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> IC: Down in the Barrens II, John Doe's search for his past
post Dec 17 2009, 02:33 AM
Post #251


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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:43pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

No. But then again I rarely do. Fewer people for THEM to implant with mind control chips to spy on ya.

Great way to ramp up the paranoia.

Says the guy that is talking to a voice in his head.

. . .
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post Dec 20 2009, 11:46 AM
Post #252

Moving Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:43pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk; PAN=Passive; SIN=Marcum Curst

Hawk turns his head watching as the two random cars drive by. With Visual Enhancements of the helmet he scans the driver and passenger of the cars checking if they are paying any obvious attention to him at the gate. He turns back the other direction at the approach of his comrade's bike...

<<@Team [Hawk] Glad you guys could make it. By the sounds of it, looks like we might get company in a few. In case you were wondering, Stump informed me that a former business partner of his stashed some goods here. Due to the falling out of their partnership Stump isn't going to be all broken hearted if this guys goods were to come up missing. Thats where we come in. Time for the catch...(pause)...which storage box is it in?>>

Turning his attention back to the dogs for a moment, Hawk checks them over for any signs of bio or cyber enhancements.

"oh pretty puppy...shhhh...no need to bark at old Uncle Hawk."
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post Dec 22 2009, 05:57 PM
Post #253

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:43pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val looks at Hawk as he attempts to calm the dogs what is this guy the a dog whisperer "well if they aren't anyones friends how about we hide out in a near by abandoned building until they pass or sound like they are going the opposite direction" Val pulls out his pred and scans the area for near by empty buildings or ones that are maybe half standing.
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post Dec 25 2009, 02:24 AM
Post #254

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:43pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Hawk watches the cars pass. He shifts to thermographics and tries to discern if the drivers are paying him any mind. There are no street lights and the interiors of the cars are also dark. Even with the enhancements and alternate spectrum, he's not 100% percent sure, but no one appeared to pay him any mind. The dogs appear to be unaugmented.

Surverying the area, Val finds that Red-E Stor sits on what would be the north-west corner of the "T" intersection. Immediately to the south of the storage units is what once was a nice apartment or condominium complex; Perhaps some half a dozen decades ago. There is no access to the complex from 166th ave to the complex.

Across the street, houses set back from the street. No one is outside on the street near those houses, but down 92nd ave a small group of youth can be seen loitering.

The Red-E Stor office appears dark and there are no windows facing the street. A trio of guard dogs inside the fence are at the gate snarling and barking at Hawk. The fence and gate are in good repair, keeping the dogs at bay.

The motorcycles will are still getting closer. They will no doubt pass begin to pass by in well under a minute.

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post Jan 6 2010, 01:27 PM
Post #255

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:43pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val looks towards the other two "we should find some cover guys i don't want any more unwanted attention like at the dinner." Val starts to walk towards the building looking for any kind of access through any means weather it be a window or door. Val gives Athena a call hoping she isn't to busy with other tasks to maybe help them out with getting inside the Red-E-Store <Val @ Athena "if you have a few could use some help procuring some supplies from a local asset, we need a alarm shutdown and access to a Red-E-Store near 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave. any help would be awesome.">
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post Jan 9 2010, 10:53 AM
Post #256

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:43pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk; PAN=Passive; SIN=Marcum Curst

"I suppose with those bikes getting closer we should be prepared for anything. Lets stick close to our bikes just in case we need to make a get away."

With that said, Hawk begins to walk back to his bike with purpose. Heading away from the gates he turns his head to glance at the loiterers down the street checking to see if they are paying the group any "special" attention. As he approaches his bike he disarms the security system and stands next to it.

<Whispered under his breath> "Man i was not intending on a highspeed motorcycle escape tonight."

