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> Vehicles, Drones, and Agents, For Fun and Profit
post Jul 27 2010, 05:40 AM
Post #76


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QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jul 26 2010, 12:28 PM) *
If you're going to embed the drone in your clothing, that's just a camera. You can run all that software on a commlink instead. No reason to be a drone at that point. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

But the drone is a node to itself, so it can run all the software on it's own. Meaning, you have more 'space' on your comm. Hell, you don't even have to suscribe to it all the time, you can just send IM's back on forth to update orders and alter what sets off different alerts.

QUOTE (Jaid @ Jul 26 2010, 02:49 PM) *
a slinky or a frisbee or a parachute can move. you can even steer a parachute, frisbees can be thrown so that they curve in different ways, and so forth. nevertheless, those devices cannot move under their own power, for the most part... a parachute will not drag you up into the sky barring the application of forces that do not originate from the parachute's engine (which it doesn't even have).

essentially, a limited maneuverability drone is a drone that has no engine, but does have the ability to steer itself to some extent once put in motion by someone else. but the fact that airplanes do exist does not mean that all gliders must be able to self-propel.

But that doesn't make any sense, considering the iBall has an actual Speed/Accel statistic. Otherwise you'd just use the rules for throwing things, while maybe allowing you to choose the direction of Scatter. IMO, they just wanted to show what a drone with Limited-Maneuverability 'looked like' and retconned it to a degree.
I'd probably just leave it at the iBall having the ability to move, and possibly a few extra slots.
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post Aug 27 2010, 07:56 PM
Post #77


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Just a quick question. Could you get around the limited mobility = no mobility issue by just getting another drone to carry that drone? Have them in a wired link to each other. I think it could work.
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post Aug 27 2010, 08:20 PM
Post #78

Advocatus Diaboli

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Hahaha! Sure, you can do that. You'll need duct tape or mechanical arms or something.

killfr3nzy, you're right. I was just making the point that you don't need it to be a drone if you just want the camera. Hell, buy a dedicated commlink for that camera.
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post Aug 27 2010, 08:27 PM
Post #79


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Then I guess its time to break out the welding tool!

Thinking about it, if you have enough money and the right tools, you could probably make some monstrosities from combined drones. A dedicated large drone to carry a bunch of small drones, each laden with as many guns as they can carry... I'm going to have to look into this.
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post Aug 27 2010, 08:44 PM
Post #80

Advocatus Diaboli

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The simple answer is that you can't, because there aren't rules for it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

If you're going to start inventing some rules (which can certainly be a good idea), don't forget balance. Extra weight means performance hits, or at least the loss of cargo capacity, etc. Try to use existing vehicle rules; passenger damage, recoil mods, etc.
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post Aug 28 2010, 01:38 AM
Post #81

Running Target

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QUOTE (Neraph @ Jul 26 2010, 03:34 PM) *
At least people are reading my thread. That's what I posted it for.

And at least the discussion has moved past a topic I dropped.

Sarcasm is hard to identify over the internet, as we all know, so I apologize if I misidentified this post as such.

I am by no means well acquainted with the Matrix rules, so bear with me please, but even with my rudimentary knowledge of the Matrix I like some of what I'm seeing here. Skeleton Key, Combot, and the Manservant idea are particularly interesting. Just a couple questions - 1. what is the purpose of the Arcana skill in Repairbot? It seems to me like a decent Logic hermetic would be more efficient than Repairbot in this regard, and its inclusion with mechanic skills seems unusual.
2. Are the software suites of any practicality to an AI, and if so, how?
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post Aug 28 2010, 05:21 PM
Post #82

Great Dragon

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1) It can be used to build things, so I included it in the arena of repair skills.

2) The software suites are amazing for AIs (like any other character) because they take up so little operating space. Imagine a R4 AI. His Codebase is limited (at chargen) to R4 programs. So if he then buys a software suite that has duplicate programs from what his 'base is that are R6 (let alone that have program options - RC doesn't have rules for giving the Codebase program options, like Armor Piercing for their Attack and the like), he gets a very noticable boost to his abilities.
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post Aug 28 2010, 05:33 PM
Post #83

Running Target

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I'm a little lost. As far as I know there are only 3 software suites in the game, all on pg 128 of Unwired. Where is the "software suite that has duplicate programs from what his 'base is that are R6"?
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post Aug 29 2010, 04:36 PM
Post #84

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (suoq @ Aug 28 2010, 11:33 AM) *
I'm a little lost. As far as I know there are only 3 software suites in the game, all on pg 128 of Unwired. Where is the "software suite that has duplicate programs from what his 'base is that are R6"?

Hrm. I assumed that since a 'runner had programmed one of the three suites, you could program your own or buy others.
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post Sep 3 2010, 08:34 PM
Post #85


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As far as I've seen, no one as addressed the manservant's hardware problems. That is to say, it can't actually be a combat drone, RAW.

I fixed this with a fairly simple mod. Basically you have to buy mechanical arms and replace the ones it is built with. I decided that this wouldn't take up anymore slots, because you are basically upgrading what is already there.

Then in order to make it not all slumped over and old manish, you have to do an industrial mechanic extended test to basically rebuild the body. This sort of thing is done all the time IRL with cars, computers, and even xbox. I've even seen some RC cars that have tricked out bodies. So it stands to reason you could do something similar with a drone.
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post Sep 3 2010, 08:40 PM
Post #86

Advocatus Diaboli

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Sure, but that's 100% house rules. *shrug* I think it was mentioned that there could be a 'secret illegal mod version', like the Modified Chariot (if that's the one I mean); again, something for the GM to straight-up invent.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:01 AM
Post #87

Great Dragon

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I thought I'd covered that.

