Down in the Gutter: OOC, The Nuts and Bolts of Staying Alive |
Down in the Gutter: OOC, The Nuts and Bolts of Staying Alive |
Feb 24 2008, 12:40 AM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,289 Joined: 20-April 04 Member No.: 6,260 |
Doc was arrested, so if Unarmed is able to make it back due to his job situation changing he'll be relatively easy to bring back into play.
If I determine Doc becomes a full blown NPC, I may bring him back out to resolve certain subplots (Grack and Doc) or I may just leave him to rot in the Greybar Hotel. In case my post wasn't clear, he isn't dead, they just stun batoned him into unconsciousness and arrested him. For your purposes though, assume he's out of commission for the indefinite future. Fortunately, I'm sure you'll all be glad to know the police were able to put down the mad lunatic troll before any innocents were hurt, keeping the good people of Bellevue safe from the unsavory lowlife criminal elements that are distressingly common these days. |
Feb 24 2008, 12:52 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,278 Joined: 15-April 05 Member No.: 7,336 |
Thumper has some interest in spending time playing with the gun and figuring out how it works (training time), but he wasn't lying about the game of pool. That's higher on his priority list.
Feb 24 2008, 07:46 AM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,289 Joined: 20-April 04 Member No.: 6,260 |
You guys are doing great RP, go ahead and 'find' a pool hall somewhere if you want. If you do go to one, someone write up the location and a brief description and stick it on the wiki so we can use it for future reference, as I have a feeling you guys will be going back there more than once.
Feb 25 2008, 08:13 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,696 Joined: 17-February 07 From: Middle Sized City, Ontario, Canada Member No.: 11,025 |
@Winter Or Vegas: I had a thought on how to get my martial arts stuff down. I'll just tell you guys what I want and can you tell me what I get? I think just two manuvers fer right now. A disarm and either a trip attack or a bonus dmg attack.
@Vegas: Could you link my take of Baby to her sheet? I can't seem to do it. :O @Slipshade: Hey chica! Como est ta? |
Feb 25 2008, 09:51 PM
Runner Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 3,020 Joined: 11-March 02 From: The MSP 'Plex Member No.: 2,326 |
Your takes are linked to Baby's sheet. I'll have to look through maneuvers for you later, can't do it this very second. OK, just taking a quick peek here, likely options would be: [ Spoiler ] @All I'm gonna go in to everyone's takes and add Baby in so people can write their takes for her when they have the chance. |
Feb 26 2008, 05:45 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,031 Joined: 23-April 04 From: Cal Free Member No.: 6,278 |
Meriss - Slipshade the player = Bueno
Baby = No tan bueno |
Feb 26 2008, 01:44 PM
Snakehandler Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 7,454 Joined: 28-April 06 From: London, England Member No.: 8,508 |
Grack accidentally summoning a Force 1 Spirit of Man and then napping off stun.
[ Spoiler ] Am going to IC about 75 minutes forward. More to follow once it looks like others have progressed to my point in time. |
Feb 26 2008, 05:24 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,696 Joined: 17-February 07 From: Middle Sized City, Ontario, Canada Member No.: 11,025 |
@Vegas: Cool, gracias chica. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
@Winter: In that case I'll take Disarm and Sweep, and convert my last Category B BP to Karma and hold on to it for future use. Am I clear to continue the Saga of Raymundo? EDIT: Nevermind. I didn't realize you preapproved me to post on the last page of OOC (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) *duuuuuuuuh* |
Feb 27 2008, 12:06 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,031 Joined: 23-April 04 From: Cal Free Member No.: 6,278 |
Thought I should mention that the stuff Baby pulls off of the gangers in her opening post is all stuff I paid BP's for. I just wanted to give her a reason to have it.
Feb 27 2008, 02:46 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,711 Joined: 15-June 06 Member No.: 8,716 |
@Slipshade: Welcome to the crew. That pic of baby is hot lol. Where did you and Vegas get those pics from lol?
