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post Feb 1 2013, 08:46 AM
Post #2776

Running Target

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One of your colour tags is broken in that last post (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 1 2013, 08:58 AM
Post #2777

Moving Target

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@Virtual Scream / notsoevildm / slacker
I've pretty much left my post open prior to Cat going home. If either of you still want to do anything that involves her, that's cool, otherwise I'm going to move her on to the following day and contact darkhorse to round out her first job.
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post Feb 1 2013, 12:39 PM
Post #2778


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QUOTE (mister__joshua @ Feb 1 2013, 08:46 AM) *

One of your colour tags is broken in that last post (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Oops! Sorted, thanks (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

@NSEDM: I Know you're busy with the Scream but don't forget about Copperhead (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Feb 1 2013, 01:16 PM
Post #2779

Moving Target

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Oh crap. I read the combat list wrong. Lol.
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post Feb 1 2013, 04:59 PM
Post #2780


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QUOTE (Fairy @ Feb 1 2013, 01:16 PM) *
Oh crap. I read the combat list wrong. Lol.

Here it is again current to the IC post I'm about to put up (feel free to retroactively do something that doesn't screw what the others are seeing (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )


Gemeaux: Ini 15 (3IPs) Mordred: Ini 11 (3IPs) Tsubaki: Ini 10 (2IPs)

Combat order:
[ Spoiler ]

5.1 Endoscope comes around the pump room door.
5.2 Gemeaux tosses another phos grenade at the door
5.3 Grenade goes off, small explosion as a grenade cooks off, heavy smoke in doorway

6.1 Microskimmer drone enters and fires a flashpak [-4 visibility or -2 with flare comp for 10 rnds (or until you destroy the drone!) – note, mods stack with smoke, it’s all weirdness here!], attackers enter the pump station

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post Feb 1 2013, 05:18 PM
Post #2781


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@Virtual Scream / notsoevildm / cat
QUOTE (karhig @ Feb 1 2013, 02:58 AM) *
I've pretty much left my post open prior to Cat going home. If either of you still want to do anything that involves her, that's cool, otherwise I'm going to move her on to the following day and contact darkhorse to round out her first job.

I'm cool with ending the scene at the club if notsoevildm doesn't have anything else for us. I don't have any particular place in mind for the lunch meeting.

As long as you're cool with pirated software on your commlink, I'll be able to hook you up with a new OS (System/Firewall) at 10% the normal cost. For upgrading the hardware (Response/Signal), it'll be 50% the normal cost.

Looking at the intervals for the tests, I can get the software tomorrow, but the hardware upgrading will probably take a couple days.
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post Feb 1 2013, 06:05 PM
Post #2782

Moving Target

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@Virtual Scream / notsoevildm / cat

I'll pull a name of some cafe out of thin air (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Pirated software should be fine. If you can clear her current commlink of the virus and nsedm doesn't have anything dastardly planned for her in the next couple of days, none of this should be a problem. If time looks to be an issue, she can throw money at it and buy a better commlink. I'm up to 15 posts, so she should be able to afford something competent. She'd welcome advice on what programmes to use, if she needs agents, how to secure her PAN, anything like that really. She's basically competent with consumer software and that's it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 1 2013, 06:47 PM
Post #2783

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@ Aria: So, with flare compensation and ultrasound, does that cut down vision penalties to -4 + wound mods? I think I can iaijutsu my pistol and put a few shots into the drone, if the dice gods are so inclined. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 1 2013, 09:25 PM
Post #2784

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@Aria, E:Tribes,

So was I both obscure and plain enough here? No direct threats, but 'offer' some assistance out of a jam, with an implied threat for Scrapheap to report an idiot driver.
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post Feb 2 2013, 03:29 AM
Post #2785

Moving Target

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Sorry I've been absent, all. It's been a crazy week.

By the way, what effect have those watchers had? Are the enemies visible enough to reliably aim at? If not, what's the penalty for firing at the area the watchers are hovering around?
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post Feb 2 2013, 01:34 PM
Post #2786

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Feb 1 2013, 01:39 PM) *
Oops! Sorted, thanks (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

@NSEDM: I Know you're busy with the Scream but don't forget about Copperhead (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
I have the post written in my head but needs a lot of rolls. Will get it posted in next couple of days. And will get some more posts up for virtual scream too!
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Dakka Fiend
post Feb 2 2013, 02:22 PM
Post #2787

Moving Target

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@ Aria, E:Tribes

Think Tweak could realistically do some on-the-fly editing to create something legit-looking to back up Sprogget?
Say, take a press release by city hall concerning the situation and doctor in some patriotic BS about calling all tech-savy citizens to step up and aid in containing this incident; with a list of obvious security measures (essentially what Sprogget told the kids) attached.
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post Feb 2 2013, 08:23 PM
Post #2788

