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> What do you think of CGL/IMR?, A public opinion pool
Your opinions (count/don't count), but hey, at there's not personal attacks here...
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post Apr 27 2010, 09:39 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Just for fun and to divert attention away from the [select one] : (personal attacks/report violation spam).
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post Apr 27 2010, 09:50 PM
Post #2

Old Man of the North

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I am sick of it all. I stopped reading about the whole damn thing about a couple of thousand posts ago.
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post Apr 27 2010, 09:54 PM
Post #3

Running Target

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QUOTE (pbangarth @ Apr 27 2010, 01:50 PM) *
I am sick of it all. I stopped reading about the whole damn thing about a couple of thousand posts ago.

Sad to see you sick of Shadowrun, Peter.

/misinterpreting things on purpose for years and years
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post Apr 27 2010, 09:54 PM
Post #4


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Seriously, would you stop starting topics about this shit this is your second stupid topic and poll.
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post Apr 27 2010, 10:03 PM
Post #5


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Interesting, but also expected.
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Chrome Tiger
post Apr 27 2010, 10:05 PM
Post #6

Shiny Metal Kitty Head

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QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Apr 27 2010, 04:54 PM) *
Seriously, would you stop starting topics about this shit this is your second stupid topic and poll.

I am inclined to agree. It would be one thing if people just voted and expressed their opinion of the poll topic, but these tend to turn into bloody flame frenzies. So how about we try answering the poll without snide comments, everyone?
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post Apr 27 2010, 10:15 PM
Post #7

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (BlueMax @ Apr 27 2010, 02:54 PM) *
Sad to see you sick of Shadowrun, Peter.

/misinterpreting things on purpose for years and years

Not of the game, particularly when a little humour gets injected, thanks. Just the opinion-flame-opinion-argumentfromnowhere-ad infinitum.

Imagine what it would be like if as much energy went into keeping DS online games going as goes into 'the thread that won't die'.
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Chrome Tiger
post Apr 27 2010, 10:17 PM
Post #8

Shiny Metal Kitty Head

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QUOTE (pbangarth @ Apr 27 2010, 05:15 PM) *
Not of the game, particularly when a little humour gets injected, thanks. Just the opinion-flame-opinion-argumentfromnowhere-ad infinitum.

Imagine what it would be like if as much energy went into keeping DS online games going as goes into 'the thread that won't die'.

This would be an awesome thing. Albeit, about as likely as unicorns and gold at the end of rainbows to exist. Hence the need to ask people to play nice for everything containing 'CGL' in it these days...
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post Apr 27 2010, 10:18 PM
Post #9

Running Target

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QUOTE (pbangarth @ Apr 27 2010, 02:15 PM) *
Not of the game, particularly when a little humour gets injected, thanks. Just the opinion-flame-opinion-argumentfromnowhere-ad infinitum.

Imagine what it would be like if as much energy went into keeping DS online games going as goes into 'the thread that won't die'.

I commented in thread N
"If we put this much effort into Community generated modules, we would choke on the amount of content."

And then I remembered that I still haven't found an editor/reviewer for mine...

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Chrome Tiger
post Apr 27 2010, 10:22 PM
Post #10

Shiny Metal Kitty Head

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QUOTE (BlueMax @ Apr 27 2010, 06:18 PM) *
I commented in thread N
"If we put this much effort into Community generated modules, we would choke on the amount of content."

And then I remembered that I still haven't found an editor/reviewer for mine...


Perhaps now that I have been given the reigns to DDH and am getting it underway after a long term in limbo, we can get some good fan-made content out into the eyes of the public.
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post Apr 27 2010, 10:29 PM
Post #11


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One thing I do lament about SRM being corporate backed, and may really lament depending on what happens in the next three weeks, is that if we jsut pared things down to a text and tables format, maps and visual aides when we could get them, we could release things a lot faster. They wouldn't be as slick a product, but a usable product in hand beats an unusable one in the works IMHO.
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post Apr 27 2010, 10:35 PM
Post #12

Running Target

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QUOTE (Chrome Tiger @ Apr 27 2010, 03:22 PM) *
Perhaps now that I have been given the reigns to DDH and am getting it underway after a long term in limbo, we can get some good fan-made content out into the eyes of the public.

