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> Squinky's Character drawing II, Electric boogaloo
Jame J
post Jul 20 2009, 02:20 AM
Post #176

Moving Target

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Oh yeah, you did one for him already. Never mind!
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post Aug 30 2009, 06:13 PM
Post #177


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Okie,heres a request if you got time. "Hardliner",hes a large fomori troll/ghoul. He's got cybereyes (Black with a white skull for the pupil). He wears a hoodie to help disguise his white skin and heavy gloves with the ends cut off so he can use his claws if necessary. He wears combat boots,milatary style pants and armored jacket. He likes big weapons.
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Orcus Blackweath...
post Sep 21 2009, 09:52 PM
Post #178

Moving Target

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I met an artist at Gen Con who created a sketch for a Chinese orc technomancer. I am thinking of another character for the campaign I am playing in China. I would like a Chinese Elf Magician. I have not named him yet. He is a shaman of seductress. He tends to wear flamboyant (pimpesque) clothing. He has a necklace power focus in the shape of the two gender symbols (Venus and Mars).
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post Sep 23 2009, 11:11 PM
Post #179


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I would like to humbly request a drawing of my party.

First is Pebbles: a 6'3" male human, mid 20's, dark skin (stereo-typical black man), bald, attractive. He wears a flight suit done up with med-evac insignia. He wields a fichetti security 600 with a switch-blade in the handle protruding downward.
Second is Boom: a male dwarf, about 4'1" old (65ish). He has a gauss rifle, full body armor, well dinged up (sans helmet) and a huge beard.
Third is Gwen: a female native american elf 5'8". mid 20's, dark skinned, also a mystic adept who shapechanges into a tiger.
Last is Cred: a female Welsh Ork, 5'8". Also older (50) ripped and cybered out. Titanium bone-lacing, wired reflexes, cyber-eyes (bright green), muscle augmentation, and cyber-ears. She wields a medieval-style double bladed axe and wears golf clothes (complete with the pom pom hat).
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post Oct 12 2009, 02:16 AM
Post #180

Running Target

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Been gone too long:

Gonzomike's Hardliner
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post Oct 14 2009, 04:39 AM
Post #181

Running Target

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And here is:

Hyzmarca's Santa Troll
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post Oct 18 2009, 07:54 PM
Post #182

Old Man of the North

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Nice reference to Edvard Munch in the Santa Troll picture.
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Kyoto Kid
post Oct 24 2009, 06:41 AM
Post #183

Bushido Cowgirl

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...just stopping by to check things out and say hiya. Love the Santa Troll.

Yeah been a while. As I mentioned on the 3D thread, had fatal HD crash that took all my 3D work with it. Back up and running and looking to recover what I can from the old drive.

Posted a link to one of the last works I did before my system flatlined over on the 3D thread. Yeah, another Leela one. What can I say, the kid is just too cute. (is there room for cute in the SR universe?) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)
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post Nov 12 2009, 05:37 AM
Post #184

Moving Target

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I've got a character for you.

His name is ShadowFox/Michael Mercier. He's a well connected Ares employee that has an extensive background in Knight Errant and was on the Firewatch team in Seattle, hes an accomplished art thief so i can imagine him standing with some stacked paintings right behind him, i believe it should also be a social setting so maybe two or three people observing the art in the background, well dressed with drinks in their hands. I think they should be background pieces though and it should seem as if Mercier isnt involved in the action at all, just standing as the only individual in the art facing forward.

He's a tall (6'7") 24 year old elf that weighs maybe 150 pounds. He has dark sunglasses on. Dark, not black but real close, hair thats cut short in a military style. He's got a custom tailored Black suit on and a crimson silk tie with a black shirt, in one hand, thats almost resting at his side, he has a brandy snifter thats almost empty and a long cigar, in the other hand an Ares Predator. kind of crossed across his chest in a sort of james bond style. the gun is smartlinked and has a custom laser sight and silencer. He should have a slight smirk on his face as well. On his right ear there should be commlink and on his left hand there should be large silver watch and a silver ring with a large red stone.

I don;t care how long it takes or if you decide to tackle the project at all, i just though i would pu it out there, thanks a lot if you do.

