About the ranged weapon. A good GM of course will throw some curveballs at the party-but he or she will also keep in mind the party makeup, and what you excel at. If a party happens to be very non combatant and the GM 'throws them off' by having them _forced_ into a fight between KE and a gang, that's not cool. If the party is looking like it MIGHT end up in a fight between KE and a gang, but they have a full chance to bail out, that's fine. If they purposefully get in this situation, well.. .
If someone is a ranged specialist with no melee options, screwing them by sending large groups of melee after them that would scare Joe Sam isn't cool either. Sending a few guys after him is smart, naturally, but don't single out that character and pick on them over the REST of the party for their choices. Characters have advantages and disadvantages, and sometimes the disadvantages come up, but only a bully exploits them to THAT degree of the bridge with the high-powered scopes. wtf? The catwalk example is believable. I make sure with my melee character they utilize tactics, they do have a couple throwing knives and flash-bangs flaskpaks on them(does wonders for leveling the playing field if you're a bruiser), and plays buddy system with a ranged person. I know my guy's weaknesses and im sure he does too.
The player with no ranged skills, sure, should be disadvantaged sometimes but don't cripple them because of their choices. I know the game is more gun-based but I don't like the idea of a gun skill being that 'must have' since we've been talking about not liking must-haves too much. I've played melee characters to good extent before because our GM actually tailored adventures to our party and we were careful to take on things we knew we could handle.
Sorry for the rant, but IMO there's a difference between 'characters showing their weaknesses sometimes'' and ''exploiting them unfairly in dumb situations just because'' and it gets me kind of pissy to see the latter.
THAT being said, staples?
Commlink. Yeah, i think this wins the award for ''most needed item.''
One social skill. Really, anything...well, ok so you can go without Instruction. I'd say any one of Negotiations, Con, or Etiquette.
Perception. At least 1 point in it. The more the merrier, natch.
Dodge OR Melee Skill + Gymnastics.
A weapon of sorts. Yeah, i do believe having SOME kind of weapon is a staple. Even if its a set of shock gloves, a holdout, or a simple knife.
That being said, a knife or the survival knife. Just because your character has a giant sword or axe he decapitates people with doesn't mean he might not need a utility knife.
Personally, I like medkits and a GPS as well.
Music chips. Your character can be bored sometimes.
A good fake SIN.
A chemsuit, even if you use it to keep the rain off.
Contacts and Earbuds(at least), with some vision/audio modifications. VE and AE level 2-3 is a bonus.
I disagree with 'needing' extra initative passes. Yeah, ive played several character successfully with 1 IP. And combat characters, I might add. Successfully, ill say again. And they did well on top of it. A few of my guys are walking proof you do NOT NEED multiple IPs to survive combat or even do well. Im not sure what style everyone else plays, but when i read that combat characters with 1 IP might as well just curl up and die i really, really, get puzzled. Maybe in SR1-2 when the Sam with Wired 3 and the Smartlink went about 12 times before the next guy it was better, but in 3 or 4? Sure they're nice, but there are many other options available.
As for combat characters and ware, i'd say just some muscle toner is the only necessary one, being that every combat skill is linked to Agility. Smartguns for the firearm loving runner is also up there.
Im not sure what else. ive played and had fun with everything from a ganger with an armor jacket, lead pipe, and double-barreled sawed off to a Grammaton Cleric wannabe to people with really crappy physical stats who survived just fine. All games differ, IMO.
But yeah, the commlink.