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Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 267 Joined: 8-May 08 From: Uk, Leicester Member No.: 15,964 ![]() |
0010 January 2nd 2070 -- Sweeps Apartment
Sweeps firmly shuts his apartment door behind him. He hated leaving things unfinished, and knew they still had no clear plan other than they were going to check out Xanadu. They needed to have a reason to be there. A cover story of some kind. He looked at his bed and sighed. His head was starting to hurt and he realised Sybercat had been right about getting rest to be on form. They were going to be casing out Xanadu and potentially Sweeps would have to make a late night visit later on. To do that he needed to be rested and fresh. Planning could be finished first thing in the morning. He sent a text message to Sybercat: <You and Loki having a nice time?> He grinned to himself childishly. <Seriously though, I'd still like to know if your matrix friends have anything to say on Dynamo Blue, we also need to factor in a cover story or disguise for tomorrow. Let me know if you have any ideas.> He waits for a response.... Then crawls into bed, and dreams of weird creatures in waiters jackets serving him as an appetiser to a hungry combat mage. |
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,532 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Calgary, Canada Member No.: 769 ![]() |
10:35 2nd January 2070 --Sybercat’s Van en route to Xanadu studios, Renton (Merideth District, C security rating), Seattle--
Loki: You overslept this morning and hardly had time for a quick shower and a change before you ran out the door. Sybercat had an overnight bag in her van so she changes too. She somewhat sheepishly comments that she doesn’t do stuff like this all the time, she just keeps a few changes of cloths handy when she’s working. As you call ahead to make sure everyone is ready Sybercat picks everyone up, stopping only to make a quick breakfast run at a Mc-Hughe’s drivethrough. She handles the van like it’s an extension of herself driving aggressively, but smoothly through Seattles busy morning traffic. She seems to know all the shortcuts or detours that will avoid the gridlocked streets and despite your late start, still manages to get everyone picked up by 11. The cold front last night has dissipated but as a plus it also blew much of the cloud cover back out to sea so you can actually see the sun this morning. The streets are still wet and patches of dirty snow cling to any shady spots they can find but all and all it’s a pretty nice day. The forecast calls for the ‘sunny’ days to continue for at least another day or two. As the van winds its way along the busy Intercity 169, the massive box stores and shopping complexes that make up Renton’s economy flank the freeway, of course they're almost impossible to see through the forest of billboards and AR advertisements that practically blot out the sun. You hear the roaring growl of motorcycles and a quick glance behind you reveals a half dozen go-gangers on tricked out choppers patrolling their turf. Anyone with any kind of gang knowledge (or who spends any time in Renton) would recognize them as members of the minor league Blood Mountain Boys, obvious in their neo-tribal leathers. Sybercat turns onto a sidestreet just past the “MEGA Shack�, Seattles largest Stuffer Shack and enters the Merideth district. The scene changes from brightly lit storefronts and glitzy malls to small light industrial buildings, warehouses, and low rise commercial offices for tiny mom and pop operations. Over the course of the drive Sybercat says “I took a quick look around Xanadu’s node last night, it doesn’t look like there’s much to it. Definitely not anything we’re looking for unless you want to order albums by ‘The Screaming somethingorothers’ or ‘The TrollMasters’. Anything juicy is gonna be kept on a limited access node that can only be reached from inside the building. I’m either gonna have to get near it myself or get a signal booster planted on it so I can access it from outside.� The van pulls into the empty parking lot of a small shipping warehouse about a block away from Xanadu. Sybercat puts it into park and says. “Ok, boys, end of the line. I’m gonna stay out here, see if I can’t dive their physical security net and take a look around, maybe leave a backdoor open in case we do want to come back later tonight. I’ll keep a com-line open in case you need anything but try not to turn this into a firefight ok? I just got the van fixed.� |
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,532 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Calgary, Canada Member No.: 769 ![]() |
Ignore this post.
