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> 2072 [+4 Months], Multiple Players / GMs - Recruitment Always Open
post Jul 6 2011, 02:49 PM
Post #26

Moving Target

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With 5 hits, it looks like my Initiative is 15. I have 2 Initiative passes.

Locate Wireless Nodes roll - I only got one hit.

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post Jul 6 2011, 03:35 PM
Post #27

Neophyte Runner

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Hey Galen there is useful thing on invisible castle. If you ask for 1 roll of say "6d6.hits(5)", it will give you a nicer format and count the ones that got 5 or more.

I think you undersold yourself. Scanning is Electronic Warface + Scan, so thats (I think) 7 die with your EW skill of 2, and program at 5.

Summary of where I am in the round:
IP1: I had the drop on the two guys, shot the samurai
IP2: Dodged the kid, shot the remaining guy twice, have rolled some dodges against any counterfire
IP3: If I am not blown away by the counterfire I will ready my Rutger Warhawk, then shoot the Whipcord cord with the BFGTM
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post Jul 6 2011, 03:53 PM
Post #28

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 6 2011, 11:35 AM) *
I think you undersold yourself. Scanning is Electronic Warface + Scan, so thats (I think) 7 die with your EW skill of 2, and program at 5.

That’s what was so confusing about this. As far as I can tell, Scan is only used to find a Hidden Node. If the Node is not Hidden, the System should automatically find it. If you actually want to eavesdrop, you have to use Sniffer.

That being said, I think I forgot one die from my System rating. It should have been 7 dice.

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post Jul 6 2011, 09:13 PM
Post #29

Moving Target

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Hi Aria

Have gone for something a little different to Alyena (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Here is first draft of Doza.

Any advise or suggestions on things like -ve qualities would be gratefully received.

[ Spoiler ]
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post Jul 7 2011, 06:24 AM
Post #30

Neophyte Runner

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If you post where your character is, I'll recruit him/her for a run. I'm happy to run it for any number of people (within non crazy limits)
A pub setting would be good. I just bought some second hand scenarios, and I fancy running one of them.
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post Jul 7 2011, 08:14 AM
Post #31


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QUOTE (Alyena @ Jul 6 2011, 10:13 PM) *
Hi Aria

Have gone for something a little different to Alyena (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Here is first draft of Doza.

Any advise or suggestions on things like -ve qualities would be gratefully received.

[ Spoiler ]

Used MBWII, really?!? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) Something like high maintenance implant or weird mod noise might be appropriate! I'm looking forward to the background that explains how you came by that (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Minor note, it's 10 bonus karma for character gen in this one (I know it's 20 in some of my other games, sorry for any confusion).

I'll try and write an IC post for you this afternoon placing you on the scene with Jamie and Jotamon

Can I have a background and contacts from you too Seth? I'll think about which character I'd like to get going in this thread...I have so many (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 7 2011, 08:48 AM
Post #32

Neophyte Runner

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Can I have a background and contacts from you too Seth?

Currently working on it. Alyena and I are planning on a related background.

I made the same mistake with karma, so I will sort out adjustments.
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post Jul 7 2011, 12:02 PM
Post #33


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Seth, I'll throw Ember into the mix (as he's already in the thread as a potential hirer (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) )

Link <<here>>

Do you want me to start him off waiting to meet someone in a Redmond (Touristville) dive on the evening of the 15th?
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post Jul 7 2011, 02:29 PM
Post #34

Neophyte Runner

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Nice website
Do you want me to start him off waiting to meet someone in a Redmond (Touristville) dive on the evening of the 15th?

That sounds good. I haven't put a lot of thought into the prelude but perhaps something a little in the style of 2072 like:

Can we have a bit of bemoaning the fact that you are short of cash... Hospital fees for the car crash Charlotte and the children were in were sadly not covered by the worthless University health insurance. You have checked them into Dr Bobs street clinic. You had enough to pay, but that drained your reserves...etc. Charlotte is obviously not in a position to find work for you. At the moment they are in intensive care, but their prognosis is good. Dr Bob is a very good doctor: he's patched you up before, and says that he will be keeping them in hot sleep for about three days, so there is no point you being about. "Go home and go to sleep". You start a little tired in a bar, having a small beer on the way home.

