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> Astral Barriers Damage Code, Explanation for Astra Barrier Damage COd
post Jan 30 2004, 04:39 AM
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I had a question concerning Astral Barriers. As I understand in the 3rd edition rules, in order to disrupt an astral barrier, a character must make an Opposed Test using Charisma vs Force or use a spell.

But the part I don't get is in the Astral Damage code table, the have a damage code for Astral Barriers at (Force)M Damage.
What the heck ?!?.

Am I missing something
please help

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Jason Farlander
post Jan 30 2004, 05:00 AM
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If you engage the astral barrier in astral combat, the barrier will defend itself, using its force for the counterattack and dealing a base of Force(M) damage if it generates more successes than the attacker, staged up as normal. Lesson: Do NOT engage force 20 astral barriers in astral combat.
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post Jan 30 2004, 05:01 AM
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I don't think you're missing anything, turlumbule. I haven't seen what, in 3rd edition, would require knowing that an Astral Barrier had a "damage code" of (Force)M. They don't fight back in the way that Jason says.

Overcoming an astral barrier (to pass through or to destroy it) is in SR3 p. 176. Barriers don't have a "Condition Monitor" for tracking damage. Instead, a successful attack on a barrier temporarily lowers its Force. When the force reaches zero the attacker can pass through the barrier, or attempt to destroy it with a test of Charisma (target = twice Force).
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post Jan 30 2004, 05:13 AM
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But i believe an unsuccessful attack has a negative consequence... although i can't remember whether its temporary magic loss, or physical damage.

However, if it were physical damage, that would make sense with the above.

Although i'm -not- quoting rules there.
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Jason Farlander
post Jan 30 2004, 05:18 AM
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Page 176, SR3


Astral Objects
    Astral objects are non-intelligent astral forms like barriers and foci, which only fight in astral combat if attacked. Astral objects inflict physical damage in astral combat.  Similarly, they can only be affected by physical damage.  The owner of a barrier or focus knows automatically if it is attacked in astral combat.

The confusion comes in when you consider that there are two types of astral combat -- the "contest of wills type" and the "I hit you" type. The rules for the contest of wills version are listed beneath the passage I quoted, and again in the spirit section as a special case when dealing with manifested spirits.

An adept with killing hands or a weapon focus could choose to punch or hack at the barrier or focus, engaging in a normal melee attack. The barrier or focus would defend itself as I already described.
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post Jan 30 2004, 05:19 AM
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darloth, the barrier doesn't strike back with physical damage. An unsuccessful attack by a Spirit causes loss of Force, and unsuccessful attack by a Magician causes loss of Magic. The rules on p. 176 describe the details and how these losses can be recovered.
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post Jan 31 2004, 04:25 PM
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;) Thank you all for your quick replies !!! :D

Jason Farlander: The confusion comes in when you consider that there are two types of astral combat -- the "contest of wills type" and the "I hit you" type. The rules for the contest of wills version are listed beneath the passage I quoted, and again in the spirit section as a special case when dealing with manifested spirits.

An adept with killing hands or a weapon focus could choose to punch or hack at the barrier or focus, engaging in a normal melee attack. The barrier or focus would defend itself as I already described.

But like OurTeam said that Barriers don't even have a condition monitor. so how would you apply the staged damage ?

Secondly, why would an awakened character NOT engage a barrier in normal astral combat where he would have access to his Astral combat pool. As I understand it, the Contest of wills type, that Awakened character has no pool (aside for his Karma pool) at his disposal ?

Thanks all

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