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@ Aria & E:PL/UK:

Ok, I'm going to try and quick draw my pistol and hit the microskimmer drone. I have flare compensators, so I think with ultrasound that knocks the visibility mod to -4. I think the mod for something tiny is -6 from Arsenal's advanced combat rules, but feel free to knock off end dice for any mods I miscalculate. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Edit: Forgot cover

La Reponse: Modded Savalette Guardian (smartgun built in)
Mods: Extended Clip, Improved Rangefinder, Internal Silencer, Skinlink, Advanced Electro Safety Shocker
Range w/o penalties: 0-20 (-2 for long, -5 for extreme)
Ammo: EX-Explosive (15c)
DV: 6P
AP: -2
RC: 1

Free: Shift Le Repartie to offhand

2 Simple: Quickdraw and shoot microdrone
Quick draw La Reponse: Need 3 hits
React(8 ) + Pistols(4) - Wound(1) = 13d6 for 5 hits.
Shot #1:
Agi(9) + Pistols(4) + Smart(2) - Vis(4) - Wound(1) - Size(6) - Cover(2)= 4d6 for 3 hits 2 hits.
Shot #2:
Agi(9) + Pistols(4) + Smart(2) - Recoil (1-1=0) - Vis(4) - Wound(1) - Size(6) - Cover(2)= 4d6 for 2 hits 1 hit.

Vive la France!
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 2 2013, 10:20 PM
Post #2789

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QUOTE (Dakka Fiend @ Feb 2 2013, 07:22 AM) *
@ Aria, E:Tribes

Think Tweak could realistically do some on-the-fly editing to create something legit-looking to back up Sprogget?
Say, take a press release by city hall concerning the situation and doctor in some patriotic BS about calling all tech-savy citizens to step up and aid in containing this incident; with a list of obvious security measures (essentially what Sprogget told the kids) attached.
Hope with anything Tweak does, he remembers the jammer. Unless his comm has signal rating 4 or better, it will get jammed when he gets within 5 meters of LeFey at the Monocycle. Also, anything he wants to show the kids needs to be on his own comm and display, since their links are [at least in theory given that the scream shut off] totally jammed. Putting up an ARO to see won't work. You are limited to the physical screen of the commlink. Unless using skinlink (or wired connections), all signal rating 0 PAN connects are also blocked, and that will start at 20 meters. No AR gloves, goggles, earbuds, etc will work. Sprogget gets to keep the PAN, because he has modified devices with skinlink for security reasons. Makes it impossible to hack wirelessly. Same for the monocycle, although I do need to get an extra commlink to use as a transponder, to show the ID of the monocycle for legal reasons, while the wireless is shut down.

Hmmmm, that does mean that in theory the kids comms could have enough signal to stay connected, but the scream apparently shut off because the jammer cut the connection between the commlink and earbuds in the PAN. Probably though the commlink has a small built in speaker that would continue to squeel in that case.

As a bonus though, jamming the PAN like that means that any recording being done using glasses, goggles, etc should have gotten cut off when LeFey got within 20 meters. Assuming the camera is part of the PAN, but that that actual storage for the recording was being done to the commlink. The jammer 'cut the connections'.

Really hate to mention it, but if these kids have security tags, those are blocked too, so if they are monitored carefully, alarms could be going off. There *should* be some grace on that, since that is the same effect as going into a matrix dead zone, where there is no usable matrix connection. Something that should happen occasionally, and not cause too much alarm.

Thread should get a hint real fast if he tries the editing. He might be beyond the 5 meter range for blocking the commlink, but he is probably already withing the 20 meter range that blocks the PAN. Soon as he attempts to use AR (gloves etc) to load the edit program, he will discover that AR is down. Depending on his 'normal' mode for AR, he should already know something is strange. He should have lost all the display overlays on goggles, contacts, glasses etc. Probably a nice unhelpful "no signal" message is flashing at him (no image link connection).
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Dakka Fiend
post Feb 2 2013, 11:56 PM
Post #2790

Moving Target

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@Aria, E:Tribes
Some searching:
Data Seach(2) + Browse(5) + Hot Sim(2) = 9 dice.
Doing three searches with 9,8,7 dice yields 2, 3, 2 hits which should be enough, seeing as this is pretty specific and limited to one site.

Next up, the actual editing:
Computer(2) + Edit(5) + Hot Sim(2) = 9 dice again.
Not sure if it's an extended test or just a simple success test, gonna thow three rolls (9,6,7 dice) again:
And the dice gods say: 2, 4, 3 hits.

