Shadowrun Staples, What are they ? |
Shadowrun Staples, What are they ? |
Apr 5 2008, 03:14 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 80 Joined: 23-January 08 Member No.: 15,458 |
I've read someone that described Dikote as a staple item in previous editions of SR, implying that there are no staple items in SR4. Obviously though there are many.
What do you consider Shadowrun staples ? Let's look at the whole picture though ; staple skills, spells, items, 'ware, whatever. Here's a few I've thought of Commlink (obviously), fitted with Firewall 4 at least (6 when possible, and a must-have with hackers, along with a good IC fitted with Analyze/Black Hammer) Survival knife ! GPS + small hidden compartment + all-purpose tool + wacky flashlight, all in one ! Gecko tape gloves ! Essential if you don't want to spend the BP to get climbing / athletics Muscle toner / augmentation for the essence-wary physical adept, along with synaptic boosters Improved reflexes spell Platelet factories for any combat-oriented PC SOCIAL SKILLS Skillwires rating 3 for any Street samurai Vehicle. Any vehicle. Fake SIN rating 4, plus 2 other rating 2 spares. Perception. Always. Rating 3 minimum, with spec. Dodge (Ranged) + Melee weapon skill. Every runner that has the slightest chance of being on the frontline needs a melee weapon skill, if only at 1 with spec. Oculars. Either cybereyes, or well-equipped sensors. WITH ULTRASOUND VISION. Cyberears or audio enhancers. Smartgun systems for every combat-oriented runner. That's all I can think of for now. What do you think you can add ? |
Apr 5 2008, 03:17 AM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,883 Joined: 16-December 06 Member No.: 10,386 |
Armor (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
And no, not everyone needs a melee skill, at least not in SR4. In fact, the inability to perform in melee is about the only reason to bother taking Dodge over Gymnastics at all. If you're even remotely strapped for points it's honestly one of the first things that should go. I'd also take a Firewall 3 over a Firewall 4 to avoid inflation, since a single die isn't enough to justify the premium (I often spend all my nuyen). I tend to go with the all or nothing approach to software-- If you're not the hacker you're likely to be dependent on other people for real matrix security, so don't pay the premium just to go from 3 to 4. Spend that nuyen on something more useful, like buying a drone or a decent Agent. |
Apr 5 2008, 03:30 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,069 Joined: 19-July 07 From: Oakland CA Member No.: 12,309 |
I vote chem seal. When I don't have mine I'm as worried about random knock gas as Number Six. Also if it's your that kind of table the rating 2 power focus at chargen
Apr 5 2008, 03:53 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 280 Joined: 21-November 07 From: Shadows of France Member No.: 14,312 |
Survival knife ! GPS + small hidden compartment + all-purpose tool + wacky flashlight, all in one ! A micro-lighter, not a flashlight. But the blade can glow for a couple of hours. Or was that what you were talking about? But I don't think that's near as efficient as an actual flashlight... |
Apr 5 2008, 04:35 AM
Creating a god with his own hands Group: Members Posts: 1,405 Joined: 30-September 02 From: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Member No.: 3,364 |
why would you need staples in shadowrun? everything is paperless with commlinks. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif)
Apr 5 2008, 04:43 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 105 Joined: 28-November 05 Member No.: 8,010 |
A ranged weapon option.
I found this out the hardway. My first character was a ridiculous Ork Adept with a Dikoted Katana (SR3). I absolutely butchered anything I got close too. Something on the order of 10D damage? It was stupid powerful. So our GM put a bunch of mooks with rifles and scopes across a chasm. The only bridge was 100m away from them, and the bridge was 75m across. I had no way of shooting. It sucked a lot. A good concealable weapon. You can't carry that sword everywhere, why even try? |
Apr 5 2008, 04:45 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 80 Joined: 23-January 08 Member No.: 15,458 |
Apr 5 2008, 05:47 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 346 Joined: 17-January 08 Member No.: 15,341 |
why would you need staples in shadowrun? everything is paperless with commlinks. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif) you go to your room and you think about what you did. |
Apr 5 2008, 06:09 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 464 Joined: 3-March 06 From: CalFree Member No.: 8,329 |
That's totally what I thought when I read the title. I figured the thing would be that the staples are Dikoted.