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 267 Joined: 8-May 08 From: Uk, Leicester Member No.: 15,964 ![]() |
10:30 2nd January 2070 --Sybercats Van en route to Xanadu studios, Renton (Merideth District, C security rating), Seattle--
Sweeps wakes up with a start. What was that!? The comlink blips again. Incoming message from Loki. They're on their way to pick him up. They're on their way. Sweeps smiles to himself. How can Loki be up this early, lucky bugger got his end away, and if the Sybercats anything like I suspect, I doubt they got much sleep. Then he noticed the time. "Crap!" He must have been tired last night. He jumps out of bed and throws his clothes on. He grabs his gear box from under the bed and takes a few mins to grab some essentials. He puts his armour jacket on, puts his Hammerli 620S in it's Concealable Holster. And pockets 2 spare clips, just in case. He leaves the silencer and laser sight in the box. He fits his Raecor Sting to its arm slide and takes 1 spare clip for that too. As usual he puts his ceramic knife in his boot. Not that he thinks he'll need them, but he pockets his shock Gloves and Nanopaste disguise. He also takes his auto picker with him.... just in case....... He stops and looks for a moment at the silver box that he seems to have unconsciously picked up. I'll need an edge today he decides, and removes the Jazz inhaler from it's box, and takes a dose. All tiredness is gone! [ Spoiler ] He then runs downstairs, and waits for the van, jumping from foot to foot. When it gets there he looks at the two content if not slightly sleepy looking faces in the front of the van and grins wolfishly at them both. "Good morning!" he says cheerfully as he gets in the van. While on the way he says to the others: "Any clue what our cover story is yet? I think we could get Loki to pretend to be a prospecting boy band star." He grins again and slaps Loki on the back. "Or we get haystacks here," waving a thumb at Mack "to be a knew opera singer on the block." While he is sat in the back of the van, fidgeting and wringing his fingers, he remembers he had something he wanted to do today. He reaches for his comlink and sends an email to his fixer Flipper. [ Spoiler ] <<Email to Flipper>> <<Hey Flips, I need you to check something out for me. I need to know anything you might have on someone called Dynamo Blue. She's the owner of Xanadu. Also, any info or police reports you know with regards to the death of an artist called Dark Angel. Cheers Buddy, Let me know if there's a price, BEFORE you give me the info this time! ;0) >> |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 656 Joined: 18-January 06 From: Leesburg, Virginia, USA Member No.: 8,177 ![]() |
1045 January 1st 2070 -- Sybercat's Van
10:30 2nd January 2070 --Sybercats Van en route to Xanadu studios, Renton (Merideth District, C security rating), Seattle-- Sweeps ... "Or we get haystacks here," waving a thumb at Mack "to be a knew opera singer on the block." "You really don't want the haystack to sing (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) " Mack lets out a sound that might have been an operatic "ahhhh", or maybe it was a low pitched cat screaming in agony. "Some of the old Opera is actually quite good. Mozart could sure put a piece together." |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 199 Joined: 27-April 08 Member No.: 15,932 ![]() |
930 January 2nd 2070 -- Loki's Apartment
Loki woke up a while ago, and decides to give his Beat Cop a call, sending him a commlink message. <<Hey King, I was wondering if you knew anything about a place called Xanadu Studios, in the Meredith District of Renton. Also, someone called Blue Dynamo who's apparently the owner of the place. You ever heard anything about someone named Dark Angel?>> [ Spoiler ] Loki puts on a pair of his Stylish Clothes and Lined Coat. He also wears his Ceramic Knife (where it won't show) and Fichetti Tiffani Needler with 1 spare clip (also unobstrusively). He puts in his Contact Lenses. 1031 January 2nd 2070 -- Sybercat's Van en route to Xanadu Studios. "You're awfully perky this morning. Anyway, I got some info on Xanadu. (he relays the info he obtained from Mr. King, if any, and informs everyone when they get in the van - if none, cancel the prevoius sentence). And yeah, I suppose I can feign boy-band upstart. If, that is, no one else has ideas." |
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,532 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Calgary, Canada Member No.: 769 ![]() |
[ Spoiler ] <<Email to Flipper>> <<Hey Flips, I need you to check something out for me. I need to know anything you might have on someone called Dynamo Blue. She's the owner of Xanadu. Also, any info or police reports you know with regards to the death of an artist called Dark Angel. Cheers Buddy, Let me know if there's a price, BEFORE you give me the info this time! ;0) >> [ Spoiler ] Just as the van pulls into the parking lot you get an email back from Flips. <<I'll do some digging. Might take a while to find what you're looking for though. 100 nuyen.>> Loki woke up a while ago, and decides to give his Beat Cop a call, sending him a commlink message. <<Hey King, I was wondering if you knew anything about a place called Xanadu Studios, in the Meredith District of Renton. Also, someone called Blue Dynamo who's apparently the owner of the place. You ever heard anything about someone named Dark Angel?>> [ Spoiler ] King emails you back while the van is passing the gangers. <<Hey, I took a look at the case file, not much to it though. Angel's real name is Jim Crull, born April 23rd 2041. Had a SIN registered to Mitsuhama Computer Technologies but there hasn't been much activity on it for about 6 or 7 years. The body was identified by dental records and the coroner at the Lowell precinct has ruled the death a suicide via incineration and closed the case. Say, if you've been hired as a private eye for this job you mind keeping me informed? You remember my daughter Emily? She's crazy for this Angel guy and is constantly pestering me as to why no one's looking into the case. Nevermind the fact that he died on the opposite end of town from my beat. Anyhow she seems to have it in her head that Angel's still alive, one of her friends swore she saw him buying NERPS at a stuffer shack up in Bellevue. Anyhow, couldn't find anything on Blue Dynamo, the alias didn't show up in our records. No red flags for Xanadu Studios either.>> |
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,532 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Calgary, Canada Member No.: 769 ![]() |
Loki: As the Van is pulling into the parking lot another email from King pops into your ARO.
