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> Shadowrun History, And parts you don't understand.
post Mar 6 2009, 06:10 AM
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Moving Target

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There is a lot of Shadowrun historical stuff out there, and, predictably, some of it doesn't make a whole lick of sense. I have noticed a lot of people have been asking about bits and pieces of it, and that seems kinda inefficient. So, here is the idea. People can post their questions here, along with others who answer, and I will edit this first post to include the answers. That way we can get our information faster and in one thread.

The Deal with Dankelzan:

WARNING, the following is spoileriffic and most of the populace of earth doesn't know the details.

Big D, after being elected president, elected to kill himself in the creation of a very powerful power foci, which is/was/will be used to keep some big nasties at bay. This act created an astral rift at the site of his death. Anything astral getting close to the site was sucked in and killed.

Later, in '61, an astral dragon named 'Ghostwalker' appeared out of the rift and flew to Denver. He somehow got re-aquanted with his body, and killed the section of Denver that had been given to the Azzies. Then he set up a new system of government, where he was the leader, and the current government ruled at his pleasure. Some think that Ghostwalker is Big D, but people on Dumpshock have informed me that he is, in fact, big D's brother.

Question 2.

Some elves claim to be from the previous era of magic on earth . . . HOW?

According to Dumpshock informants, there are about eight elves on earth that have lived through previous magical cycles. Apparantly, during low magic times, Elves (and Vampires) transmute into humans with one difference, they don't age. They loose all other supernatural abilities, and walk the earth for thousands of years. Dragons go into hybernation, but can retain some contact or knowledge of the outside world.

Question 3

What up with the great ghost Dance?

The Great Ghost dance was overseen by the first confirmed Shaman (at least in North America), Daniel Howling Coyote. The Dance was done in an approx. 20 meter circle with many other casters. This was the first confirmed use of ritual spellcasting in North America. Dumpshock people have proposed that some form of spirit (or possibly the son of a 'half horror') taught the natives how to do blood magic.

-The Great Ghost dance is borrowed from actual Native American History. During the 1800s, in the west (when Native Americans were being rounded up and put on small reservations), there were many who fought back against tyranny, oppression, and outright cruelty. One man (and it is bad of me, I can't remember his tribe, but his ideals spread to many tribes), received a vision that if he did a special dance, and put the whole of his body and soul into it, then his ancestors would come to his aid, and enchant his clothes so that no bullet would pierce it. Still today, some tribes perform the Great Ghost Dance, but never do they undertake it lightly. It is said to be such a spiritually charged event that babies and small children should not watch for fear of being overwhelmed.
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post Mar 6 2009, 06:17 AM
Post #2

Immortal Elf

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#1: Ghostwalker is Big D's brother (they're assumed to be Icewing and Mountainshadow from Earthdawn). Big D commited suicide to create an artifact to undo the work of boodmages and (hopefully) delay the Horrors (Earthdawn Big Bads). It's called The Dragon's Heart, you can read about it in the Dragon Heart saga (1990s SR novel trilogy). In the books it's effectively a force 10 power foci.

#2: They're the Immortal Elves. There are only 2 or 3 known by name (Eliohan the Scribe is one), and about 6 to 8 verified (though unnamed in canon) IIRC, but many elves claim to be immortal. The IE hide out with the dragons during the low magic cycle. Dragons enter into a ~5000 year sleep/hibernation during the low magic cycle (the dates of the beginning of an age are when the first dragon wakes up to the end, when the last falls asleep).
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post Mar 6 2009, 06:33 AM
Post #3


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Aren't dragons pure mana, as in no real physical body in the in the metahuman sense of the word? Because of this they become weakened and lose physical form during low mana cycles. That may have been just speculation, but I remember reading something about it. Maybe it was in Survival of the Fittest, but I can't recall of hand.
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post Mar 6 2009, 06:43 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Draco18s @ Mar 6 2009, 12:17 AM) *
#1: Ghostwalker is Big D's brother (they're assumed to be Icewing and Mountainshadow from Earthdawn). Big D commited suicide to create an artifact to undo the work of boodmages and (hopefully) delay the Horrors (Earthdawn Big Bads). It's called The Dragon's Heart, you can read about it in the Dragon Heart saga (1990s SR novel trilogy). In the books it's effectively a force 10 power foci.

#2: They're the Immortal Elves. There are only 2 or 3 known by name (Eliohan the Scribe is one), and about 6 to 8 verified (though unnamed in canon) IIRC, but many elves claim to be immortal. The IE hide out with the dragons during the low magic cycle. Dragons enter into a ~5000 year sleep/hibernation during the low magic cycle (the dates of the beginning of an age are when the first dragon wakes up to the end, when the last falls asleep).