@Adamu: You got a double post in the IC @WR: My IC is up. If there are any problems with it let me know, otherwise I think the ball is back in your court as far as Fool is concerned. Oh Fool went from A6/B6 to B4 Man I see three area's Fool would love to fit into within the gang. Help running the girls( great for his addiction), Pushing any drugs we make if Felix really can make them, or it would be really cool if could help out Baby(I just feel like there would be a really easy connection there, she could teach Fool how to ride and he could possably start helping her smuggle stuff. Especially if she upgrades to a car or van.). All of those sound exciting any of you people doing those things look for opportunities or include Fool. Im out of action for awhile but I want to fall into one of those area's naturally. Just giving a heads up to people I may be working with =). |
Feb 27 2008, 04:26 AM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,289 Joined: 20-April 04 Member No.: 6,260 |
Meriss - Post a complete breakdown of your spending for me and I'll approve or disapprove. You have put up several versions over time and I don't want to guess which one is your 'final' submission for my approval. Thanks!
Also, don't post IC just yet. See my note to Abbandon below. Feel free to discuss his decision with him. Abbandon - You posted kind of far, time and distance wise. That's not a problem, but your post gave me an idea. Would you like to hook up with Meriss? I was considering having his group spot you on your way to the clinic, but if that's the case, obviously you'll have to edit your post to account for this. Just so you know, the reason I'm doing this is for the possibility of hooking up you and Meriss in game, since you both have been playing by yourselves for some time now, so this is at least a chance for you both to have the opportunity to RP with other players. This is strictly your call, if you'd rather stick with your original post, I'll take it from there, but I wanted to give you and Meriss the option so we can get more interaction between PCs. Also, Fool still doesn't know what time it is, so please convert your time/date stamp to question marks, like my original one. Let Meriss and I know if you want to have Ink and Fool meet up, in which case also edit your post accordingly. If you want to stick with the original post, let me know and I'll respond IC. Slipshade - Love your opening post. Dark, grim, and depressing as hell. Pragma, Voorhees, Rob - For timing purposes I actually prefer it if you guys go shoot pool for a few hours, so by all means, please run with that! If you need anything from me, let me know. All - I haven't had time to go through Slip's character in detail since his last revisions, can someone please run his numbers and check the math and that he's in compliance with all the character creation requirements, and let me know if he's good to go? I know some of you are excellent at that stuff, so I figure I may as well make use of your talents. Thanks much! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) If anyone needs anything else from me, let me know. |
Feb 27 2008, 04:38 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,278 Joined: 15-April 05 Member No.: 7,336 |
Thumper sent Legiion a message a while ago detailing what they'd found in their old turf. However, for the sake of chronological integrity we might want to say it was lost in the matrix and just wait until the Thumper et al. get back from the pool game. WR1 may have something to say about it. |
Feb 27 2008, 05:01 AM
Runner Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 3,020 Joined: 11-March 02 From: The MSP 'Plex Member No.: 2,326 |
I checked Baby's sheet over. Stats and Atts are perfect, only thing I caught is the gear list. You're over by about 70 nu if I include the 20 Stealth tags you've got listed above in with her commlink but don't have accounted for at the bottom with all the rest of her gear. If you tweak the gear in some fashion so you shave off the 70 nu you should be good to roll. |
Feb 27 2008, 05:05 AM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,289 Joined: 20-April 04 Member No.: 6,260 |
QUOTE @Grendel Thumper sent Legiion a message a while ago detailing what they'd found in their old turf. However, for the sake of chronological integrity we might want to say it was lost in the matrix and just wait until the Thumper et al. get back from the pool game. WR1 may have something to say about it. Sounds good. If you check my latest IC post you'll see that it does very much matter who's at the Gang HQ at that particular time. So for simplicity's sake, it's probably best to say you all followed your plan to go shoot pool somewhere and assume the message was lost in the matrix, since Legion hasn't responded to them yet and I've already moved forward with my preplanned event. All - Don't forget to periodically update your takes! Baby is linked to all of you so you can post your takes of her, and of course you can update your takes for everyone else as well. Vegas updated Nevada's, and Baby's are fun to read as well. So by all means, keep updating your views of one another and your rival gangs. |
Feb 27 2008, 06:06 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,031 Joined: 23-April 04 From: Cal Free Member No.: 6,278 |
@Abbandon - Don't know where Vegas found Nevada's pic, but I just hit a modeling agency website did a search and looked through about 200 pictures to find someone that was close to what I pictured Baby to be. Cute, but not sexy and could pass for a boy or younger kid with the right clothes and make up.
