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post Feb 5 2013, 07:24 AM
Post #2801

Neophyte Runner

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@ Aria and E:PL/UK:

I'm happy to take recommendations from the team on my next action. I can keep chucking White P grenades because it seems to be keeping them at bay, or I can start shooting. I'll probably need a full IP to holster the handgun, grab the assault rifle, and switch from FA to BF, though (unless I can iaijutsu the assault rifle so I can get a shot in this IP).
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post Feb 5 2013, 08:21 AM
Post #2802

Moving Target

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I don't doubt Tsubaki has a way to get that door open, though Mordred has a miniwelder. Our priority should be keeping these guys busy while she takes care of that. Depending on how many you have left, another grenade might help. Better wait till more of them start showing up, though. The flames might just go out. Also, there are quite a few of them, and the thought of a fire in a relatively confined space is a bit unsettling. At some point, we'll have to try and make a run for it.
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post Feb 5 2013, 12:53 PM
Post #2803


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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Feb 4 2013, 09:07 PM) *
@Aria, E:Tribes,

Length of time multiplier for snuff bonus: 10x1d6 minutes (1d6=6) = 60 minutes

The Revolution [AR108] has base accel 15/25 and is supposed to be within 5 meters, facing approximately at the teens.  That was the basic 'requirement' to jam the signal and keep LeFey hidden behind the (armored) wheel.  The errata for the armor [AR133] says to reduce that by 20% (to 12/20) since the armor [12] is higher than the body [6] for the cycle.

Using a vehicle as a weapon is done by ramming SR4A169, and damage is based on vehicle body and speed.  What I am missing, is how to properly determine  the speed.  With the snuff reaction bonus, Sprogget can buy 2 hits on a vehicle test, boosting the accel (SR4A167/8) to 22/30, which from a standing start should also be the speed at the ?end? of the turn?  I assume, that at the short range involved here, the cycle would not make it over speed 20 before getting to the target, although it would be up to 22 even with 'walking' rate at the end of the turn.

Sprogget is NOT going to be waiting around if you are doing another time jump.  That delay is only long enough to let others post as needed.  If none of that starts something that needs a physical response immediately, Sprogget will be [relatively] peacefully pulling out.  Either Morgan's parents or KE could be showing up any time.

@Aria, Re Connections: Those using signal rating 4 or higher are still connected. Sprogget has not upgraded yet though, so the jammer has him blocked, which also took down tacnet. Those with high enough signal rating at the accident scene have a matrix connection, but unless using direct connect or skinlink, their PAN is down due to the jamming. Which will include connections between trodes and commlink for VR access, imagelinks in glasses to commlink for AR access, earbuds to listen [privately] to the comm. Build in functions, such as image enhance in glasses should still work, but there is no wireless access to switch configurations, like going to thermographic. Wireless smartlink will also be down.

@Aria, consider: did the Mechanicals 'complex' shut down matrix connections due to the warning / suggestion from Prospero? Would a standard comm call / text message make it through? Sprogget has a 'to do' item, to phone home as soon as the team is fairly clear [leaving Bellevue], so that 'mom' does not worry any more than needed, after seeing the preparations.

Sorry about the time jump...that was inadvertant, I lost concentration moding the timestamp, was only meant to be 1min on not 4!

As to ramming, I guess you are going at max accel by the end of the round, as you are so close he would have a chance to get out of the way when you start towards him but it would certainly make him 'jump' (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

For the mechanicals I was thinking that they get their matrix connection via the Freedom lot (more or less) so will be shut down too. I know that the 'mesh' makes this slightly tenuous though and there is probably a way of getting a message through if you want to!
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post Feb 5 2013, 12:57 PM
Post #2804


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QUOTE (RdMarquis @ Feb 5 2013, 08:21 AM) *
... At some point, we'll have to try and make a run for it.

Just want to point out you are in the arse end of nowhere with no transport of your own at the moment! Sorry for being difficult (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)

If Tsubaki gets you out the other side there is a footpath but no vehicle track. More woods that side too to hide in...