The IE's were active during the low magic cycle of the 5th world while the dragons were hibernating. Ehran and Harlequin continued their rivalry during this time, and I believe there are some rumors of IE's hunting dragons during the down cycle, and this is one of the (many) points of contention between dragons and the IEs.
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post Mar 6 2009, 06:56 AM
Post #5

Free Spirit

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QUOTE (Draco18s @ Mar 6 2009, 01:17 AM) *
#1: Ghostwalker is Big D's brother (they're assumed to be Icewing and Mountainshadow from Earthdawn). Big D commited suicide to create an artifact to undo the work of boodmages and (hopefully) delay the Horrors (Earthdawn Big Bads). It's called The Dragon's Heart, you can read about it in the Dragon Heart saga (1990s SR novel trilogy). In the books it's effectively a force 10 power foci.

IIRC, I'll add, his body was hidden near Denver, making Denver his ancestral kingdom which he felt the need to reclaim.

QUOTE (Draco18s @ Mar 6 2009, 01:17 AM) *
#2: They're the Immortal Elves. There are only 2 or 3 known by name (Eliohan the Scribe is one), and about 6 to 8 verified (though unnamed in canon) IIRC, but many elves claim to be immortal. The IE hide out with the dragons during the low magic cycle. Dragons enter into a ~5000 year sleep/hibernation during the low magic cycle (the dates of the beginning of an age are when the first dragon wakes up to the end, when the last falls asleep).

Some may have hidden out, but some supposedly lived through the intevening years. Harlequin is hinted at being a few prominent historical figures, and in Worlds Without End, Aina gives some of her history during the downtime and mentions a few other IE's she shared some history with during that time.

QUOTE (Dream79 @ Mar 6 2009, 01:33 AM) *
Aren't dragons pure mana, as in no real physical body in the in the metahuman sense of the word? Because of this they become weakened and lose physical form during low mana cycles. That may have been just speculation, but I remember reading something about it. Maybe it was in Survival of the Fittest, but I can't recall of hand.

Dragons are dual natured. They definitely have a physical body and it gets left behind when they project.
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post Mar 6 2009, 10:51 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Degausser @ Mar 6 2009, 01:10 AM) *
He reorginized the political scene or something and that had major reprocutions. Does he still 'Live' in Denver? Is he still skeletal? IS he somehow Dunkelzan?

He pretty much killed all the political opposition and then took over. He runs the place now. Check out Year of the Comet, Shadows of North America and the Shadowrun Missions (the Denver ones).
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post Mar 6 2009, 11:27 AM
Post #7


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Actually the primary "opposition" GW took out were the fragments of Zebulon (the splintered ancient and powerful free city spirit of Denver) and the small (but pretty powerful) Atzlan presence in the city. The info on Zebulon comes from the GM's SB from the Denver boxed set.
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post Mar 6 2009, 12:02 PM
Post #8

Running Target

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Before GW came to Denver, the city was like Berlin after WWII. No one really owned the city, and each nation involved had their own "territory" that they could do whatever they wanted with. When GW came he basically concured Denver. GW created his own army that has cross sector athourity and whatever he says goes now. Azland was completely wiped out by GW, including their prized temple.
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Kanada Ten
post Mar 6 2009, 01:23 PM
Post #9

Beetle Eater

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In game, some people believe that Ghostwalker is Dunklezhan, but most don't know. His appearance splintered the Children of the Dragon cult, which probably provides for endless Matrix debates on his origin.

Ghostwalker attacked the Aztlan sector first, and primarily, using the fractured zones to wage gorilla war against their forces - which left them surprised when CAS troops started pressing into their zone invasion style. The Azzies still have smuggling routes into the city, contacts, and such, but ultimately it was the rewriting of the Treaty of Denver which meant they'd have to go to war against the rest of North America to reclaim their slice - something they're still considering...

Another important part about the re-writing of the Treaty is that Seattle got Council Island from the Salish.
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post Mar 6 2009, 02:23 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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QUOTE (streetangelj @ Mar 6 2009, 06:27 AM) *
the fragments of Zebulon (the splintered ancient and powerful free city spirit of Denver)

He didn't take out the fragments of Zebulon, he bound them; he's trying to reunite the spirit of the city into a whole, rather than eradicate it.
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Wesley Street
post Mar 6 2009, 02:58 PM
Post #11

Shooting Target

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1. True or false? Immortal Elves and Great Dragons are always about during low mana cycles (such as the Fifth World), however they take on the forms of "ordinary" people. Otherwise, I have a very funny image in my head of dragons and elves piled up like kittens in basket taking a 5000+ year nap.