Hawk activates his mapsoft program again bringing up a close up of his current location trying to find what his best route would be to evade a group of gangers.
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post Jan 11 2010, 02:48 AM
Post #257

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:43pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@Val [Athena] Where's the alarm? And what help do you getting access?>>

Hawk does not believe that the youth down the street are paying the group any special attention, nor does he believe his team has gone completely undetected by them. With the motorcyles approaching from the south, no roads west and housing to the east, the highway to the north, back the way they came is the best escape route, should they elect to leave. By the time he reaches his own motorcycle, having parked a hundred and twenty meters up the road. While most of his time is eaten away - he is at his bike.

Val and Ghost follow Hawk back to his bike. The other incoming bikes are coming from the south. By the sound, they must be seconds away.
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post Jan 14 2010, 05:35 PM
Post #258

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:43pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<Val@ Athena "sorry i figured there would be some kind of security on this place other then a few dogs and a fence. is there any video feeds inside the building? i guess i was just wanting a quick check on the place to make sure no one inside had a chance to get a drop on us. if there are any security locks on inside if you could maybe dissable them that would also make it a little easy for us to get inside">

Val looks to the south towardst he approaching bikes and readies his pred. after the night he awoke and the people that were after him he didn't need any more surprises running up on him "here they come" Val mentions more to himself then the rest of the group.
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post Jan 21 2010, 12:02 PM
Post #259

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:44pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk; PAN=Passive; SIN=Marcum Curst

<<@Val; Ghost [Hawk] It's up to you both if you want to stay and find out what is riding out to meet us or come back another time. It could be as simple as the facility keeper responding to a proximity alarm. Then again it could be gangers wanting fresh meat. As for me I am going to stick around and see if we can strike up a bargain. Perhaps get some interior scouting in for a revisit later. I would certainly appreciate the backup if you guys don't mind. The way stump put it, this guy is about one step below 'scumbag'. So should things go bad and he should be in need of a good killin'...its doubtful he will be missed. Curious, do either of you know what gang controls this area?>>
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post Jan 21 2010, 05:18 PM
Post #260

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:44pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The sounds grew closer to the group Val could tell then looked at the Red-E-Store and the other buildings around the area
<Val@team "i dont want to just leave just get out of view from any passer-bye and if they are a ganger they also might have some kind of agreement between themselves for portection against excatly what we are trying to do. if we chill out until they pass we can get in and out with no problems hopefully. except i think we might have to geek that dog he looks pissed and alert. I don't know what gangs run this area either and i would like to not find out chummer. I have no hard feelings>

Val did a once over one more time to make sure his pred and ingram were loaded and ready to use if it came down to it. he also wanted to make sure wouldn't be caught off gaurd. and gauged the distance to the closest cover should he need to find it.
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post Feb 7 2010, 05:58 PM
Post #261

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:44pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The trio stood with the two bikes, just off the road as the bikers came into view. Six bikes, two with trolls and all large, loud street bikes. The six bikes rumbled forward, towards the team. One of the trolls and an ork stop at the intersection across from the Red-E Stor while the other four continue towards the team.

The duo holding back appear to have SMG's ready, while the foursome approaching have weapons slung but not in hand. They all wear street clothes and heavy jackets, probably armored. A purple bandanna is tied around their upper left arm. The foursome consists of a troll, an ork and two humans.

<<@Val [Athena] Local scans tag these guys as the Lord of War, by their colors and the location. No specifics available on their size or the size of their turf. I have intercepted a feed from the camera in the gatehouse to the Red-E Stor.>>

One of the humans speaks as the gangers approach, "You girls lost?"
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post Feb 16 2010, 04:30 PM
Post #262

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:44pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val listens to the message <Val @ Athena "lords of war, aren't the same as the warlords that the Doc mentioned?>

If these aren't the same guys how many gangs have War and Lords in them? God i hope i don't have to waste anymore ammunition i have little as it is.as the thought slips his mind he remembers these guys are talking to them.