Well, now I know who signed CT on the Facebook page.

/"Live and learn, or you don't live long"
//Lazurus Long
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post Apr 27 2010, 10:38 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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The discussion is tired and the outcome is out of our hands. Meh, I say... Meh...

I just care about Shadowrun and that the license survives and that the game continues. CGL, another company.. As long as it maintains its current or a past system and remains mostly Shadowrun then I am just fine...

If not, I will stay with the edition that I like and feel free to then start to change things as I see Shadowrun.. New editions that suck are not fun and will be ignored. I have plenty of good Shadowrun books from past editions, why should I buy some shitty 5th edition with some major rules change... Don't think people realize that this could happen if the game goes to another company. Nice new 5th edition that totally SUCKS!
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post Apr 27 2010, 10:49 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Apr 27 2010, 04:54 PM) *
Seriously, would you stop starting topics about this shit this is your second stupid topic and poll.

snarky: /adjective/ the classic definition is that of a colloquialism to mean short-tempered, snappish, or irritable.

In all seriousness, if this troubles you, just don't read it. Dr. Funkenstein's signature has a viable solution. (The former, not the later.)
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post Apr 27 2010, 10:58 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Chrome Tiger @ Apr 27 2010, 05:05 PM) *
I am inclined to agree. It would be one thing if people just voted and expressed their opinion of the poll topic, but these tend to turn into bloody flame frenzies. So how about we try answering the poll without snide comments, everyone?

Not sure what the desired response to this modpost is. Are you telling me not to start anymore polls or telling Lurker not to flame bait?

If it's the first, just delete this thread and I'll never start another poll. No harm, no foul. As for flame frenzies, I think the only other pool I started was rather civil. It ran four pages, featured a cameo from Tom Dowd, and I learned a lot more than I did previously about the gaming industry. Bull, Adam Jury, and TD all taught things I was not aware of.

Compared to the blatant ToS violations that are constantly running the CGL Speculation #N, I thought it would be nice to give people a chance to, as you say,vote, express their opinion, and move on. If the mods want to keep the topic confined to CGL Speculation #N: no big deal, just let me know, delete the thread, and I'll return to reading other's flame wars in CGL Thread #N.

If the modpost was in response to Lurker, uh, sorry for the meandering stream of consciousness.
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post Apr 27 2010, 11:11 PM
Post #16

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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I think it was actually multi-directional. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Not to speak for Chrome, but my read was:

A) Starting up yet another poll really serves no purpose other than to sew the seeds of yet more arguments about a topic we (As in the mods, not me) are trying to keep as contained to a single thread as possible.

B) Don't post snide/snarky comments in reply to this poll, so we don't end up with yet another flame fest.

<shrug> I kind of agree with both. I saw the thread and just kinda rolled me eyes and sighed. The poll serves no real function, and at this point it's safe to say we know more or less where everyone stands. And as I've said about several of the threads that have cropped up here: "It will only end in blood, flames, and tears".

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post Apr 27 2010, 11:17 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Chrome Tiger @ Apr 27 2010, 06:22 PM) *
Perhaps now that I have been given the reigns to DDH and am getting it underway after a long term in limbo, we can get some good fan-made content out into the eyes of the public.

Sounds fantastic! I'd gladly trade every thread ever started on these forums for DDH.
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post Apr 27 2010, 11:22 PM
Post #18

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Bull @ Apr 27 2010, 07:11 PM) *
I saw the thread and just kinda rolled me eyes and sighed. The poll serves no real function, and at this point it's safe to say we know more or less where everyone stands.

Fair enough. Again, delete the thread if it runs contrary to mod plans/intentions. Won't hurt my feelings either way. On the plus side, I would point out that this pool generated over 200 views in under two hours. On the con side, I totally understand the desire to keep this contained to a single thread.

