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> IC: Down in the Barrens II, John Doe's search for his past
post Nov 3 2010, 04:08 AM
Post #351


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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:11am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<@Val[Ghost]Shit. Hold on.>

Checking to make sure he is out of sight, Ghost drops the spell and pulls a new one over himself.

We're not going out in this are we?

What's the matter?

It sucks. Try again.

Ghost drops his second attempt to try for a third.

That'll do.

Ghost slides the energies of the recently cast spell into the sustaining focus to keep himself covered.

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post Nov 3 2010, 10:20 AM
Post #352

Shooting Target

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:11am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val crouched next to Ghost and watched as the spell dropped and then re appreared, he instantly thought of a chameleon shading in and out of its terrain. it was a sight to see. "this stuff isn't going to happen inside is it?" Val whispered next to ghost.
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post Nov 3 2010, 11:34 PM
Post #353


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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:11am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Wouldn't it be fun if we dropped the spell when he wasn't ready?

That would be hilarious.

So drop it while he's face to face with one of the gangers.

That might get him killed.

And ... your point would be?

<@Val[Ghost] No worries. As long as I'm not getting my ass kicked, the spell will stay up. And really that's the point of casting it, so I don't get my ass kicked.>
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post Nov 4 2010, 02:54 AM
Post #354

Man Behind the Curtain

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:13am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The spell recast, this time Ghost's form shimmers out of Val's sight. Looking down at the grass, he can see the subtle impression of Ghost's steps. Looking up again, he looks right through Ghost. The duo continue through several more yards, before reaching the house in question. It is a raised ranch style home with a two car garage. Those doors and the front door are closed. No one is around.
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post Nov 4 2010, 03:22 AM
Post #355


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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:13am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Ghost opens his Sight to the astral to see what he can gain from the house before entering.

<@Val[Ghost]I'm going to check out the Astral for a sec before we go in. Hold still.>
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post Nov 4 2010, 03:41 AM
Post #356

Shooting Target

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:13am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val stands next to ghost and takes up a position so he can see the door and garage. <@Team[Val] "Athena you have what you need?"> Val looks down at what kind of lock is on the door and waits for Athena and Ghost to do thier thing.
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post Nov 5 2010, 06:21 PM
Post #357

Man Behind the Curtain

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:13am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@Team [Athena] Scanning....>>

Ghost shifts his vision to the astral, scanning in a 360. The focus of maintaining two spells is incredible distracting causing him to double take several times, but he does not find anything out of the ordinary. Houses - grey and bland, trees & grass - vibrant and glowing, two people each covered by his spells - very bright.

<<@Team [Athena] Ok. I jumped from Ghost's com to Val's, then dropped the signal. I have about 13 nodes in range...... >>

<<@Team [Athena] Six responded to a passive request. Probably coms or vehicles. Maybe a high end home unit.>>

<<@Team [Athena] By the way, Val. Your com is damaged and is actually piggy backing on Ghost's to get signal. And Ghost: This custom OS you're running - Your response chip is underpowered for that. Nice com by the way..>>
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post Nov 5 2010, 06:34 PM
Post #358

Shooting Target

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:13am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val regrets even making the deal with stump about the com, He needed one that actually worked though so it was worth the trade....maybe. <@Team[Val]"thank you for the tech assesment. Is there anything we can do to narrow the search to cut any kind of security to the house and to help you keep any distress calls going out.">
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post Nov 10 2010, 05:06 AM
Post #359

Man Behind the Curtain

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:14am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@Team [Athena] Wireless is everywhere baby and without a directional jammer its gonna go everywhere. I can start hacking, though if I trip an alarm it will be the same as if you trip it... The jig will be up. Your call...>>
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post Nov 10 2010, 05:21 AM
Post #360

Shooting Target

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:14am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val looks at the door, then to where ghost was assumed to be. <@Team[Val]"I guess in this area it wouldn't be to big a deal to trip any alarm, If we get into trouble i think we will just need a distraction">
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post Nov 10 2010, 07:36 AM
Post #361