Val takes a defensive posture and looks at the human Ganger "щель от drek."
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post Feb 19 2010, 09:55 PM
Post #263

Moving Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:44pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk; PAN=Passive; SIN=Marcum Curst

Standing there for a moment guaging a good look at the approaching gangers...Hawk takes off his helmet holding it cupped on his left side, his fingers itching at his slivergun. With his right hand he slides his mirrored shades from his collar and puts them on his face.

"Funny you should ask that. Word has it that there are some goods for sale down yonder in that Red-E-Store. I have to say if thats true, I'm a tad dissappointed. I thought it would be guarded by more than a few pussies."

Hawk turns to fully face the approaching gangers and takes one step forward. Standing his ground with his best look of 'yep, done this shit before' he shows a smile to help ease the tension. Hawk waits a second for his insult to hit home (provided these boys are smart enough to get it) before talking again. Pointing to the dogs at the store...

"If you fellas are here to take care of those three pussies over there, I don't suppose you can get the guy in charge so we can get the goods and go back home. I need to take care of mom's toenails with a plasma torch. She gets mighty cranky when she ruins a new pair of socks."

<<@Team [Hawk] Should this get ugly and we need to split, don't hesitate to get the hell out of Dodge. I'll meet up with you guys in the morning.>>
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post Feb 20 2010, 05:14 PM
Post #264

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:44pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

This meatbag has a death wish Val holds back from looking at Hawk like a fool looking to eat a bullet. <Val@Team "if things get hairy i start shoot lead I have answers to find and need this runs money to do it with.> Val looks at the starglers hanging back looking for any weaponry that goes bang. If they aren't packing any serious heat he figures he could take down the small guys first and leave the Big ugly one for Hawk and Ghost if they are lucky Maybe Doc Phin can sew up any holes left in the three of them before they have to finish the job.
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post Feb 21 2010, 06:11 PM
Post #265

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:45pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@Team [Athena] Scans show the names Lords of War being the preferred, Warlords also being used; Same crew.>>

As Val is the first to speak up, the ganger focuses his attention on the Russian. He pauses, obviously not able to fully translate reply but he does understand the posture change. Hawk's clear English fully translates as well, bringing his attention to to Hawk. "You're either really brave, really stupid or full on crazy.... or healthy chunk of all this put in blender and squeezed into a shit bag and prettied up with fancy glasses."

He then pauses, presumably to also wait on the insult to run its weight. "It really depends upon who sent you and what you're looking to buy... and the size of your patty."

<<@Team [Athena] Picking up several inbound/outbound signal. By the datastream size I say video upload.>>
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post Feb 21 2010, 06:29 PM
Post #266

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:45pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val Steps up beside Hawk. "Well you see, If you are looking to score a easy hit on three regualr joes like us then we have some issues, that asside if you are not we might all be able to make a deal tonight and walk away happy."

<Val@Team"Athena can you narrow down which one is sending the recorded signal."> Val pops his collar up and wishes he would have put his mask on before they had gotten there.
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post Feb 26 2010, 09:02 PM
Post #267

Moving Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:45pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk; PAN=Passive; SIN=Marcum Curst

............"It really depends upon who sent you and what you're looking to buy... and the size of your patty."

"As to who sent us, suffice it to say a little research into who is selling what we need brought us to you. Friends involved wouldn't stay friends at all if their names got smeared all over Seattle."

Hawk pauses a moment to let the ganger stew over the 'not-so-much' an answer to his question...

"As to what we are looking to buy, its funny you ask. You see my neighbor has his really ugly and vicious cat...I mean REAL ugly. Being an animal lover I don't want to kill the poor thing, I mean its not the cats fault it was born so ugly."

Hawk points at the Troll with his right hand...

"Come to think of it, the cat kinda looks like him."

With a sheepish smile Hawk continues...

"I just want to keep it off my bike is all. I figured a few stick-n-shocks would do wonders in that business. As for the size of my patty..."

Hawk makes a motion to unzip his fly...