The Renraku Manservant-III has those hardware failsafes: the MCT Housekeeper and the Saeder-Krupp Heimdrone don't. Those hardware specialties are specific to the Manservant.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:05 AM
Post #88

Advocatus Diaboli

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There's no reason to think that. Why would anyone pay the same amount for a crippled version? Without the slightest rules guidance about variant costs/etc., the only logical thing is to assume the variant models are feature-identical. You might as well say that the MCT Housekeeper has a Gauss Rifle.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:19 AM
Post #89

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Sep 3 2010, 11:05 PM) *
There's no reason to think that. Why would anyone pay the same amount for a crippled version? Without the slightest rules guidance about variant costs/etc., the only logical thing is to assume the variant models are feature-identical. You might as well say that the MCT Housekeeper has a Gauss Rifle.

Would you like to see the reason to "think that?" Buckle up.

QUOTE (Arsenal Errata, page 3)
The Manservant is a humanoid walker drone that's slightly smaller than the average human and displays a humble posture. [The Manservant] is limited to a slow walking speed by design, so that any ambulatory person can outrace it. [The Manservant's] upper body is at the lower end of average human levels, but it can lock its arms and lift with its legs to obtain a greater lifting capability than a human... [The Manservant] is also unable to use its leg strength offensively, [the Manservant's] hip joints are designed to prevent kicking motions.

Every time the above paragraph used the word "its" it was refering to the Manservant, as I edited it to reflect. There, you see? It doesn't mention the MCT or SK drones at all.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:20 AM
Post #90

Advocatus Diaboli

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I know your reasoning from last time. It's still bad. All the vehicle descriptions refer to the example model.

There is, perhaps, *one* exception: the Indian Pathfinder. Because the 'flaw' is the name, variant models could reasonably avoid the flaw. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

You know the rules, and there are rules for Similar Models:
While these differ in name, design, and composition, their range of application and game stats remain the same. At the end of each vehicle description we provide you with a couple of names from similar models made by other manufacturers. At the gamemaster’s discretion, you may also apply slight changes in the game stats. This shouldn’t exceed more than 1 point up- or downwards (or up to 20% in case of Acceleration and Speed), and for every advantage there should be an appropriate disadvantage.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:28 AM
Post #91

Great Dragon

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There's no game stat for not kicking and not punching. Also there's no game stat for a panick button.

EDIT: Also there's no modification for "Uncrippling" a drone, so I don't know why anyone would want to enforce such a stupid rule when placed alongside all the other work to be done on the drone. And lastly, I don't know why MCT or SK would be so scared about a PR mistake that Renraku was trying to fix with this drone. Remember the arcology? It wasn't MCT's or SK's.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:30 AM
Post #92

Advocatus Diaboli

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Seriously, you're going there? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Let's call that 'range of application', which sounds pretty apt. It "remains the same". In fact, by your logic, the GM has no discretion to change it, because it's not a game stat. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Maybe people are scared of such drones in general. 'It's okay, it's *not* one of the killer robots, I checked the manufacturer' doesn't sound too convincing. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Why would there be a mod for 'uncrippling'? It's crippled on purpose. There are lots of mods that aren't in the game, but you can either go by the rules, or houserule.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:32 AM
Post #93

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Sep 3 2010, 11:30 PM) *
Seriously, you're going there? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Let's call that 'range of application', which sounds pretty apt. It "remains the same". In fact, by your logic, the GM has no discretion to change it, because it's not a game stat. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

And it'd do nothing, since it doesn't have stats.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:34 AM
Post #94

Advocatus Diaboli

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What would do nothing? Uncrippling the drone clearly alters its range of application, which "remains the same".
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:37 AM
Post #95

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Neraph @ Sep 3 2010, 11:28 PM) *
Also there's no modification for "Uncrippling" a drone, so I don't know why anyone would want to enforce such a stupid rule when placed alongside all the other work to be done on the drone. And lastly, I don't know why MCT or SK would be so scared about a PR mistake that Renraku was trying to fix with this drone. Remember the arcology? It wasn't MCT's or SK's.

Quoted for simple fact of those being good points. Also I thought we were talking about the panic button, which is why I sounded lame just a second ago.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:38 AM
Post #96

Advocatus Diaboli

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You quoted yourself from 1 post away? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Why would we be talking about the panic button? I forgot there even was a panic button, because it's not important. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:40 AM
Post #97

Great Dragon

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Yeah I quoted myself. It's two equally valid points in my favor.

EDIT: Also I'm a bit tired.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:42 AM
Post #98

Advocatus Diaboli

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But, Neraph… I heard you the first time. I answered you the first time. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I don't even understand how the first one *is* a point, let alone a good one. For the second, I think my reasoning is solid. People are supposedly scared of *all* anthro drones, not just the ones with the right logo.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:48 AM
Post #99

Great Dragon

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Eh, fine. RAW these things suck butt and there's nothing you can do about it.

There are plenty of houserule options though.

EDIT: I'll pick my fights for things like Inhabitation and crazy magicks. I'll let silly drones that should have better rules go.
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post Sep 4 2010, 04:49 AM
Post #100

Advocatus Diaboli

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Houserules are indeed your friend. Honestly, why do you even *want* to kick and punch? God made guns. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

As a houserule, I'd totally consider letting someone retrofit the legs/arms with Mechanical Arms; spending 8000¥ seems a fair sacrifice, and that's the point. If you (the GM) rule that the MCT/SK models aren't crippled, they should cost like 8000¥ or 16000¥ more (a big difference over 2500¥!). Still *way* cheaper than an Otomo. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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