<<Hey! Just called a guy I went to the academy with down at the 43rd. He was working the case. Said that they found the body with a couple of trolls in the Disassemblers, you know, Tamanous' foot soldiers? I guess they're regulars at Heaven, hang out there and haul any bodies away for recycling. Probably not a bad gig for a couple trogs who ain't bright enough to do anything else. They don't tend to be the squeamish sort.>> |
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,532 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Calgary, Canada Member No.: 769 ![]() |
Mack and Loki re, the street knowledge rolls: It strikes you as a little odd that the Disassemblers would be interested in a guy who was flame broiled. You're no doctor but you're pretty sure that a second hand kidney won't do anyone much good if it was roasted in it's own juices. Even ghouls prefer their food raw.
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 199 Joined: 27-April 08 Member No.: 15,932 ![]() |
1100 2nd January 2070 -- Sybercat's Van
<<Yeah, I'll let you know how things progress. Thanks for the tips...what do I owe you? And no worries about Blue Dynamo or Xanadu, just let me know if you hear anything.>> "Hey, I just found out that Angel's body was found with a couple trolls in the Disassemblers. Tamanous' foot soldiers, that is. Apparently they hang out at Heaven a lot and take away corpses for recycling." says Loki to the others in the van. "Angel's name is apparently Jim Crull, born in 2041, and he had a SIN (now mostly inactive) with Mitsuhima Computer Technologies. Some say they've seen him, but I really doubt it was him - his body was identified by dental records. Pretty hard to fake that." |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 656 Joined: 18-January 06 From: Leesburg, Virginia, USA Member No.: 8,177 ![]() |
1105 January 2st 2070 -- Sybercat's Van
"So, Heaven has some major muscle helping them. Muscle that normally recycles bodies. I suppose they could have just stumbled on the body? Anybody know how reliable dental id is? If Dark Angel and the Tamanous were cooperating, could they give some other body the right dentistry? It's not like they have a shortage of bodies." "I suppose the boy-bander could go in with a bodyguard. That I have practice at. --- Mack |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 199 Joined: 27-April 08 Member No.: 15,932 ![]() |
1106 2nd January 2070 -- Sybercat's Van
"Yeah, a bodyguard would be good. In case things get violent, that is...which I have no intention of, but bad things can tend to happen when investigating possible crime. As far as I know, dental ID is pretty damn reliable, but I'm not really well informed, compared to some." |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 122 Joined: 27-June 06 Member No.: 8,791 ![]() |
11:06 2nd January 2070 --Sybercat's Van--
Duncan hops out of bed as his commlink chirps at him loudly. He blinks confusedly for a moment, before checking the message as he grabs an instant shake (supposedly) out of the fridge and chugs it down. He snatches up his concealable Morrisey Elite, his armored jacket, and puts in his contacts. Blinking a few more times to settle them in place he glances around, makes sure the money's still in his pocket, and jumps outside to hop in Sybercat's van. "Hey everyone. Any new plans on how to try this thing?" After listening to things for a few minutes, he seems to perk up. "Listen, I have a few connections up here in Everret, I'm gonna see if they know anything more about Heaven. And maybe set up a face-to-face with a Star guy I know, if anything interesting comes up." Hex hops on his commlink, and brings up a contact. <<To: Steely_Dan>> <<Re: Heaven>> <<Hey, it's me. Listen, I was wondering if you have any info on that lowlife club, Heaven out here. Looking into something about the death of that local singer, Dark Angel. Any info on the place, the singer, or how the two might have gotten to know each other would be much appreciated. Same for a recording studio called Xanadu.>> [ Spoiler ] <<To: Patchwork_the_Happy_Doc>> <<Re: Dissasemblers>> <<Hey, long time no see there! I have a feeling that might change sometime in the near future, though, so keep stocked. In that vein, what do you know about the local organleggers. The Disassemblers specifically, and any info on how they relate to Heaven, that BTL dive. Thanks, lemme know what I owe ya.>> [ Spoiler ] After sitting staring off into space for a minute, Hex comes back to reality. "There, questions sent, we'll see if anything comes back. On any of that. Some little chica doesn't seem like the type that has the guts to hire organleggers to off a music artist, though." He frowns to himself. I hope Dan has some sort of info on these guys. I don't like the idea of stumbling into fight people who tear open bodies as a living. |