"If you really want to go there lets all whip them out and measure, get it done and over with. Then perhaps we can get down to business. But you know hey, if you are not interested I am sure there are other ammo dealers around town. I just figured if I was going to spend my hard earned yen, I'd like to deal with someone with a half way decent rep. I didn't come to the wrong place did I?"
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post Mar 3 2010, 02:49 AM
Post #268

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:46pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The leader listens to both Hawk and Val. His face betrays the fact that he is obviously unimpressed with either of Hawk's gestures, quickly growing bored with the team. "I think you want to meet with Stitch." The ganger then smirks, but the joke must be an inside one. He gestures towards the apartment building to the south. "Apartment 201"

<<@Team [Athena] I've narrowed it to one of the crew in front of you, though they all seem to have a TeamNet up.>>
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post Mar 3 2010, 04:30 PM
Post #269

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:46pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val looks at the ugly mug and smiles then locks his stare on the leader "i don't need to see Stitch. I assume he already knows we are here im sure you guys are connected how about you just tell us what he has to say and we will decide if its worth walking inside that old smelly shit hole to listen to what he has to offer. the air out here is nice and i like the view from where i am standing where i am and i like where i am." Val takes a more dominant posture in a attempt to seem bigger then he really is.
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post Mar 3 2010, 11:57 PM
Post #270

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:46:30pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The ganger smiles at Val like he was just told a good joke. He crosses him arms and replies, "That's not how it works Holmes. Stitch don't come to you, you go to Stitch."
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post Mar 6 2010, 05:48 AM
Post #271


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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:46:30pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Ghost smiles but says nothing. He opens his sight to the astral and looks at the leader and his crew.

Which side are you on when it hits the fan?

Same as always, my side. You getting soft on me?

You still thinking the little guy is expendable?

Yep. Are you finally coming around?

. . .
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post Mar 8 2010, 02:54 PM
Post #272

Moving Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:45pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk; PAN=Passive; SIN=Marcum Curst

Hawk turns to look at Val as he talks...

If these fraggers are going to start shooting, i just hope they shoot him first.

"You say its Stitch we need to see? Room 201?"

Hawk points to the apartment buildings to the south...

"Those ones right there? And you say the fella's name is Stitch?"

<<@Team [Hawk] Looks like we might be getting the ammo after all. Stitch is the guy Stump said we are looking for.>>

"Sounds like a plan. Thank you for your help boss."

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post Mar 8 2010, 04:26 PM
Post #273

Shooting Target

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:45pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val turns to follow Hawk and Ghost regarding the Leader with a stare/smirk as he walks away I can't be seen as weak thats why thos other drek messed with me in the first place. I wish i could remember anything what is wrong with me, what if I went crazy? what if i have a split personality? as Val started to follow Hawk he started going through several what if possibilities. Val had so many questions but no answers to them. He felt frustrated that he couldn't remember why he woke up in a alley why those thugs were after him, Why would a huge Troll help him in a dark alley. He felt so frustrated he just wanted answers.
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post Mar 13 2010, 03:19 AM
Post #274

Man Behind the Curtain

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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:47pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The ganger nods, "That would be the one." and his trio of escorts mount back up on their bikes. The duo that held back sit, holding their position and watching the team. The foursome wait, giving the team plenty of birth to head towards the apartment building.

Val stops, looking back at the leader. There was something familiar about the the man. Not personally familiar, but something familiar about his swagger, his demeanor, his look. For a moment, he sees a slightly taller, thinner man. One speaking with a russian accent. Then Val sees a gun in his outstretched hand, the flash of the muzzle and the explosion of the man's skull as his brain matter sprays the area behind him. Val's mind cuts back to reality, the scene lost, but the memory still present.
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post Mar 13 2010, 09:21 PM
Post #275


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Friday, March 27th, 2071; 6:47pm; Near Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Please tell me that we aren't going to turn our backs on these guys.

Looks that way.

Do you even know how fragged up that is?

. . . .

Ghost does his best to melt into the shadows as he follows Hawk. All the while opens his sight to the Astral trying to guess what the thugs might have in the way of gear.
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