Apr 5 2008, 07:10 AM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,650 Joined: 21-July 07 Member No.: 12,328 |
Trauma Dampers (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
Oh my god they are good for mages. Pain editor is argueably better, but hey, the dampers are at char gen. |
Apr 5 2008, 08:39 AM
Freelance Elf Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 7,324 Joined: 30-September 04 From: Texas Member No.: 6,714 |
A ranged weapon option. I found this out the hardway. My first character was a ridiculous Ork Adept with a Dikoted Katana (SR3). I absolutely butchered anything I got close too. Something on the order of 10D damage? It was stupid powerful. So our GM put a bunch of mooks with rifles and scopes across a chasm. The only bridge was 100m away from them, and the bridge was 75m across. I had no way of shooting. It sucked a lot. It shouldn't even take that kind of GM fuck-you-ing (seriously, a chasm, a far-off bridge, and a bunch of bad guys with scoped high-powered rifles? What are the odds of those hoops needing to be jumped through in your average 'run?) to make a Shadowrunner realize he needs to be able to do more than punch, kick, and stab people. At no point in your Shadowrunning career before that had you ever faced anyone on a catwalk above you, someone with an initiative that beat yours and a pistol while you had none, etc, etc, etc? Seriously? |
Apr 5 2008, 09:30 AM
Neophyte Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,168 Joined: 15-April 05 From: Helsinki, Finland Member No.: 7,337 |
About the ranged weapon. A good GM of course will throw some curveballs at the party-but he or she will also keep in mind the party makeup, and what you excel at. If a party happens to be very non combatant and the GM 'throws them off' by having them _forced_ into a fight between KE and a gang, that's not cool. If the party is looking like it MIGHT end up in a fight between KE and a gang, but they have a full chance to bail out, that's fine. If they purposefully get in this situation, well.. .
If someone is a ranged specialist with no melee options, screwing them by sending large groups of melee after them that would scare Joe Sam isn't cool either. Sending a few guys after him is smart, naturally, but don't single out that character and pick on them over the REST of the party for their choices. Characters have advantages and disadvantages, and sometimes the disadvantages come up, but only a bully exploits them to THAT degree of the bridge with the high-powered scopes. wtf? The catwalk example is believable. I make sure with my melee character they utilize tactics, they do have a couple throwing knives and flash-bangs flaskpaks on them(does wonders for leveling the playing field if you're a bruiser), and plays buddy system with a ranged person. I know my guy's weaknesses and im sure he does too. The player with no ranged skills, sure, should be disadvantaged sometimes but don't cripple them because of their choices. I know the game is more gun-based but I don't like the idea of a gun skill being that 'must have' since we've been talking about not liking must-haves too much. I've played melee characters to good extent before because our GM actually tailored adventures to our party and we were careful to take on things we knew we could handle. Sorry for the rant, but IMO there's a difference between 'characters showing their weaknesses sometimes'' and ''exploiting them unfairly in dumb situations just because'' and it gets me kind of pissy to see the latter. THAT being said, staples? Commlink. Yeah, i think this wins the award for ''most needed item.'' One social skill. Really, anything...well, ok so you can go without Instruction. I'd say any one of Negotiations, Con, or Etiquette. Perception. At least 1 point in it. The more the merrier, natch. Dodge OR Melee Skill + Gymnastics. A weapon of sorts. Yeah, i do believe having SOME kind of weapon is a staple. Even if its a set of shock gloves, a holdout, or a simple knife. That being said, a knife or the survival knife. Just because your character has a giant sword or axe he decapitates people with doesn't mean he might not need a utility knife. Personally, I like medkits and a GPS as well. Music chips. Your character can be bored sometimes. Armor. A good fake SIN. A chemsuit, even if you use it to keep the rain off. Contacts and Earbuds(at least), with some vision/audio modifications. VE and AE level 2-3 is a bonus. I disagree with 'needing' extra initative passes. Yeah, ive played several character successfully with 1 IP. And combat characters, I might add. Successfully, ill say again. And they did well on top of it. A few of my guys are walking proof you do NOT NEED multiple IPs to survive combat or even do well. Im not sure what style everyone else plays, but when i read that combat characters with 1 IP might as well just curl up and die i really, really, get puzzled. Maybe in SR1-2 when the Sam with Wired 3 and the Smartlink went about 12 times before the next guy it was better, but in 3 or 4? Sure they're nice, but there are many other options available. As for combat characters and ware, i'd say just some muscle toner is the only necessary one, being that every combat skill is linked to Agility. Smartguns for the firearm loving runner is also up there. Im not sure what else. ive played and had fun with everything from a ganger with an armor jacket, lead pipe, and double-barreled sawed off to a Grammaton Cleric wannabe to people with really crappy physical stats who survived just fine. All games differ, IMO. But yeah, the commlink. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif) |