Alis Volat Propriis
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post Nov 12 2009, 11:42 AM
Post #185

Moving Target

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How about a very old character of mine (in both senses of the word, we haven't played these characters for ages) an 85 year old human mystic adept. He has one eye, more scars than skin, buzzcut silver hair and is hideously over muscled, but still able to move athletically. The eye is just stitched shut, with a fairly impressive looking scar (even compared to the rest) over the socket. He looks fairly well preserved - 60 or 70, at most, and very vital - because he is. Not only has he undergone everything short of leonization, he's got a spirit pact (formula) that keeps him from aging any further. No visible ware (A lot under the surface), but he does have extravagant eyes - I've always just had them as looking like empty grey caverns with a small white ball floating a ways back serving as pupil. Tended to wear tinted glasses a bit down his nose, then push them up when he wanted "that new fangled Maude-Reality" or to hide his eyes. Uh. Off run, tends to wear cargo pants tucked into boots, a t-shirt with an armour vest over it, and simply LOVES reading "Modern Bride Magazine". Christ, he even did that on runs when he had to wait - folding chair and the latest copy, printed out from AR and bound into paper format, that he'd read with an unholy amount of glee and focus. Wore rope handwraps. Oh, that spirit mentioned earlier lives in a lion pendant around his neck - bound into it, but got out whenever he spent edge to cause trouble for a few days.
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post Nov 12 2009, 06:46 PM
Post #186


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I'd totally dig a pic of my newest character. Here is more information than is probably necessary:

His name is Nahual, and he is an Aztec, Huehuecoyotl (Trickster) shaman.

Nahual is a 6 foot tall Aztec human. His long black hair is most often tied back with a black leather chord, tied around his forehead. His thin arms and chest are covered with tribal tattoos. His mode of dress is eccentric.

Nahual wears a custom-made, jaguar-print lined coat, usually over silk shirts, black jeans and snake skin boots. He always wears a gold necklace hung with a large chunk of obsidian (a sustaining focus), a woven armband printed with images of the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca, and hung with raven talons (another sustaining focus), a gold chain hanging from the back of his hair chord with 5 different stones inset (his summoning focus), a gold ring set with a large piece of turquoise, carved with the image of the Aztec god Huehuecoyotl (his illusion fetish), an obsidian earring (his manipulation fetish), and a gold earring (his health fetish).

His facial features clearly denote him as Central American Native, with high cheekbones, large, dark eyes, and a wide, toothy smile. He wears a goatee, but no mustache. He carries himself with the smooth confidence of an urban predator, but his ready smile and a mischievous gleam in his eye speak of Coyote, rather than Wolf.
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post Nov 12 2009, 07:58 PM
Post #187

Moving Target

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Okay, I'll throw one out there that's hard to get.

One of my players is a female hobgoblin mad scientist character in SR3. She designs new spells for the mages, builds bots for the riggers, builds pistols for our gun adept, and so on. But of course, it's REALLY hard to find female orc pictures, let alone hobgoblins, and finding one of a scientist is nearly impossible, so there you go. Definitely goggles and lab gear would be appropriate for the character, and it would be nice to have a somewhat interesting perspective (not just standing there).

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post Nov 12 2009, 10:05 PM
Post #188

Moving Target

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Let me throw one out there then, after being directed here by this thread: http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?showtopic=28898

Jeffrey Justin Archer, otherwise known as Typhoid because he carries a particularly virulent strain of Bruckner-Langer type HMHVV that makes him express as a nosfertu, but is just as infectious to all other known human metavariants. Typhoid was formerly of nondestinct appearance, but the transformation into a nosferatu has rendered all of the typical facial features, which has resulted in a somewhat more memorable visage. Typhoid prefers to hide his medium build behind the latest in business fashion, almost always including a hat of some kind. he can typically be seen wearing a set of ultramodern glasses with accompanying earbuds for his computer interface needs. He carries no weapons, preferring to rely on his magic instead (a talent that he did not posess prior to infection), and if it comes down to it his teeth. In addition, Typhoid is incredibly confident in his magic, happily using it to ensure that he suffers no ill effect from sunlight.
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post Nov 12 2009, 10:11 PM
Post #189

Running Target

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Thanks for all the work guys (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Here is:

BlackB1rd's Shadowfox
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post Nov 12 2009, 10:32 PM
Post #190

Moving Target

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That's pretty incredible dude, thanks alot.
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post Nov 12 2009, 11:04 PM
Post #191

Moving Target

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I may have the rest of the group submit character descrips to me so we can do all of us.