Your prose is better than mine so go to it!
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post Jul 7 2011, 02:29 PM
Post #35

Neophyte Runner

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Electronic warfare + Scan 3 successes Detect hidden nodes
Electronic warface + Sniffer 2 successes I need to work on this...

I hope that's enough to support the garbled interception

Calming the kid down. I am not sure which social skill it is, so just rolling the influence group: 5 successes.

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post Jul 7 2011, 04:21 PM
Post #36


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Well money isn’t really a problem for Ember, trust fund baby of wealthy French nobility and all that...but I’ve gone with your little seed, he’s in the barrens because he needed an out of the way street doc (Argent has helped them in the past with supplies etc so he trusts them) rather than a reputable hospital.

He suspects that his family were deliberately run off the road... (Whether they were or not is up to you (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ) revenge hook, a classic!!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Ps. Don’t sell yourself short on the prose thing! ...and your mind is even more twisted than mine (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)

2072 Karma earnt: 26 spent: Silk 10, Ember 9
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post Jul 7 2011, 04:41 PM
Post #37

Moving Target

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Track User
Skill: Computer
Utility: Track
Extended: 10, Complex
Reference: Core p. 232

2 successes

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post Jul 7 2011, 05:16 PM
Post #38

Neophyte Runner

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We need a contextual shorthand. I'm adlibing so that we don't get confused which game it is:

If your OK with it, I'm going to have the kid faint. That leaves the two of us with a problem. And she's a girl, probably better with kids than I am. I'm planning a background with Alyena now, but having seen your Ember website, I suspect we will be a few days at it!

Tempest lets you known that the guy with the knife was awakened, and that the other guy has a serious amount of chrome.

We need a reason to stick together for a while. Suggestions:
  • If you have a vehicle that would be awesome, otherwise I have to drag him to the Metro, steal a car or phone for a Kombat Kab.
  • If you vaguely know the kid (Aria?) that would help: you might know where we can take him
  • If you know a safehouse, or street doc place really near by that would be good
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post Jul 7 2011, 05:44 PM
Post #39

Neophyte Runner

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We were admiring your post: looking for inspiration when Alyena spotted there is a mismatch in Ember's age. You must have been a precocious 5 year old when you married Charlotte...(18 years married, 23 years old). All praise Alyena's proof reading skill.
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post Jul 7 2011, 05:48 PM
Post #40

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 7 2011, 12:16 PM) *
We need a reason to stick together for a while. Suggestions:
  • If you have a vehicle that would be awesome, otherwise I have to drag him to the Metro, steal a car or phone for a Kombat Kab.
  • If you vaguely know the kid (Aria?) that would help: you might know where we can take him
  • If you know a safehouse, or street doc place really near by that would be good

Yeah, I'm handwaving a lot of the normal paranoia that comes with Shadowrun. I have both a car and a street doc. Ask me IC and I'll make it happen.

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post Jul 7 2011, 06:34 PM
Post #41


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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 7 2011, 06:44 PM) *
We were admiring your post: looking for inspiration when Alyena spotted there is a mismatch in Ember's age. You must have been a precocious 5 year old when you married Charlotte...(18 years married, 23 years old). All praise Alyena's proof reading skill.

lol...copy paste error (I've been using Silk's sheet as the basis for new ones (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) )

He's 39ish I think...

Will get back to you tomorrow on the other stuff (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 7 2011, 06:48 PM
Post #42

Neophyte Runner

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Yeah, I'm handwaving a lot of the normal paranoia that comes with Shadowrun. I have both a car and a street doc. Ask me IC and I'll make it happen.