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,532 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Calgary, Canada Member No.: 769 ![]() |
<<To: Steely_Dan>> <<Re: Heaven>> <<Hey, it's me. Listen, I was wondering if you have any info on that lowlife club, Heaven out here. Looking into something about the death of that local singer, Dark Angel. Any info on the place, the singer, or how the two might have gotten to know each other would be much appreciated. Same for a recording studio called Xanadu.>> [ Spoiler ] [ Spoiler ] Steely Dan emails you back. <<Sorry chummer, now's a real bad time. Had a batch of ghouls bust up one of the daycares earlier today, whole underground's in a fucking uproar. Say, you know that streetdoc Patches right? Racist fuck's holding out on meds for us. Act's like he's a Trog's best friend till you need him to do you a favor, then he starts ignoring your fucking calls. Think you could reason with the asshole? I'll owe you one. Thanks, gotta go.>> QUOTE <<To: Patchwork_the_Happy_Doc>> <<Re: Dissasemblers>> <<Hey, long time no see there! I have a feeling that might change sometime in the near future, though, so keep stocked. In that vein, what do you know about the local organleggers. The Disassemblers specifically, and any info on how they relate to Heaven, that BTL dive. Thanks, lemme know what I owe ya.>> [ Spoiler ] [ Spoiler ] <<Heaven? Isn't that the joint where that singer died? Didn't know the Disassemblers hung out there. You want my advice, cross the street if you see one. Otherwise it might cost you something that won't grow back. Hey, since I have your attention you mind talking with your friends about the concept of payment in exchange for services? Some huge bloody troll's been standing outside my door all morning demanding that I go gallivanting off into the underground and patch a bunch of people up. Even better he says he can't bloody pay me. I'm not running a god damned charity here. I have expenses. They're talking at least 1000 nuyen worth of meds that they want me to 'donate'. I got nothing against you folks and I'm glad they keep the other gangs off my back but seriously, I can't afford this crap. It's way above and beyond and I just paid them their damn protection money.>> |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 267 Joined: 8-May 08 From: Uk, Leicester Member No.: 15,964 ![]() |
<<Email to Flipper>>
<<Hey Flips, Just get what you can buddy, I send the money over now. Sweeps>> After hearing about the coroners report, he says to everyone: "Hmmm, I think once we are done with Xanadu, we should pay a visit to the coroner and put some weight on him. See what he actually knows!!" He cracked his fingers in a meaningful way He stops and thinks about something the Cop said: "Also might be good to check out that stuffer shack up in Bellevue, see what people saw. I don't know why, but maybe he could still be alive? Ahhhh it's something to add to the list." He shivers: "But those fucking Disassemblers! Creepy bastards to say the least! We gonna need to take some SERIOUS hardware with us to Heaven if we're up against them, or their twisted masters. I REALLY wanna leave there with all my body parts!" QUOTE "Yeah, a bodyguard would be good. In case things get violent, that is...which I have no intention of, but bad things can tend to happen when investigating possible crime." "Hey guys, why not say that we're all his entourage? Sure Haystacks and Toothy are his body guards, I'm his fashion and makeup man, and Priesty...... urm...... is his...... HIS SOUL!.... NO!..... No wait...... his agent!!!" He starts to twitch and fidget again. Ho! was that one dose of Jazz? He grins again. |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 122 Joined: 27-June 06 Member No.: 8,791 ![]() |
11:15 2nd January 2070 --Sybercat's Van--
Hex slouches and rubs his temples, quietly muttering to himself for a minute. I swear, you'd think they're kids. Sighing he starts sending a couple responses along the way. <<Patchwork_the_Happy_Doc>> <<Sounds like some bad shit went down under there earlier, probably just on edge. Look, I'll cover half the expense if you can get down in there and go to work. And I'll make sure someone pays the other half too, me if I gotta. I'll try and drop by later and get you the money.>> <<Steely_Dan>> <<Look, I think I can get him moving your way. No promises though. But pay the man if you can, medicine's expensive. And decent doctors are rare.>> "Alright well. That was less than helpful. Guess we're on their own for more info." |