And finally bringing Tweak's astounding charisma to bear on the kids:
Charisma (3) + Con (1) = 4 dice for one hit and a glitch. Unless I forgot some dice mods.
Was going with
Suspicious (-1)
Annoying result [proven wrong in front of girlfriend] (-1)
supporting evidence (+1)
subject distracted(+1)
Net = 0

Anyway, if it's a glitch, I'm keeping it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

@Machine Ghost: Well, that's what Signal 5 comms are there for, no? And Skinlink'ed stuff. Besides: What is this AR, you're talking about? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Feb 3 2013, 06:11 AM
Post #2791

Moving Target

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This might come back to bite us, but Morgan probably has some documentation that she works for Knight Errant. Suppose she pulls the same trick, swapping Lain's information for hers. Besides, I'm pretty sure she has more dice in Con than either of you. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

She could sweeten the deal by handing over her Avalon in exchange for their commlinks and such. How long would it take to wipe all of the data on it, or forward it to Tweak or Sprogget?

In case she needs to face them. Here's a Disguise test.

Disguise (2) + Intuition (4) + Cosmetic (2) = 8d6


Just what we need. A critical glitch. If LeFey has to intervene, I'm going to drop all my Edge for a reroll.


3 hits. Way better.
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 3 2013, 11:20 PM
Post #2792

Moving Target

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@RdMarquis, LeFey, E:Tribes

At this point, I'd say wait for the response from the corp kid. See if he thinks it is in his own interest to remove any local records of the accident, or decides to go with the news item from Thread. LeFey should be close enough to listen without being seen, and can interrupt if needed. A KE rep might not mix well with what Sprogget has implied.

As for dice pools, depends what modifiers get thrown in.
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post Feb 4 2013, 07:55 AM
Post #2793

Moving Target

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Pistols (4) + Logic (5) + Semiautomatics (2) + Smartgun (2) -1 = 12d6


5 hits. By the way, I just realized I just rolled a bunch of hits in advance. So, I guess we can add this to the list of rolls we're using to speed things up. By the way, at this point, Mordred will be out of explosive rounds and have switched to regular. So, this attack, and the one right before it will do 5P, -1 AP.
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post Feb 4 2013, 01:15 PM
Post #2794


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QUOTE (JxJxA @ Feb 2 2013, 08:23 PM) *
@ Aria & E:PL/UK:

Ok, I'm going to try and quick draw my pistol and hit the microskimmer drone. I have flare compensators, so I think with ultrasound that knocks the visibility mod to -4. I think the mod for something tiny is -6 from Arsenal's advanced combat rules, but feel free to knock off end dice for any mods I miscalculate. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Edit: Forgot cover

La Reponse: Modded Savalette Guardian (smartgun built in)
Mods: Extended Clip, Improved Rangefinder, Internal Silencer, Skinlink, Advanced Electro Safety Shocker
Range w/o penalties: 0-20 (-2 for long, -5 for extreme)
Ammo: EX-Explosive (15c)
DV: 6P
AP: -2
RC: 1

Free: Shift Le Repartie to offhand

2 Simple: Quickdraw and shoot microdrone
Quick draw La Reponse: Need 3 hits
React(8 ) + Pistols(4) - Wound(1) = 13d6 for 5 hits.
Shot #1:
Agi(9) + Pistols(4) + Smart(2) - Vis(4) - Wound(1) - Size(6) - Cover(2)= 4d6 for 3 hits 2 hits.
Shot #2:
Agi(9) + Pistols(4) + Smart(2) - Recoil (1-1=0) - Vis(4) - Wound(1) - Size(6) - Cover(2)= 4d6 for 2 hits 1 hit.

Vive la France!
It’s a bod 0 drone so it’s toast!
QUOTE (RdMarquis @ Feb 4 2013, 07:55 AM) *
Pistols (4) + Logic (5) + Semiautomatics (2) + Smartgun (2) -1 = 12d6

[2,2,3,5,6,1,2,6, 6,3,5,4] = 5 3 hits

5 hits. By the way, I just realized I just rolled a bunch of hits in advance. So, I guess we can add this to the list of rolls we're using to speed things up. By the way, at this point, Mordred will be out of explosive rounds and have switched to regular. So, this attack, and the one right before it will do 5P, -1 AP.
I’ll take this one now as you’ve rolled it, and I’ve linked up your rolls in the combat summary so they will keep repeating and we don’t have to hunt for them.

I take it the -1 listed above is for injury so you forgot the -2 for firing from cover…the periscope will mean you are effectively fully concealed for any return fire! Visibility mods also count so that’s a further -2 for smoke, it would be more but Gemeaux goes a fraction before you and nuked the drone! 3 hits still isn’t bad considering the circumstances! He’s hurting but not out by any means! Given that these guys have just waded through a small firestorm you would be safe assuming they have good armour!

