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> IC: Down in the Barrens II, John Doe's search for his past
post Jun 26 2009, 09:05 PM
Post #176

Moving Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:57pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

As the group is walking through the door...

"Oh i need to hit the head before we go. I'll catch up to you guys in the morning. Give me a ring and let me know when and where."

Hawk walks back into Ugly Bob's heading to the latrine paying special attention to the guys he passes looking for concealed weapons.
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post Jun 28 2009, 05:00 PM
Post #177

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:57pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

For both Val and Ghost, the drinks have made it to their heads. Not enough to completely impair them, just enough to dull their senses a little. Stepping outside, Val steps to the side and pulls his pistol. Hawk steps back in and heads for the bathroom. The foursome from the table are indeed heading towards the door. As Hawk steps towards the bathroom, they pass him still headed towards the exit.
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post Jul 1 2009, 08:31 PM
Post #178


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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:57pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@ Team [Ghost] Do you have a read on them?>>
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post Jul 1 2009, 08:43 PM
Post #179

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:57pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val waits by the car using it for a leaning post and cover if it comes down to a fight starting to feel the booze do thier job he didnt want any more pain to hit him hard in a fight. <@team[val] "i saw them start to follow us out when we left if Hawk can get behind them we might get a jump on them">
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post Jul 2 2009, 09:07 AM
Post #180

Moving Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:57pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@Team [Hawk] That is the plan.>>

Hawk looks straight ahead as he passes by the group walking out the door.


On the count of three Hawk stops and turns around as if he had forgotten something outside. Trying to keep the appearance as if he hasn't a care in the world, he walks back towards the door. Itching at his left side, through his coat, he un-snaps the safety on his slivergun getting ready to draw 'The Beast' if needed.

Sometimes....Kids just need to learn the hardway.
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post Jul 4 2009, 06:56 AM
Post #181

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:57pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<@team[val] "well its all i got ot go on right now"> Val again checks his surroundings to look for any possible patrols that might come by or anyone who might jump in with the four inside.
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post Jul 4 2009, 07:04 AM
Post #182


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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:57pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@ Team [Ghost] Let's see how they cope with me being invisible. They will get the shock of their short lives if they are here to cause trouble.>>

He releases the mana from the enemy detection spell and re-purposes his sustaining focus to maintain an invisibility spell. He is pleased with the effort.
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post Jul 7 2009, 05:13 PM
Post #183

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The parking lot has nearly a dozen bikes and mopeds as well as a dozen other vehicles, all but two absolute beaters. The two that look decent are far from new and both barely rate 'solid' in appearance. Val moves over to a nearby car and leans against it. Looking around, Val sees no sign of any sort of security patrol. Come to think of it, he's not seen one since he regained consciousness in the alley... and Ghost seems to have bugged out and left him by himself.

Inside, as Hawk turns back on the crew, he sees the last of the foursome watching him. That one, stops and turns, moving to intercept Hawk.
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post Jul 7 2009, 10:03 PM
Post #184

Moving Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Doing his best to act as if he doesn't consider the guy turning to intercept him as a threat, Hawk pulls his sunglasses off his head putting them on over his obviously artificial eyes. Hawk adjusts his stride moving slightly to his right giving the guy coming at him enough room to pass by.

So this is how its going down is it.....well....Preacher always said, Boys will be boys.

Setting the Slivergun to Skinlink activation only, Hawk scratches at his side from the outside of the coat. This time tipping the quickdraw holster back enough that the barrel of the gun aims forward through the front opening of the armored jacket. With his Smartgun system tracking the loaner, Hawk gets ready to give this young man one hell of a surprise. Using his right hand he brings it to his mouth to cover a small cough.

"Excuse me. Damn seasonal allergies" he says politely to the patrons nearest him.

Lets see if you have seen this one before kid. Keep your eyes on my hands i have a surprise for you.

<< @Team [Hawk] Looks like the kids want to play. A trio of bullies heading your way. A loaner decided to stay behind to get schooled.>>
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post Jul 8 2009, 05:32 AM
Post #185


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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<Copy that. I have a surprise waiting on them.>>

Let's show these punks who they are dealing with.
It'll be like that time back in Miami.
Wasn't that before ...
Just concentrate on the task at hand.
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post Jul 8 2009, 07:23 AM
Post #186

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<@team[val] "well see how we do comrade if the shooting stops you'll know">
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post Jul 14 2009, 10:52 PM
Post #187

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The one of the four that remained behind to block Hawk was not expecting to be shot in the bar; Too bad for him. He moves towards Hawk like he is going to block the samurai. Too late he realizes he planned on grappling in a gun fight and flies backwards from the force of the blast, blood splattering nearby patrons. The team's waitress just happens to be nearby, catching a splatter of blood on her face and screams. That is followed by another scream or two as people pull away from Hawk.

Outside the bar, the other three stride confidently out the door. They stop, seeing only Val and look around for the missing member of the team. A scream can be heard from within the bar.
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post Jul 16 2009, 12:08 AM
Post #188

Moving Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Relaxing his grip on the holster and letting it slide back to its normal position Hawk uses his left hand to point at the thug on the floor.