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,532 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Calgary, Canada Member No.: 769 ![]() |
"Hmmm, I think once we are done with Xanadu, we should pay a visit to the coroner and put some weight on him. See what he actually knows!!" He cracked his fingers in a meaningful way Sybercat takes her eyes off the road turning around to talk. "You want to go start torturing cops? Got any family I should send flowers to in advance?" QUOTE He stops and thinks about something the Cop said: "Also might be good to check out that stuffer shack up in Bellevue, see what people saw. I don't know why, but maybe he could still be alive? Ahhhh it's something to add to the list." "Yeah, and maybe we'll find Elvis while we're at it too." QUOTE "Hey guys, why not say that we're all his entourage? Sure Haystacks and Toothy are his body guards, I'm his fashion and makeup man, and Priesty...... urm...... is his...... HIS SOUL!.... NO!..... No wait...... his agent!!!" "Mind getting me some of what you're tweaking out on? Try and keep your mind on the job OK. Or are you going to have to sit in the car while I babysit?" |
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,532 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Calgary, Canada Member No.: 769 ![]() |
11:15 2nd January 2070 --Xanadu studios, Renton Seattle--
The van pulls into the empty parking lot of a small shipping warehouse about a block away from Xanadu. Sybercat puts it into park and says. “Ok, boys, end of the line. I’m gonna stay out here, see if I can’t dive their physical security net and take a look around, maybe leave a backdoor open in case we do want to come back later tonight. I’ll keep a com-line open in case you need anything but try not to turn this into a firefight ok? I just got the van fixed.� The opening lines to a poem written by some 18th century kleeb are written across a small display screen with chipping brown paint above the door. Other than that touch of high class though, Xanadu studios does not look either stately, or particularly pleasurable. In fact it looks like shit. Xanadu’s offices occupy half of a completely unremarkable single story commercial building that was probably built in the 2050’s. The other half belongs to another company that can’t be bothered to (or doesn’t need to) hang a sign. A small patch of dirt with a few sad looking bushes attempts to add some cheer to the otherwise gray exterior and a mag-lock flickers on the front entrance. Several small windows with bars across them dimple the exterior and a camera covers the front door. The front door is unlocked and the aging hinges squeak as you pull it open. Inside you find a small reception room with faint promotional holo’s illuminating the walls. Eight plexers in spray-painted denim pace pack and forth, wearing chains and pipes like jewelry. In one corner, a pasty faced corptype in a boring grey suit sits fiddling with his comlink. It looks like he’s probably reading something displayed on his AR glasses. A security guard with a Wolverine Security uniform sits at a small station in front of the door into the rest of the building. Your ARO informs you that he’s playing “Runners World� a low intensity AR game popular among wageslaves who prefer a more sedentary experience and can’t spend their breaks running around pretending to actually shoot people like in "Miracle Shooter". He is wearing a bullet proof vest, glasses, and has a comlink hanging from his breast pocket. Sweeps: Security Systems + Logic (1d6=5, 1d6=5, 1d6=3, 1d6=6, 1d6=1, 1d6=1, 1d6=6 (4 hits)) From this angle you can’t see if he has a gun at his hip, but if he does it’s likely loaded with Gel Rounds. Wolverine rarely pays the extra cash for the training required to license lethal weapons to their grunts. Likely the shift supervisor will have a locked cabinet containing real ammunition though. It keeps the insurance premiums down. Wolverine has a good rep for being able to run off the riff-raff but it’s doubtful they have the capability to deal with anything serious... Of course the Star is only a panic button away though. A secretary sits at the receptionist’s desk beside him, watching a soap on the trid and absent-mindedly eating from a box of takeout Raman. Her neon pink hair is tied back in a bun, accentuated by a cheep looking hairpin. She looks up with a board expression on her face and mutes the trid as you enter. “Hello… who’s your appointment with?� |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 122 Joined: 27-June 06 Member No.: 8,791 ![]() |