2. Not a new question but one that's never been answered to my satisfaction. Mana ebbs in flows in 5000+/- year cycles. However, recorded human history dates back to 4,000BC. Given that there is no precise date for the beginning of the Fifth World, were dragons and Immortal Elves hanging out with the Sumerians?

QUOTE (Degausser @ Mar 6 2009, 01:10 AM) *
Same with vampires.

Vampires, as I understand my Shadowrun lore, are the result of a HMHVV virus, of which the side effect is agelessness. I think of it as a type of mana-based AIDS. However, it hasn't been established if one were to become a vampire if he would be truly immortal.
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Kanada Ten
post Mar 6 2009, 03:06 PM
Post #12

Beetle Eater

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1. Dragons were hibernating, though there's some suggestion that at various times they were able to Astrally Project, and even stretch their wings during mana spikes (Dark Ages is mentioned). Elves walked around in human guise, building their power bases and getting rich.
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Wesley Street
post Mar 6 2009, 03:08 PM
Post #13

Shooting Target

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Astrally Projecting would make sense as Dunklezhan's will made reference to John Lennon and John F. Kennedy.
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post Mar 6 2009, 03:14 PM
Post #14

Running Target

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QUOTE (Wesley Street @ Mar 6 2009, 08:58 AM) *
1. True or false? Immortal Elves and Great Dragons are always about during low mana cycles (such as the Fifth World), however they take on the forms of "ordinary" people. Otherwise, I have a very funny image in my head of dragons and elves piled up like kittens in basket taking a 5000+ year nap.

2. Not a new question but one that's never been answered to my satisfaction. Mana ebbs in flows in 5000+/- year cycles. However, recorded human history dates back to 4,000BC. Given that there is no precise date for the beginning of the Fifth World, were dragons and Immortal Elves hanging out with the Sumerians?

1. True. Dragons sleep during the low mana cycle but Elves metamorph into humans kinda like Drakes.
2. The Shadowrun storyline is a parallel world to the our world and as such magic can exist and go through ebbs in flows ~5000 years. This means that while the Shadowrun universe shares a common history with our timeline from the dawn of civilization till now, Earthdawn would pickup around the time of the Sumerians in our time.
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Wesley Street
post Mar 6 2009, 05:17 PM
Post #15

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (TBRMInsanity @ Mar 6 2009, 10:14 AM) *
Earthdawn would pickup around the time of the Sumerians in our time.

So the Therans existed before, after, or in conjunction with the Sumerians? Or did the Sumerians not exist in the SR timeline? I'm curious to know if Harlequin kicked it with Hammurabi, King Tut, etc.
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post Mar 6 2009, 05:25 PM
Post #16

Deus Absconditus

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QUOTE (Draco18s @ Mar 5 2009, 10:17 PM) *
Big D commited suicide to create an artifact to undo the work of boodmages and (hopefully) delay the Horrors (Earthdawn Big Bads). It's called The Dragon's Heart, you can read about it in the Dragon Heart saga (1990s SR novel trilogy). In the books it's effectively a force 10 power foci.

Re: #1 - Let me appent that this is why he died, but only if that's what you want the reason to be. D died in what blatantly appeared to be an assassination attempt, and Jak Koke's book dictated that it was suicide. However, this was very much an explanation by that author - and that author alone - after the fact. The sourcebook where he was killed was written by different people.

Also, I think the Dragon Heart and everything surrounding it is patently retarded. Could you tell? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Mar 6 2009, 05:32 PM
Post #17

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Adarael @ Mar 6 2009, 12:25 PM) *
Re: #1 - Let me appent that this is why he died, but only if that's what you want the reason to be. D died in what blatantly appeared to be an assassination attempt, and Jak Koke's book dictated that it was suicide. However, this was very much an explanation by that author - and that author alone - after the fact. The sourcebook where he was killed was written by different people.

I consider both canon because the general public thinks it was an assassination (and/or that Ghostwalker is Big D back from the dead,etc), but that a much more interesting tale is told behind closed doors, and that anyone who actually knows it is dead.