Apr 5 2008, 02:11 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 718 Joined: 10-September 05 From: Montevideo, in the elusive shadows of Latin America Member No.: 7,727 |
Fake SIN Some kind of pistol Stim patches Meta Link with fake SIN to dispose if necesary Medkit somewhere 'Ware Muscle toner and maybe muscle augmentation Cybereyes or vision accessories if essence-minded Skills Perception! Dodge (+2 ranged) or gymnastics Etiquette or Negotiation 1+ Infiltration and Shadowing 1+ |
Apr 5 2008, 02:46 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 323 Joined: 17-November 06 From: 1984 Member No.: 9,891 |
I disagree with 'needing' extra initative passes. Yeah, ive played several character successfully with 1 IP. And combat characters, I might add. Successfully, ill say again. And they did well on top of it. A few of my guys are walking proof you do NOT NEED multiple IPs to survive combat or even do well. Im not sure what style everyone else plays, but when i read that combat characters with 1 IP might as well just curl up and die i really, really, get puzzled. Maybe in SR1-2 when the Sam with Wired 3 and the Smartlink went about 12 times before the next guy it was better, but in 3 or 4? Sure they're nice, but there are many other options available. without derailing too much: Ofc you won't need more than 1 IP if you are doing stealth runs, where you only have to take out a few guards/drones. Those fights will be over after the initial attack anyway. If you are into serious fighting however, every extra initiative pass may mean one less ganger/corpsec guy/insect spirit will be standing for the next round to attack you. In addition to speed up (in game, not at the table unfortunatly) fights, there will be less incomming fire on you and your group. And you want that. |
Apr 5 2008, 03:11 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 105 Joined: 28-November 05 Member No.: 8,010 |
It shouldn't even take that kind of GM fuck-you-ing (seriously, a chasm, a far-off bridge, and a bunch of bad guys with scoped high-powered rifles? What are the odds of those hoops needing to be jumped through in your average 'run?) to make a Shadowrunner realize he needs to be able to do more than punch, kick, and stab people. At no point in your Shadowrunning career before that had you ever faced anyone on a catwalk above you, someone with an initiative that beat yours and a pistol while you had none, etc, etc, etc? Seriously? Did you miss the part about it being my FIRST Shadowrun character? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) As in, I had never played before that guy. It was like our.. third run, maybe? The GM was teaching me a lesson. And no, no one ever beat my init before that. I was averaging at a 30something. But seriously. 1st character. Like.. 5th session. I was a newbie (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
Apr 5 2008, 03:42 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 80 Joined: 23-January 08 Member No.: 15,458 |
Apr 5 2008, 04:16 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 280 Joined: 21-November 07 From: Shadows of France Member No.: 14,312 |
Apr 5 2008, 08:33 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 250 Joined: 14-February 08 Member No.: 15,683 |
Apr 5 2008, 09:09 PM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,883 Joined: 16-December 06 Member No.: 10,386 |
Unless they're making a Hitchhiker's Guide reference, which predates South Park by a fair margin, to put it mildly.
Apr 5 2008, 11:03 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 464 Joined: 3-March 06 From: CalFree Member No.: 8,329 |
Probably a HHG, yeah. They had some pretty advanced towel technology, although Towlie is more advanced (though far less useful) -- I mean, he's an AI, isn't he?
Apr 5 2008, 11:23 PM
Bushido Cowgirl Group: Members Posts: 5,782 Joined: 8-July 05 From: On the Double K Ranch a half day's ride out of Phlogiston Flats Member No.: 7,490 |
...gas mask
...autopicker ...ration bars ...water purification tabs ...medikit 6 (with one set extra supplies) ...Non Conductive armour treatment (min 3) ...Choco Tarts. |
Apr 6 2008, 03:04 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 80 Joined: 23-January 08 Member No.: 15,458 |
Autopicker ? Guess it depends of the frequency of regular keylocks in your GM's universe... I don't think I've seen one in any of mine's games..
Apr 6 2008, 08:21 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 280 Joined: 21-November 07 From: Shadows of France Member No.: 14,312 |
(Yes the towel was a HHG reference, although I liked this South Park episode too)
Back to topic, I'm surprised nobody cited the glue sprayer yet. |
Apr 6 2008, 09:30 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 734 Joined: 30-August 05 Member No.: 7,646 |
In Shadowrun, Staples's Easy Button is wireless.
Apr 8 2008, 11:34 PM
Bushido Cowgirl Group: Members Posts: 5,782 Joined: 8-July 05 From: On the Double K Ranch a half day's ride out of Phlogiston Flats Member No.: 7,490 |
...but Lofwyr has the only one left. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)
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