In the future Baby wouldn't mind showing people the ropes when it comes to being a courier/smuggler or just riding. If it helps her status in the gang and if Legion wants to start operations that need it. She'd be all for it. Something to think about though is when it comes to crossing a number of gang territories she prefers to go on foot. "You know, all stealth and shit." Bikes and cars have there uses, but they can get trapped and blocked in easy. Mode of travel tends to depend on need. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Vegas - Thanks for looking it over. I forgot about the stealth tabs. I will update soon and let you know what I changed QUOTE Slipshade - Love your opening post. Dark, grim, and depressing as hell. WR1 - Thanks, I tried. And thanks about the takes. I kept them pretty short till I interact with everyone a little more. |
Feb 27 2008, 07:14 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,711 Joined: 15-June 06 Member No.: 8,716 |
Well I'd rather be alone heh. Dont want anyone to see me like that. Maybe he could spot some naked guy with a blue tarp cape and not think anything of it, or he could recognize Fool and yell out but get ignored by Fool. Fool is near death I dont think he will be that talkative or provide that great of an interaction with Ink lol.
Feb 27 2008, 02:48 PM
Snakehandler Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 7,454 Joined: 28-April 06 From: London, England Member No.: 8,508 |
@Adamu: You got a double post in the IC Thanks for pointing out the double post - sorry about that, everyone. I was having a horrible time getting the board to accept my posts the other night (was that just me?), and something must have gone wrong as I tried to bend the computer to my will. Anyway, I already have my next post to bring Grack up to Legion-time (4-ish) planned out in my mind, so I will stick it there, and post a note here when it is up. Won't be tonight, though. |
Feb 27 2008, 06:16 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,696 Joined: 17-February 07 From: Middle Sized City, Ontario, Canada Member No.: 11,025 |
@Winter: You got it boss. Spoilered more for brevity than anything else.
[ Spoiler ] And Ink is going to swing over to the Sally Ann and grab the second seating for lunch and sit through the sermon for something to do. Edit: or not, *sigh* I don't know why I thought that the rescue mission had a cafeteria still. Oh well. Pizza Bank it is then. Edit the Edit: Winter, I'm not sure if you were ready to have us squaring up with the Plague or not. But I figured that as soon as they figured out that none of the LoCoS would be trying to stop them they'd be on the move south. Integrate or not as you see fit. @Abbandon: Well If you want to be alone thats up to you. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) |
Feb 27 2008, 07:43 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,031 Joined: 23-April 04 From: Cal Free Member No.: 6,278 |
WR1 - Character is fully ready to be checked out. Vegas had a bit of confusion at the stealth tags, but we figured it out. Go ahead and finish looking her over when you get a chance.
Feb 27 2008, 08:16 PM
Runner Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 3,020 Joined: 11-March 02 From: The MSP 'Plex Member No.: 2,326 |
Did the final go-over with WR, got his approval to tell you Baby's approved and you're good to go (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Rock on friend, get to posting! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) |
Feb 27 2008, 09:53 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,696 Joined: 17-February 07 From: Middle Sized City, Ontario, Canada Member No.: 11,025 |
@Winter: I had thought on how to make some money, but I'll need your approval. Spoilering the discussion so that it's a bit more private.
[ Spoiler ]
Feb 27 2008, 11:36 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,031 Joined: 23-April 04 From: Cal Free Member No.: 6,278 |
Well damn, my time stamp doesn't much match my description. I will edit it when I get home.
Feb 28 2008, 03:58 AM
Snakehandler Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 7,454 Joined: 28-April 06 From: London, England Member No.: 8,508 |
Okay - I have replaced that heinous double-post with an entry bringing Grack up to the same time as Legion.
@Winter - as long as you don't object, that post was intended to represent two hours training toward Astral Combat. |
Feb 28 2008, 05:49 AM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,289 Joined: 20-April 04 Member No.: 6,260 |
No sweat Adamu.
Sorry guys, didn't get anywhere near as much done tonight as I'd hoped. I'll try to catch up on those who are waiting on various items over the course of tomorrow and Friday night. |
Feb 28 2008, 06:48 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,031 Joined: 23-April 04 From: Cal Free Member No.: 6,278 |
WR1 - Here is a stealth (Infiltration) Roll for Baby if you need it. I have no idea how much you have her marked up for Damage, but I assume it is bad. I'm just hoping the others are pretty focused on each other. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
[ Spoiler ]
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 9th January 2025 - 06:34 PM |
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