But right now, our GM is requesting something for himself.

Caucasian Ork male company man for Saeder-Krupp
On duty, he'd wear loose fatigues, a contractor's ball cap, and carry an Ares Alpha assault rifle. He'd have an old Ares unit patch on the right arm of that, and the appearance would be somewhat beaten and worn. If for some reason he wasn't deniable (i.e., official company business) he'd wear an S-K logo on the ball cap
6'2, ork-like for weight (take your best guess) graying black hair and brown eyes, likely accessories are a set of tactical goggles (therm/NV) for his combat loadout the Alpha is silenced and has a smartlink system also, fingerless gloves for tactical with dragon inscription on the back.

Thanks again man. This is really awesome.

The Character's name is Ears.
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post Nov 13 2009, 02:47 AM
Post #192

Running Target

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QUOTE (Blackb1rd @ Nov 12 2009, 05:32 PM) *
That's pretty incredible dude, thanks alot.

Thanks man, glad you like it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Also, here is :

Hagga's old adept
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post Nov 13 2009, 12:41 PM
Post #193

Moving Target

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Brilliant! Ta.
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post Nov 13 2009, 12:55 PM
Post #194

The ShadowComedian

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Oi Squinky, good to see you back ^^
(no, i don't want anything drawn, i just wanted to say hi <.<)
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Lok1 :)
post Nov 13 2009, 08:54 PM
Post #195

Moving Target

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Hey I saw your post on the main board, I was wondering if you could draw my Demolitions expert / decker / Conartist / master of disguise.
Loki is a short wirey man, human caucasian with jetting sharp features. He is clad loosly in a black trenchcoat that more than covers his small frame, unbuttoned in the front as to proudly show a black T-Shirt with neon green animation apon it, cyleing through several equaly witty and obscene slogons. His strikeing hair is jet black with a neon white stripe down the middle, its slicked forwards with a slight spike.
Noticable cyberwear: He has a dataJack winding down from his right ear into his coat and comeing out on his right sleave, no comlink need be shown as it is internal. He has cybereyes, wich shine slightly concealed though its barly noticable through dark sunglasses.
Background: An explosion in the background would be nice. An overlay of three or two diffrent faces above him, each radicaly diffrent, rangeing in metatype age and gender, they all have the same white stripe in their hair (even though the hair might be done differently). I'm not sure how that would look but its kind of a "Maser of Disguise" thing, looks cool in my head not sure if it would work on paper.
Items: If he has a homemade looking gernade in one hand, and possibly a Ares Predator in the other that would be nice but it isn't necessary.

Sorry if this is a bit complex, I hope it turns out allright but I'm sure you'll do your best.
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post Nov 14 2009, 01:36 AM
Post #196


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Squinky do you still do inks?
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post Nov 14 2009, 03:17 AM
Post #197

Running Target

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Here is:

JaronK's HobGoblin Scientist
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post Nov 14 2009, 03:20 AM
Post #198

Moving Target

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Thanks! It's always so rare to find decent female non humans (or elves).
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post Nov 14 2009, 03:43 AM
Post #199


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A request:

Shivers the The Techno

Would you try for a Gangley, Geeky, scrawny techno (i use the words repetivly to describe somone with all 2's for physical stats.
Old Tshirt that says Rabid Chihuahuas (a goblin rock band).

Sitting on a bench playing or holding a harmonica.

a pamphlet on his leg. "Notes on Love" by Bubba TLT

I'd like The "Obelisk" in the background. I cant find the reference now, but it's a digital phonimina in Seattle a black obelisk alive with code.

Or if the sitting position do-sent work can have him standing behind something subtract the obelisk and ad a vague pic of a long haired woman in a business suit "Tanya"

Thanks for adding me to the Que.
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post Nov 15 2009, 10:14 PM
Post #200

Running Target

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Here is :

Navarre's Nahual


Orcus Blackweather's Mage


Starmage's Archer
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