Man Behind the Curtain

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QUOTE (Alex)
would like to go live Thursday night if possible.

Is it still looking good for tonight?
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post Mar 2 2007, 06:26 AM
Post #10


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QUOTE (Shadow)
What format do you want the character Alex? I can do just about anything. I prefer .rtf. Can you also shoot me your email so I can send him to you, thanks. Looking forward to playing him.

PM or email is fine. I sent you my email on PM.

@ Redjack

Cedric Rolfsson is out of pocket this weekend and I only have about half of the sheets. I would prefer to have all on board before getting too far into the details; however, I'll get the IC up and have some info out there for those that can start now.

@ All

RL hit me like a hammer today so I'm a bit late getting to the boards.
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post Mar 2 2007, 06:32 AM
Post #11

Running Target

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I will get my sheet to you tomorrow...I have it done now, but I have to work in the morning, so I need to get off soon....
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post Mar 2 2007, 07:43 AM
Post #12


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Ok, I'll be following up the IC with fixer calls. Please send the sheets in. If they aren't done yet, please post the fixer name here in OOC so I can use that. Please post what your character is doing in IC.

It's time for bed.
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post Mar 2 2007, 08:09 AM
Post #13

jacked in

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Nice intro so far. :)

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post Mar 2 2007, 01:05 PM
Post #14

Man Behind the Curtain

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QUOTE (Alex)
I would prefer to have all on board before getting too far into the details

I understand.

BTW: Eric is coming in without a fixer. He was hoping to get hooked up with Jazz's fixer... :D

I'll have bio's for each of his contacts to you tonight.
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post Mar 2 2007, 04:19 PM
Post #15

Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.

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Sheet away! His fixer's name is Savior.
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post Mar 2 2007, 04:21 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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^^^ character description updated above! ^^^

the name's "Vick".
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post Mar 2 2007, 06:53 PM
Post #17


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As of right now, I have sheets for:


Still need sheets for:

Carron Dalton
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post Mar 2 2007, 10:31 PM
Post #18


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I also want to make sure that everyone has Charisma x 3 BP for contacts and 10 skill points for "Active Interests" - active skills that don't mimic game active skills. Billiards/Pool is one example.

I have seen a few sheets that don't have these things.

I also posted a few fixer calls for those that have fixers. Please post your own fixer call if I haven't.

I am assuming that Jazz's fixer has asked for "Book".
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post Mar 2 2007, 11:06 PM
Post #19

jacked in

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QUOTE (Alex)
I am assuming that Jazz's fixer has asked for "Book".

Yep, that's fine. Jazz will have informed Cole (whom I need to write some description for still :)) that she has a mage friend who might be interested in accompanying here on some jobs in the near future, when she heard that he has some trouble getting jobs on his own. ;)

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post Mar 2 2007, 11:13 PM
Post #20

jacked in

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BTW, according to my calender, March 1st in 2070 is a Saturday, which makes the 2nd a Sunday. ;)

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post Mar 3 2007, 12:21 AM
Post #21

Man Behind the Curtain

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post Mar 3 2007, 12:54 AM
Post #22

Man Behind the Curtain

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post Mar 3 2007, 05:55 AM
Post #23


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QUOTE (Thanee @ Mar 2 2007, 06:13 PM)
BTW, according to my calender, March 1st in 2070 is a Saturday, which makes the 2nd a Sunday. ;)


You would be correct except for the calendar adjustement...

The GM calendar adjustment that is. :grinbig:


<[Jazz]Krispe Kreme, East Point. That's where we need to be.>
<[Book]Oh hell no. That's pretty low rent...

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post Mar 3 2007, 06:11 AM
Post #24

Running Target

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Sheet PMed in...Fixers name is Ernesto Ramone btw.
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post Mar 3 2007, 10:28 AM
Post #25

Man Behind the Curtain

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QUOTE (Alex @ Mar 2 2007, 11:55 PM)
You would be correct except for the calendar adjustement...

The GM calendar adjustment that is.  :grinbig:

Seeing as how you posted to the thread again with 3/2/2070 as a Friday, I'm taking this to mean you really are adjusting the calendar. I am adjusting my posting accordingly.
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