Ok so yes it is still over a month away BUT I thought I'd post now to get the info out to the public so that you have time to make plans.
I'll be running SRM's 02 - 22, 23, 24, 25 If all goes as planned.
I hope to see lots of peope there I will do everything I can to make for an enjoyable gameing weekend so please come join me and lets have some fun.
As Megacon gets closer I'll post updates I hope to have a location for my table and game times soon.
As of right now I put in for the following times on Firday and Saturday 9am, 2pm, and 7pm and Sunday 9am, and 2pm.
So that's 8 time slots for 4 Misssions thus 2 time slots for each Mission to give you room to see the con as well as do other stuff.