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> Southern Hospitality, OOC for ... well, all the OOC stuff
post Oct 3 2007, 08:43 AM
Post #276

jacked in

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Sorry, sorry, sorry! :) Friday til sunday were so choke-full I didn't get much else done and then I kinda forgot it was my turn to do something, otherwise I would have posted on monday already. :oops:

Anyways... relocating sounds like a good idea to me, then Jazz will go about the Starbucks lead, taking her time to break in there, just because it's so much more secure (means probing the target for a few hours first, before hacking in to gain security access to be able to access video footage).

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post Oct 3 2007, 02:35 PM
Post #277

Man Behind the Curtain

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Dalton is just going online to buy a few pieces of software, all legal, common-use programs: Edit 3, Command 3, Browse 3, Analyze 3, Encrypt 3, Scan 3 (total cost 900 nuyen)

QUOTE (Redjack)
1) Is she able to discern a vehicle that the woman got into? What about a log file with her SIN or at least her com's serial id? Otherwise I'm a little stumped about how to identify her.

Ok, Dalton is gonna start with the video of the woman from the public com. He wants to clean up the video and determine which direction she went... Maybe even a vehicle she got into?

2,4,3,4,5 = 1 hit

QUOTE (Thanee)
relocating sounds like a good idea to me, then Jazz will go about the Starbucks lead, taking her time to break in there, just because it's so much more secure (means probing the target for a few hours first, before hacking in to gain security access to be able to access video footage).

Go ahead and go full VR in the van. We will finish out a little leg work here trying to find out more about the woman as Jazz begins to probe the Starbucks over the Matrix.
If we are able to locate the woman, then Dean can start surveillance.

So the first question is to Alex: Does Dalton do any good with the picture? Would it be an extended test instead?
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post Oct 3 2007, 03:16 PM
Post #278

jacked in

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Alright, here are some rolls for probing the target via VR.

First, the Reality Filter (I really need to upgrade my commlink, so I don't need this anymore)... 3 hits

Then for probing the target... threshold is System + Firewall + 3 for getting security access:

1st hour 3 hits
2nd hour 3 hits
3rd hour 4 hits
4th hour 7 hits

Stealth is (hopefully) at 6.

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Cedric Rolfsson
post Oct 3 2007, 08:43 PM
Post #279

Running Target

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Quick question.

Dean is still in the van right? would he remember that almost every modern system in the world logs commlink connections, basically all that spam AR advertising has to log onto your communication network and all of them record a 'hit' which might carry identification information. At least that is what the SR4 book suggests. That's why runners constantly 'Spoof' their commlink trails. Lone Star accesses that to follow data trails to get the 'bad guys', can't we do the same thing?
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post Oct 4 2007, 03:20 AM
Post #280


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@ Redjack

Extended test is allowed. One hit won't do it. I'm looking for four.

@ Cedric

Yes, he would remember that. Have fun trying to tease that info out of the system.

@ Thanee

It takes three hours but you are in. Upon entering the AR domain, you are virtually assaulted by the smell of coffee. The layout looks similar to every Starbucks you have ever seen. You seem to be in the managers office. A young man at the register looks your way momentarily and then goes back to taking orders.

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post Oct 4 2007, 03:56 AM
Post #281

Man Behind the Curtain

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Extended rolls:
6,4,6,1,1 = 2 hits (3 total)
4,4,3,6,1 = 1 hit (4 total)
5,5,4,3,5 = 3 hits (7 total)
3,5,2,2,3 = 1 hit (8 total)

Keep working it as best I can, we got time. :D
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post Oct 4 2007, 05:25 AM
Post #282


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@ Redjack
[ Spoiler ]
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Cedric Rolfsson
post Oct 4 2007, 09:49 PM
Post #283

Running Target

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Ahhh, but I'm not the hacker in the group. :D
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post Oct 4 2007, 11:48 PM
Post #284


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QUOTE (Cedric Rolfsson)
Ahhh, but I'm not the hacker in the group. :D

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post Oct 5 2007, 01:11 AM
Post #285

Man Behind the Curtain

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Neither Dalton, nor Book have hacking skills either.
I assume that running a PAN in hidden mode [BBB p217] negates 99% of that, leaving only the unique serial [BBB pg216] (unless spoofed) with the local telecommunications grid (LTG) authority. Then via the use of 'anonymizer nodes', 'encrypted re-routing services' and the like [BBB pg214] the user's ID and true matrix destinations are not associated to the serial ID they log on with, nor logged by the aforementioned LTG.
That said, the biggest risk I see is running your com in modes other than hidden as then elements of your ID are associated to a com serial # and logged by whatever PANs and nodes you access (or access you).
@Alex - If you interpret anything differently please advise, otherwise I believe us to be pretty safe at the moment from issues with our identity.
@All - That now said, since we have nothing from the public terminal (assuming she paid in certified credit? and her PAN was in hidden mode?), we appear to have hit a temporary dead end... Any other ideas about how to identify the woman?
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post Oct 5 2007, 01:22 AM
Post #286


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The interpretation is so close to mine that me commenting will only muddy the waters.
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post Oct 5 2007, 05:17 AM
Post #287

jacked in

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QUOTE (Redjack)
Any other ideas about how to identify the woman?