3 got out of the first vehicle so it would be safe(ish) to assume there are six of them total. 3 are breaching the pump station as you 'speak', two with glowy blobs over their heads courtesy of Tsubaki.
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post Feb 5 2013, 05:30 PM
Post #2805

Moving Target

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Scrapheap: Saying "Frag you" to subtlety since 2064. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 5 2013, 05:35 PM
Post #2806


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QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Feb 5 2013, 05:30 PM) *
Scrapheap: Saying "Frag you" to subtlety since 2064. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Well unless you intend to run them over I think this little encounter has gone surprisingly well (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Of course there's still time for it to all go horribly wrong (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
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post Feb 6 2013, 02:49 AM
Post #2807

Neophyte Runner

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@ Aria/E:PL/UK:

I'm guessing that I used up my prior rolls for the suppressive fire (along with 100 EX-Explosive bullets x_x), so should I make a new roll for my one attack on a d00d? I'm guessing I can take a free action to holster my handgun, trade a simple to a free action to switch my assault rifle from full auto to burst fire, and then use iaijutsu to (hopefully) whip up the rifle and shoot at a target. Is that cool?
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post Feb 6 2013, 04:20 AM
Post #2808

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Feb 5 2013, 04:57 AM) *
Just want to point out you are in the arse end of nowhere with no transport of your own at the moment! Sorry for being difficult (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)

If Tsubaki gets you out the other side there is a footpath but no vehicle track. More woods that side too to hide in...

3 got out of the first vehicle so it would be safe(ish) to assume there are six of them total. 3 are breaching the pump station as you 'speak', two with glowy blobs over their heads courtesy of Tsubaki.

Hmm...in that case, our only recourse might be to kill (or incapacitate) them all and swipe their vehicles. Adding yet another item to our list of crimes.
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 6 2013, 10:02 AM
Post #2809

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@Aria, E:Tribes,

Buy 2 hits for vehicle Test; Pilot Ground Craft(1)+Rea(4)+Handling(3) (with reaction bonus for snuff) to increase Doble Revolution accel from 12/20 to 22/30
Since not trying to run the kids over, use the running rate of 30

DR Sensor(6)+Perception(2)
Compiling(2)+Resonance(4)+VR Bonus(2) vs Tutor Sprite(3)+Skills(FirstAid,Security Tags)
Compile opposed Tutor Sprite(3) with First Aid and Security Tags active and knowledge skills (8d6.hits(5)=3, 3d6.hits(5)=2)
1 task, 4 fading to resist
Fading Resist Resonance(4)+Int(4)
Resist Fading(4) from compile (8d6.hits(5)=2)
2 fading left over
Sprite Proficiency power UW156, grant First Aid(2)
Perception(2)+Int(4)+Vision Enhancement(3)+Actively Looking(3)
Security Tag removal First Aid + Logic(8, 1 minute) Extended SR4A329
Buy 2 hits; FirstAid(2)+Logic(4)+Medkit(6)-Poor conditions:street(2)-technomancer(2)
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post Feb 6 2013, 05:34 PM
Post #2810


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QUOTE (JxJxA @ Feb 6 2013, 02:49 AM) *
@ Aria/E:PL/UK:

I'm guessing that I used up my prior rolls for the suppressive fire (along with 100 EX-Explosive bullets x_x), so should I make a new roll for my one attack on a d00d? I'm guessing I can take a free action to holster my handgun, trade a simple to a free action to switch my assault rifle from full auto to burst fire, and then use iaijutsu to (hopefully) whip up the rifle and shoot at a target. Is that cool?

Holstering (as opposed to dropping) a pistol is a simple action. Assuming the rifle is smart it's a free action to change modes, that leaves you with another simple action to use Iaijutsu to fire...or use a simple to ready weapon and fire in the next IP...bear in mind the amount of cover might impose a mod to your quickdraw...if I was feeling mean (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif)
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post Feb 6 2013, 05:34 PM
Post #2811


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QUOTE (RdMarquis @ Feb 6 2013, 04:20 AM) *
Hmm...in that case, our only recourse might be to kill (or incapacitate) them all and swipe their vehicles. Adding yet another item to our list of crimes.