Also, Re: Denver

Denver is now technically CAS territory (due to GW pushing out the other armies/governments) but the CAS isn't going to try and enforce it, GW owns Denver, it might as well be a free state. The Treaty of Denver was brought up as having been possibly violated, but GW invited all involved over for lunch and ate them and worked out some kind of agreement whereby he owns the city.
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post Mar 6 2009, 05:35 PM
Post #18

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Kanada Ten @ Mar 6 2009, 02:23 PM) *
Ghostwalker attacked the Aztlan sector first, and primarily, using the fractured zones to wage gorilla war against their forces


Anyway, the Big D is gone, and not even to the hevenly hoard he deserves after a life spent trying to make the world a better place, he's gone to patrol the metaplanar shasm that divides our world from the horror's home metaplane; his brother got back (from where nobody knows) in the Year of the Comet trought the Watergate Rift and gone back to his body, than procided to make clear that Denver had been built on his turf and that they were better to aknowledge his right to rule, with the exception of Atzlan which recived a "get your fragging ass out of here" message in no unclear terms (actualy the terms did seem more like a "die fragging bastards" message). After reclaiming the place he got himself an army and started to put some order into his home.

Immortal elves (plus or minus a "t") are elves whos ancestors were into bestiality and got a wild ride with one or more dragons, their immortality gene needs the presence of mana to be primed but once primed it keeps going even during the downcycle; they do not hybernate like dragons and have affected history (Leonardo Da Vinci, Richard the lionhearted, Alachia got involved with the Nazi) to various extents, the biggest limitaion they face in the downcycles are due the lack of mana needed to work magic.
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post Mar 6 2009, 05:36 PM
Post #19

Running Target

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But that would make brown nipples non-canon. And we can't have that.

I'll give you one: who was it that sent the myserious message that Fastjack intercepted?
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post Mar 6 2009, 05:40 PM
Post #20

Deus Absconditus

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Mirage. But that's just because Mirage is my explanation for a lot of inexplicable shit.
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Wesley Street
post Mar 6 2009, 05:45 PM
Post #21

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (AllTheNothing @ Mar 6 2009, 12:35 PM) *
Immortal elves (plus or minus a "t") are elves whos ancestors were into bestiality and got a wild ride with one or more dragons, their immortality gene needs the presence of mana to be primed but once primed it keeps going even during the downcycle; they do not hybernate like dragons and have affected history (Leonardo Da Vinci, Richard the lionhearted, Alachia got involved with the Nazi) to various extents, the biggest limitaion they face in the downcycles are due the lack of mana needed to work magic.

I don't even want to think about how a mammal (elf) mates with an egg-laying lizard-thing.

QUOTE ('ravensmuse')
I'll give you one: who was it that sent the myserious message that Fastjack intercepted?

That wasn't ever revealed, was it? But it sounds like the writers were spoofing/paying homage to Mona Lisa Overdrive so I'm guessing either aliens or spirits (which are pretty much the same thing in SR lore). Now that I think about it a "Metaplanar Matrix" is kind of a cool idea.
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Kanada Ten
post Mar 6 2009, 05:48 PM
Post #22

Beetle Eater

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QUOTE (Draco18s @ Mar 6 2009, 11:32 AM) *
Denver is now technically CAS territory (due to GW pushing out the other armies/governments)...

Er, as of when? Last I heard, the Frontier Force was still made up of troops from all the Treaty signatories save Aztlan.
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post Mar 6 2009, 05:50 PM
Post #23

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Wesley Street @ Mar 6 2009, 12:45 PM) *
I don't even want to think about how a mammal (elf) mates with an egg-laying lizard-thing.

Well, for one, you're only assuming they're egg laying lizards (but they probably are)
Two, MAGIC. Solves all problems.
Likely dragon spunk is so....spunky that it persists even when the dragon is in an alternate metahuman form. Sorta like D&D's explanation.
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post Mar 6 2009, 05:54 PM
Post #24

Running Target

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If we went by DnD standards, dragons are the horniest bunch of creatures this side of Penthouse.

Here's a good one: did Mitsuhama / Renraku gain any insight about the bugs from Project: HOPE (I think that was the corp / name). And if they did, what kind of research did they get?
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post Mar 6 2009, 05:56 PM
Post #25

Running Target

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QUOTE (Wesley Street @ Mar 6 2009, 11:17 AM) *
So the Therans existed before, after, or in conjunction with the Sumerians? Or did the Sumerians not exist in the SR timeline? I'm curious to know if Harlequin kicked it with Hammurabi, King Tut, etc.

I would say the Therans were the Sumerians in the Earthdawn/Shadowrun timeline. Harlequin probably kicked it up with Hammurabi and the likes at the time (maybe the source of the fueds he has with the other IEs).
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