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> 2072 [+4 Months], Multiple Players / GMs - Recruitment Always Open
post Jul 19 2011, 02:33 PM
Post #101

Moving Target

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I've got 12 IC posts. By that count I have accumulated 6 karma and 15,000 nuyen. Now what? Do I just spend these OoC? Do I need to work it into the story? Does it happen at some downtime point? How limited is my Availability?

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post Jul 19 2011, 02:38 PM
Post #102

Neophyte Runner

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I think we can get there our selves. Jamie doesn't know where it is so I hope Jotomon will suggest it at some point. Jamie's currently just trying to get the hell out of Dodge.

I was just being IC cautious: if you were going to jump ship, then I didn't want you to know where the meet was. I suspect those people with pliers would be after you (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Nice to see you are getting the group together. I won't post until you are ready to go see / hack / spell /... Mr Allenby
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post Jul 19 2011, 02:47 PM
Post #103

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 19 2011, 10:36 AM) *
Thanks for the data link.

I didn't actually send it to Jotomon. As far as I know he hasn't opened his commlink to me. I try to only hack the commlinks of people shooting at me.

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post Jul 19 2011, 03:07 PM
Post #104


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QUOTE (galenbd @ Jul 19 2011, 03:33 PM) *
I've got 12 IC posts. By that count I have accumulated 6 karma and 15,000 nuyen. Now what? Do I just spend these OoC? Do I need to work it into the story? Does it happen at some downtime point? How limited is my Availability?


In theory you can spend karma at any time...it's advancement and can be rationalised however you want...IC or OoC (although perhaps better IC?).

Equipment wise I'd prefer this to be done in the game as I did for Silk...don't worry you don't need to read the entire thread (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ...In essence I picked up a stash of goods worth the cash but you can explain it any way you want! Anything under avail 12 is fine...more than this then I suggest you roll or get a contact to roll or ask your GM nicely (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jul 19 2011, 06:46 PM
Post #105

Neophyte Runner

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I didn't actually send it to Jotomon. As far as I know he hasn't opened his commlink to me. I try to only hack the commlinks of people shooting at me.

Sorry I had actually given you the details: The business card had a number on it: you can send it to that number. (It doesn't have an address as I am travelling at the moment).

Just checking how equipment works:
  • I wouldn't mind buying a spoof chip. Its rating 8F, 500 nuyen. I have the contacts, and normally that would take a couple of days to get. Are you happy that we can "just do it".
  • A second example: I want to buy some pirated software. Normally that would take me a couple of hours.
  • THirdly I'd like to buy a smoke grenade. Can I just call in at a store and pick one up?
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post Jul 20 2011, 04:38 AM
Post #106

Neophyte Runner

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Post is up. Here's a quick bio and short description of Demon (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

  • Primary Goal: Seek redemption for his admittedly microscopic part in Project Omen (he was hired by some of the corps to do wetwork) which crippled France
  • Secondary Goals: Become the very best assassin, protect his friends, live life to the fullest
  • Plot Hooks: Anything involving Project Omen participants (he wants to wipe them out), unwarranted violence against women (especially prostitutes), wetwork that hurts mega-corps, info on the bastards who hurt Molly and killed Pixel

Demon's Contacts: (assuming they are still alive x_x)

Fixer-Nicodeme Otes (Loyalty 4/Connection 4) A French fixer, if it kills then he probably sells it with a smile...
[ Spoiler ]

Street Doc-Catheryn Price (Loyalty 4/Connection 4) An ex EMT, she found that freelancing offers better hours and better pay...
[ Spoiler ]

Ms. Johnson-Joann Jewels (Loyalty 2/Connection 4) A young woman with old eyes, she has an inside scoop on shadowy work...
[ Spoiler ]
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post Jul 20 2011, 07:57 AM
Post #107


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Oh yes...Demon will get on great with Ember lol (Ember's a member of French aristocracy...fallen from grace but no less posh for all that (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) )

@Seth: If you think a smoke grenade would be at a store then you can certainly buy one...or just ask a Family contact to get you one? The same applies to the other items I guess...if it makes for a good story then go get 'em...if it would be more dramatic to wait with baited breath then go with that? Because this is a colaborative story rather then purely GM lead I would say that players have more freedom to decide for themselves (unless it's blatantly metagaming in which case the big GM boot of DOOOM might come in to play (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) )
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post Jul 20 2011, 08:08 AM
Post #108

Neophyte Runner

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Thanks for the clarification Aria.
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post Jul 20 2011, 08:23 AM
Post #109


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...and can someone remind me what a spoof chip is and which book it's from?
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post Jul 20 2011, 10:01 AM
Post #110

Neophyte Runner

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Its in Arsenal p105 for me.

Its kind of electronic fake number plates: usually they go with morphing license plates.

I just have this feeling that we are probably being followed by the bad guys (a lot of people want this hot package, and how hard would it be for a hot hacker to follow us?.