You are runners, crime is what you do (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Feb 6 2013, 11:37 PM
Post #2812

Neophyte Runner

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Sounds fair, here goes nothing. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Le Repartie: Modded Colt M23
Mods: Extended Clip, Internal Smartgun System, Personalized Grip, Gas Vent R3, Powered Folding Stock
Range w/o Penalties: 0-50 (-1 med, -3 long, -6 extreme)
Ammo: EX-Explosive (50c)
DV: 7P
AP: -2
RC: 5

Simple action: Holster La Reponse
Free action: Switch Le Repartie to BF mode
Simple action: Iaijutsu Le Repartie and shoot (if possible)!
Iaijutsu: Need 3 hits
React((IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif) + Fire(4) - Wound(1) = 11d6 for 5 hits. Hooray!
Shoot goon Mordred hit: Narrow burst
Agi(9) + Fire(4) + Smart(2) - Recoil(2-5=0) - Vis(2) - Cover(2) - Wound(1) = 10d6 for 3 hits.

Bullets left in clip: 47
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post Feb 7 2013, 04:44 AM
Post #2813


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You still with us NotSoEvilDM?
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 7 2013, 06:52 AM
Post #2814

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Feb 5 2013, 05:53 AM) *
Sorry about the time jump...that was inadvertant, I lost concentration moding the timestamp, was only meant to be 1min on not 4!

As to ramming, I guess you are going at max accel by the end of the round, as you are so close he would have a chance to get out of the way when you start towards him but it would certainly make him 'jump' (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

For the mechanicals I was thinking that they get their matrix connection via the Freedom lot (more or less) so will be shut down too. I know that the 'mesh' makes this slightly tenuous though and there is probably a way of getting a message through if you want to!

Real physical motion would be based on the standard v = a*t and s = 0.5 * a * t ^ 2 formulas. However for game purposes it appears that accel is being treated directly as change in distance (from standing start), as well as change in speed over one combat turn.
So at the end of one combat turn, the vehicle would have moved accel meters, and be moving at accel meters per combat turn.
SR4A167/8 movement/speed and SR4A169 Ramming (must be within walking/running range)

Mesh only works if there are enough nodes, close enough together, to create a continuous chain to a node that has a wired connection to the matrix backbone. Given the location / neighborhood rating, it is easy to say that the chain gets broken before making it. In a previous posting I mentioned matching the Mechanicals complex to the dumpshock matrix map, and found that it is within signal 6 range of 4 different 'cell towers'. Given that, simple directional antennas could be used to complete that chain, and provide a standard mesh network around the complex and Freedom mall. Looks easier and more robust to duplicate those antennas at the 2 locations, than doing it only at the mall, than providing a link from there to the complex. It is just who has access and authority to disable the connections. With Freedom doing the managing, they might be able to do it remotely, but that is more complex than physically disconnecting a cable.

I guess Sprogget is going to get 'not in range' / 'can not connect' type messages when he tries to phone home.

How do you want to handle the missing Alpha Apex here? Should Sprogget just find that Alpha has vanished while he was being jammed?
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post Feb 7 2013, 10:43 AM
Post #2815

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Feb 7 2013, 05:44 AM) *
You still with us NotSoEvilDM?

Sorry guys. Had a busy spell. Will sort out some posts by weekend at the latest!
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post Feb 7 2013, 05:31 PM
Post #2816


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Gemeaux: Ini 15 (3IPs) Mordred: Ini 11 (3IPs) Tsubaki: Ini 10 (2IPs)

Pre-genned Rolls
[ Spoiler ]

Combat order:
[ Spoiler ]

6.1 Microskimmer drone enters and fires a flashpak [-4 visibility or -2 with flare comp for 10 rnds (or until you destroy the drone!) – note, mods stack with smoke], attackers enter the pump station. Tsubaki and the Collots are retreating further into the pump station
6.2 Gemeaux destroys the drone, Mordred hits one of the breachers with a burst. Attackers get some cover at the top of the companionway looking down into the pump room
6.3 Tsubaki loses contact with spirit outside, Gemeaux fires at Mordred’s target & he goes down, Mordred fires [using pre-genned rolls]

7.1 Mordred & Gemeaux fire again [using pre-genned rolls], Attacker 1 lays down suppressing fire with SnS, 3 drops to same floor level as Gemeaux & Mordred

Note: Tsubaki's interaction is probably happening a bit post this combat but we can fudge things as needed...

