Perhaps now that I have been given the reigns to DDH and am getting it underway after a long term in limbo, we can get some good fan-made content out into the eyes of the public.
DDH? Sorry if that seems very noobish, but ... DDH?
1) If IMR/CGL retains the license, will you:
1A) Continue to support Shadowrun regardless.
1B) Only continue to support Shadowrun if the positive changes that Randall has said are being made, are actually made.
1C) Discontinue your support for Shadowrun so long as CGL has the license?
1A. I am buying the translated German books anyway, mostly because they're all well-bound hardcovers and not ill-bound softcovers that disintegrate if you *think* of opening them, but also because the translations are bearable for the most parts (this excludes the 'mancers section of Unwired - kraenzchen, really, what, if anything, were they thinking) and often as not, Errata are already included into the product.
I am certain Topps will, should CGL retain the license, have a vested interest in that what happens will be 1B.
Some of the best material I have seen for Shadowrun is fan-made material from back when I ran my own site. I like the comment made earlier that if people were able to redirect all of this energy being spent on arguing superfluously in the flame-threads into actually creating something for the game, we would be much better off.
FWIW, I am working on an expanded Venice sourcebooklet of sorts for personal use based on the Shadows of Europe artice but adding a lot more info. I haven't directly copied stuff from SoE but, as I try to keep it close to what was published in SoE, it WILL cover most of what was in these two-and-a-half pages, just littered throughout 20, maybe 25. Not in their words, but in my own, but with basically the same content.
Would that be fit for internet publication under the above mentioned guidelines?