11:16 2nd January 2070 --Xanadu Studios, Renton Seattle--
"I think I'm going to stay out here with Syber, no sense in walking too many people inside," Hex says. "Besides, maybe I'll take the opportunity to check out the exterior, in case we end up back here." He waits for a minute or two as the group heads inside, then hops out and pulls out a cigarette to smoke. Lighting it up he starts to slowly meander around the parking lot, trying to get a look at the buildings exterior, as much of it as possible. [ Spoiler ] Hoping that he can remember what he's seen, and that it makes sense to Sweeps later if they have to come back, Hex finishes off his smoke and heads back inside the van. He stretches out and proceeds to keep a vague eye on the front door, and on Sybercat as she hacks the buildings security. |
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 656 Joined: 18-January 06 From: Leesburg, Virginia, USA Member No.: 8,177 ![]() |
1115 January 2nd 2070 -- Walking into Xanadu Studios, Renton Seattle
Mack walks slightly in front of Loki, as we walk up to the building, and steps through the door before him, looking around the room. Also, while doing so, a text message back to Sybercat: <<Sybercat>> <<If you get a chance, can you figure out who is in the other half of this building? >> |
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,745 Joined: 30-November 07 From: St. Louis Streets Member No.: 14,433 ![]() |
11:14 2nd January 2070 --Xanadu studios, Renton Seattle--
Before they exit the van, Padre turns to Loki and grins as he begins straightening out his business suit. "So, we're trying the boyband approach? I'll fill in as your agent, we have Mack as a bodyguard, and you as the potential star... Real question is... can you sing if needed? because I doubt we're going to get in with anything less than a demonstration since I somehow doubt that you went home and prepared a recording..." (assuming that we are doing the boyband approach... if not, then disregard the rest of the post) Once the van door opens, Padre allows himself to slip into what he considers his Agent Persona. He straightens up, sets a smile on his face, and throws an arm around Loki's shoulders. "Well, come on, m'boy! Let's go make you a Star!" He gestures to Mack. "Get the door for us, will you? We don't want our Star to strain himself!" As they made their way inside, he locks his eyes onto the secretary and grins as he attempts to use his God Given powers to enthrall her and the others in the room. "Why, we're here to see Miss Dynamo Blue, my dear. My name is Patrick Malone, and my boy here is a singer, you see, and is going to be big big big! And so I decided that we would give Miss Blue the chance to get in on the ground floor with this, you know? He's going to be the biggest thing since, well, anything! Now, why don't you call up Miss Blue and tell her that she should come and meet us, eh?" [ Spoiler ]
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 267 Joined: 8-May 08 From: Uk, Leicester Member No.: 15,964 ![]() |
11:14 2nd January 2070 --Xanadu studios, Renton Seattle--
The silly grin falls from Sweeps face at Sybercats grilling, he realizes he's gibbering again. He takes a few deep breaths and calms himself down as much as he can. Sybercat was right, the coroner is essentially a cop and they look after their own. The Elvis comment needled him a bit, he only thought the possibility should be considered. though chasing ghosts is not needed when there are solid leads to follow. "I think the boy band bit is still good, though maybe I'll let someone else do the talking." He says sheepishly. When they get to the building and the receptionist, he stands to the back, forcing his hands to stay still. He lets the others do the talking. [ Spoiler ]
Shooting Target ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 1,532 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Calgary, Canada Member No.: 769 ![]() |
11:14 2nd January 2070 --Xanadu studios, Renton Seattle--