EDIT: Doh, missed out Mordred & Gemeaux firing in IP7.1...Neither of you can see attacker 3 at the moment, rather than re-write my post is it ok if I fudge you to after attacker 1 has fired? Let's call it 'gathering your breath'?!? ...if this raises massive objections I can go back of course...
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post Feb 7 2013, 05:33 PM
Post #2817


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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Feb 7 2013, 06:52 AM) *
Mesh only works if there are enough nodes, close enough together, to create a continuous chain to a node that has a wired connection to the matrix backbone. Given the location / neighborhood rating, it is easy to say that the chain gets broken before making it. In a previous posting I mentioned matching the Mechanicals complex to the dumpshock matrix map, and found that it is within signal 6 range of 4 different 'cell towers'. Given that, simple directional antennas could be used to complete that chain, and provide a standard mesh network around the complex and Freedom mall. Looks easier and more robust to duplicate those antennas at the 2 locations, than doing it only at the mall, than providing a link from there to the complex. It is just who has access and authority to disable the connections. With Freedom doing the managing, they might be able to do it remotely, but that is more complex than physically disconnecting a cable.

I guess Sprogget is going to get 'not in range' / 'can not connect' type messages when he tries to phone home.

How do you want to handle the missing Alpha Apex here? Should Sprogget just find that Alpha has vanished while he was being jammed?

Let's assume they took Freedom's advice and broke connection to the main grids...

Yep, Alpha has just disappeared off the grid...given you are possibly out of range and aren't using normal comms this might or might not alarm you. When you get to within range of the cafe he was in he's gone!
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post Feb 7 2013, 07:29 PM
Post #2818

Neophyte Runner

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@ Aria/E:PL/UK: No worries, that works for me. Stick n Shock is nasty, and deserves said nastiness to be repaid in kind. I'll be lobbing another White Phosphorous grenade towards him... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/vegm.gif)
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 7 2013, 08:02 PM
Post #2819

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aria @ Feb 7 2013, 10:33 AM) *
Let's assume they took Freedom's advice and broke connection to the main grids...

Yep, Alpha has just disappeared off the grid...given you are possibly out of range and aren't using normal comms this might or might not alarm you. When you get to within range of the cafe he was in he's gone!
Since Sprogget is currently a bit underpowered signal wise, the jammer was keeping him off of the air waves. He had no chance to notice Alpha missing until the jammer was turned off. So now he does the virtual double take on not getting a response.
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 7 2013, 10:11 PM
Post #2820

Moving Target

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Edited my last few posts to fix the SIN.  Messed up a cut/paste, then carried the error forward.  Sprogget's signal was jammed for most of that, so nobody could see that anyway (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Tweak's character sheet is not in the list in Aria's thread reference

IC Post connection information based on having the team links that are set to only use local (direct) connections also acting as a small mesh network, to forward (route) the direct connections to other direct connections.  Managing that is actually a bit tricky given RAW.  Info there says the routing function is at a lower level, effectively invisible, to automatically do the mesh connections.  Which is {from RAW} why people can still get matrix connects and get comm calls when in hidden mode.

Given the timestamp on Scrapheaps post, Sprogget did not get the message.  He was still offline due to the jammer.
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post Feb 7 2013, 11:05 PM
Post #2821

Moving Target

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I would think the message would simply hang until it could deliver. It's what our current text messages do if you're in a zero-signal area. *shrug*
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post Feb 8 2013, 12:27 AM
Post #2822

Neophyte Runner

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Okay, time for some more retribution. XD

Free action: Shift Le Repartie to offhand
Simple action: Grab a white phosphorous grenade from luggage
Simple action: Chuck said grenade at "Sparkles the Shotgun-Toting Stick-n-Shocker"
Agi(9) + Throw(1) + Spec(2) - Cover(2) - Wound(1) = 9d6 for 3 hits.