Hit the clubs and ask around? :)


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post Oct 5 2007, 03:05 PM
Post #288

Man Behind the Curtain

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Summon F6 Spirit of Man (optional powers: Fear, movement) 2,3,4,6,1,6,2,5,2,1 = 3 hits
Spirit Resists: 2,5,3,5,4,3 = 2 hits
DV4 Drain: 1,2,4,5,2,5,6,3,6,4 = 4 hits; No Drain.

1 net service
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post Oct 5 2007, 03:56 PM
Post #289

Man Behind the Curtain

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QUOTE (Alex)
adequate picture of a svelte ork. Well, svelte being a relative term. She appears to be heading off to the building across the street.

Is the building across the street a parking garage, apartment building, office building, other? (Trying to determine if perhaps she truly went in or just towards it).
How was she dressed? (Sleazy, designer cloths, business casual, etc...)
Now that we have a good picture, any distinguishing marks, tatoos, etc..?
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post Oct 5 2007, 06:52 PM
Post #290

jacked in

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Or maybe she works at Krispy Kreme and had a 'uniform' or a name tag. ;)

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post Oct 5 2007, 07:38 PM
Post #291

Man Behind the Curtain

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Wouldn't that be creme filled irony!!
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post Oct 5 2007, 11:35 PM
Post #292


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Sorry, no uniform. ;)

The building across the street is an apartment building. No tats, but you can make out a necklace with the letters "T" & "S" intertwined. <Did I spell that right?> She is dressed in clean, well-kept, casual clothes. Not designer, but still toward the higher end.
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post Oct 6 2007, 02:51 AM
Post #293

Man Behind the Curtain

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Ok, well we have nearly two hours until Jazz finishes hacking the Starbucks. Book will give the spirit a little time to search:
F6 Spirit of Man using search power: Magic(6) + Intuition(6)
10 minutes: 3,4,2,4,2,4,6,4,4,4,2,3 = 1 hit
20 minutes: 6,4,4,3,3,2,6,6,3,3,2,2 = 3 hits (4 total)
30 minutes: 6,4,6,2,6,4,6,6,4,5,6,2 = 7 hits (11 total)
40 minutes: 4,3,5,3,4,3,1,4,4,4,6,6 = 3 hits (14 total)

Not sure what target number you are assigning here so I'll hold here and await info (and hope that 14 hits is sufficient) :D
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post Oct 6 2007, 03:59 PM
Post #294

Man Behind the Curtain

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Yeah!! A Success!!
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post Oct 7 2007, 03:15 AM
Post #295

jacked in

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Woohoo! :)

She was pretty close, heh.

Wonder who pays for the appartement. ;)

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post Oct 12 2007, 12:39 AM
Post #296

Man Behind the Curtain

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The short of it is that I want to validate that the woman is in fact the target ork. I also want to look around and see if there is someplace that Dean can hang out while waiting to track the woman?
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post Oct 12 2007, 02:24 AM
Post #297


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With respect to Dean, for what exactly are you looking?

On the drone:

The little drone drifts up to the indicated apartment. There is a tear in the screen. Give me a ... what the heck do you call a "piloting roll" when the rigger is jumped in?

<shakes head and mutters to self>

Paste if you like, re-phrase if you desire.
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post Oct 12 2007, 03:02 AM
Post #298

Man Behind the Curtain

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Dalton: Reaction(5) + Pilot:Aircraft(4) + HotSim VR(2) - 5,5,3,6,1,4,1,4,3,5,5 = 5 hits

With respect to Dean, I'm not sure. Perhaps an empty building, a roof top... Not really sure about his spells or other potential locations in the scene...?
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post Oct 12 2007, 04:02 AM
Post #299


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The fly-spy scoots through the small hole in the screen without a hitch and can spot the woman inside.

There are apartment buildings around the area and some neighborhood stores. A small bank is on the corner with a Krispe Kreme down the street. There is a Starbucks halfway down the block.

Hope that helps.
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Cedric Rolfsson
post Oct 15 2007, 10:20 PM
Post #300

Running Target

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Question, do the Starbucks have cameras and stuff like that in them most of the time? Would Dean know?
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