E:PL/UK Summary:

Gemeaux: Ini 15 (3IPs) Mordred: Ini 11 (3IPs) Tsubaki: Ini 10 (2IPs)

Pre-genned Rolls
[ Spoiler ]

Combat order:
[ Spoiler ]

5.1 Endoscope comes around the pump room door.
5.2 Gemeaux tosses another phos grenade at the door
5.3 Grenade goes off, small explosion as a grenade cooks off, heavy smoke in doorway

6.1 Microskimmer drone enters and fires a flashpak [-4 visibility or -2 with flare comp for 10 rnds (or until you destroy the drone!) – note, mods stack with smoke], attackers enter the pump station. Tsubaki and the Collots are retreating further into the pump station
6.2 Gemeaux destroys the drone, Mordred hits one of the breachers with a burst

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post Feb 4 2013, 01:21 PM
Post #2795

Moving Target

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OMFG, my poor spirit!!! It isn't dead, is it?! :O I... I don't know what this could mean!!! XD
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post Feb 4 2013, 01:45 PM
Post #2796


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QUOTE (Fairy @ Feb 4 2013, 01:21 PM) *

OMFG, my poor spirit!!! It isn't dead, is it?! :O I... I don't know what this could mean!!! XD

Distrupted, gone, dead...it's not communicating any more!!! And it wasn't something simple like you going outside it's range, the dam isn't that long...
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post Feb 4 2013, 01:50 PM
Post #2797

Moving Target

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I was under the impression that it being in a "stalemate" also meant that it was relatively safe for it to hold itself on it's own... But, oh friggen well, I guess I deserved that for being uninformed. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)

Out of the boiling pot and into the frying pan, then.
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post Feb 4 2013, 05:30 PM
Post #2798


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QUOTE (Fairy @ Feb 4 2013, 01:50 PM) *

I was under the impression that it being in a "stalemate" also meant that it was relatively safe for it to hold itself on it's own... But, oh friggen well, I guess I deserved that for being uninformed. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)

Out of the boiling pot and into the frying pan, then.

It was a stalemate against the other spirit, presumably something else did this!
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post Feb 4 2013, 05:30 PM
Post #2799


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OoC Posts in Spoiler below to save space, I’ll try and respond to all the questions but hopefully the IC wraps it up anyway…

MG, you are right, he’s suspicious! Very suspicious!
They almost certainly have sec tags, they look the sort!
Tweak’s edit went fine. His con was less effective (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
Morgan can intervene if she wants to…it would take a couple of secs to wipe your Avalon. I’ve lost track of the connections but you can probably forward all your data to the others via the links you’ve established above the jammer. It might be moot…
[ Spoiler ]

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Machine Ghost
post Feb 4 2013, 09:07 PM
Post #2800

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@Aria, E:Tribes,

Length of time multiplier for snuff bonus: 10x1d6 minutes (1d6=6) = 60 minutes

The Revolution [AR108] has base accel 15/25 and is supposed to be within 5 meters, facing approximately at the teens.  That was the basic 'requirement' to jam the signal and keep LeFey hidden behind the (armored) wheel.  The errata for the armor [AR133] says to reduce that by 20% (to 12/20) since the armor [12] is higher than the body [6] for the cycle.

Using a vehicle as a weapon is done by ramming SR4A169, and damage is based on vehicle body and speed.  What I am missing, is how to properly determine  the speed.  With the snuff reaction bonus, Sprogget can buy 2 hits on a vehicle test, boosting the accel (SR4A167/8) to 22/30, which from a standing start should also be the speed at the ?end? of the turn?  I assume, that at the short range involved here, the cycle would not make it over speed 20 before getting to the target, although it would be up to 22 even with 'walking' rate at the end of the turn.

Sprogget is NOT going to be waiting around if you are doing another time jump.  That delay is only long enough to let others post as needed.  If none of that starts something that needs a physical response immediately, Sprogget will be [relatively] peacefully pulling out.  Either Morgan's parents or KE could be showing up any time.

@Aria, Re Connections: Those using signal rating 4 or higher are still connected. Sprogget has not upgraded yet though, so the jammer has him blocked, which also took down tacnet. Those with high enough signal rating at the accident scene have a matrix connection, but unless using direct connect or skinlink, their PAN is down due to the jamming. Which will include connections between trodes and commlink for VR access, imagelinks in glasses to commlink for AR access, earbuds to listen [privately] to the comm. Build in functions, such as image enhance in glasses should still work, but there is no wireless access to switch configurations, like going to thermographic. Wireless smartlink will also be down.

@Aria, consider: did the Mechanicals 'complex' shut down matrix connections due to the warning / suggestion from Prospero? Would a standard comm call / text message make it through? Sprogget has a 'to do' item, to phone home as soon as the team is fairly clear [leaving Bellevue], so that 'mom' does not worry any more than needed, after seeing the preparations.
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