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> Megacon, Orlando, Florida March 7th –9th , 2008
post Jan 18 2008, 06:00 PM
Post #1

Project Terminus: Soul Hunters

Group: Members
Posts: 1,052
Joined: 6-November 03
From: Casselberry, Florida U.S.A.
Member No.: 5,798


Ok so yes it is still over a month away BUT I thought I'd post now to get the info out to the public so that you have time to make plans.

I'll be running SRM's 02 - 22, 23, 24, 25 If all goes as planned.

I hope to see lots of peope there I will do everything I can to make for an enjoyable gameing weekend so please come join me and lets have some fun.

As Megacon gets closer I'll post updates I hope to have a location for my table and game times soon.

As of right now I put in for the following times on Firday and Saturday 9am, 2pm, and 7pm and Sunday 9am, and 2pm.

So that's 8 time slots for 4 Misssions thus 2 time slots for each Mission to give you room to see the con as well as do other stuff.
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post Feb 15 2008, 06:46 PM
Post #2

Project Terminus: Soul Hunters

Group: Members
Posts: 1,052
Joined: 6-November 03
From: Casselberry, Florida U.S.A.
Member No.: 5,798

Ok Offical times have now been confirmed go to the Megacon website and click on gaming in the left hand menu tosee the whole schedule. They also have a link there to Warhorn so you can prereg for the games.

Here is the schedule for Missions if that is all your interested in.

Slot 1 ~ 9 am - 1 pm SRM 02 - 22 Backlash
Slot 2 ~ 2 pm - 6 pm SRM 02 - 23 Prodigal Son
Slot 3 ~ 7 pm - 11 pm SRM 02 - 24 Hubris and Humility

Slot 1 ~ 9 am - 1 pm SRM 02 - 25 Done Deal
Slot 2 ~ 2 pm - 6 pm SRM 02 - 22 Backlash
Slot 3 ~ 7 pm - 11 pm SRM 02 - 23 Prodigal Son

Slot 1 ~ 9 am - 1 pm SRM 02 - 24 Hubris and Humility
Slot 2 ~ 2 pm - 6 pm SRM 02 - 25 Done Deal

If anyone has questions please ask away. as always my games are open to everyone. if you can'tget into the first run of the Mission you want to play then please come back for the second running. most gm's only run a max of 6 at a table if I need to I am willing to go as high as 8 so no worries if you see 6 at the table come on over and say you'd like to play too and I'll work you in if I can. I am hoping to have some back up at the con so I may even be able to have 2 tables running.
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post Feb 28 2008, 07:26 PM
Post #3


Group: Members
Posts: 23
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Member No.: 15,652

Awesome this is right down the road from me i am going to try to make it to your two Sat afternoon runs. Hope to see ya there.
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post Feb 29 2008, 03:32 AM
Post #4

Project Terminus: Soul Hunters

Group: Members
Posts: 1,052
Joined: 6-November 03
From: Casselberry, Florida U.S.A.
Member No.: 5,798

Always good to here that someone is going to be around it gets so boring playing all the characters myself (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)

On a side note I also run games as often as possible at Sci Fi City
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post Mar 3 2008, 03:40 PM
Post #5


Group: Members
Posts: 11
Joined: 9-March 06
From: Orlando, FL
Member No.: 8,349


Are your Shadowrun tables for Saturday morning and afternoon full?

Gerry R.
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post Mar 3 2008, 07:17 PM
Post #6

Project Terminus: Soul Hunters

Group: Members
Posts: 1,052
Joined: 6-November 03
From: Casselberry, Florida U.S.A.
Member No.: 5,798

I have no knowledge of how many players are wanting to play as I seem to have been left off of the warhorn listing. at this time I am aware of 2 people from my home game that will try to show aside from them I am guessing clangedinn is going to be there as well.

So at this time I'll say I belive I have plenty of room. I am flexable so even if I get 6 people at a table come on over I should be able to work in a couple of extra people.
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post Mar 3 2008, 07:26 PM
Post #7


Group: Members
Posts: 11
Joined: 9-March 06
From: Orlando, FL
Member No.: 8,349

Sounds Good!! I'll see if I can recruit some more players for the morning Slot!!

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