"SCREW AROUND WITH MY THIRTEEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER WILL YA! Be glad i didn't just blow your balls off and feed 'em to you in a stew."

<<@Team [Hawk] One punk down. Take advantage of the distraction.>>
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post Jul 16 2009, 04:44 AM
Post #189


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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

In his minds eye, he draws mana into his being and focuses it into a sleek dart of power. In reality the dart is far smaller and far less well formed than he believes. Nevertheless, he launches it into the biggest, dumbest looking member of this group.

Nailed 'im.
Get ready to nail another one.
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post Jul 16 2009, 02:26 PM
Post #190

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

val looks around for ghost but sees only darkness and a empty parking lot except for the three that just walked out. when he hears the gun shot and scream from inside the cafe he can only guess that Hawk has already started his fight. Val raises his weapon and points it at the lead thug that followed them outside. with the other two he didnt figure his pistol would do so he pulls out the ingram and alternates pointing at the other two thugs waiting for a reaction

"freeze, hands up now!" Who are these guys? Val hoped he would have atleast a little jump on them and maybe a few answers as well.
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post Jul 23 2009, 03:42 AM
Post #191

Man Behind the Curtain

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The trio in the doorway hear the screams, but before they have time to react Val gives them something else to thing about. They hesitate. Then the leader draws for his weapon as he dives. The other two immediately follow suite.
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post Jul 23 2009, 02:25 PM
Post #192

Shooting Target

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Val seeing them start to jump opens up with both his ingram and pred on the two stragglers that rolled out trying to catch them before they could find cover. <@team [val] hawk finish up."> Val didnt think the leader a pussy to piss himself so thats why he wanted to get the fighters finished off first.
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post Aug 7 2009, 01:12 AM
Post #193

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The last second seems like weeks have passed. Commotion inside kicked everyone into motion. Val told them to freeze, then Ghost's spell fizzled, but it did not go unnoticed sending the leader diving; Only to be shot at by Val with one shot finding his target. The pair behind him each dive opposite directions as they dive as well.

Inside, people are diving and rising to their feet.
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post Aug 7 2009, 10:13 AM
Post #194

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

cursing under his breath he switches to just using the ingram, using two guns was just to crazy with his side still hurting and the buzz hitting him a little now he didnt want to chance another missed shot like that. now though he heard the commotion inside Ugly Bobs start to take off, if people started running out crazy it would give them the time to get out of there. for now though he had to make sure the other two weren't splitting up to catch him in any cross fire. where did that other guy go he could really use his help right now, knowing nothing about magic he didnt realize Ghost was still around. Val tries to look at where the single bad guy dove, maybe he could get him before the other two got a strategy together.
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post Aug 8 2009, 04:37 AM
Post #195

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

A hale of gun fire is is Val's response; Ghost remains hidden beneath his spell of invisibility.
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post Aug 8 2009, 04:27 PM
Post #196


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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Damn! That guy is tough. He shrugged off that monster spell. Mage?
No, you dumb ass. We're drunk and we only thought that was a killer.
Let's try again, then!

He draws the power to him and lets it fly at the nearest opponent.

Damn! Still not drawing enough.
He may still go down. Should we switch to a gun?
Are you nuts?!? We're drunk and you want us to use a firearm?
Right. Sorry.
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post Aug 9 2009, 12:10 AM
Post #197

Moving Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Looking around at the patorns of the pub scattering away from the scene, Hawk lowers his Slivergun aiming center mass at the fallen man he had shot seconds before.

"I'm sorry to have disturbed your meal everyone. Lets call it even...next round is on me." Hawk says out-loud talking to everyone in the place. He flips his newly gained credstick in the direction of the waitress that got splattered with blood.

"See to it hun, that these fine folks get another round on me, ok sweets."

With his gun leveled at the man on the floor he pats the man down looking for ID, and more importantly something of value. Hawk takes just a splinter of a moment to really look at the person on the floor. Would there be children left behind? Mother and father to miss him? Perhaps but in this day-in-age you have to know better than to play tough if you can't back it up.
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post Aug 20 2009, 12:50 PM
Post #198

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val laying on his back from the hale of bullets that impacted his jacket and what felt like his very soul. looks around for a second and looks around realizing he is on his back he gets up and looks for anything to hide behind, anything that would offer protection from a hale of death slung his way again.
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post Aug 21 2009, 02:59 AM
Post #199

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val is able to roll back and then around the car and out of sight the thugs. Moving at more earthly speeds, Jonathan stands off to the side maintaining his invisibility. He hears the barrage of gun shots from the thugs and watches the blur as Val vaults backwards and quickly rolls out of sight.

Inside the bar, Hawk goes about the task of frisking the down thug and attempting to smoot over the situation.
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post Aug 24 2009, 06:18 AM
Post #200

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:58pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val brings his predator up for a concnetrated shot one the one thug who rolled the other way. he looks around the cornor and takes his time with the shot and lets the shot ring out as he steady's his aim and prepares for the recoil from the pistol. as Val releases the trigger he tries to get Hawk's attetion. <@team[Val] "some help here!">
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