I have to say, I'm enjoying this fight! I'm getting to fulfill some of my primary goals for playing a French assassin (be classy as fuck and curse up a beautiful storm in French). ^_^
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 8 2013, 01:10 AM
Post #2823

Moving Target

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@RdMarquis, the character sheet shows LeFey as having 'Tradition: Technoshaman', which should really be Stream: Technoshaman

@Aria, GM to consider whether using a Data Sprite Linguasoft to translate between dialects will 'work'.

QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Feb 7 2013, 04:05 PM) *
I would think the message would simply hang until it could deliver.  It's what our current text messages do if you're in a zero-signal area.  *shrug*
For text messages, I agree.  I have been treating the jailbreakers channel as a live voice / comm feed, to allow the group to just 'chat' as needed.  Faster than text, and like text can include data inserts as needed.  Easy to assume that Scrapheap realizes, or Tweak tells him, from lack of response that there is no current connection, and resends it as a text message.  I use slightly different styling when sending text to visually separate.  Hmmm, you did use text styling, and I missed it.

The text message did not mention corp security, so Sprogget is going to be assuming KE.  Whether corp would involve KE for something like this is an open question.  FWIK, the general tendency is to keep things internal, and not share information.

@Aria, want to pick 'specs' for the commlink picked up from the corp girl?  Since the jammer cut the scream, I will start by assuming signal 3 or less.  Do you have current 'plans' for E:Tribes, or should Sprogget 'play' with that commlink and virus, assuming he makes it home with it?
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Machine Ghost
post Feb 8 2013, 05:00 AM
Post #2824

Moving Target

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What would you consider the criteria to be, to create a new Technomancer resonance network/guild UW142/3 from scratch? The base I can see in RAW is a minimum of 4 people, at least 2 of which need to be technomancers, to be able to do the first network submersion.
QUOTE (UW143, Parties and Guilds)
Apart from technomancers, resonance networks also include a number of non-technomancer supporters who have aligned themselves with the network because of a shared agenda.
QUOTE (UW143, Network Submerision)
An appropriate rite of crossing must be prepared in advance and must be attended by at least three other members. The number of technomancer members in a network equals the maximum grade one can achieve via network submersion.
Also UW144, Finding and Joining a Network

That does not even say the other TM(s) need to have submersed themselves.
Typical chicken and egg, or bootstrap problem. How to create the *first* one if it takes one to create one.

The members do not even need to have ever meet physically.
QUOTE (UW143, Parties and Guilds)
Although a guild’s members meet exclusively online, may live on different continents, and possibly have never seen each other in the flesh, they feel connected to each other not only because of their abilities but because they share similar goals or beliefs.
Our jailbreakers group had (I think) 3 TMs in it, including the missing Alpha Apex. From general descriptions, Freedom will have more. It appears that Freedom would be a candidate to be or contain a resonance guild, without even needing to reference any outside resources. Maybe Sprogget needs to have a chat with Jazz for start, then Prospero after the virus is not holding his attention.

Speaking of Freedom personal, given the excitement over the virus, is someone going to be ready to talk to LeFey when we get there? Sprogget could take her home. Sis could be convinced to help out a 'waif', especially since the lifestyle includes Crash Pad RC163

Also, does the 'dumpshock rule' about spending karma basically anytime apply to submersion and initiation?
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post Feb 8 2013, 06:27 AM
Post #2825

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Feb 7 2013, 05:10 PM) *
@RdMarquis, the character sheet shows LeFey as having 'Tradition: Technoshaman', which should really be Stream: Technoshaman

I think that's just a quirk of my character creation program. I can change that.


Security Procedures (2) + Logic (4) = 6d6


2 hits to answer Sprogget's question.
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