[EDIT:] and at this point it's safe to say we know more or less where everyone stands
The vocal majority has absolutely made their opinions known. I'm curious about the majority that haven't voiced an opinion yet. [shamelessly steels Bull's action-context-thingy:] <shrugs> either way

Just let me know...
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post Apr 27 2010, 11:28 PM
Post #19

Running Target

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I had no opinion on CGL but now I have a bad one. (for not paying freelancers or paying them so late)
My opinion on the product was mixed, it was an improvement over Fanpro in quality of art & writing however the rule changes from 4e to 4eA are unnecessary and don't IMHO improve anything. They had a real shot and changing the Matrix and they didn't do it. This is part company, part freelancers, part developers but the move from Fanpro->CGL I see an improvement in the look and physical quality of the books a mixed bag on the fluff and no improvements mechanically. Love or hate 4e Fanpro did significant rule and fluff changes I don't see that happening with CGL and I believe a good chunk of the freelancers have not changed so I blame the company.
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post Apr 27 2010, 11:32 PM
Post #20

Moving Target

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Too few data points to be sure at the moment, but I'm willing to bet my lunch on the idea that the silent majority is gonna be answering no change or who the hell cares. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Apr 27 2010, 11:33 PM
Post #21

Manus Celer Dei

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You don't really leave much room for people to have an opinion on precisely one of either the company or the product (the only really substantial thing I know about CGL is one game it makes, and it seems a little harsh to condemn it simply based on that).

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post Apr 27 2010, 11:34 PM
Post #22

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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Here's the big question, to my mind (and if you don't get shut down, and you decide to do a follow up... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )

1) If IMR/CGL retains the license, will you:

1A) Continue to support SHadowrun regardless.
1B) Only continue to support Shadowrun if the positive changes that Randall has said are being made, are actually made.
1C) Discontinue your support for Shadowrun so long as CGL has the license?

THat, to my mind, is the only real poll question worth asking right now. And I suspect that 1A is the majority answer, with 1B having a decent showing. THere will be a few that will vote 1C, and it would be interesting (though impossible) to verify 6 months or a year down the road if they stuck with this or gave in. After all, there's a few "I'll support 4th edition over my dead body" folks who gave in after a while. (and, to be fair, a few that haven't, and that's cool too)

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post Apr 27 2010, 11:38 PM
Post #23

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (Athenor @ Apr 27 2010, 06:32 PM) *
Too few data points to be sure at the moment, but I'm willing to bet my lunch on the idea that the silent majority is gonna be answering no change or who the hell cares. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Despite my own allegiances, for various reasons, I voted "Who the fuck cares?" because, frankly, that's my stance. At the end of the day, I'm following Shadowrun, whether it's with CGL or anywhere else. Hell, if something happened and Frank Trollman got the license and made 5th edition, I'd probably STILL buy it. So long as the game remains more or less intact, the owners don't matter. The writers don't matter. The game is what matters.
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Chrome Tiger
post Apr 27 2010, 11:40 PM
Post #24

Shiny Metal Kitty Head

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Okay, clarification. The poll is not my problem, I just see it as an avenue for people to start throwing defamations. I personally am intrigued at how people will answer and want to see the numbers. I just do not want to deal with another thread full of flames because of random posts due to differing responses to the poll or whatever. I can see some side comments sparking the same thing we are trying to fight down elsewhere in the forums. That is all.

So, in a nutshell, I support the poll but do not want any little flames sprouting as a result. We are getting enough of those in the flame-catcher that is "The hidden dark rumors behind CGL and its alleged alien demon drop bear overlords Volume 7"
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post Apr 27 2010, 11:47 PM
Post #25

Moving Target

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And see, that's why I love dumpshock. Back to back laugh out loud posts from moderators. [EDIT: Frank's 5th ed and the alien drop bear overlords]

@ Bull: I'd be happy to run another poll, or alternatively, you could start one. You, obviously, have much more hand than I do. (In the Seinfeld sense, that is...)
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