"Why, we're here to see Miss Dynamo Blue, my dear. My name is Patrick Malone, and my boy here is a singer, you see, and is going to be big big big! And so I decided that we would give Miss Blue the chance to get in on the ground floor with this, you know? He's going to be the biggest thing since, well, anything! Now, why don't you call up Miss Blue and tell her that she should come and meet us, eh?" The secretary begins typing into an AR terminal on her desk. “hrm… I don’t see you in the system Mr… Malone? When did you make your appointment? Two weeks ago you say… hrm… Something must be wrong with the matrix node, I don’t have a record of your call… Look, why don’t you go sit down over there I’ll try and get you in to see Dynamo. She’s out of the office right now but I’ll send her a message and she should be back shortly… Oh, and Mr. Perkins. Mr. Orduffer will see you now. The album art for Child of Fire is ready.� You trade seats with the ‘band’ in the waiting room and they file past the security guard and into the back room. In the mean time Hex you manage to get a fairly good look at the place. The security system looks pretty primitive. There are a couple of cameras covering the front entrance and rear fire exit, maglocks on the doors, and bars on the windows but if Sweeps is anywhere near as good as he makes himself out to be it’ll take a lot more than that to keep him out. 12:20 2nd January 2070 --Xanadu studios, Renton Seattle-- Well you’ve been waiting for about an hour… or so your AR clock tells you. You’re pretty sure it’s lying. It feels like it’s been at least twice that long. The episode of “Days of our Lives� (celebrating it’s 100th season) that the secretary is watching is actually starting to look entertaining. Apparently Cleo is angry with her twin half sister Rebecca because she is marrying Horatio, the goblinized son of the man who tried to kill their family by sabotaging their private Suborbital while it was en route from Japan where their mother went to discover a dark secret about her families past and some other guy hired Shadowrunners to plant evidence framing their uncle Mick, Salem’s chief of police in the plot to blow up the plane. It also keeps cutting to some guy stuck on a desert island but you're not sure how he relates to anyone else. Sweeps: After the first 20 minutes you’re having a very difficult time sitting still. The Jazz is coursing through your system making you want to do something… anything. [ Spoiler ] Finally the door bangs open and you see a well dressed woman walk though. The Secretary looks up startled and says. “Oh, Miss Blue! Um… this gentleman here is Mr… uh… Mr. Malone and he had an appointment with you but it looks like the computer system ate it.� Dynamo nods as she brushes past the security guard. “Sure just let me drop my bag off and send them back. After another moment or two the secretary ushers you back into Dynamo’s office. The inside of the building, like the exterior is not particularly exceptional. You see a security office with two more bored looking guards, a soundproofed recording room and another door marked “Mike Orduffer - Director of Marketing� before reaching the a corner office marked “Dynamo Blue - Managing Director�. There is also an open unmarked door with three garden variety wage-slaves punching information into AR terminals and another unmarked door, this one closed with a mag lock barring entry. [ Spoiler ] Dynamo’s office is relatively Spartan, certainly more so than you would expect given the fact that presales alone of Dark Angel’s album would be enough for most people to retire on. It does look however as if the carpet has been freshly cleaned and the AR terminal on the desk looks brand new. Several small barred windows provide a view of the street outside. Dynamo is sitting behind her desk and gestures for you to seat yourselves in the chairs in front of it. “Sorry to keep you waiting. Our matrix system has been struggling trying to keep up with the Dark Angel pre-orders. A month ago we averaged around 100 node hits per day. We're closer to 7000 a day now, poor node just couldn't take it. I was out of the office buying a new system from MCT so it should be back to normal in a couple days. Anyhow, Beatrice tells me this kid’s hot? Lets hear his demo tape. See if we can’t make ourselves a new star.� She pushes a small chip reader across her desk towards you. Loki: [ Spoiler ]
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 199 Joined: 27-April 08 Member No.: 15,932 ![]() |
1115 2nd January 2070 -- Blue Dynamo's Office, Xanadu Studios, Renton Seattle
I'm going to let the other people do the talking; spoiled boy-band star doesn't need to deal with suits. [ Spoiler ]
Moving Target ![]() ![]() Group: Members Posts: 656 Joined: 18-January 06 From: Leesburg, Virginia, USA Member No.: 8,177 ![]() |
1115 January 2st 2070 -- Xanadu Studios
One nice thing about being a bodyguard. Everyone expects you to be continually looking around. So Mack is doing his best to size up the place. He doesn't know security systems, but he should have a shot at spotting hidden cameras, etc by reflection, and can tell Sweeps later what he saw. |
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Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 7th March 2025 - 02:53 AM |
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