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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:14am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<@Team[Ghost] Perhaps then we should consider purposing tripping an alarm somewhere else if things go south. No need to call attention to ourselves at present.>
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post Nov 10 2010, 04:03 PM
Post #362

Man Behind the Curtain

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:14am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@Team [Athena] Well, just let me know. I'll keep scanning. I'm also watching the vid from Val's smartgun.>>

The neighborhood is still quiet. For now, the duo appear to be undetected.
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post Nov 11 2010, 07:44 AM
Post #363


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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:14am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<@Team[Ghost] Let's move out.>

I've always wanted to say that.

You sound stupid when you do.
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post Nov 11 2010, 04:17 PM
Post #364

Shooting Target

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:14am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val tries the door to see if it is unlocked. trying to be a quit as possible to keep from anyone hearing them come in.
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post Nov 11 2010, 04:45 PM
Post #365

Man Behind the Curtain

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:15am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val slips up to the door, gently turning the knob and finding it unlocked. Ghost watches as his Russian teammate slips up on the door very professionally, as his instincts take over.
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post Nov 16 2010, 02:03 AM
Post #366

Shooting Target

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:15am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val slips through the door and emmediatly looks for the Car to get the Gear they came for, moving as quietly and carefully putting his pistol and instead decides to use his fists if he comes across any trouble while invisible.
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post Nov 16 2010, 05:25 AM
Post #367


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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:15am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Ghost does his best to glide like his namesake. Wary of dropping his spells, he is on the look out for animals and people who might be aware of them.
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post Nov 16 2010, 11:18 AM
Post #368

Man Behind the Curtain

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:15am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val slips in the front door and immediately finds a trio of gangers asleep on the floor of what appears to be a large living room, sans furniture. There is a door to the right and a stairwell leading up.
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post Nov 16 2010, 01:45 PM
Post #369

Shooting Target

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:15am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val sees the trio and does his best to avoid them. using his subvocal mic to remain quit. <@Team[Val] "Heading right maybe through another room to the garage ok. Athena anything yet?">
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post Nov 17 2010, 04:00 AM
Post #370

Man Behind the Curtain

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:15am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Ghost follows Val into the house, tripping as he does so. He's able to regain is footing but is neither completely silent, nor distracted enough to drop the spell. One of the gangers stirs, looking around. He appears unsure about what he heard.

<<@Team [Athena] I told you what I found. I can start hacking whenever you want.. If I set off an alarm though it will be messy for you... Just let me know...>>
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post Nov 17 2010, 04:53 AM
Post #371

Shooting Target

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:15am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val stands still waiting for the ganger to either rise or go back to sleep, silently cursing the mages clumsiness.

<@Team[Val]"Hold off for now we will let you know if we have any trouble and maybe have you hack the house if we get into a jam.">
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post Nov 17 2010, 06:18 AM
Post #372


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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:15am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@Team[Ghost] I'm going to stand here, quietly before I get us killed.>>
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post Nov 19 2010, 02:14 AM
Post #373

Man Behind the Curtain

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:16am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

The ganger stares the direction of the team for a full minute before he finally lays his head back down. Val and Ghost are both able to breath a quiet sigh of relief.
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post Nov 21 2010, 06:24 PM
Post #374

Shooting Target

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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:16am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

Val curses silently and starts to move again for the the door, Hoping it would lead to what they are after. He didn't want to get trapped up stairs. <@Team[Val]"Im moving to the other room Ghost think you can move a little less noisy?">
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post Nov 22 2010, 02:54 AM
Post #375


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Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 08:16am; Kingsgate Neighborhood, Redmond Barrens, Seattle

<<@Team[Ghost]That was pretty much my best effort. I'm normally the kind of guy who waits quietly or blows things up. Not much in the middle, sorry.>>
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