Mostly I think we need to get the kid cleaned up, then we can go in and out of a shopping mall, and escape on the metro. Sleeping kids get an "aww" reaction, while bloody kids get a "PANICBUTTON" reaction.
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post Jul 20 2011, 10:56 AM
Post #111

Neophyte Runner

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Haha, very nice. Demon will be ecstatic to be running with someone else who speaks a more civilized language and enjoys the finer (read French) things in life. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)
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post Jul 20 2011, 11:47 AM
Post #112


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QUOTE (JxJxA @ Jul 20 2011, 11:56 AM) *
Haha, very nice. Demon will be ecstatic to be running with someone else who speaks a more civilized language and enjoys the finer (read French) things in life. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)

Just don't expect my RL French to be up to much...it's seriously rusty!
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post Jul 20 2011, 01:06 PM
Post #113


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I've added character links to post 2 of this thread - please let me know if I've missed anything/one

If you change where your character is posted can you let me know and I'll endevour to keep the links up to date.

Anyone want to create a hacker to join Ember's run? Running multiple characters is fine - otherwise I'll badger Seth to create an NPC hacker.

DH? You ready to post your character?
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post Jul 20 2011, 01:38 PM
Post #114

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 20 2011, 08:47 PM) *
Just don't expect my RL French to be up to much...it's seriously rusty!

LOL, no worries. I took Spanish class, myself, so a lot of what I use will be bits and snatches from Google Translate (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Jul 20 2011, 01:42 PM
Post #115

Neophyte Runner

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NPC Hacker is fine:
Crystal is a weird hacker very roughly known to your friends in Stillwater. Reputation: curious, very capable, never welches on a deal. Fees: very reasonable.
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post Jul 20 2011, 05:19 PM
Post #116

Moving Target

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Yokinko Detect Hidden Node
Reference: Core p. 230
Skill: Agent 4 + Response 5
Utility: Scan 3
Threshold: 4

3 successes

Retry to get over Threshold
2 successes

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post Jul 21 2011, 03:38 AM
Post #117

Moving Target

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Jamie's roll to locate a safehouse

2 successes

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post Jul 21 2011, 08:45 AM
Post #118

Shooting Target

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I have ignored your post for the moment and continued with the scene in the eatery. Am I right in assuming that your post is still valid for when we go to visit Mr Allenby?

At some point before the meet Copperhead will attempt to summon an air spirit and cast Combat sense into her sustaining focus.

Summon F3 Air spirit: Summoning 3 + Charisma 3 = 6d6.hits(5)=4
Spirit resists = 3d6.hits(5)=0 - 4 services, put it on standby
Resist 2S drain = Willpower 5 + Charisma 3 = 8d6.hits(5)=2 - no drain

Cast Combat Sense into focus (F1): Spellcasting 3 + Magic 3 = 6d6.hits(5)=3 - limited to one
Resist 2S drain: Willpower 5 + Charisma 3 = 8d6.hits(5)=3 - no drain

Before entering Allenby's location, she will also put up Detect Enemies:

Cast Detect Enemies at F3: Spellcasting 3 + Magic 3 + Mentor 2 = 8d6.hits(5)=5 - limited to 3
Resist 2S drain: Willpower 5 + Charisma 3 + Limited 2 = 10d6.hits(5)=3 - no drain
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post Jul 21 2011, 08:57 AM
Post #119

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 20 2011, 03:06 PM) *
I've added character links to post 2 of this thread - please let me know if I've missed anything/one

You missed Copperhead - link to her sheet is in my sig.
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post Jul 21 2011, 09:06 AM
Post #120

Neophyte Runner

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I'm just waiting for someone else to take the lead for the moment. I just jumped in and need some time to catch up with reading the posts. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 21 2011, 09:11 AM
Post #121


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QUOTE (Notsoevildm @ Jul 21 2011, 09:57 AM) *
You missed Copperhead - link to her sheet is in my sig.

Doh! Will sort that

@Seth, confused by your post about Death head studio - I set the meet at the aurora because I thought we were headed to his pad just north of there (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

To cover my blunder can I assume that a quick astral sweep of his home tells me he's not there and we haveto head south? We should just about make it in time...?!?
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post Jul 21 2011, 01:33 PM
Post #122


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@Galen: the bullets with the tags are the ones in your car... I decided they were near enough to the kid for your agent to pick up (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 21 2011, 02:46 PM
Post #123


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Um, Seth...what happened to our grand arrival at Deaths Head Studios?!? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 21 2011, 03:17 PM
Post #124

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 21 2011, 09:33 AM) *
@Galen: the bullets with the tags are the ones in your car... I decided they were near enough to the kid for your agent to pick up (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

That had occured to me as well. However, given Yokinko's report, it wasn't my first thought. Thanks for showing your hand though.

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post Jul 22 2011, 12:19 PM
Post #125


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We'll give Seth and Alyena a chance to respond and then I'll ambush you all (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
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