Handwavium AKA AppliedPhlebotinum (warning TV Tropes will ruin your life) is that most precious of substance especially at a time like this!

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post Jul 8 2011, 02:17 PM
Post #43

Moving Target

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I think I screwed up.

I never upgraded the node in the car, so it's signal rating is 1. I had assumed I would not need to call it from far away. I figure I'm a couple hundred meters from it. That's well out of range.

@Aria Do you want me to redo this? I should be able to know a local node I can hack that would be closer if you'd rather me go that route.

Also I have realized it only has Pilot 1 and Response of 1. It would roll 2 dice to follow my directions. I hope it would get a dice pool bonus for simple instructions and a previously defined route.

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post Jul 8 2011, 02:41 PM
Post #44

Neophyte Runner

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I think signal rating 1 would be ok, as you have parked it in a sensible place, and every where is covered by WiFi. Its not the distance to you, its the distance to the nearest network access point. I would increase it though (although I am looking at my character and none of them have. I can see a future involving a soldering iron for many of them)

I think the car only only needs to roll die if its likely to fail: so when the baddies turn up as the car arrives that will be exciting! But just to go from A to B I don't think it needs a die roll.
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post Jul 8 2011, 02:45 PM
Post #45

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 8 2011, 10:41 AM) *
I think signal rating 1 would be ok, as you have parked it in a sensible place, and every where is covered by WiFi. Its not the distance to you, its the distance to the nearest network access point. I would increase it though (although I am looking at my character and none of them have. I can see a future involving a soldering iron for many of them)

I'm not sure what the layout of easily accessible nodes is within the Redmond Barrens. I agree, I will need to make some form of upgrade. Signal in particular is cheap to upgrade.

QUOTE (Seth @ Jul 8 2011, 10:41 AM) *
I think the car only only needs to roll die if its likely to fail: so when the baddies turn up as the car arrives that will be exciting! But just to go from A to B I don't think it needs a die roll.

I didn't want to assume this would be a simple task. I figured I'd let the GM decide. It might make a good story if the car drove past me.

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post Jul 8 2011, 02:50 PM
Post #46

Neophyte Runner

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What kind of person brings a medkit to go shopping?

I am simply a concerned individual who has yours and the kids welfare at heart. I'm already making up excuses to justify to myself why I am getting involved, but basically its a beaten up scared kid, and we Mafia types don't approve of that (unless we are doing the beating up).

I actually thought quite hard about whether I would have it before I posted... but it is the barrens, and 2072 kit is pretty small. I thought a medikit, a taser and a customized BFG for scaring off gangsters would be enough. Little did I know what nefarious schemes the GM would throw at us!

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post Jul 8 2011, 03:13 PM
Post #47


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Speaking as the nefarious GM I approve of taking the medkit (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Galen, you are in Touristville so there's plenty of wifi coverage here. Seth had it right with the pilot too...it's capable of following a pre planned route, just hope the clean up crew don't tag you (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)

Not sure I'll get a comprehensive IC post up before Monday but I'll do my best...give Alyana a chance to join you anyway (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Digital Heroin
post Jul 8 2011, 04:55 PM
Post #48

Neophyte Runner

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Presumptuous post up... will post his sheet tonight, as it's at home and in need of massaging.
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post Jul 8 2011, 05:22 PM
Post #49

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 8 2011, 10:18 AM) *
Yokinko flags a possible trace about three blocks away, that kid can run! It's difficult to pinpoint exactly as the signal has broken off before the trace completed...

I am new to this system. Can you please explain in game terms what happened? I had two successes out of 10. Yokinko was trying to get more to complete the trace. He should need 8 more. Did he report that his task was finished? Jamie should know what actions could result in this effect. Galen does not.

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post Jul 8 2011, 06:25 PM
Post #50

Neophyte Runner

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Hi Digital Heroin. Nice to (nearly) make your acquaintance.
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